Montreal Escorts

Is business slowing down?


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Jan 28, 2004
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I fear some of the SP's are pricing themselves out of business. Montreal always had a great reputation for great SP's, awesome service and good rates for service. It seems to me the girls are there but not very much in the way of new blood. I'm sure for the girls their service is as great as it always has been but the rates have risen more than inflation. In 2024 many men are struggling with mortgage payments that now are killing their budget, food prices and clothes and extras for their kids are through the roof, this then puts the enjoyment of time with an SP on the back burner.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Answering the original point: Is business slowing down?
Only a pool of SP can give a good answer.
But considering prices are going up and that it is often difficult to get an appointment at a specific time I would expect business is good. Otherwise, prices would be going down and it would be easy to find a gem when we look for one.
But there might be other factors, I could be wrong but again only SP know the facts.

La loi de l'offre et la demande dicte les prix en général.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Ok. For those to mention about pricing and cost of living, I will make 1 comparison over years...

Comparing agency prices, as they are more comparable as indies prices vary much more;
-2001, minimum wage was $7.00/hr, agency prices were $140. (20 hrs of a minimum wage earner)
-2024, minimum wage is $15.75/hr,
Agency prices are approx $260. (17 hrs of a minimum wage earner)
**not counting that the agencies take out their cut from that price from the SPs as well.**
Apparently SPs aren't concidered entitled to the same rise in payment for their time as any other industry. If anything over the years they have been pushed into a reduction of their price in comparison to the increasing cost of living over the years.
And there is still quite a few people who keep pushing asking for us to give services at a discount, or trying to haggle prices. It is an annoyingly and insulting request when it is asked. And not all indies charge even up to the agency price, but every provider receives bargain hunters trying to get luxury services they can't afford.

Many people are struggling in this economy, so obviously there are less people who have and are able to afford extras, but it doesn't mean the extra is any less valuable, and should decrease it's worth as well.
Everything we need to keep appearances up, has gone up in prices as well.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Ok. For those to mention about pricing and cost of living, I will make 1 comparison over years...

Comparing agency prices, as they are more comparable as indies prices vary much more;
-2001, minimum wage was $7.00/hr, agency prices were $140. (20 hrs of a minimum wage earner)
-2024, minimum wage is $15.75/hr,
Agency prices are approx $260. (17 hrs of a minimum wage earner)
**not counting that the agencies take out their cut from that price from the SPs as well.**
Apparently SPs aren't concidered entitled to the same rise in payment for their time as any other industry. If anything over the years they have been pushed into a reduction of their price in comparison to the increasing cost of living over the years.
And there is still quite a few people who keep pushing asking for us to give services at a discount, or trying to haggle prices. It is an annoyingly and insulting request when it is asked. And not all indies charge even up to the agency price, but every provider receives bargain hunters trying to get luxury services they can't afford.

Many people are struggling in this economy, so obviously there are less people who have and are able to afford extras, but it doesn't mean the extra is any less valuable, and should decrease it's worth as well.
Everything we need to keep appearances up, has gone up in prices as well.
I hear you but some customers like me appreciate natural beauties without fake enhanced breast, botox, lips filler, ass remodeling, etc... So just a regular hydrating lotion, a bit or even no perfume and we are all right. The value is relative and $260 an hour is a lot of money for most of customers. Of course an SP will not do 7 X 1 hour in a single day, 5 days a week... But again, the law of supply and demand will dictate the fair price for the service delivered by an SP. Even if she believes she is the 8th wonder of the world, it will not change anything at the end. The customer will or will not agree to pay the asked price and an equilibrium will be settled. When someone wants a price and can not get it, it is mispriced or useless for anybody at this moment. Economy Stupid.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2013
Ok. For those to mention about pricing and cost of living, I will make 1 comparison over years...

Comparing agency prices, as they are more comparable as indies prices vary much more;
-2001, minimum wage was $7.00/hr, agency prices were $140. (20 hrs of a minimum wage earner)
-2024, minimum wage is $15.75/hr,
Agency prices are approx $260. (17 hrs of a minimum wage earner)
**not counting that the agencies take out their cut from that price from the SPs as well.**
Apparently SPs aren't concidered entitled to the same rise in payment for their time as any other industry. If anything over the years they have been pushed into a reduction of their price in comparison to the increasing cost of living over the years.
And there is still quite a few people who keep pushing asking for us to give services at a discount, or trying to haggle prices. It is an annoyingly and insulting request when it is asked. And not all indies charge even up to the agency price, but every provider receives bargain hunters trying to get luxury services they can't afford.

Many people are struggling in this economy, so obviously there are less people who have and are able to afford extras, but it doesn't mean the extra is any less valuable, and should decrease it's worth as well.
Everything we need to keep appearances up, has gone up in prices as well.

Your stat choice is misleading. Bumping up the minimum wage for the lowest income earners doesn't accurately reflect the experience of the population as a whole. That's just society developing a conscience and boosting a ridiculously low minimum wage for the bottom end. You would need to choose the overall change in average salary for Canadians as a whole vs the overall change in cost of living and then measure that against the average change in agency rates. You're cherry picking a specific segment of society, most of whom are not your customers. Also, I don't think anyone is questioning the value of the services provided, just the ability of the average Joe to continue to access them as regularly as before. To be fair, I have no idea what those numbers actually look like, and I can't be arsed to look, because it's not important enough to me to invest that time, but empirically (or at least anecdotally) the experience of the community at large here is that there's less dollars to go around.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
I fear some of the SP's are pricing themselves out of business. Montreal always had a great reputation for great SP's, awesome service and good rates for service. It seems to me the girls are there but not very much in the way of new blood. I'm sure for the girls their service is as great as it always has been but the rates have risen more than inflation. In 2024 many men are struggling with mortgage payments that now are killing their budget, food prices and clothes and extras for their kids are through the roof, this then puts the enjoyment of time with an SP on the back burner.

Booking us is a luxury not a necessity so if less people can afford it, it’s unfortunate on both sides but we won’t start a non profit for horny men that don’t have money.

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Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Pourquoi ce thread a bifurqué presqu’exclusivement sur les tarifs exigés par les SWs alors qu’il est strictement interdit d’en discuter?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2013
Pourquoi ce thread a bifurqué presqu’exclusivement sur les tarifs exigés par les SWs alors qu’il est strictement interdit d’en discuter?
There's no rate shaming involved. There's no discussion of anybody's specific rates at all that I noted. People are discussing general economic trends that affect everyone, and as far as I can see everyone has been respectful about it. There's nothing forbidden in the rules about that.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
This is not the only luxury that people can no longer afford but every few weeks someone will make a thread to say “I miss when it was $50 and a pack of gum”

Yeah. We get it, it’s expensive to have fun now, it’s the same for many other things. Movie theatres are now super expensive, don’t even try to buy food there you’ll have to renegotiate your mortgage.

Going out for drinks is also expensive, $24 for one single cocktail? Insane.

The good news is that there are still SPs offering low rates, you can still get occasional discounts from your regular SP if she really likes you and the best is, besides getting lonely, nothing bad is going to happen to you if you need to space out your dates.

Some of you talk like everyone is charging above $500/h which is certainly not the case and I don’t see that happening for the reasons mentioned in this thread.

[Second part]


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
[Part 2]

Sometimes SPs think charging more means more money but it’s not always true. As things are getting financially harder for many Canadians, not everyone can afford to spurge on a hot date. Being able to save up 1 or a few hundreds is no longer as “easy” as it’s once been.

Sure if you charge $x,xxx/h you’ll make more money on the spot but in the long run you might make less than someone charging $xxx

In any cases, those are personal decisions based on many factors.

There’s an option for any type of budget in this industry although sometimes you can’t have exactly what you want for the price you want. If you’re patient, if you read, if you try, you can find what works for you.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2010
Anyone been to Disneyland lately, you know, the alleged Happiest Place on Earth? I'll argue you'll leave a MTL SP with a bigger smile on your face and a lot more money in your wallet. :p

A girl's gotta eat... and they are subject to the same shrinkflation and rising costs and services as most of the rest of us. Maybe my perspective is a bit different because I have friends in the SW industry, a few of whom are struggling or have to hustle more in this economy, but when I hear about some of the clowns to whom they provide service, I'm sure I'd raise my rates than take on more clients to pay for the rising cost of living.

I'm not very political, nor do I intend to turn this into a political issue, but I don't think the situation/economy will change until there is a change in policy/regime. Like it or not, and particularly with fiscal matters, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is still insanity. Until then, I'll continue to adjust my budget and fun accordingly. The good ol' days are exactly that -- old. At least the memories are still free ;)


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Not Disneyland but Disneyworld yes, took my family and the grandkids had an amazing time, just a magical place. Nothing like it for kids anywhere.
Yes it makes for a heavy hit on your wallet but even Disneyworld has not increased as much as the prices of Indy SP in the last 2 years, so it is a legitimate issue. Agency prices have not increased by the same amount. Too bad agencies are of no interest to me.
Again it is what it is and there is no use gripping about it. It is what the market will allow otherwise we wouldn’t be where we are.
You simply adjust to what ever you can afford.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2017
I do a lot of travelling and I can't help but notice that hotel rates have skyrocketted since the pandemic in most markets. This does affect the cost of the hobby if you book a room also.
They’re making up for lost revenue during COVID.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2017
I recently heard that in Toronto, the agency is relatively quiet, leading many service providers from Toronto to come to Montreal for work. Usually, it’s the contrary.
Because Indy prices have gone up in Mtl so it is worthwhile.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2017
This is ridiculous thinking and it is not a personal thing just basic human nature.
Why would anybody want prices to go up. Do you want prices to go up whenever you buy something.
Wanting prices to go down is quite normal and it has nothing to do with wanting something bad for the SW community.
Hopefully if prices go down it will go down across the board on everything including housing, food, gas.

If however we are being realistic pricing will not go down on anything including SP.

If it does go down however it will probably not make anybodies life easier because it will mean that there is a recession and everybody will suffer including SP.
The market will adapt and correct itself, as needed. Maybe there are less SPs (less supply) overall with more girls doing OF, etc.
I don’t think I’ve been around long enough to notice a difference. What do you guys think?
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