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Indies vs agencies girls, the discussion not discuss prices.


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2020
sam and james ARE NOT BOOKERS, they didn't get where they are to be bookers, what a downgrade of a title.
just because they are sometimes booking, doesn't make them bookers.
A true owner of a business, there is no task beneath them.

indies are more courtesans, they're there to pamper you
agency girls are a mix of everything.

Agency career is like going to middleschool and going indy is like going to university.
You can find anything you want from agency girls, you just gotta find them, and catch them during their evolution.
Indy girls, are pretty straight forward with what they provide, you know exactly what you are getting. They often have a special attribute that separates them from the rest of the girls.

I still buy black market weed, because its my main diet as its more accessible and potency that I like
I also buy from SQDC, for high end weed, that I only smoke for desert.


Whether indy or agency, it stands to reason that the gfe style someone does or doesn't provide is their preference. Or it's at least what they are able to live with. So, while it's possible inclinations or standard practices with clients may change over time, I doubt where you work impacts that. An Indy can list out a bunch of services she will provide for more money on her website. That doesn't mean she's progress further in her academics, if we following your analogy. The main thing is for an indy she can list out a bunch of stuff she'll do for more money on her website. That's mire like consent being established before hand, whereas with the agency you need to ask the lady in person. The latter is probably more liable to illicit a no, since people don't really like being caught off guard, and even less so in intimate situatuons.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Several factors can motivate our choices.

Everyone has heard more or less interesting stories one day or another, whether from indies or agencies.

I think it will be difficult to make users change their minds, because many already have their favorites, but if they decide to look elsewhere, perhaps they will be tempted by another option.

In short, it will always be a matter of choice regardless of their motivations which will probably be influenced by their wallet.

For now I prefer Indies.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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one thing about agency I really like is they seem to have all the fresh new talent

Actually in many instances the MPs get the "fresh new talent", and then the escort agencies pluck those girls from the MPs after they have a little bit experience. The MPs are an easy target for recruitment, as any agency recruiter can show up posed as the average client. Ditto with SA.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
For me, an Indy is either one of the following: 1.) One who has risen through the ranks of the agencies and has achieved some star status and has decided to capitalize on that new found status by striking out on their own.
2.) One who has never worked for an agency because they just weren’t a good fit for an agency roster or didn’t like the regimen of agency work and decided to try escorting as an Indy.

With an Indy you get a fabulous web site with multiple exclusive photos in various outfits. I like this because I typically make outfit requests based on these photos. Manner of dress is very important to me and the ability to have open lines of direct communication with an Indy allows one to have a better chance of having a outfit request honored. I also like to peruse the photos as I am waiting For her to arrive. The problem I’ve had with Indy ladies is that sometimes they don’t . I’ve had a much better batting average with agency girls arriving.

For agency girls, you have a much better chance of getting a younger debutante. It almost takes me back to my high school or college days of the types of girls I would grow fond of and pursue romantically. I also think that they are managed more closely by a booker (if this word is denigrating insert Pussy Engineer or Ass Consultant) who helps keep the ladies on schedule and on task. This PE/AC can act as an arbiter which can be helpful.


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
my bad, i misinterpreted the conversation.
I also meant it as a complement. If I book with agencies. It is because of James and Sam. Obviously for their ladies. But I mean because they go out of their way to help with the bookings
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Aug 10, 2011

Whether indy or agency, it stands to reason that the gfe style someone does or doesn't provide is their preference. Or it's at least what they are able to live with. So, while it's possible inclinations or standard practices with clients may change over time, I doubt where you work impacts that. An Indy can list out a bunch of services she will provide for more money on her website. That doesn't mean she's progress further in her academics, if we following your analogy. The main thing is for an indy she can list out a bunch of stuff she'll do for more money on her website. That's mire like consent being established before hand, whereas with the agency you need to ask the lady in person. The latter is probably more liable to illicit a no, since people don't really like being caught off guard, and even less so in intimate situatuons.

the academic analogy was only to meant to explain that indies, most have learned how to run their own business, brand themselves, meet a market demand, and have decided to make a career out of it.
the rest of your post, is just repeating what I had already said.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Not gonna knock on you frady. But even though sonia von sacher and Melodie are both indy. They both use a booker as a middleman. So i guess you mean you prefer an indy without a middle person?
One of the reasons I never saw either Sonia or Melodie, and I am sure both young ladies more than deserve all the credit and great reviews heaped upon them I am sure they earned it.
They are not really who I am looking for. PSE type of sessions don’t do anything for me , if I was in my 20-30 you bet I would be seeing them.
So yes you are correct.
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
For me, I’m hoping I’ve progressed sexually since I was a 17 yo. My sexual tastes and expectations have gone up as well too. So for me when I hear “debutante”, it’s not as appealing as it may be to others. So, this isn’t a reason why I may tend to go towards agencies.

Also, what is your definition of debutante? I had one of my best experiences (all by Sammy’s recommendation) with a “debutante”. She actually was a debutante if you took a certain literal meaning of it, but was quite active on SA prior to comin on as an escort, so, when I hear debutante I’m always a bit skeptical. Wording may influence others but I like to delve a bit more into it. That’s when talking to someone like Sammy came into play. Guy took his time and went through all my questions. You wouldn’t get this in many other city’s from a “booker” and I’m not saying this to suck on someone’s left nut for perceived preferential treatment, its just what is fact. Btw, he never used debutante as a sales pitch. Btw this provider was not my 1st choice. I had asked for someone else and he was honest “not possible”.

James gives amazing clinical breakdowns of his staff. Spends a considerable amount of time that he doesn’t need to in giving you the info you need to make a decision about a provider. Totally honest.

Celina’s awesome as well, does a lot of steering. I like hearing “I think based on who you have hit it off with in last you will like so and so” or “ I really like so and so, she is getting good feedback.”

Bookers are more like “the reviews are on website” , “ we don’t make recs on our girls” or bluntly “reach out to us after you looked at our website and made a decision”

Indy’s might start getting annoyed, “this bitch is asking too many questions, wtf, is he gonna book???” Not to comment on pricing but I think it’s the principle. If I’m spending $500/hour of my hard earned $$ then I think I have a right to ask these questions.

Sonia V and her assistant were really awesome in booking process and really patient. Not sure all Indy’s would be like this, lol


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
Also, what is your definition of debutante? I had one of my best experiences (all by Sammy’s recommendation) with a “debutante”. She actually was a debutante if you took a certain literal meaning of it, but was quite active on SA prior to comin on as an escort, so, when I hear debutante I’m always a bit skeptical. Wording may influence others but I like to delve a bit more into it. That’s when talking to someone like Sammy came into play. Guy took his time and went through all my questions. You wouldn’t get this in many other city’s from a “booker” and I’m not saying this to suck on someone’s left nut for perceived preferential treatment, its just what is fact. Btw, he never used debutante as a sales pitch. Btw this provider was not my 1st choice. I had asked for someone else and he was honest “not possible”.

yeah I'm sometimes confused what is a debutante?
is it working as an SP for the first time?
is it the first time they are earning $ for favors ?

I think its first time SP, because you can have MP girls who start at agencies, and actually don't know what they are doing, still newbies. Anyways, I don't favor either.
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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
I used to be an all-indy guy and i had a few regulars in the past, but now 'm leaning towards agencies. Not saying that i don't see indies once in a while (i just pre-booked one for the first time in over a year), but I feel like this side of business has become more complicated. I connect less with it than i did some years ago, for a number of reasons i'll keep to myself.

On the other side, i like the way agencies present their girls, the way the photos are standardized so they all stand-out in the same way, and the choices of course. I'm also kinda impulsive regarding my bookings, and most of time i book early morning for appointment in the evening. That's what suits my habits and temper the best, and it's easier to do that with agencies than indies. Pre-booking and have to wait days before an appointment is hard for me. I don't like middle-men much though (bookers or whatever), so i don't really ask for advice and choose my girls from reviews before booking. I usually have plan B and C with agency in case one is not available at the time or day i want.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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On the other side, i like the way agencies present their girls, the way the photos are standardized so they all stand-out in the same way

Interesting and accurate observation. Indies usually spend more on their photos and some have truly spectacular photos (Milena, Sweet Vegan Pussy, for one). But the standardized way in which agencies present their ladies photographically gives the customer a better comparative perspective on the photos.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
yeah I'm sometimes confused what is a debutante?
is it working as an SP for the first time?
is it the first time they are earning $ for favors ?

I think its first time SP, because you can have MP girls who start at agencies, and actually don't know what they are doing, still newbies. Anyways, I don't favor either.

A lot of time when girls apply to an agency they may not even reveal all the details of their work history. What if they are shitty providers and get let go by an agency and then apply to another one? Who knows?

I think it’s just tough to say how to define debutante or however you spell it. Don’t think it has anything to do with age. Think it’s the experience. You could say it’s when the 1st time a provider works for an agency but she coulda been on SA for a while so go figure. It’s cool to talk to someone who’s seen her who gives honest opinions.

What complicates matters more is that there are always that set of guys who see the newbies and they kinda always write a favorable review, lol, whatever their reason be other than actually getting over the top service. Then there’s getting a PM that reads “bro, there’s no way she’s a true debutante, no way!!.” Or “dude guys aren’t writing reviews on this newbie for a reason.”

Usually indies are already with a few months under their belt in industry.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Think it’s the experience. You could say it’s when the 1st time a provider works for an agency

I know for a fact some agencies who adopted that definition of a "debutante" when, in fact, the "debutante" had worked for months previously at an MP. She was merely a "debutante" as an agency escort.

It's a marketing term with no real consistent meaning. In traditional English literary practice, a "debutante" is an upper class young lady who is making her debut in society.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
To each his own thought, agencies have this tendency to standardize their photos, and in an agency this is what must be done, because the girls would criticize.
Competition between a few can create an unhealthy climate.

The photos of the indies are also very beautiful, not to standardize, more personal according to the temperament and the personality of each girl.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017

That was a term used a lot down south back in the day

Theoretically u can say a 25 yo who has been on SA since she was 19 is a debutante if she goes to work for an sgencynfor the 1st time


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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TNB, you are from UK right? You guys invented English, only to watch in horror as we Americans perfected it with strange new words like "Dude", "Booger", "Benjamins" (named after the our own American version of Leonardo DaVinci), and "faucet", right?

But yes you are correct and the term debutante was used extensively in the American south to describe the introduction of the plantation owner's daughter to "high society"- balls, parties, etc.

Of course my favorite uniquely American words are for that uniquely American potato delicacy that blows away all other potato side creations- tater tots. And the English wish they invented it, but they didn't.

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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Apparently John has a different meaning than the south?

“A little ditty 'bout Jack & Diane
Two American kids growing up in the heart land
Jack, he's gonna be a football star
Diane's debutante, back seat of Jacky's car”

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