Montreal Escorts

Indy rates, your opinion

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Funnyricky c’est justement ça mon point. Je sais que le tip est en surplus, même chose pour n’importe quel business. Mais pourquoi un restaurateur aurait le droit de charger un extra pour la livraison, à cause de ses dépenses (packaging + salaire du livreur), mais une escorte indépendante qui a plus de dépenses qu’une escorte en agence, n’aurait pas le droit de charger plus cher qu’en agence? On a d’autres dépenses que juste un driver. Des tonnes d’entre elles ont été énumérées dans ce thread :). Tu me demandes "mais en incall???"... Je suis certaine que tu apprécies qu’une demoiselle te reçoive dans des draps propres, ait du savon pour toi, des serviettes propres, etc. Je suis certaine que tu es content de pouvoir si facilement trouver une escorte en 2019 grâce aux annonces que nous payons. Il y a plus de dépenses à considérer que juste un driver... Sans compter les heures passées à entretenir la relation avec nos réguliers, etc. Et honnêtement, pourquoi ce genre de chialage arrive seulement quand on parle d’escortes? Ça frustre qui que des femmes fassent de l’argent, au pire? C’est quoi le problème exactement? Y a des filles à n’importe quel prix, aucune raison pour qu’un gars se plaigne du tarif des filles qui ne sont pas dans son budget. Il a juste a en choisir une autre. Pour donner un autre exemple dans le domaine de la restauration, si je paie 10$ pour des pâtes je pourrais aussi argumenter que "J’ai des amis qui font des maudites bonnes pâtes, dans des assiettes 15x plus cutes, pis ils me chargent même pas! Ça coûte même pas 2$ un paquet de pâtes! Come on!!! Les restaurateurs exagèrent! No pasta is worth that much!"... Sauf que je le fais pas parce que c’est pas mon genre de chialer sur les prix d’une business. Si ça m’intéresse pas je vais juste voir ailleurs ;)

Le service n’est pas forcément meilleur, mais le prix plus élevé est justifié quand on compare Indy vs agence et qu’on tient compte de tous les facteurs. C’est pas plus compliqué que ça et c’est drôle comme tout le monde semble comprendre ce concept quand on parle de restauration (avez-vous vu le prix d’un repas chez McDonald’s comparativement à un restaurant indépendant?), mais quand il s’agit de femmes qui font de l’argent, c’est la panique, la crise nationale, tout le monde devient hystérique et tente de contrôler le porte feuille de leur voisin.


Active Member
Aug 2, 2011
Has any one noticed the recent increase in Indies offering " Special Deals " Holiday Pricing " etc ? Perhaps this a market correction , indicating that the price differential between Agency and
Indy had become too high for mainstream punters .

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Probably because it’s always slower during winter months especially around the holidays, everyone is busy with family, spending money on gifts and food etc, so it’s slower for escorts


Active Member
Dec 19, 2006
Ce qui peut aussi expliquer aussi pourquoi il y a une certaines différences de prix entre une SP d'agence et un Indy, c'est que bien souvent, la SP d'agence aura plus d'extra. Oui, son prix de base est d'environ 200-240$/h, mais si tu veux CIM ou CIF, il y a un extra à débourser. CIM et CIF? Encore plus! Idem pour le greek. Et pour d'autres choses aussi.

Tandis que les Indy, le prix de base est plus haut, mais il y a plus de choses déjà inclus, donc peu ou pas d'extras (et ce, tout dépendamment de leurs limites et de leurs ''don't''). Aussi, plusieurs indy se spécialisent dans le BDSM, le roleplay et le cosplay, des choses que les SP d'agence n'offriront pas. Il y a aussi le fait qu'il est plus facile de discuter avec une indy ou le booker d'une indy pour des demandes spéciales et hors-normes.

Bref, une escorte peut bien charger ce qu'elle veut et le client peut payer ce qu'il veut bien payer : à chacun ses limites!


Sep 4, 2006
Every one of us has to assign value in our own way. I met an indy and while back and she mentioned that she enjoys going to swinger clubs all over the US and Canada and even went to swinger conventions. She had lots of sex with women and their BFs, and I did not see her again because I decided I would not pay for something that so many get for free. But I did not object to her lifestyle or what she charges, I just made a decision that suits me.

As for 'scoring': I pay to spend time with people who are 'out of my league' so to speak. I am not a fan of paying to spend time with someone I feel I can pursue successfully on my own. Sometimes I come to this conclusion in the first 5 minutes, and sometimes it happens towards the end of our time together when I am offered off the clock time to meet up for drinks the next day or come to her place after her shift is over. I never see those women again.

Paying to spend time with someone is very very different from a random sex encounter. I would never pay to spend time with a drunk woman on her way back from a night of clubbing. Those stories can sound like fun but they are almost always exaggerated. It is the hobbyists who have the best sex adventures no question.

Edit: Its easy to be jealous of the night club doorman, but I would rather be who I am now with the chance to avail myself of 20-30 gorgeous women a year than a door man accepting free BJs from random drunk women.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
It is as Julia said, winter months are slow especially close to the holidays when everybody is around family and friends and have spent on gifts.

I guess all the more reason to schedule with your favourite companion so she knows you appreciate her, and the holidays can actually be a lonely time for some of these young ladies so they may even be happier to see you than usual.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
Visit site
Julia, la raison pour laquelle tout le monde chiale après les taux des indépendantes est la même qui fait la une des journaux quand le peux de l'essence monte: pour les clients c'est de l'argent durement gagné. Ce n'est pas seulement des billets de banque. C'est leur sang et la soeur de leur front. Je sais que certains clients sont riches comme cresus, mais je suis certain que l'as plupart des autres travaillent durement pour leur argent. Je ne te dis pas que ce n'est pad mérité, que vous ne travaillez pas pour votre argent . Seulement que c'est humain quand on a travaillé fort pour quelque chose d'être un peu gratteux quand il fait s'en départir.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Pourtant comme je dis, personne ne chiale que Gucci charge trop cher. Ou qu’un restaurant charge trop cher. Mettre de l’essence dans sa voiture c’est une nécessité (a moins de ne pas utiliser sa voiture)... Voir une escorte est un luxe. Et y a des escortes à n’importe quel prix. Alors *aucune* raison de se plaindre. Personne n’est "entitled" à rencontrer chacune d’entre nous. Si une demoiselle charge trop cher, tant pis, il suffit d’en choisir une autre.

Parce que, comme tu me mentionnes, nous aussi on travaille pour notre agent. Je pense que beaucoup de gens oublient que pour nous, c’est avant tout un travail, pas un "hobby". C’est notre sang, la sueur de notre front, l’air dans nos poumons, notre salive, c’est notre vagin, notre temps, notre attention et nos émotions. C’est beaucoup plus que juste des billets de banque. ;)

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
It is as Julia said, winter months are slow especially close to the holidays when everybody is around family and friends and have spent on gifts.

I guess all the more reason to schedule with your favourite companion so she knows you appreciate her, and the holidays can actually be a lonely time for some of these young ladies so they may even be happier to see you than usual.
This is what i hate about a messave board that allows service providers to post.
Julia posted winter months are slow , she is a escort she explained it,and you just had to come in and reinforce the is this just me or has anyone else noticed

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
What’s wrong with providers being allowed to post? Do you hate women lmao what’s the issue? Winter months are slow, it’s a fact. Me saying it, and Fradi confirming, is not some kind of conspiracy. It’s just two people having the right to express themselves and doing so. What’s the problem?

You just created your account. Feel free to delete it if you don’t like the fact that women have a right to talk on this board. Also feel free to stop making conspiracy assumptions about board members who are obviously a lot more established than you. Nobody forces you to use the board

EDIT: Btw it 100% is just you. Literally everyone on the board knows that I am indeed an escort, and that Fradi is indeed a real person. You implied twice yesterday that you think we are the same person or Fradi is a robot or something. Stop being paranoid. Not everything is a conspiracy.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Seems like posts are moderated interesting
Last edited:

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
(For the record, C.B Brown edited his post above after I posted my reply. So for context: he was telling Fradi that "if he has no problem scoring/if he’s mr perfect then why does he pay escorts and why does he spend so much time posting here? And then added "I’m figuring out if we add you, the number of guys who cannot score goes up to 100%". Then, he edited his post to change it to "girls are just never honest" or something like that, to explain why he doesn’t think we should be allowed to post. And he mentionned that he thought Fradi was a second account of mine. )

Dude what’s your problem? You literally started using the board yesterday and apparently you already found someone to pick on all the time. Wtf? By the way, can you even read? He can score with women in his age bracket - doesn’t mean he wants to. He pays to meet escorts, who are generally younger than the women he was talking about, and who will not fall in love or make all kinds of drama. Have you even considered that some people willingly decide that they don’t want a serious relationship? You don’t even know Fradi’s background story. You should seriously stop attacking him like that.

I laughed at his comment too because of the "financially secure and still breathing" part but the difference is I’m laughing with him, and you’re making fun *of* him.

P.S if we check his post count... And considering you started using the board yesterday... It’s safe to say you actually spend way more time than he does posting here. Just saying ;)

P.P.S - Next time maybe post another comment instead of editing the one you posted and removing whatever you said.

P.P.P.S - Having multiple handles is not permitted here.

P.P.P.P.S - Fradi has reviewed girls. No we are not the same person and everyone knows that. We don’t even write the same way. This is a board. It’s normal for people on a board to post simultaneously if they participate in the same conversations. I’m not sure where your brain sees that "they must be the same person".

P.P.P.P.P.S - I’ve always posted nothing but honest posts here. You say this like you just assume clients are 100% honest all the time and escorts are 100% dishonest all the time. If you think winter months aren’t really slow, you’re delusional and have obviously never done business at all because it’s like that for SO many businesses.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Its a valid point Patron to mention the US "illegality" aspect. I mean even if C-36 made it "illegal" here too, things have not changed at all exept a few logistic. Police don't care (and im happy about it). So maybe indeed the fact that its getting harder to book in the US and agencies are disapearing, help raise those prices. Americans are usually much strickier with laws. Its like weed, before it was legal here, getting caught with it would result in the police taking it from you, getting a warning and that was it most of the time. If you where unluckly and got a very zealous new recruit you may be arrested but i never saw any prison time be given for smoking weeds...

In the US, you could litteraly spend years in jail for that in the states where its illegal... crazy stuff.

I don't know of anyone doing time for weed either. I would say the same for soliciting a prostitute. All they do here is embarrass you which sometimes can be worse. But you are probably correct about one thing: The police here are more inclined to enforce laws around prostitution. In fact, members of law enforcement are probably the most disappointed people in the United States that BP and Craig's List have been shut down. How else will they do their police stings?

What you need to understand is that we have terrible crimes especially in our inner cities. We also have a terrible drug problem due to opiates and meth etc. and the police are powerless to do anything about it. Police prostitution stings and prostitution related arrests is an attempt by the police to make it look like they are fighting crime. This is why you hear the word trafficked and under-aged. This is an attempt to cover up the fact that LE is wasting everyone's time and my tax dollar. I want to say Go catch some bad guys but they would say back to me No way. They shoot back.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011

Well said ... in agreement with your thoughts and position on this topic.

And really, what makes one's $600/hr any more memorable than ones $200/hr ... forget that one may be 20 something and one in late 40's, but even like for like in same age bracket .... will ones moans be worth $300-$400 more? End of day, sex is sex, body parts (prefer real to fake) are all interchangeable .... of course, the sex is worth what any buy will pay in cash on any given day - just always buyer beware and shop around!

Every one of us has to assign value in our own way. I met an indy and while back and she mentioned that she enjoys going to swinger clubs all over the US and Canada and even went to swinger conventions. She had lots of sex with women and their BFs, and I did not see her again because I decided I would not pay for something that so many get for free. But I did not object to her lifestyle or what she charges, I just made a decision that suits me.

As for 'scoring': I pay to spend time with people who are 'out of my league' so to speak. I am not a fan of paying to spend time with someone I feel I can pursue successfully on my own. Sometimes I come to this conclusion in the first 5 minutes, and sometimes it happens towards the end of our time together when I am offered off the clock time to meet up for drinks the next day or come to her place after her shift is over. I never see those women again.

Paying to spend time with someone is very very different from a random sex encounter. I would never pay to spend time with a drunk woman on her way back from a night of clubbing. Those stories can sound like fun but they are almost always exaggerated. It is the hobbyists who have the best sex adventures no question.

Edit: Its easy to be jealous of the night club doorman, but I would rather be who I am now with the chance to avail myself of 20-30 gorgeous women a year than a door man accepting free BJs from random drunk women.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
(For the record, C.B Brown edited his post above after I posted my reply. So for context: he was telling Fradi that "if he has no problem scoring/if he’s mr perfect then why does he pay escorts and why does he spend so much time posting here? And then added "I’m figuring out if we add you, the number of guys who cannot score goes up to 100%")

Dude what’s your problem? You literally started using the board yesterday and apparently you already found someone to pick on all the time. Wtf? By the way, can you even read? He can score with women in his age bracket - doesn’t mean he wants to. He pays to meet escorts, who are generally younger than the women he was talking about, and who will not fall in love or make all kinds of drama. Have you even considered that some people willingly decide that they don’t want a serious relationship? You don’t even know Fradi’s background story. You should seriously stop attacking him like that.

I laughed at his comment too because of the "financially secure and still breathing" part but the difference is I’m laughing with him, and you’re making fun *of* him.

P.S if we check his post count... And considering you started using the board yesterday... It’s safe to say you actually spend way more time than he does posting here. Just saying ;)

P.P.S - Next time maybe post another comment instead of editing the one you posted and removing whatever you said.

P.P.P.S - Having multiple handles is not permitted here.

P.P.P.P.S - Fradi has reviewed girls. No we are not the same person and everyone knows that. We don’t even write the same way. This is a board. It’s normal for people on a board to post simultaneously if they participate in the same conversations. I’m not sure where your brain sees that "they must be the same person".

P.P.P.P.P.S - I’ve always posted nothing but honest posts here. You say this like you just assume clients are 100% honest all the time and escorts are 100% dishonest all the time. If you think winter months aren’t really slow, you’re delusional and have obviously never done business at all because it’s like that for SO many businesses.
ya but i pay for sex ,i am not deluional thinking i am brad pitt. I like them cute young definately no xtra lbs or ''issues'' that makes jt z bit harder to find.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
You’d be surprised the amount of handsome men I meet. I have some clients I can’t even believe how handsome they are, I open the door and I’m convinced they will turn away because they’re too hot for me, and turns out they stay and I feel like I should be the one paying them hahaha. Not every client is a client because he "can’t score", men all have their reasons why they see escorts...

Not to mention Fradi never said he was Brad Pitt material. He said he can score with women in his age bracket because he’s financially secure and still breathing. My guess is you’re a little too slow to understand what that means hahaha. And quite frankly - I know what he looks like now, not ugly at all for his age, and I’ve seen a picture of him in his 20s, he was truly handsome. Fight me ;)


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
ya but i pay for sex ,i am not deluional thinking i am brad pitt. I like them cute young definately no xtra lbs or ''issues'' that makes jt z bit harder to find.

I really don’t know what your problem is.

Even in my younger days I was not Brad Pitt, ( close maybe) I am in my sixties, one young lady actually told me I look at least 2 weeks younger than my age.

Yes I can find as many women in my age bracket as I want, which doesn’t interest me.
Yes Julia I am proud to call a friend, who I have seen quite a few time and she is an absolute sweetheart and maybe I am a bit over protective, I get that way when people attack my friends without any reason.
I have seen quite a few amazing other companions also and my ATF who I see regularly happens to be the most amazing woman I have met since the loss of my wife.

Am I a real person, most seem to think so.

btw Julia and I disagree quite often, even on this board, but we still respect each other and it doesn’t interfere with us being friends.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Every one of us has to assign value in our own way. I met an indy and while back and she mentioned that she enjoys going to swinger clubs all over the US and Canada and even went to swinger conventions. She had lots of sex with women and their BFs, and I did not see her again because I decided I would not pay for something that so many get for free. But I did not object to her lifestyle or what she charges, I just made a decision that suits me.

As for 'scoring': I pay to spend time with people who are 'out of my league' so to speak. I am not a fan of paying to spend time with someone I feel I can pursue successfully on my own. Sometimes I come to this conclusion in the first 5 minutes, and sometimes it happens towards the end of our time together when I am offered off the clock time to meet up for drinks the next day or come to her place after her shift is over. I never see those women again.

Paying to spend time with someone is very very different from a random sex encounter. I would never pay to spend time with a drunk woman on her way back from a night of clubbing. Those stories can sound like fun but they are almost always exaggerated. It is the hobbyists who have the best sex adventures no question.

Edit: Its easy to be jealous of the night club doorman, but I would rather be who I am now with the chance to avail myself of 20-30 gorgeous women a year than a door man accepting free BJs from random drunk women.

This is a very interesting post. Yes, scoring with the drunk girl at the club can turn into baby siting a drunk girl and worse, you could have sex and she could say that she was too drunk to give her consent and now you got big problems.

I didn't realize the doorman got so many free BJ's. Where does he get them? In the coat closet with a drunk girl? I am not going to be jealous of a guy that makes minimum wage and doesn't have a matching 401K, pension, dental plan, salary and responsibility that will allow him to travel the world to fuck all kinds of women.

I would still pay the girl that goes to the swing parties if she gave me great sex and she was attractive and fun to be with. It wouldn't bother me in the least that someone else gets it for free. There are always different circumstances that would preclude some of us from getting freebies, and of course, nothing is free. You pay for it one way or another. I would rather pay with money. Still, great post. It makes one think....

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
. I want to say Go catch some bad guys but they would say back to me No way. They shoot back.

Hahaha this is soooo true though. I had a friend a few years ago who was in a situation with a cop, told the cop "What, you’re gonna shoot me?" The cop replied "No way, I’m not paid enough" hahaha


New Member
Dec 7, 2014
My rules on rates, indy or agency should be the same.

In the past, i paid high price with Indy but I discovered along the road that it is not worthed any more. We are lucky to have beautiful and bright girls in Montreal part of reputable agencies or indy.

So my rules :
1) I am seeing girls in my day to day life that are beautiful and bright with great personnality. I am expecting the same with an escort. No price is attached to this
2) Those that I avoid upfront :
---a) Asian (Except for some indy or part of reputable agency) : All fake ads.
---b) Indy that mentionned that they are not a menu restaurant. We are not even know if they will be nude.
---c) Indy that we could not ask questions on services
3) Greek and Domination are not part of my criterias

Now my rules on prices
1) <200$ : Safe GFE (LFK/DFK), DATY, CBJ.
--------------If they offer BBBJ or CIM or SW is a plus
2) <=250 : GFE (LFK/DFK), DATY, BBBJ
--------------If they offer CIM or SW with extra or not is a plus
3) <=300 : GFE+ (DFK, DATY, BBBJ, CIM)
--------------If they offer SW is a plus
4) <=350 : They must be exceptionnal (Service and beauty)
5) Over 350, it is realy overprice. I don't know who is paying that amount of money
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