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Go Habs Go!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Torts intentions are always good, and I believe he’s still a good coach. That being said, he often ends up publicly pointing fingers at some players and that, rarely ends up well. Although if the Flyers manage to keep their head above the.500 mark, his boss will probably be more patient. And, to tell the truth, I still find his cockiness with the media very entertaining!

Yeah, for now, Brière loves him, until he doesn’t anymore! How many times have we heard some GM stating they have full trust in their coaches only to see the coach getting fired the next week?
The thing people (and players) have always loved about Torts is that he never plays favorites & all players are treated equally by him. If you’re a superstar on the team or a 4th line player &. he feels you’re not pulling your weight he won’t hold nothing back & he’ll let you know it. Players actually respect this & later they usually admit that he’s made them better for it. It ain’t childish mindgames like Mike Babcock or Mike Keenan are notorious of using.

And that’s the problem with MSL. He plays favorites & there is rarely any accounts or punishment for star players who aren’t not putting in the effort they’re expected to.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Ouff 13 tirs au buts! Content d’avoir fait autre chose de ma soirée! :D
Imagine being one of those suckers who paid hundreds of dollars to attend & spend at the game! Lol

I’m actually amazed that people who even pay a penny to attend ome of those games when they could simply save their money & watch it on tv. Unreal!

Years ago i was in Mtl & had a ticket for a playoff game between the Habs and the Bruins. A couple of hours before the game i decided to put my ticket for sale to see if there was any interest. About 15 minutes later i received several offers & ended up selling my ticket for a $400 profit. That night i used the money to buy a case of beer, ordered a pizza & watched the game in my hotel room. After the game i spent the balance of the money i made & called an escort. I made a great deal! Lol

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Canada oui autre défaite avec SERGACHEV----vous vous rappeler de cloue le cercueil avec 26 sec. à jouer en ot....en effet 13 tirs au but.....une offensive qui n'offense plus personne lol....
Et SLAF mort de rire avec un beau contrat de 8ans/60,8M......pour jouer sur le 4ème trio...en a pour son argent....MAIS les fans?????
Tu gagnes pas trop quand tu shoot seulememt 13 fois dans toute la partie! Ca n’aurais meme pas ete proche si ca n’aurait pas ete pour Monty. Il a ete fabuleux!
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Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
A couple of hours before the game i decided to put my ticket for sale to see if there was any interest.
I did the same years ago, my cousin had 2 great tickets and couldn’t attend. I told him if he didn’t find any takers 1 hour before the start of the game to let me know. I wasn’t interested to go sit inside an arena watching 2 bad teams. Regular season game, Habs vs Buffalo.

So he reached me on later and still had the tickets, I told him I was going to sell them. I drove to his place, grab the tickets and went straight to the BC, parked the car de la Montagne, walked down to the corner of Saint-Antoine. I shout "tickets ", sure enough there was 6 guys around me in seconds. After a 5 minutes auction I was back in my car with $700. I called Joe Beef, got a table, then called my favorite squeeze and said "hey! Let’s go eat!".


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Well.....notre Capitaine a réglé ça en ot...bien fait,.beau but......pas un match qui va passer à l'histoire....But a win is a la dinde va avoir meilleur goût....lolll
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Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
En effet, pas un grand match et, avouons le, Suzuki était, encore pas mal invisible avant son but gagnant. Mais j’ai trouvé que Josh Anderson fait tout un travail en désavantage numérique. En troisième il a réussi à aller mettre de la pression jusque derrière le filet des Jackets, pour ensuite être le premier de retour dans son territoire pour défendre. Son coup de patin est probablement le meilleur de son équipe et quand il s’en sert il est utile!
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
Hier, je ne me suis pas endormi. Suis d’accord que ce n’était pas un grand match mais ils ont décidé de sortir leurs bottes de travail. Quand ils font ça, je ne m’endort jamais même s’ils perdent.
On a eu quelques beaux flashs en deuxième d’une équipe talentueuse qui travaille ensemble. Une certaine cohésion d’une équipe qui reprend confiance.
Faut juste que ça dure, surtout contre des équipes bien structurées comme les Rangers…mais ça va prendre encore quelques saisons à moins que le DG ne sortent quelques lapins de son chapeau.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
Moi ca me derangerait pas qu’ils perdent toutes leurs parties excepté celles contre Toronto et surtout Boston. Les partisans les plus détestables de la ligue :)
La dernière fois qu’ils ont perdus a Boston, leurs partisans chantaient “Ohe, Ohe, Ohe…Ohe,Ohe”.
Plus baveux que ca tu meurs

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
L’an prochain Juraj Slafkovský va gagner $7.6 M. Sera t’il à la hauteur? Comment va t’il gérer la pression qui, inévitablement, vient avec ce genre de contrat? C’est une entente de 8 ans, en passant!!!

Personnellement quand j’ai appris, en juillet, la signature de cette entente, j’ai sursauté! Je me suis dit "Hugues vient de faire un Bergevin de lui-même! Et maintenant, j’avoue que je ne suis toujours pas rassuré.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I didn't realize until I looked at the schedule that the Saturday afternoon, the Habs will catch the Rangers on the back end of back to back games on consecutive afternoons- tomorrow afternoon in Philadelphia and then 24 hours later they face the Habs in MSG. Meanwhile, the Habs come in completely fresh and well-rested. I overlooked this when I bought my ticket.
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Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Habs are playing Rangers Saturday afternoon then the Bruins on Sunday afternoon. I am pretty sure both teams, NY and Boston will try to get their confidence back by beating Montreal flat out! This looks like a nightmare in the making for the Canadiens!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
L’an prochain Juraj Slafkovský va gagner $7.6 M. Sera t’il à la hauteur? Comment va t’il gérer la pression qui, inévitablement, vient avec ce genre de contrat? C’est une entente de 8 ans, en passant!!!

Personnellement quand j’ai appris, en juillet, la signature de cette entente, j’ai sursauté! Je me suis dit "Hugues vient de faire un Bergevin de lui-même! Et maintenant, j’avoue que je ne suis toujours pas rassuré.
C’est quand même moins risqué que les Canes avec KK…
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Habs are playing Rangers Saturday afternoon then the Bruins on Sunday afternoon. I am pretty sure both teams, NY and Boston will try to get their confidence back by beating Montreal flat out! This looks like a nightmare in the making for the Canadiens!!!
Probably. However the Habs are facing the Rangers at the right time. They’re struggling at the moment & there’s a lot of internal turmoil surrounding the team & a lot of it is being created by the GM. It must not make the coach happy especially when the team’s dirty laundry is being exposed publicly. Several respected insiders have recently said that the Rangers are the soap opera of the NHL these days. As for the Bruins they just look different. Even soft. I’m not sure that the Habs can’t end up beating them.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Pour un potentiel probablement beaucoup moindre.
Slaf a plus de flair offensif et devenir un vrai attaquant de puissance.
KK was a third overall pick ao i’m sure at the time that the habs figured he had as much potential as Slaf had when they drafted them. The big problem is that both players were rushed into the league & were both kept with the big club in their first season. I don’t know why the habs keep rushing their high draft picks into the league instead of being patient like many other organizations do especially when they’re not franchise or generational players.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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While Kotkaniemi may have been rushed, he has been in the league for a number of years now and just has not developed, either with Montreal or Carolina:
Sometimes guys drafted very high just do not develop. You can wait 7-8 years some times with no development.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
KK was a third overall pick ao i’m sure at the time that the habs figured he had as much potential as Slaf had when they drafted them. The big problem is that both players were rushed into the league & were both kept with the big club in their first season. I don’t know why the habs keep rushing their high draft picks into the league instead of being patient like many other organizations do especially when they’re not franchise or generational players.
At least, StLouis gives Slaf enough ice time to develop


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Ouin....on joue NYR à la maison cet après-midi...bien peur qu'après 5 défaites en ligne les PANARIN et co se réveillent en
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