We all want Demidov to come play here asap. Gorton and Hugues as well i'm pretty sure. He's the best prospect we had in years. In my opinion, Habs management are just taking care of their investment.
I think the Habs may actually come out on top in a close game & i expect a big game from Josh Anderson & Mr. Powerplay Pat Laine.Alors les boys on nous dépose un autre beau cadeau ce soir vs CBJ sous le sapin......et que l'on parle de vous autour de la dine à Noël.......come on faites vous et faites nous plaisir....lol.....enjoy.
Dont forget Heineman and Evans, both are on a roll.I think the Habs may actually come out on top in a close game & i expect a big game from Josh Anderson & Mr. Powerplay Pat Laine.
Le mot d’ordre chez les Blue Jackets était clair: sortir Laine du match. Ils y sont parvenus en moins de 7 minutes, durant lesquelles Laine a reçu 4 mises en échec et quelques coups de bâton.Parlant de LAINE-----après réflexion il aurait dû garder pour lui ses commentaires d'avant-match sur COLUMBUS......se faisant il les a piqué d'aplomb et ils sont sortis forts et agressifs.....et on en a payé le gros prix et lui aussi.
I only see that now that I am on my laptop. My laptop autotranslates the French posts, but the phone does not.We did mention/referred to it, obviously, that's how it all started.
First of all I compliment you on your use of the word aplomb here. Very appropriate word choice. And that is what it was, in Laine you have a guy who is going to tell it like it is, whether you want to hear it or not.Speaking of LAINE-----on reflection he should have kept his pre-game comments about COLUMBUS to himself......in doing so he stung them with aplomb and they came out strong and aggressive.....and we paid a high price for it and so did he.
Ouchhh! That can easily turn into a nightmare for the kid!Jakub Dobes was called up from Laval & will get his first NHL start tomorrow against Florida.