Montreal Escorts

Karla Homolka in Montreal ??


Psychiatric help, 5 cents
Mar 22, 2005
voyageur11 said:
like it or not she did her time leave her alone
I don't want to get into this big time but I do think that the family's would have a different opinion


2-2 in bans... loser...
Of course they are gonna have a different opinion. Why the hell would they say to leave her alone after she helped kill their children? Unfortunately by the laws of society she did her time and paid her debt as perscribed by law and the rest of society needs to f*** off and leave her alone.

I think hunting down the sexual predators in the cities shold be a bigger deal than knowing where Karla is.



Psychiatric help, 5 cents
Mar 22, 2005
hornyanglo66 said:
Of course they are gonna have a different opinion. Why the hell would they say to leave her alone after she helped kill their children? Unfortunately by the laws of society she did her time and paid her debt as perscribed by law and the rest of society needs to f*** off and leave her alone.

I think hunting down the sexual predators in the cities shold be a bigger deal than knowing where Karla is.

laws of society,...............right.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Karla was sentenced to a jail term and she did every minute of that sentence.
That is much more than scumbag child molesters such as Hilton who molested his own daughters. Or Guy Cloutier. And I would consider those two much more likely to re-offend than Karla, but no one is following them around and posting their info in the papers and on tv. She did her time and has every right to live her life without people tracking her every move. Show's over folks. Time to move along.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
The Toronto Sun has an update on Karla:

Say it ain't so: Karla's a mom
Toronto Sun
Feb. 8, 2007
Homolka's fantasy may be true; A new puppy, hubby and baby within 2 years

Karla Homolka helped take three children's lives.

Now she may have created one.

Details are sketchy, but it appears the freed schoolgirl killer may have secretly had a baby.

Rampant rumours, tips and a string of circumstances suggest that Homolka is now married and, in the past few days, gave birth to a bouncing baby boy in a Montreal hospital.

If all of this is true, it appears that the fantasy she held for all of her 12 years in prison is now complete.

Now, at age 36, Homolka will have a new hubby and a new baby to go with the puppy she picked up within weeks of her July 2005 prison release.

The happy family has been created within 11/2 years of her release.

But that should come as no surprise. She has planned it all along.

In a 1998 prison evaluation, Homolka mapped out her criteria for the man who would succeed her first husband, infamous serial killer, sadist and rapist Paul Bernardo.

"She wishes to meet a man who believes in the moral values of marriage, who is educated, loyal, who wants children," wrote Dr. Jeanne Rouleau.

A man, Homolka told Rouleau, "who loves his mother, who shows a respectful attitude towards women, who does not have a history of family abuse, no criminal background and, finally, who is loved by her family, who loves pets, and, if possible, who is attractive."

Critics say that if Homolka has a baby, it, too, is a victim.

There is no clear indication who the father may be.


There are suggestions, however, that he is not the imprisoned killer whom Homolka fell head-over-heels with while she was in prison.

At one point, Homolka professed her love for the killer and talked about marrying him and moving to France upon his release.

The baby's health, weight and name are also shrouded in mystery.

And it is not apparent if Quebec children's aid authorities have any interest in the newlyweds and their offspring.

Homolka's plan to blend almost unnoticed into Quebec society has clearly bore fruit.

She speaks almost fluent French, carefully hides her identity and goes under the name of Leanne Teale, taking her middle name from birth and the last name she adopted with Bernardo -- a name he took from a fictional serial killer in the movie Criminal Law.

If Homolka was in fact wed in Montreal, the marriage was a lot more low-key and discreet than the lavish ceremony she shared with Bernardo.

On June 29, 1991, Homolka and Bernardo sipped champagne from crystal glasses as they were driven through the historic streets of Niagara-on-the-Lake in a horse-drawn carriage. Their wedding guests later dined on pheasant. And then the couple jetted off on a Hawaiian honeymoon.

As we know now, however, the bride and groom's secrets were a lot darker than what happened in bed on their wedding night.

A year and a half before the wedding, Homolka's youngest sister, Tammy, 15, died in her parents' home when she choked on her own vomit as Bernardo and Homolka drugged her unconscious and jointly raped her.


On the day the pair were married, concrete blocks which contained the dismembered body parts of missing 14-year-old Burlington schoolgirl Leslie Mahaffy, were pulled out of Gibson Lake, near St. Catharines.

Leslie, it would later turn out, was the sick couple's second victim.

Homolka would later reveal that it was on their wedding night that Bernardo confessed he was the infamous Scarborough Rapist, a sexual predator who terrorized Toronto's east end in the 1980s and boasted up to 40 victims.

In April 1992, the pair snatched Kristen French, 15, as she walked home from school in St. Catharines.

For days, the twisted couple kept Kristen as a sex slave, and then -- like Leslie -- she was killed.

Two other teenage girls -- friends of Tammy -- were dragged into the couple's dark web.

One of the teens stopped breathing as the couple videotaped their rape of her after they drugged her unconscious.

But Homolka swapped a guilty plea to two counts of manslaughter in the Leslie and Kristen deaths and her testimony against Bernardo in exchange for 12 years in prison.

Homolka claims to have been a battered woman. She asserts that Bernardo strangled Leslie and Kristen.

Bernardo maintained that Homolka killed the girls.

It is has been conceded by Ontario prosecutors that Homolka would likely have been convicted of first-degree murder had Bernardo's secret videotapes been found in a meticulous search of the couple's Port Dalhousie home in 1993.

Homolka's love of children is well established.

Prison evaluations -- in addition to her own letters to friends and a lesbian lover -- reveal that she loved her childhood, surrounded herself with childish items and icons and, in many ways, remains a child. Her prison cell walls were adorned with cartoon character posters. Letter paper was festooned with sticky stamps of hearts, snowmen, teddy bears, and dogs and cats. She even had Mickey Mouse bedsheets.

And now, apparently, she bears the responsibility of being a mom.

According to what Homolka told police, the only time that she and Bernardo ever discussed children was when Bernardo told her that if she ever had daughters, he would turn them into his sex slaves. If she ever became pregnant with a boy, she related, he would have her abort the fetus.

Homolka's apparent motherhood is even more outrageous, considering that a Quebec judge initially ordered her to stay away from children after her July 2005 release from Joliette prison. That condition, however, and several more, were overturned upon appeal last summer.


Homolka is now free to go and do what she wants.

"I am looking so forward to getting out of here and rebuilding my life," she wrote to friends in 1993.

"I can't wait to see what the future holds for me -- a new job, a new husband (a loving one this time!) children..."

In a 2001 psychiatric evaluation, Homolka said she had "changed in big ways" in prison.

"She appreciated that intimate relationships might be risky for her," but that "whatever relationships I get into, I know I'll never re-offend again."

Since her prison release, Homolka has relied upon her parents, Karel and Dorothy Homolka, the Elizabeth Fry Society of Montreal, and her lawyer Sylvie Bordelais, for support.

As first revealed in a Toronto Sun exclusive, Homolka initially worked at a RONA store after her release.

But since then, her whereabouts have been cloaked in secrecy.


From taker of lives, to the giver of life:

- October 1987 -- Karla Homolka, 17, meets Paul Bernardo, 23, at a pet convention.

- Dec. 23, 1990 -- Homolka drugs her youngest sister Tammy, 15, to facilitate her rape by Bernardo. Tammy chokes on vomit and dies.

- June 29, 1991 -- Homolka and Bernardo are married on the same day 14-year-old Leslie Mahaffy's body parts are found.

- April 16, 1992 -- Kristen French, 15, is kidnapped by Homolka and Bernardo and held for four days before she is murdered.

- February 1993 -- Police swoop down on Bernardo after he beats Homolka with a flashlight and she retains a lawyer.

- July 1993 -- Plea bargain gives Homolka 12 years in prison in exchange for testimony against Bernardo.

- Sept. 1, 1995 -- Bernardo convicted of first-degree murder in Leslie's and Kristen's slayings. Given life with no parole for 25 years.

- Spring 2001 -- National Parole Board orders Homolka detained for full sentence as a high risk to reoffend.

- July 2005 -- Homolka released from prison after 12 years with strict conditions.

- Nov. 30, 2005 -- Quebec Superior Court throws out conditions. Homolka free.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
IF it turns out to be true, I wish her luck and hope she is able to live the rest of her life in peace.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I'm not kidding, actually. I would be happy if we never heard her name again but she's out of jail, she served ALL the time that she was sentenced to and has every right to get on with her life. I don't believe in revenge.


Nov 15, 2005
Techman said:
I'm not kidding, actually. I would be happy if we never heard her name again but she's out of jail, she served ALL the time that she was sentenced to and has every right to get on with her life. I don't believe in revenge.
Techman: If my memory serves me well, not all the information about her involvement was available when LE cut a deal with her; if I remember correctly, she would not have been let off so easily if all of the facts had been known at the time. So, she did not spend time that was commensurate with her crime.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
She was responsible for 3 crimes.
She did 12 years.Average:4 years/crime.
Not much IMO.
Especially considering the sordidity of the crimes she was responsible of.

But now she's free,does not cost us taxpayers much,she has a job,a hubby and kid and seem to be doing fine.
So I guess she deserves a chance.



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
chef said:
Techman: If my memory serves me well, not all the information about her involvement was available when LE cut a deal with her; if I remember correctly, she would not have been let off so easily if all of the facts had been known at the time. So, she did not spend time that was commensurate with her crime.

We can't change the past. LE did a lousy job, wasn't the first or the last time. If they had done their job properly much earlier, Bernardo would have been arrested for previously committed rapes but LE dropped the ball there too. If they had done their job properly, those two girls would still be alive as Bernardo would have been in prison.

Considering that serial child molestors get off with just a couple of years inside, at least in this province, the time she spent inside was considerable. Do I think she was sentenced to enough time for her crimes? No, I don't. But I didn't have a say in it, and our justice system sucks. Especially when it comes to sex crimes. But the fact of the matter is that she was released after serving all her time and should be permitted to get on with her life. If she is holding down a job and paying her own way, not breaking the law, she is already contributing more to society than many people in this province who are content to sit on their asses and collect wellfare.


New Member
Dec 6, 2005
Here we go off topic again :rolleyes: The man Eager Beaver wrote about was Giles Corey. Under the law at the time, by refusing to enter a plea he could not be tried (his wife whom he knew was innocent had already been convicted). As Eager Beaver wrote if convicted his property would escheat to the Crown (in practice to the Massachusetts Bay Colony). He was subjected to peine forte et dure (pressing) so as to elicit a plea so proceedings could continue. By his courageously remaining mute Giles and Martha Corey’s entire estate passed to their two daughters.

More on topic it's regrettable that "the tape" wasn't discovered earlier in a truly look inside every wall search of the Bernardo's house in Port Dalhousie. The consensus in the legal community is that if she hadn't been offered the plea agreement (and with the tape in evidence) she'd also have been convicted first-degree murder - and would still be imprisoned.

EagerBeaver said:
There is more to the story with the guy who was crushed by rocks. . .he owned a lot of prime land in Salem and there was a hope that if he confessed, title would escheat


New Member
Dec 6, 2005
chef said:
Techman: If my memory serves me well, not all the information about her involvement was available when LE cut a deal with her; if I remember correctly, she would not have been let off so easily if all of the facts had been known at the time. So, she did not spend time that was commensurate with her crime.
That's absolutely the case. IF the tape had been found earlier, the Crown wouldn't have felt the need for her testimony and accepted a negotiated plea, and the extent of her involvement would have been known before her plea was accepted (which it then wouldn't have been).


Irish Luck!!!!!!
Jan 29, 2007
She was so responsible for the murders of Leslie, Kristen and her sister Tammy!!!!
She was just lucky that her husband didnt have a chance to speak before she was offrered the plea bargain!!!!!
She always wanted to be famous, and now look we all speak of her!!!!!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Techman said:
I'm not kidding, actually. I would be happy if we never heard her name again but she's out of jail, she served ALL the time that she was sentenced to and has every right to get on with her life. I don't believe in revenge.

Techman you're a great source of information and your arguments are always logical and well-presented. I do disagree with your final sentence though. If more (good) people believed in revenge then more (bad) people might be afraid to do bad things...and even if they weren't afraid then the bastards would get what they deserved at least some of the time.
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