Any bitcoin investors ?
what's your take on bitfarms (TSX: BITF) and MARA (NASDAQ: MARA) buy some SOS under 4$
PLTR / JD / BIDU / all cheap and will grow strong safe bets thank me next year
Any bitcoin investors ?
what's your take on bitfarms (TSX: BITF) and MARA (NASDAQ: MARA) buy some SOS under 4$
Any bitcoin investors ?
what's your take on bitfarms (TSX: BITF) and MARA (NASDAQ: MARA)
On long term you are probably right if you do not manage and do your due diligence. But on short term, going with the momentum is paying a lot. By instance, energy stocks that were a slump for the last years are going upward big time as oil price is going up. The banks did very well since the march crash and will even do better when interest rate will go up. I'm making big bucks with my forestry stocks since the price of wood is at a all time high big time. Up to november 2019, I did like you suggest. But fearing a correction, not a COVID crash, I sold about 30% of my stocks (in diversified funds) and kept it in cash. 6 months later, after the big 30% dip I went back in the market and made very well. Now I manage 80% of my portfolio. But I put on a lot of reading and studying to choose the right stocks. A good company is not necessarily a good stock and the reverse is also true. I expect to actively manage my portfolio for 1-2 years. Gradually I will come back to the strategy you described for 50% of my portfolio or maybe more. It also depends where you are on your life, age, financial situation, personal choices and interest, how much time you can dedicate to study economy, etc.I think that building a portfolio of individual stocks is a poor investment strategy for an individual. Even seasoned professionals fail to beat the market (net of fees) on a consistent basis. In my understanding, learning fiscal rules, sound budgeting and ETF are the way to go.
March 19 2020 I bought Husky at $2 something and now it is over $9. Advice from a friend who put $50 k in it.By instance, energy stocks that were a slump for the last years are going upward big time as oil price is going up.
If you're new to buying stocks, imo its good to start reading The Intelligent Investor or similar beginner books to understand the overall market, then check out "How to Day Trade for a Living", "Volume Price Analysis" by Anna Couling, and "Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas (free on Youtube).Hello to everybody. I'm looking for some extra income. Before starting buying and selling stock, I would like to learn how it works, which kind of book to buy in order to learn about the trade, which kind of stock to buy and how to make profits or maximize it. Anyone willing to help and give me advice is greatly welcome. If you know anyone in this kind of business please let me know or introduce me to the concern person.
The most important is to find a mentor.
Sorry for my English and also not a hobbyist.
To start, more important I'm looking for a mentor. Anyone here. ThankIf you're new to buying stocks, imo its good to start reading The Intelligent Investor or similar beginner books to understand the overall market, then check out "How to Day Trade for a Living", "Volume Price Analysis" by Anna Couling, and "Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas (free on Youtube).
I listen to a podcast called PGIR Pennies Going In Raw, this is geared towards swing traders or anyone interested in making significant gains in short period of time.
Go for AMC.Seriously ?
You got some good pointers.... perfect answers to your initial question from guys that took their own time to reply and this is what you come back with ? Good luck with that man.
Edit: I should have checked your posting history lol
If you want to try doing this for yourself buy "The Intelligent Investor " by Benjamin Graham (Warren Buffet's mentor ) I am a stockbroker and have read that book probably 6 times and always glean something out of each read. It's a heavy read but worth it in the long run.Hello to everybody. I'm looking for some extra income. Before starting buying and selling stock, I would like to learn how it works, which kind of book to buy in order to learn about the trade, which kind of stock to buy and how to make profits or maximize it. Anyone willing to help and give me advice is greatly welcome. If you know anyone in this kind of business please let me know or introduce me to the concern person.
The most important is to find a mentor.
Sorry for my English and also not a hobbyist.
Je comprends tout ce que tu dis et je l’applique. Par contre en ce moment il faut voir que ça change et que ça va dans une direction qui est très différente. Amc acheté à 5$ rendu à 55$…. J’ai même déjà récupéré après avoir doublé la mise initiale et le reste est plusieurs milliers de plis.AMC... une bonne façon de tout perdre. 100% spéculatif, 0% rationnel. Sérieusement, si tu veux apprendre, un excellent site éducatif en français;
Beaucoup d'information de base, sous forme de vidéos et à mesure que tu avances, tu apprendras beaucoup. Il y a une trentaine de videos gratuits. Si tu le fais sérieusement, tu feras des progrès rapidement. Si tu te débrouilles en anglais, abonne-toi à BNNBlomberg. C'est un poste de Toronto. On n'y traite que d'économie et de la bourse. Mon émission préférée, Market Call. You can also watch their shows here: Une fonction très utile, tu entre la cote d'une action ou le nom de la compagnie et tu peux suivre sa performance du jour ou passée. Si tu descends un peu sur la page, tu verras différents analystes commenter cette action.
exemple: AC:CT Air Canada
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un commentaire de Greg Newman, il y a 17 jours:
Prior to posting bullshit and regurgitating shit from the media try - if you can - to find out what is really truly going on!...LoL! Lol! Lol!Let’s not forget how heartwarming some of this is, in the respect that it burns this damn short sellers.
Short selling can destroy a company.
Shorts post bullshit about the future health of a company all the time to drive down the stock price and maximize their profit.
A troubled company that is low in cash and needs to use its stock as incentive pay has trouble doing so when the stock always goes down and there is little hope of a recovery due to short sellers.
Same issue with that company needs to issue bonds convertible to stock. There is less demand for the bond if there are concerns about the future stock price. So higher interest must be paid on the bond.
Shorts are like a pack of animals who pile on to their prey. They can take a company completely down that would have otherwise recovered via stock incentive plans for management and the issuance of convertible bonds at a reasonable interest rate.
These attacks on short sellers by the Reddit pack are heartwarming. The hunters become the hunted, as the shorts face a higher interest rate to borrow shares and face margin calls if they shorted on margin (as the brokerage firms that allow shorting start to get nervous when the share price goes way up.).
COVID case rising in almost all US states, more in those which voted republican. But more important in Japan, UK, France and around the world. The subject of this thread is STOCKS TO BUY - SUGGESTIONS - RECOMMENDATIONS. For now my advice is 1- Don't panic 2- Don't sell and keep as much CASH as possible. There will be great buying opportunity soon. As predicted by many, were due for a 10-15% correction. Reopening is going on. It will be a 1-2 years process. By the way, Biden"s bath was at record high so, no surprise a correction happen. But it takes some knowledge to recognize those stocks ups and downs and there are always some trolls around trying to mislead people.Has the Biden Market bloodbath begun this week ?