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How can the law not protect the renters at all?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Well i think the original problem came mostly from us being uninformed, now that we are informed, its a whole different thing. For exemple if i knew from the start my right was to follow the visitors EVERYWHERE if i see fit, i wouldn't had argue with my owner about it for 20 mins... i would had simple say its my right, and thats it, you have nothing to say about it.

Even my mom who got the sad tendancy of bending too easy against strangers is starting to wake up and get some reaction, i think we can manage without going to court. Lets just say Beav you where my free consultation lawyer and Booker was my advisor lol

Si c'est le cas, ils ont 3 mois pour t'expulser, tu as le temps en masse...

Non Alyssa, comme la demontré Booker, ils doivent respecter le bail, ces justement ce que j'avais peur, le fameux 3 mois qui aurais peut-etre voulu dire demenager en hivers, MAIS sa semble etre une simple croyance populaire, parce que selon le code de la regie que booker a sortie, ils doivent accepter la fin de bail.

Et le bloc a été mis en vente recament, le proprio nous l'a annoncer, 3 jour plus tard l'agente d'immeuble venais mettre une pancarte et commencais sa "merde", il n'est pas encore vendu non plus, et pour etre franc il va avoir de la misere a le vendre, fait 2 potentiel acheteur que je vois dire que le solage est finis et qui faudrais refair un drain... la cave est pas dans le meilleur etat et ceux s y conaissant un peu le remarque.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2013
Mtl, Qc
You do not need a Lawyer when you go to the rental board. Rental board sessions are set-up in such a way as to make lawyers unnessasary.

HM, just go to your nearest rental board office (there is one on Rene Lesvesque & Guy), go and talk to someone there, it is free and they are very helpful. It will clear up all the questions you have and they will point you in the right direction. If you need to go before a rental board judge (who really isn't a judge but is a rental board employee trained to oversee disputed cases and render decisions) it will cost you $65 to open a file and await a court date. They will tell you what you need to do in the meantime.

It is the simplest and best thing you can do.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere

pas né manière générale oui mais ce n'est pas coulé dans le béton.
Bonjour Alyssa désole d'apprendre que tu as eu des problèmes avec ton quatre plex .
Tu réfère HM au même lien de la Regie que moi ,
Au Québec le locataire bénéficie du droit au maintien dans les lieux et cela est immuable a quelques exceptions près,même un non payeur ne peu être sans une decision de la Régie du Logement et avoir obtenue par la suite un bref d'exécution dans les règles de l'art !!!!
La Regie est un tribunal administratif avec des procédures très alléger et un décorum très souple ,les audiences sont présidé par un Juge administratif (autre fois appelé Regisseur) ce son tous des avocats ou Notaire de formation et il éclaire les partie sur leur obligation et responsabilité leur procès leur décisions avec devienne exécutoire après que les délais d'appel soi expirer ,va de même pour la rétractation et la révision judiciaire lorsqu'applicable.
Comme je l'ai explique a HM le droit de visite ce négocie de gré a gré la loi n'impose pas de quantum donc a HM de faire connaitre ces disponibilité de manière raisonnable soi deux a trois fenêtre de visite par semaine ou même l'agent affiche ces heures sur le site MLS et le site de ca Bannière comme cela tout les acheteurs potentiel son informer des le début
Bonne chance HM


New Member
Oct 9, 2010
Renters seem to think they have a right to low cost housing at the expense of the owner. If an owner wants to sell that is his right to do so, since the renter has no equity in the building he has no rights. In my opinion the rental board is a bunch of selfish bureaucrats that are there to make work for themselves and move as slow as possible to cause the landlord and tenants to fight.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Renters seem to think they have a right to low cost housing at the expense of the owner. If an owner wants to sell that is his right to do so, since the renter has no equity in the building he has no rights. In my opinion the rental board is a bunch of selfish bureaucrats that are there to make work for themselves and move as slow as possible to cause the landlord and tenants to fight.

Pardon? A renter always has rights and the rights are called a lease. If a owner signs a lease with someone he has some sort of obligation to the renter, if he decides to sell the renter should be compensated or the new owner should continue the lease.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2013
Mtl, Qc
if he decides to sell the renter should be compensated or the new owner should continue the lease.

Compensation? How do you figure that?
Any new owner is obligated by law to accept & respect the current lease in effect. That is all the tenant can expect during ANY sale.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Compensation? How do you figure that?

What I meant to say was that if a lease was signed and the renter had to move out for some reason after the sale the renter should be compensated.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Renters seem to think they have a right to low cost housing at the expense of the owner. If an owner wants to sell that is his right to do so, since the renter has no equity in the building he has no rights. In my opinion the rental board is a bunch of selfish bureaucrats that are there to make work for themselves and move as slow as possible to cause the landlord and tenants to fight.

That is easy to say for you if your not in the situation. A person home, no matter if its rented or his house, is something sacred to me. This is the only place in the world where we should find peace and not be disturbed. I think if an owner want to sell, and has to put his renter in a bad situation, the least he can do is compensate a little for it. Or maybe just NOT act like a douche and warn us a considerable ammount of time before. When you look at it, its a terrible decision for the owner to have put the house on sale now. Most people go shopping a new house in march or so, because they expect to be able to go live there by july, when thy current renting deal ends, at the same time, the renters one also end and everybody is ok with the fact to move in july. On the other end, he decided to sell in the summer.. when people just renew there renting deal... wich is stupid, and like i said, i presume it was to secure us for another year during the time he sell... I said it before,

If we had knew he was gonna sell in june, we would had NOT renew for another year in febuary... therefore the owner would had an empty appartement, cause lets face it, not much people would had rent a place with a sell sign outside, knowing they would move for maybe just a year... He would had lost money... so thats why he did what he did... that was douche from his part.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
When you look at it, its a terrible decision for the owner to have put the house on sale now. Most people go shopping a new house in march or so, because they expect to be able to go live there by july, when thy current renting deal ends, at the same time, the renters one also end and everybody is ok with the fact to move in july. On the other end, he decided to sell in the summer.. when people just renew there renting deal... wich is stupid, and like i said, i presume it was to secure us for another year during the time he sell... I said it before,

If we had knew he was gonna sell in june, we would had NOT renew for another year in febuary... therefore the owner would had an empty appartement, cause lets face it, not much people would had rent a place with a sell sign outside, knowing they would move for maybe just a year... He would had lost money... so thats why he did what he did... that was douche from his part.
Even if I agree with most of what you say and your situation is truly depressing ,there is a difference of strategy to sell a plex then to sell a single familly house the why is simple .Vacating a single family owner occupied is simple ?
As for tenanted properties its simply not the same ball game ?
The actual owner witch is a small real estate investor needs to cover all is financial responsibilities ,mortgage ,insurance,taxes ,maintenance ,I myself own many plex's and manage also ,
Since the tenure request must be sent at the latest December 31st your actual owner could not sell in March because new owner would not have been able to occupy its a question of law !And your lease is renewable expressly
1878. A lease with a fixed term may be
renewed. It may only be renewed
expressly, but the lease of an immovable
may be renewed tacitly.
So all owners of tenanted residential buildings are submitted to this law !!!
But I do understand your frustration !Being force to come back from Montreal on a Sunday after noon is not something pleasant !
Fixing a reasonable showing schedule would probably benefit you both ! Ease the tensions !
It is your right after all ,exercise it politely but firmly !
Good Luck


Active Member
Jan 18, 2009
The reason why real estate agents dom't tell the tenants in X plexes is, frequently some tenants will move

and without valid long term leases the building in question will be worth considerably less. Rental properties

are worth a multiple of revenue and without revenue they aren't worth much.

P.S. HM if you have to move you could ask the new buyers to pay for the move.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
I live in a condo complex (approximately 100-150 units but will not say the exact number) and although I am an owner, the board is very unhappy with renters and they have cracked down, requiring owners to furnish the names of renters and other information about them and copies of the leases. The concern is that the renters generally do not take care of the property like its their own, so the Condo Board likes to keep the ratio as low as possible (at the moment it is about 88% owner-occupied and 12% renter occupied). We have had some problems with renters not respecting the common grounds- the dogs have to be leashed when walked, and have their shit cleaned up after them, and no commercial vehicles are allowed to be parked outside the garages.

The renters tend to be younger, less financially stable and more reckless in their behavior. One guy came in as a renter and he had this Chopper which he revved up at 5:30 a.m. I am wondering what Planet this guy came from where you can do such a thing in a condo complex where all the units are attached and everyone can hear you.

Anyway if the property is listed it's usually public information but the broker usually does not have a duty to tell the tenant unless they are putting up a sign on the property.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
The reason why real estate agents dom't tell the tenants in X plexes is, frequently some tenants will move

and without valid long term leases the building in question will be worth considerably less. Rental properties

are worth a multiple of revenue and without revenue they aren't worth much.

P.S. HM if you have to move you could ask the new buyers to pay for the move.
Yes this is also true of multiple dwelling appartments ,however HM has previously mention that he lived in the dwelling of a duplex the appartmant most
Sought about for small owner first time invester !
It is also the reason why is dwelling is favored come time potential buyer visiting ,he wants to see if he buys where he will live.
Now if the potential buyer does not aim to occupy it does change this dynamic.
Unfortatly market for duplex have shifted in recent years in is now more owner occupied oriented then before.
This being visit rights by the owner are not absolut under Q.C.C no quantum is established
HM should negociate a proper showings time !
Regards all

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
One guy came in as a renter and he had this Chopper which he revved up at 5:30 a.m. I am wondering what Planet this guy came from where you can do such a thing in a condo complex where all the units are attached and everyone can hear you.

Same goes for homeowners also, my neighbours have 2 Harleys that if revved enough set off my car alarm ( my neighbour on the other side with a new born really hate it ). Great neighbours so I do not complain.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Same goes for homeowners also, my neighbours have 2 Harleys that if revved enough set off my car alarm ( my neighbour on the other side with a new born really hate it ). Great neighbours so I do not complain.

I'm talking about owners of condominiums that are part of a condominium association. Owners are deemed to have read and understood the bylaws which includes regulations on noise and pets. Renters never see the bylaws and they usually don't care about them because if there is a problem, it's the owner's problem and not theirs. Most of the issues that we've had at my condominium complex are with renters. The issues include commercial vehicles being improperly parked in driveways which is not permitted, dogs being allowed to roam unleashed which is not permitted, and nuisance dogs. The problem tenants become the owner's problem when he gets a certified letter summoning him to a hearing before the Board. This happened very recently.

We also had an issue with some kids, who were the nephew of one of the owners and his friends, starting a fire pit in order to barbecue some marshmallows. Some neighbors complained to both the fire department and police, which informed them there are no municipal regulations precluding the starting of fire pits on the common grounds. I think that the Condominium Association may be having its attorneys amend the bylaws to prohibit the creation of fire pits on the common grounds.I personally had no problem with this as long as it was done in an area far enough away from the buildings.

Living in condominiums is not for all people. I will never forget when a 90-year-old woman moved next door to my unit. She had lived in private houses her whole life, and in her mind the yard next to her condominium was private property, not common grounds. I will never forget when I went over to her unit one day to bring her some vegetables from my potted garden on my deck. As I gave her the the bag of vegetables, we looked out her living room window and watched as a large, leashed dog took a a massive, explosive dump right outside her window. My neighbor started yelling and screaming about it - "why does that dog have to take a shit outside my window?????" - thinking that it was her property, and that she had a right of privacy which included not having people walk their dogs and take massive shits that were visible right outside her window. I had to explain to her the concept of common grounds and how it is not the same as private property. Unfortunately this did not serve to calm her down.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Reprise de logement : Conditions, délais et avis

Un propriétaire qui s'installe et qui veut le loyer a droit à expulser le client pour une re-possession du loyer, il serait illogique de demander à un nouveau propriétaire de vivre ailleurs que dans la résidence qu'il vient d'acheter. Ils peuvent prétendre que c'est pour cela et qu'en fait ils voulaient juste expulser HM pour relouer le loyer pour une somme plus élevée, si c'est le cas, HM préwsente une preuve comme quoi ni le proprio ou sa famille demeure dans son ancien loyer et il aura gain de cause...mais appart cela il ne peut as faire grand chose..
Salut Alyssa
Tout ce que tu dit est vrai dans le contexte approprie il est clair dans la loi au Quebec que le nouveaux proprietaire a le droit a la reprise de possession dans une contexte bien definie par la loi ,Je te refere a mon poste precedent,en haut de page title thread ,Reprise de logement : Conditions, délais et avis,les regle applicable y son énuméré le texte est une copie coller du portail de la Regies Du Logement Du Quebec!
Concernant les reprise pour faux motif que tu mentionne la loi a prevu c'est chose de plus apres une reprise de possession jugée légal le propriétaire qui quitterait dans le but d'alle habiter dans une nouvelle encore devrait s'adresser a la Regie pour faire une fixation de prix sur le logement reprit !!
Bonne chance a tous

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Bon il semble que la vente sois sur le point de se concluer... enfin... Mais ya encore des problemes...

Je recois un tel a soir, la un inspecteur machin va venir vendredi... fait chier ils veulent toute checker, on a encore pas mal de stock, jsais pas si sa va nous causer probleme, on peut pas tout tasser.

L'autre affair, les nouveau proprio, il s adonne que ma mere connais la mere du dude, qui les acompgnais lors de la seconde visite... Selon elle ils auraient voulu emmenager en septembre... mais ma mere leur a montre le bail et moi je leur ai dit ce que tu ma dit Booker... En tout cas je me fie en criss la dessus parce qu on est pas pret a demanager cette annee sa ces sur.

J'ai pas aimer lors de leur deuxieme visite ils prenaient des photos, j ai du avertir de pas en prendre dans les chambres... mesemble demander la permission aurais ete un minimum, je leur aurais laisser en prendre de la chambre de bain, le pipage, etc, mais pas des meubles etc. Pas aimer sa du tout.

Et finalement la grebiche aurais avertie ma mere de me dire de pas les suivres(je suis a chaque visite) mais pfff a va aller au diable, m en criss y sois deja 5... ces mon droit je le prend. Le couple qui achete pourquoi sont la d ailleur? Leur inspecteur a juste a remettre son rapport apres? je pige pas la, mais ces clair ma suivre...


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Salut HM
La banque qui prete l'argent aux nouveaux proprietaire faire toujours inspecter l'immeuble afin de s'assurer que leur client n"offre pas trop chere !
La garantie par hypotheque couvre la banque a la valeur marchande de l'immeuble donc elle doit etre evaluer !
De plus l'acheteur peu aussi mettre dans ces condition une clause d'inspections
Cela afin de verifier les problemes de l'immeuble,si l'immeuble a plus de probleme que prevu il peu soit retirer son offre ou demander une reduction de prix le proprietaire peu accepter ou alle en contre offre!
Si la banque determine que l'immeuble est vendu trop chere l'acheteur devra mettre la difference aux comptant ou bien le vendeur acceptera une balance de vente
Bonne chance

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Bon on a parler a un notaire, alors voila sa l'air qu'il poura nous remettre son avis anytime apres la vente et une fois l'avis recu, on a 6 mois pour partir mais on peut exiger d'avoir le demenagement payer. Mais voila, ces 6 mois... pas le bail... fait chier mais coudonc...

Mais bon une fois le trouble psychologique finis sa sera deja sa... J'ai parler a mon cousin et il a achete ya quelque année un duplex, et il ma dit que la proprio a accepté un deal justement parce qu'elle en avais marre d'avoir a dealer avec les visites etc et setait la poprio... imagine. Il ma dit aussi que s'il voulais vendre il previenrais son locataire en avance, que s'etait sale ce que le proprio a fait...

En tout cas, ma m'en souvenir longtemps de cette histoire moi


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Le droit notarial ,pas un droit de litige

Salut HM
Le notaire que tu as consulter ne connais clairement pas la loi concernant la reprise de logement !httPour obtenir des informations supplémentaires vous pouvez communiquer avec la Régie du logement,

par téléphone :

région de Montréal, Laval et Longueuil : (514) 873-2245
autres régions : 1-800-683-2245
par télécopieur :

région de Montréal, Laval et Longueuil : 514 864-8077
autres régions : 1 877 907-8077 p://,
Ce qu'il ta expliquer est heureusement faux pour toi !
Je t'invite a communiquer directement avec la Regie Du Logement ils ont un numero sans frais !
Le champ de compétence, du notaire n'est pas le droit de reprise ce sont les recherche de titre les hypothèques immobilière contrat de mariage ,
Un notaire ne plaide pas, donc il n'est jamais confronter a cette situation !Ces commentaire son un insulte a loi et a tes droit
Bonne chance et surtout ne te fie pas a ce notaire a moins que cela te convienne!
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