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Have you ever openly discussed your hobby with none hobbyist?


New Member
May 17, 2015
People don't seem to have any problem frequenting and dropping tons of cash in strip clubs, and there's no stigma in talking about that. My philosophy on this which I shared with my friends for my Montreal visit this week (been here several times, but first time 'hobbying' in MTL) was this: "If you're going to pay for the company of women, then pay for the company of women." Honestly, having hobbied twice in my life, I couldn't understand the appeal of a strip club anymore: why pay money to get teased and blue ballsed? Do you enjoy paying good money to torture yourself? Strip clubs just seemed like a pointless half-measure to me.

I really had a good time this week, and you know what, this MERB board and my experiences helped humanize SPs much more for me. Patron and some others were explaining very vividly in a separate thread about mistreatment what the perceptions of SPs are in the mainstream. Again, I'd never patronize an SP or agency where I suspected any trafficking or forcing or coercion, and indeed in the United States there is more reason to believe that's the case at times because everything is illegal. But I feel more and more comfortable talking about my hobby with close friends as I also feel more and more comfortable knowing that the hobby is provided by women making their own choices, in control of their own destiny, benefiting from their own decisions.

At least one friend I discussed it with has been persuaded; the buddy I'm staying with this week decided to give it a go himself yesterday :) and loved it


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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I have told other hobbyists (like you guys who don't know me in real life or if you did you wouldn't give a damn).

Nothing good could come of it. Most people not in the hobby don't understand the reason why we do what we do, especially women.
May 28, 2012
I have nothing to hide about my past or present. I've told my family and friends. One of them likes the idea so much that he wants me to go up with him and show him the ropes. More people than you know (both men and women) have figured out that many "relationships" are transactional in nature. Thus it's not as much of a jump in their minds to understand the hobby.

I had a great discussion with one of my doctors today about the business in CAD. He had a general knowledge about the industry more particularly in Vancover & Toronto. We discussed the ramifications of C-36 and we both agreed that Canadian Women are superior to US Women.

Learn to like yourselves and make no excuses. It sure solves a lot of issues. People who do business with me do so because of my exceptional skills and what I bring to the table.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
There is very little to be gained by sharing your peculiar habit with friends, family, and co-workers. There is much to lose, unless you run your own business or something like this.

Wxlancer - I agree with you about strip clubs. They are a stupid waste of resources that can be put towards the hobby. I have almost always felt satisfied with Montreal escorts and non-US escorts. I almost never go to strip clubs anymore. Somehow, it is OK to drop 200$ to 300$ at a strip club but it is not OK to have an escort come over for full service. I don't get it? Is it because you are not being a welcome-mat when you call an escort? Is it because you are a male and you may actuall get what you want with an escort? Why should I torture myself in a strip club?


New Member
May 17, 2015
Totally agree with you hungry. Even if paying for sex is too big a leap for some people...why pay to be aroused and teased but not have sex?
You mentioned something interesting though - despite being from the US I don't think I would hobby there. My gut feeling, hearing from friends and seeing some mentions of it here on MERB is that the US is far more expensive and far crappier with regards to service - and of course, unquestionably illegal, unless you're in Vegas. Don't want to go off topic but it seems you'd agree with that. It makes any discussion with friends even worse or harder to broach because of how secretive and inferior it is.


Oct 11, 2010
After more than a year and half keeping this as a secret from anyone in my *real life*, I told one of my closest friend last week.
I am usually very confident and good at hiding stress/anxiety but this time... wow I was so nervous, couldn't make complete sentences, I was sweating and shaking and couldn't keep the eye contact at the beginning...
I knew she wouldn't judge me but... wasn't 100% sure of the reaction.
She wasn't expecting that, at all.
She listened to me and we had a very good and honest talk about all this.

I tend to keep for myself my secrets but this time, I am happy I shared this big one.
There is at least one person -outside this world- which knows my double life and I won't have to lie to this friend anymore.
I can now be 100% myself with her and it feels great.

oh cool Tina im sure that felt like a huge weight off your shoulders :)
Its good to let some stress out sometimes because bottled up empotions is not good. I know the feeling but in a different contexte
Its great to have at least one friend that you can be yourself with and be accepted as you are :)


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I respect anyone's decison to attend a Industry Party or not. I am sure many of the attendees over the course of the several parties there have been over the last 2 years (and others previously in Montreal years ago) were nervous to come the first time, hell even i was nervous. But after going and seeing what they are like, (just good people that have a common bond or "hobby" if you will) then everyone relaxes and has a normal evening of fun with their peers and friends.

These parties can be and are great for business for both the girls and the guys. The girls cause they may get calls in the future from gents that see them and or chat with them at the parties and the guys get to see and chat first hand with the ladies and therefore know what to expect when the "knock knock" is heard at their door. A truly win/win for all.

I will say to everyone who says they would never come to one of these get togethers, don't knock it until you try it. They are not for everyone, some came and do not want to come again as is the case in life but those versus the others who do want to come again is like night and day, no comparison whatsoever. I do not have the exact figure but a estimate would be that 90% (maybe even higher) of girls and guys that have come to one of the parties i have been involved with, return to another.

Funny and true story. After the Feb 28th party this year, the next was not going to be until July. I was approached by a very popular Indy asking me why not a spring party to celebrate the end of this crappy cold winter in Montreal and that July was waaaaaaaay too long to wait for another awesome party. Well, after polling about 20 more ladies and another 20 guys i decided she was 100% correct and VIP-1 was born soon after ;)

Another funny story that I have told a couple times before, was that several years ago when I first joined this forum, a few months later a now great friend asked me to meet for a beer, and i said ok. Well i made up an excuse because frankly why in the world would i ever want to meet another hobbyist??? Special K mon ami, i am sooooooooooooo glad you asked me a second time a couple months later and we chatted over a few beers. He went on to ask me if i was attending the devilish party that was coming in a month and i remember my answer exactly "I do not think going to a party with a bunch of other hobbyists would be my idea of a good time" to which he respected my decision. It was not until one of the HDLM parites that i decided "ok i will go" at the encouraging of another couple of great friends, Doc Holliday and Joe t. It was a fun night and i realised what I was missing and those parties were no where near as much fun or as discreet as what we have today.

Agreed. I wonder what in the world would ever possess someone to want to talk about this other than on an anonymous internet board. For that matter, I'm equally at a loss as to why "hobbyists" from this board would wish to meet up in real life and/or disclose their identity.

That's how it works in the rest of the world outside of North America. Spend some time in more advanced hobby locations like Europe, Asia and South America and it's more of a party atmosphere and much more fun.

It's only here in North America that there's generally no social aspect to the hobby. The various GTs that have popped up in recent years in Montreal are meeting a previously un-met need.


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
I have, but only because I got caught. A coworker and friend was at my place and opened my laptop when I was in the other room. I had been working on my website and had not shut the page. I had some explaining to do. He has been pretty good about it and has promised not to tell anyone, but he does think I should quit. He doesn't think what I am doing is "normal". I don't think it's possible for most people outside of this business to understand. I wouldn't tell anyone by choice, even though I have wanted to on occasion.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Haha, bring him to the next party, he will see it is more "normal" than he thought, that is as long as he stays out of the VIP room after 2am that is ;)
I have, but only because I got caught. A coworker and friend was at my place and opened my laptop when I was in the other room. I had been working on my website and had not shut the page. I had some explaining to do. He has been pretty good about it and has promised not to tell anyone, but he does think I should quit. He doesn't think what I am doing is "normal". I don't think it's possible for most people outside of this business to understand. I wouldn't tell anyone by choice, even though I have wanted to on occasion.


New Member
May 17, 2015
The US scene is really not inferior to Montreal as long as you pay more - in fact a lot more. I get the exact, and in some cases, better service from the ladies I regularly see in the US as the ones I regularly see in Montreal. The problem, of course, is that I pay $500 an hour in NYC, $400 - $500 an hour in Miami and LA, and $400 - $600 an hour in Vegas and SF, for what is $180 - $250 Canadian dollars in Montreal. The same principle applies to Europe. What is $400 - $600 an hour in the US is 100 - 150 Euros per hour in much of Europe.

My frustration with a lot of the nonsense on this board is that guys find $100 - $250 an hour US hookers off of Backpage, have a bad experience, and declare that the standard for the US. Have I ever had a good experience with an inexperience with an inexpensive US hooker? Yes, but they have been very few and far between. When possible, I prefer to save my money for a more expensive but much better experience (if I can't get to Montreal anytime soon).

But from a standpoint of looks, age, and the services we often like - multiples, CIM, anal, etc., you really can get what you want if you pay a hell of a lot. There is a US escort review board - theeroticreview - that gives all the details that are needed. And if a person sees a TER reviewed lady, and gives her the information she needs for the booking, there is virtually zero risk of arrest.

We should talk amongst ourselves more in the US. All the arrests, and most of the bad service, is a result of the lack of communication. An amazing number of US guys with no knowledge of how this works simply find an ad on Backpage that was just posted (as opposed to a provider who has been posting ads for months), has a low price, and involves no screening. Those guys walk right into upsells, bad services, getting rolled by pimps, and getting arrested. And if gives the whole US scene a bad reputation.

@Patron Thanks for the information dude, I figured this was the case, yet another reason why people call Montreal a European city in North America.

@Johnhenrygalt Speaking personally about China, they crack down a bit more when there are big international events like the Olympics because they don't want that outside image, but otherwise in many cities it's European-like. It's something people may, as chercher mentioned, hold occasional parties and hangouts for because the culture's just different. Some of the women even reason that it's better (if unavoidable) for their man to let loose and have his fun from time to time, than be trying to dip outside the marriage by looking for an affair, which may have more permanently damaging consequences.

And it's precisely because you can't really talk to most non-hobbyists in your life about the hobby, that it would be cool to meet some so you can share your experiences and stories, especially if you plan on expanding your...range of operations?

@ Tianna your experience sounds pretty par for the course. And even if people don't straight up tell you what they think - they're still judging you for it. Or you gotta worry about who talks a lot when they're drunk, things like that. But I suppose that's part of the pressure you deal with every day, and at least your friend seems willing to keep it to himself.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
WXlancer - I believe Patron is correct. You just don't have the seemingly endless supply of debutantes in the US. You have to share information about yourself to get a date and/or have references. It can be an involved process. You just can't pick up the phone like Montreal. However, when all is said and done, you can get the same service. In fact, I have had some incredible service with some ECCIE girls in Dallas and Houston - as good or better than Montreal. But scheduling a session can be a pain in the ass in the USA. In Montreal, my biggest problem is deciding which escort (escorts) I am going to see.

Tianna, I remember you telling me that story. If he has kept his mouth shut he derserves a BJ. LOL! I think you are a really nice person and I wouldn't guess that you were anything else but a fellow professional or the MILF next door.

I am a veteran of GGs 3, 5, and 7. I had a great time at everyone of them. If you are worried that someone is taking notes or gathering data then don't. Nobody cares. Unless you're running for president get ahold of Iggy and Joe T and the gang and see if you can be invited. Spend a night with like minded individuals. Share tips and war stories. Get a look at all the girls. To the ones you like, buy a drink and spend some time with them. See if there is any chemistry. Iggy and I are kindred spirits. I have met so many really cool people at these parties. It is a brotherhood and for the girls it is a sisterhood. We are all on the same team.


New Member
May 17, 2015
Thanks for that information Hungry. The problem of ease and huge selection is a good problem to have in the land of milk and honey that is Montreal.

Hope to meet you all at a GG at some point, sounds like a blast.


Sep 14, 2011
If you decide to tell a friend or someone outside about your hobbying you have to be very subtle, i.e. I told a college buddy that I went to Rio and was approached by a garota in a bar. (In reality I did the Terma tour of 4x4, Solarium, Centaurus, Luomo). I told my buddy that I wound up sleeping with her and afterwards I found out that she expected payment. I found out later, through a mutual friend, that he told his wife and I have not heard from him again since that disclosure - over 10 years ago. Be discreet about who you tell.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
If you decide to tell a friend or someone outside about your hobbying you have to be very subtle, i.e. I told a college buddy that I went to Rio and was approached by a garota in a bar. (In reality I did the Terma tour of 4x4, Solarium, Centaurus, Luomo). I told my buddy that I wound up sleeping with her and afterwards I found out that she expected payment. I found out later, through a mutual friend, that he told his wife and I have not heard from him again since that disclosure - over 10 years ago. Be discreet about who you tell.

Yep. And how more subtle can you be? I have made a few subtle hints. Civilians watch the shit movie "Taken" and think it is real. There is no doubt to a civilain that the garota you made the program with is being trafficked and is probably underage and forced into this by someone eles. Someone that was probably feeding her addictive drugs. I wonder if some people have disowned me due to some of my comments?


Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
What are brothers for Johnny ,if not bringing great news about the ladies ?

You're right BookerL, but some memories I enjoy keeping to myself ;)
I get a lot of "why are you so happy?" lately from people though lol!
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