New York said:
Hello my Canadians,
With China and India rising so fast so soon, how can Canada stay ahead and remain a world power ?
I worry we will be left behind as a third rate power if we don't wake up and catch up soon enough.
... Since when were we a "world power"?
We were never ahead of China and India as a "world power". India, maybe... but China's in the UN security council, the big Five.
I think what you meant was "economic power"... In that case, Japan is the problem. China and India are raising fast, but Japan's already there (note that Japan isn't a "world power" per-se).
Edit: Analysising the issue:
First off, I LOVE economics, politics... etc...
Well, China might be climbing fast, but there is a BIG problem with China... Loss of professionals and Communism.
Lots of chinese "brains" move to Europe and America (US/CA) causing a vaccum effect. Those people fled their country before of the poor political system they have (communism). Their laws are very rough too (not based on the British Common Wealth Laws like Canada). China will not go "too far" if they stay with Communism (it will be like 10-20 years before they reach the US level). All the bleeding-hearts who tried to "save" China's population by getting the world to see what the communist government does to its people... they cause a so-called "democratic communism" government to evolve (China isn't as "Red" as the old Soviet Union times). Once China LOSES it's Communist Government (which I don't think will happen anytime soon)... THEN they will be a problem. Now they are just catching up economically. Personally, I wouldn't worry about competing with China... we don't need to. We have the US. Canada's not going to stand up to China if something happens (it won't happen), US would.
I saw on a special on China about it's populations. The chinese has VERY diverse economies in different parts. You got the Bejing, Hong Kong... etc... which have developed PAST most US and CA cities. THEN you can the crappy country side where people live on like 5 dollars a day or something. China need to seriously WORK on stablizing the country's wealth before it threatens the US as the leading power. India on the other hand, need to surpass China and the US if they want to compete. One of the reasons the US is protecting Taiwan is because the resources Taiwan have (Taiwan is basicly a large concentration of chinese wealth).
As for the Chinese "invasion" in Canada... it's not a big deal as long as they contribute to the society (which they do). They just act "less Canadian" by refusing to learn the languages (some of them), but overall I think they benefit the economy (professionals and business owners). As long as they don't assimilate us, why the hell do we care?
To MontrealAsian:
Yeah, hiring only Chinese people IS RACIST. BUT, if they also hire Canadians who SPEAK CHINESE (which lots of Canadians are learning)... then it's not. Choose based on attribute and not RACE. I dated a Chinese girl once, she taught me chinese... a bit.