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Madame Marois Has Announced The Date of The Next Elections


Sep 19, 2005
Because they play identity politics. They learned their ADQ lesson well :) Anyone remember Hérouxville? Where do you think this "Charter of Values" comes from?

That's the problem, Quebec is becoming a Hérouxville, on a much larger scale.

It seems like PQ members are so confident to win the elections that they did not bother to hang their signs in the streets (well at least in some areas of Montreal). I saw mostly big signs of Québec Solidaire and some little signs promoting PL candidates.

It is annoying and expensive to go to vote every 18 months, but it is very important to do it.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Not to mention a referendum in Crimea... Maybe Quebec should ask Russia to make us a good offer for our peninsula.

When I was young I was pro-separatist for idealistic reasons. Now I don't think it's a good idea. Independence did not help Ireland that much compared to Scotland. They still speak mostly english and their economy is not better.

Bah... maybe its because im young, but i do not think it has to do with economic reasons or whatever. Its about being who we are... we are QUEBECOIS, we are speaking FRENCH, we DESERVE our own place and we want it. We feel like we are not at home in a country that speak english and is very different from us. We don't hate on Canada, we just feel we should have our own land without any outside interference, and most of all, we are really annoy by the fact that the british still has roles here and all they do is waste some precious $ for there visits and such.

Its all about being a nation on our own. No worry, american tourist and canadian tourist would still be welcome :p

Take that as an exemple, i like a bunch of stuff from the states... Metallica, Hollywood, Porn valley lol, yet do i consider myself an american? Not at all.... i feel the same for Canada.. hell i love Capri Cavanni and Nikky Benz hahahaha :p


Nov 13, 2013
Halloween mike I concur with your views. We want to preserve our identity but time for separation has long gone , that ship sailed a century ago. Just have a look at present conditions , software and trucking industry is owned by Indians, construction by Italian , Restraunt by middle eastern people. I am immigrant , Indian by origin to be precise , I don't know French at all but I still want to live in Montreal. I love Montreal , it's lifestyle it's culture. Montreal is a wonderful city full of wonderful people . Just spare a thought what if immigrants move out . Not our economy but Canada's economy runs on trucking industry and believe me trucking people earn more than engineers. What we will do when most of immigrants move out taking most of industry along with them. Quebec as a province gets highest money per capita from Canadian govt, if that stops out govt will be broke


Sep 19, 2005
. No worry, american tourist and canadian tourist would still be welcome :p

Take that as an exemple, i like a bunch of stuff from the states... Metallica, Hollywood, Porn valley lol, yet do i P

That' s very generous, and what kind of tourists are you referring to, those who are looking for a cheap f...k? A very national independent Quebec will loose a lot of its attractiveness. It might just become the biggest borthel of North America and Madame Marois will be pimping, sorry goverening all these joyful people. It is sad to say, but we might be heading to just a similar situation, tourism-wise.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I was just saying its not because Quebec would be a country that we would be closed to tourist or visitors. Sometimes i don't understand Quebec. For exemple we allow lots of immigrant, wich is not a bad thing if they are well checked. Not sure exactly how to call it in english but in french we say "encadrer" , to learn french and respect the province rules and such.

But then the main problem is that they all want in the south when the north is well ... more or less empty. We have plenty of land where those people could make it home and be a lot more free of what they want to do. The north is an empty land for now, why all going to mtl? Because its more attractive of course... but during those time the city is becoming less and less french...


Jul 28, 2011
I respect everyones decisions and thoughts. I just can't understand why Quebec should seperate. f you really look and things with an open mind and economic mind it makes sense to stay within Canada. I am of Italian decent both my parents imigrated here when they were young and managed to make a great life they worked hard saved money raised a family and learned how to speak French and English. Becouse they speak multiple languages they had great jobs. The international language is english so if all quebecer spoke french and english we would be one hell of a strong province having the flexability to do buisness with people all around the world. God only knows what it costs us on the language police going around fining people with stupidity like PASTA. I can't understand why I have to have all my computers and keyboards at work in french becouse of quebec laws. Yes I am trilingual but my first language is english and even pure french canadians at my work prefer english computers and keyboards but we can't have them. It sometimes feel like I live in a comunist province.

I follow Politics quite often and in the past I never went to vote becouse Politions are all liears no does what they say they will do. However this time I will definitly go vote and PQ will not get my vote thats for sure. I don't want to have to move to Ottawa or Ontario becouse of laws that are rediculouse and I want my Loonie to have the value of a dollar not pennies.


New Member
Jan 21, 2012
West Island
I follow Politics quite often and in the past I never went to vote becouse Politions are all liears no does what they say they will do. However this time I will definitly go vote and PQ will not get my vote thats for sure. I don't want to have to move to Ottawa or Ontario becouse of laws that are rediculouse and I want my Loonie to have the value of a dollar not pennies.[/QUOTE]

The last Politician to bring in "Charter of Values" and restrict religious Freedoms was Hitler we eventually stopped him too late at Great Cost in terms of lives and money. This madness must stop now before it gets out of hand. Vote with your belief in freedom of speech and religious choice. Unite the Province not divide it.


New Member
Feb 11, 2013
I am 65 years old; I remember a time when Toronto was merely a small footprint; our political problems made it into a giant and reduced montreal to a shadow of its former self; it's true that French was not properly respected at the time , but we have become a beautiful French city within a beautiful French province; the problem is it just isn't enough ; what a shame, what an absolute shame....

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
The PQ has done it's job well, after reading all the posts what I see is people talking about the charter and separation. WFT your economy is in the toilet and no one gives a second thought about it, obvious the PQ is doing nothing to help the economy, hinder yes. I was in the airport lounge waiting for my ride and reading the Gazettte when the waitress saw the front page with Paulines picture, she ( francophone ) had nothing good to say and neither did her co-worker but at least they were complaining about the extremely high taxes plus both will not vote for PQ. Why do Quebeckers hate the conservatives so much? Our government has put Canada in a pretty good position during a world wide recession, the conservative run provinces are doing well. You are all fools to think that If a PQ majority will do anything but put a referendum in place, no concerns about jobs, no concerns about business leaving Quebec and sure as hell no concerns about the Anglo's and minorities leaving. But you will see your taxes rise and property drop. After separation there can be a thread started " Comparing the Quebec dollar @ 0.50 to the US dollar ". Love the province but hate the PQ.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
But what would you buy? The only deals would be on Quebec made items, everything else would be imported at an extremely high cost. Not much though behind that one.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
But what would you buy?

Girls! What do you think? Duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The vast amount of money spent on any US hobbyist's trip is spent on hotels and escorts.

I recall 2002 when the exchange rate got me. $1.60 Canadian, I say if you can do something to bring back those days then do it.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Girls! What do you think? Duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The vast amount of money spent on any US hobbyist's trip is spent on hotels and escorts.

I recall 2002 when the exchange rate got me. $1.60 Canadian, I say if you can do something to bring back those days then do it.

So your whole idea of a poor economy is so you can get fucked for less money. You think the sex trade keeps Montreal in the profit zone? The " vast amount of money " is not as large as you think, a very small group actually come here just for the escorts. Business men who come here for " business " may see an escort, no business no seeing escorts. And yes EB the whole economy in Canada should make it so you can get cheaper sex, very American of you.
Last edited:


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
But then the main problem is that they all want in the south when the north is well ... more or less empty.

There's a reason why it's empty. Because it's frozen bare rock.

Fighting for independence makes sense when a population is oppressed or when there is injustice. When we were a colony it made sense to fight for independence, we had everything to gain. When my parents were young, the french Canadian were like hicks and all the good jobs were for Anglos. You couldn't even be served in french at The Bay in Montreal. Fighting for independence has helped us a lot, it was a way to ensure an equality of chances for everyone. Now we have little to gain practically with independence. Fighting for independence was a way to fight for Justice. For exemple, Ireland and Scotland both fought very hard for centuries against the English. Ireland declared independence almost 100 years ago, but they're not in a better position than Scotland in my opinion. In the present condition, Independence is like the last achievement to unlock in the game. Hardcore gamers think it's worth to do it, but I think we already beat the main game and it's time to pick something else.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
There's a reason why it's empty. Because it's frozen bare rock.

That bare frozen area holds large amounts of revenue if the proper government has control. The plan Nord would have brought billions into the economy but with the PQ's cabinet being on the green side fat chance of that happening. " save a tree and a some caribou and starve a family "


Sep 19, 2005
So your whole idea of a poor economy is so you can get fucked for less money. You think the sex trade keeps Montreal in the profit zone? The " vast amount of money " is not as large as you think, a very small group actually come here just for the escorts. Business men who come here for " business " may see an escort, no business no seeing escorts...

Very well put. Besides, Montreal will lose its fine restaurants as most of their owners will move out of the province. Vive le Québec libre, vive la poutine :) Many hotels will very likely go bankrupt as well, I doubt that the few hobbyists who occasionally visit here will manage to keep this industry going.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
The " vast amount of money " is not as large as you think, u.

Your posts make no sense and you are not reading what I am writing. I said the vast amount of money any US hobbyist spends on any trip is on hotels and escorts - as opposed to other things. This is common sense and it not going to change whether the economy is rich, poor or in between. When the exchange rate was 1.60 US hobbyists were visiting more frequently, booking more nights, and seeing more escorts, in Breadman's case 4 or more a day. This is what happened when the exchange rate went up. It just meant that the things we were ALREADY spending money on, we spent more on. It is about spending habits, not us keeping the economy afloat or trying to which we are not capable of doing anyway. I have no idea where that comment of yours came from came from as it was not mentioned in any of my posts. And as is his wont HFE jumped in on a misquote to continue a discussion on a topic that was never started.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Okay, I am selecting the right quote now. Unless you were joking, your statement is offensive to many people who leave in Quebec.

What you are not quoting is what I was responding to, so once again a complete misquote. STN said $1.00 US=.50 Quebec. That is the same situation that we had in 2002 where the USD was 1.6 to 1.0, actually quite a bit better. And it is common sense that spending will increase on hotels and escorts as the exchange rate goes up. The greatest evidence of this was the proliferation of HDH agencies in Montreal 2002-2005 when the exchange rate was at its zenith. These are historical facts, nothing more nor less. It also has nothing to do with me, but with then spending habits of consumers generally.


Sep 19, 2005
...These are historical facts, nothing more nor less...

I am very aware of these "historical facts", though you seem to forget that these facts took place in a bilingual and multicultural Quebec. Not sure that this will be the case in an independent Quebec and I exposed some of the reasons in my previous post. You might be having more fun hobbying in Afghanistan.
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