All of your skeptical points entered my mind the 1st time I read through Nadia's posts. I actually did not get them, and although t76 seems to think they are clear, there is an implication that "Scott" was arrested which I fail to understand. He paid her $4000, it does not make any sense to me why he would pay the money and be in on a scheme to steal back the money he paid since if the story was true, he was not getting anything out of it - except free sex. Also, if there are arrests as reported then the media would be all over the story if it happened as written.
I accepted the story as true for purposes of trying to make the point that if it is accepted as true, this Nadia was engaged in an operation that was not safe and could certainly be viewed as inviting the type of crime that was ultimately committed at least in terms of being followed to her incall location which was her home, and getting robbed. Nadia does seems to admit in her posts it was foolish not to deposit large sums.
The other basis for skepticism was continual references to her financial condition which were totally unnecessary and irrelevant to what appeared to be the main point of her post. And the reference to the large sum - $4000 - for an all day date at a guy's house? Sounds fishy to me. For that money I want to take her to the Caribbean. Do clients in freaking Vancouver pay $4000 for an all day date? I would say let's hop on a plane and fly somewhere.
As Tony has shown a few times in the past, there are many suckers on this Board. This is the Internet and anyone can post anything. If it is a scam, it would not be the first of its kind and it would definitely not even be the first time one SP scammed other SPs with a sob story. We can hear testimony on that from a few SPs who regularly post on this Board.
However, even if it is a scam, I still applaud Mlle Bijou for starting a discussion on safety because even if what happened to Nadia did not actually happen, it could happen to someone with the same type of operation, rare though it would be in Montreal. And for that reason the thread is useful.
But don't be first in line to send any donations to Nadia - and have skepticism about anything you read on the Boards. Hell, who knows, PERB may have their own Tony on that Board.

Or perhaps someone like Tony but looking to make money on a scam.