I appreciate your analysis. That's amazing that you know the price in 2001!
I do think agency prices haven't risen that much above inflation, and possibly at inflation.
Bank of Canada reports inflation at 18% since 2019 (pre-Covid). I'm thinking agencies have increased from $220 to $260 (correct?).
So that's exactly18%. https://www.bankofcanada.ca/rates/related/inflation-calculator/
This agrees with Rebaynia's analysis that agency pricing is pretty consistent with overall pricing.
i see indy's increasing their prices more than inflation. My observation is that
indy's increased pricing 25-30% since 2019. So about 7-12% above inflation.
I have no idea why indy pricing increased faster than agency pricing and faster than inflation.
Switching now to how indys set pricing. I'm assuming each girl is
not trying to optimize total income, but rather trying to
see as few as clients as necessary to meet their monthly income goals. This is very different then other industries, where you can maximize profit and income by lowering prices and making it up on volume. Increasing volume is hard work for providers. Not being a provider myself

, i'm just guessing at this part, so I could be wrong.