OMG!! Would you freakin' drop it already? OK, you do not believe it.. Fine, we get that. But there is still no absolute proof either way, which means it could very well be true. How the F*** would any of you know that any specific actions of hers don't jive with what a "rape victim" would or would not do? Everyone reacts different ways to shock, trauma, stress, fear and danger.
If this turns out to be 100% for sure proven true for you skeptical non-believers/wanna be detectives,
Do you think girls will want to speak up after the display you've put on? Not likely. You know what it also means? It means there is no one stopping it from happening to others. Do you know how many clients Isabelle, Nadia and I share in Vancouver? Lots. I've never met Nadia and have only met Isabelle once (for duo, not a personal meeting), but I've had many clients mention having visited either one or both of them. To me, this means that it could have happened to me so easily instead of her. It means that whatever made them pick her and not another one of us is unknown, but I know that it could have easily been me or Isabelle or another girl.
If this is true, by her actions in getting them arrested... I know they cannot get to me. If she'd kept quiet, do you think they would have stopped after getting away with it this easily? So you know what, you can come up with theories and points that puzzle you or don't add up and sit around acting like damn commentators for a hockey game, all this because evidently you do not feel concerned personally about it... but guess what? I DO. And as most of the women who have posted have said they prefer to be proven wrong later than to doubt someone and pick apart what she's written on a message board, for god sakes...!?
I suppose that perhaps is one more reason I reacted and was extremely shocked to read her story initially. It wasn't some cracked out girl on a street which I would have been sad about but which I don't really relate to and don't feel like the danger is mine as well, but this is a girl exactly like me, same age, same type of person, with many of the same clients, someone I definitely relate to... this feels very personal to me and quite frankly, for the first time truly scared the crap out of me. Reading the gruesome details made it real for me. If this turned out to be untrue, I would be one of the most angry ones out there, but I refuse to criticize or pick apart her story. If you look hard enough, you can find flaws in any story whether it is true or not. A lot of it means very little and doesn't prove anything.
Either way, whether this is proven to be true or not... this is a sad display of exactly why so many women, prostitutes and civilians alike, do not report rape and prefer to keep quiet. Whether you are skeptical or not is not necessarily the biggest issue, it's how determined and vocal some of you have been to try to discredit her story, like you're about to throw a party at any moment if you are proved right, like you're getting some kind of reward for cracking the story!! Whether this is true or not, there is nothing good about the way this has been treated by some of you (
especially ding dong ding a long who keeps throwing a comment in to congratulate himself on being the first to point it out -- even if he hasn't come up with one single argument himself! 
And apparently, even though she's clearly suffered some physical trauma, you are still going at it??? How fucking cold can you guys be? Have you thought of what your actions will mean if this turns out to be true? Or are you so damn convinced you're right that you haven't given any thought to how truly horrible your behavior is to others who may be debating whether or not to report something similar? You don't really care about that, do you Sherlock?
There's nothing good about this being true or not. I would have sincerely thought there would be much more sensitivity about this, especially from men who are part of the same community. But I guess that for some of you, it's easier to waste your time trying to find flaws in her story, from whatever she's written of it on a message board, than to actually think about what this means to the rest of us and how we can make sure this never happens to any one else.
This has been a surprising, disappointing and extremely sad kick in the head.
Please give it a rest. Please. This is not doing any good, or helping anyone.