Montreal Escorts

Madame Marois Has Announced The Date of The Next Elections


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
That sounds like the name of an embarrassing infection...:p
Buy now! Prices in Vancouver and Calgary are going to go way up when everyone leaves here. Or go to St-John; they got Ocean at a discount price.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Are you kidding me? The "green" PQ? The Plan Nord plans are going ahead pretty much unchanged from the Liberals' original plan (just ask the Liberals who keep crying about the PQ "copying" them).

Last I heard plan Nord is cancelled, and fracking has been outlawed ( Quebec has a huge gas reserve that could bring billions into the province but the PQ shut that down ). I have been in the oil / gas exploration business for many years and the companies that hire us in Quebec have reduced their work load drastically the last year and this summer looks very slow also. The PQ plan to raise royalties to mining and the oil and gas sector which will further drive business away ( the premier of Alberta raised royalties about 10 years ago and all the sudden BC & Saskatchewan became very busy and Alberta dried up ). I could be wrong but the new minister of oil / gas used to be the environmental minister or something like that.
Guaranteed if the PQ win a majority you will see raised taxes and a referendum.
Could someone give me a reason why the Conservatives are hated so much in Quebec? ( honest question ). They pulled Canada out of a huge recession looking pretty good and any Conservative run province is doing very well.
It would be nice to have a good political climate here which investors could open shop and families are not taxed to death.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Hello STN,

Maybe Beav's statement was only an expression of the wish for lower overall escort rates, and not a serious one about the best situation for Quebec. I'd hate to think anyone is so selfish that their own sexual satisfaction means more than the well being of 8 million people. I can assure you that Merlot wouldn't even consider making such a statement as a joke. I'm sure you didn't mean it and are only pissed off at EB's callousness, but let's not make cheap stereotypical generalizations like the one below because of one inconsiderate member. Merlot

My apologies, caught up in the moment. No bad feelings towards most Americans.


New Member
Nov 17, 2011
montreal and quebec
One of the best asset of Quebec is the St-lawrece river,and i am please that CAQ and PlQ have a plan to develop one of the beautiful river in the world.Elsewhere they have cruise ,fishing and more and i am sure that we can do better whith a plan and a new vision.


Sep 19, 2005
I can't wait to see the effects of yesterday's PKP announcement to run in Saint-Jérôme on the next poll's results. The last poll, conducted by COPER, shows that the race will be tight between PQ and PLQ (with each party getting 36% of the votes, but with PQ getting the majority of the National Assembly seats). PKP might make PQ more credible when it comes to economy at the price of losing some voters who are more into social programs and unions. PKP and Marois form a very strange couple.

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
I will be probably moving a bit further west to Vancouver. Everyone who visited this city is raving about it and it is by the ocean on top of that!

m'eh.... lived there for a year and a half. Beautiful place but to be honest, the people drove me a bit nuts. They think they are all "west-coast laid back, dude" but they generally have pretty large sticks stuck up their butts... (not all, but an awful lot of them. Must be a British waspy thing...)

Prime example, my girlfriend and I couldn't get a cab to move a small futon mattress 4 blocks because "we don't move furniture..." It would have fit on our laps in the back seat... lol...

Maybe East Van would have been cooler than Kitslano, but there was a serious heroin problem in East Van at the time. It really wasn't safe.

Their weed isn't as good as they think it is...

congrats to oldbutartful on being the first to go Godwin in post #28! What took so long?

james t kirk

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Jan 25, 2004
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Bah... maybe its because im young, but i do not think it has to do with economic reasons or whatever. Its about being who we are... we are QUEBECOIS, we are speaking FRENCH, we DESERVE our own place and we want it. We feel like we are not at home in a country that speak english and is very different from us. We don't hate on Canada, we just feel we should have our own land without any outside interference, and most of all, we are really annoy by the fact that the british still has roles here and all they do is waste some precious $ for there visits and such.

Its all about being a nation on our own. No worry, american tourist and canadian tourist would still be welcome :p

Take that as an exemple, i like a bunch of stuff from the states... Metallica, Hollywood, Porn valley lol, yet do i consider myself an american? Not at all.... i feel the same for Canada.. hell i love Capri Cavanni and Nikky Benz hahahaha :p

You make me laugh.

Not worried about economics?

Quebec receives about 10 billion a year in equalization payments (read money that gets sent from the west to Quebec) and another 6 billion more in federal funding. In all, Quebec nets about 16 billion more a year from the feds than it pays out.

But hey, you don't have to believe me, but maybe you believe this guy writing for La Presse.

Tell me how your fabled country of Quebec is going to survive without that 16 billion??

And exactly what were you planning to use for currency? The Canadian dollar? The American dollar, or mint your own pesos (because that would be about what it would be worth).

As to the language thing - what, were you planning to saw Quebec away from North America and float it out into the ocean? You're still going to be surrounded by a sea of Anglos no matter what. If anything, a separate Quebec will have no choice to become more English because the Americans don't care, and do you think that the rest of Canada will maintain official bilingualism? Why bother?

james t kirk

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Jan 25, 2004
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As someone who lives in Toronto (but works in Quebec all the time) I have this to say...

1. Toronto blasted right past Montreal like Montreal was standing still back in the late 70's when you first elected Levesque. Thanks to Rene and his merry band of bigots (and make no mistake, the PQ is full of bigots) Toronto became Canada's premier city. I"m hard pressed to think of any other country in the world where the Number 2 city (Toronto) passed the Number 1 city (Montreal) and never looked back. Toronto has seen its population increase (Montreal is almost back to where it was. In 1976 that is) and its real estate values soar. Montreal? Meh. I'm amazed at how cheap real estate is there compared to T.O.

2. As such, I would support Toronto renaming University Avenue (or even Yonge Street) to "Boulevard Rene Levesque" (or at least erecting a statue of him down at Nathan Philips Square) because Levesque did more for the city of Toronto with his racist policies by driving out les Autres than any politician in Ontario or Toronto ever did.

3. Separatist PQ governments are great for Ontario and great for Toronto in particular. So I have to look on the bright side if the PQ win another majority. That piggish woman - Marois will drive out a lot of talent in Montreal that does not subscribe to her racist opinions. Good for Toronto. Sometimes I wonder if it is not part of the PQ plan - make life so unbearable for les autres that they all pick up and leave so that they can't vote no in the next referendum (or the referendum after that, or the referendum after that, or the referendum after that, or the referendum after that, or the referendum after that, or the referendum after that (well, you get the picture). The only problem is how this crazy policy has devastated Montreal. Ah well, such is the cost for Mme. Marois I suppose.


User Registered
Feb 4, 2010
Montreal, QC
Last I heard plan Nord is cancelled, and fracking has been outlawed ( Quebec has a huge gas reserve that could bring billions into the province but the PQ shut that down ). I have been in the oil / gas exploration business for many years and the companies that hire us in Quebec have reduced their work load drastically the last year and this summer looks very slow also. The PQ plan to raise royalties to mining and the oil and gas sector which will further drive business away ( the premier of Alberta raised royalties about 10 years ago and all the sudden BC & Saskatchewan became very busy and Alberta dried up ). I could be wrong but the new minister of oil / gas used to be the environmental minister or something like that.
Guaranteed if the PQ win a majority you will see raised taxes and a referendum.
Could someone give me a reason why the Conservatives are hated so much in Quebec? ( honest question ). They pulled Canada out of a huge recession looking pretty good and any Conservative run province is doing very well.
It would be nice to have a good political climate here which investors could open shop and families are not taxed to death.

Recent poll proclaimed if a referendum were held, it would be a 60-40 split favouring the NO side (ie no to separation). Same number as 1980. I would not worry until there were 1995 numbers (51-49).


Sep 19, 2005
Recent poll proclaimed if a referendum were held, it would be a 60-40 split favouring the NO side (ie no to separation). Same number as 1980. I would not worry until there were 1995 numbers (51-49).

How many of those 60% will stay in Quebec when taxes become higher and when various identity-preservation laws are passed? Why are Quebekers so insecure about their identity? As mentioned before, PQ seems to be following a very well-thought strategy, drive anglophones and alophones out of the province, then call for a separation referendum. The message now is: if you are not willing to live in an independent Quebec, then get out of here. Exclusion and nothing more than exclusion.

james t kirk

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Jan 25, 2004
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The idea of partition is a concept that (ironically) no Separatist likes to discuss.

If Canada is divisible, then ought not Quebec be divisible?

Montreal and the Ottawa River vote to separate from Quebec and remain part of Canada.

The vast north of Quebec - well, it's no secret that the aboriginals have no love whatsoever for the government in Quebec City. They vote to reserect Ruperts Land and remain part of Canada as well.

Impossible the separatists scoff.

Well, I think it's entirely possible, even a given.

Quebec is left with its hinterland and the government workers in Quebec City and frankly, no way to generate wealth.

james t kirk

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Jan 25, 2004
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How many of those 60% will stay in Quebec when taxes become higher and when various identity-preservation laws are passed? Why are Quebekers so insecure about their identity? As mentioned before, PQ seems to be following a very well-thought strategy, drive anglophones and alophones out of the province, then call for a separation referendum. The message now is: if you are not willing to live in an independent Quebec, then get out of here. Exclusion and nothing more than exclusion.

The whole BS racism of "the Charter" is just a bullshit means to an end.

Attack "les autres" once again by enacting discriminatory laws aimed at muslims, jews (good ole Quebec anti-semitism), and anyone who wears a turban (oh, and just in case anyone thinks that we are the bigots that we are, we will not allow the wearing of jumbo crucifixes (jumbo yet to be defined). So pass this proposed legislation into law knowing full well that it will be challenged in a federal court as "un constitutional" (something Quebec has never agreed to any way). When it gets defeated as un constitutional (unless the feds decide that it's too much of a hot potato) then the PQ'ists scream that Canada is this and Canada is that and we need to separate and well, here we go.

It's a simple plan, most people should see right through it, but I fear that a lot of once the fence Quebecers will buy into the rhetoric and start skipping along behind they pied-piper Mme. Marois.


New Member
Jan 21, 2012
West Island
The idea of partition is a concept that (ironically) no Separatist likes to discuss.

If Canada is divisible, then ought not Quebec be divisible?

Montreal and the Ottawa River vote to separate from Quebec and remain part of Canada.

The vast north of Quebec - well, it's no secret that the aboriginals have no love whatsoever for the government in Quebec City. They vote to reserect Ruperts Land and remain part of Canada as well.

Impossible the separatists scoff.

Well, I think it's entirely possible, even a given.

Quebec is left with its hinterland and the government workers in Quebec City and frankly, no way to generate wealth.

Assuming this to its logical conclusion If the Aboriginals decide to vote themselves as an Independent Province then Quebec will be a tiny strip along the St Lawrence and the Aboriginals will own the Land and mineral rights to 90% of Quebec's natural resources. Time for the Aboriginals to vote now.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

If Canada is divisible, then ought not Quebec be divisible?

The vast north of Quebec - well, it's no secret that the aboriginals have no love whatsoever for the government in Quebec City. They vote to reserect Ruperts Land and remain part of Canada as well.

Impossible the separatists scoff.

Well, I think it's entirely possible, even a given.

Good point. The Separatists are in effect fighting for cultural self-determination. In principle why wouldn't the Aboriginals have the same right. Once this philosophy is legitimized then the implications become a big problem.

Similarly, States Rights helped doom the Confederacy when those states started to secede from the Union (federal government) in 1860. Several southern states refused to cooperate to function together on many vital issues to the point of withholding large numbers of troops from critical battle areas because of individual state self-interest.

In theory Quebec could be divided wherever cultural population segments diverge. This possibility has already arisen in the Ukraine, and given cultural antipathies in out.

Why are Quebekers so insecure about their identity? As mentioned before, PQ seems to be following a very well-thought strategy, drive anglophones and alophones out of the province, then call for a separation referendum.

Let's not forget that Separatists are a general body who will follow the leader of the party because of their wish for separation, but still may not agree with all that Marois wants to do. It's happened many times before where whole populations go along with a leader who they believe has a better chance to get results even if that leader may exceed and sometimes greatly exceed the less extreme typical desires of the population. Historical examples of great abuse by that leadership are obvious.




User Registered
Feb 4, 2010
Montreal, QC
Has anyone seen the PQ election slogans? Plus acceuillant (more welcoming). With their charter of values, I sincerely doubt that!

james t kirk

New Member
Jan 25, 2004
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Great cartoon in the Globe and Mail the other day:

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