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Madame Marois Has Announced The Date of The Next Elections

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
EB you make it sound like the sex trade runs the Montreal economy. The small amount the Americans who actually come here just for cheap escorts is very, very small. Your lack of knowledge about Quebec is noticeable in your statements, I had ignorant views before I moved here and now understand the want for preservation of language and custom ( but do not agree with separation or the PQ ). These historical facts you put out are due to HDH going out of business, Bahahahahaha. Canadians travel to the states to buy cheaper staples ( due to our low dollar we pay more for imports ) to live more comfortably and you come here for a cheap fuck. Do you see the difference.


Sep 19, 2005
This is a complete nonsense statement. Every hobbyist, regardless of his nationality or nationalism, is looking for cheap quality sex, wherever he can find it.

Did you conduct a survey or do you have some evidence to back up your claim? In the contrary, your statement is complete nonsense and is speculative at best.

I reckon that some people do not go for cheap "quality" sex because they know that the price they are willing to pay for an SP is a decreasing function of the health risk they are willing to accept. Cheaper SP, implies more clients, implies higher risk. Cheap quality sex does not make any sense to me.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Did you conduct a survey or do you have some evidence to back up your claim? In the contrary, your statement is complete nonsense and is speculative at best.

I reckon that some people do not go for cheap "quality" sex because they know that the price they are willing to pay for an SP is a decreasing function of the health risk they are willing to accept. Cheaper SP, implies more clients, implies higher risk. Cheap quality sex does not make any sense to me.

Your post is nonsense and tells me you have not spent too much money on escorts in Montreal or perhaps elsewhere. If what you are saying is true, HDH agencies would be dominating the market. Their selling point is less quantity and "freshness" - "I see 3 clients a week and never more than one in a day". If that is what the consumer wanted, the $300/hour agencies would flourish. The $300/hour agencies are not flourishing. Even in 2002, they were more plentiful but they did not dominate the industry. The reason why is the consumer has made a choice. The choice is manifested in the market rate. The market rate is what it is because of that choice - it's what most people are willing to pay for an escort who sees multiple clients in a day, at $180 or $200 per hour, although $140-$160 back in 2002. These are the facts, and what you posted is argumentative bullshit.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
So your whole idea of a poor economy is so you can get fucked for less money. You think the sex trade keeps Montreal in the profit zone? The " vast amount of money " is not as large as you think, a very small group actually come here just for the escorts.

Hello STN,

Maybe Beav's statement was only an expression of the wish for lower overall escort rates, and not a serious one about the best situation for Quebec. I'd hate to think anyone is so selfish that their own sexual satisfaction means more than the well being of 8 million people. I can assure you that Merlot wouldn't even consider making such a statement as a joke. I'm sure you didn't mean it and are only pissed off at EB's insensitivity, but let's not make cheap stereotypical generalizations like the one below because of one inconsiderate member.

...very American of you.

This is a complete nonsense statement. Every hobbyist, regardless of his nationality or nationalism, is looking for cheap quality sex, wherever he can find it.

But not so frivolously regardless of the possible harm to the lives of 8 million people on this issue. The way you keep focusing on the hobbyists costs without acknowledgement about whether separation is good for the people of Quebec continues to come off very selfishly. I hope the GOOD people of Quebec know that most Americans are not so self-absorbed as EB's recent statements seem.

...Independence is like the last achievement to unlock in the game. Hardcore gamers think it's worth to do it, but I think we already beat the main game and it's time to pick something else.

From everything I've read on this board, in the media, and heard from my close Quebec associates it seems like separation would be a bad idea. I think separation by Quebec is a dying idea. The few formerly leaning Separatists I know have revised their views and have become against it. There will always be a hardcore extreme segment of the population. But like the those in the U.S. their own extremism continues to push would be supporters away from them.

Good luck,



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I have no vote on what will happen in Quebec and the only possible way I can look at separation is via its economic impact on the tourist. I can't vote, so having a position is irrelevant and not constructive. If I write to my Congressmen and articulate a position on Quebec, exactly what do you think he or she would do? Nothing. Quebec's political situation is to be resolved by Quebecers and it is not for me, or interlopers like you, to involve ourselves in it. All we can do is wonder about how the outcome will effect us. This has nothing to do with "callousness" but looking at the economic realities of the world. No different than looking at any other economic impact.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

I have no vote on what will happen in Quebec and the only possible way I can look at separation is via its economic impact on the tourist.

Hello EB,

I understand your view above up to a point from it's business practicality. Maybe as a descendent of French-Canadians I naturally feel a larger impulse to separate my hobby cost priorities from what is good for the people of the province. However, you have been hobbying in Quebec at least as long as I, and I do not understand why you keep posting about hobby costs in a thread that is much more than that, and haven't shown much if any empathy for the concerns of these people.

In many posts on discussion about preferring LDL or HDHs you tended to give higher priority to a personal connection above a simple sexual exchange with the ladies. Is that all there is? Is there no personal connection or slight feeling of concern for the people in general after so many years? Though we all want lower costs, for a guy with so much money it's is difficult to see why your cost worries remain so high above sympathy with THE PEOPLE who are not your favorite or preferred escorts.

I've got a lot less money than you and I have NOT cared about the opportunity to exploit the possible lower escort costs separation might bring versus the economic health of Canada or Quebec.




Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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sympathy with THE PEOPLE

Who would you propose I sympathize with? The issue is divisive and it is not my battle to fight. I was not the one who brought economics and exchange rates up in this discussion. It was Sol Tree Nutz. I merely commented that back in 2002 when the exchange rate was 1.6 to 1 it created an economic stimulus in this particular market. I would not mind seeing a return to those days. But as far as what will happen politically I see no reason logically or otherwise to take sides on an issue that does not involve me at all.


Sep 19, 2005
Your post is nonsense and tells me you have not spent too much money on escorts in Montreal or perhaps elsewhere.

I am sensing a pattern here, that's what you have been taught in law school I guess. Make your opponent feel guilty then spit some bullshit over. Should I feel guilty for spending less money on SPs and does that make you a winner ? I am sure that I spend much more money on the hobby than yourself and I am not taking pride in this like you seem, strangely, to.

If what you are saying is true, HDH agencies would be dominating the market.

I think that after all you are not a dishonest person, but just a logically-challenged one. So according to your "logic", if "some people do not go for cheap quality sex because...", then "every hobbyist do not go for cheap quality sex" and thus "HDH agencies would have been dominating the market". My concern was the universal quantifier in your statement "Every hobbyist...", just in case you did not know what a universal quantifier is and your reply was a laughable argument: statement "There exists not p" is not logically equivalent, nor does it even imply "For all not p".

Don't get into logic EB, you will never beat me in that territory, you are just not equipped for it. I enjoy exposing contradictions and non-sense in your posts whenever I spot them.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I am sure that I spend much more money on the hobby than yourself and I am not taking pride in this like you seem, strangely, to

How would you know what I spend? This is an absurdly presumptuous statement and my general experience in life is that people who make statements like this are 100% full of shit, and you probably are.

You did not read my prior post very carefully. I said every hobbyist, regardless of nationality or nationalism. What that meant is that a market rate is established by people regardless of where they come from, their religion or color of their skin. It is established by their wallet. Does every single person opt for the cheapest quality sex they can get? Of course not. But a market rate is established by every hobbyist's collective choices and those choices are made regardless of nationality or nationalism and when made, they establish what the market rate is. "Every hobbyist= everyman", it can have a literal meaning or a figurative meaning.

Don't get into logic EB, you will never beat me in that territory, you are just not equipped for it. I enjoy exposing contradictions and non-sense in your posts whenever I spot them.

Whatever. If this is the kind of thing you need to post to boost your sagging self esteem go for it. Like I said people who brag on anonymous Internet boards send me the message that they are zeroes when they look in the mirror.


Sep 19, 2005
How would you know what I spend? This is an absurdly presumptuous statement and my general experience in life is that people who make statements like this are 100% full of shit and you probably are.

Exactly from the same sources you relied on to assess how much I spend on the hobby :) Your own argument is firing back on you, ironic isn't?

You did not read my prior post very carefully. I said every hobbyist, regardless of nationality or nationalism. What that meant is that a market rate is established by people regardless of where they come from, their religion or color of their skin. It is established by their wallet. Does every single person opt for the cheapest quality sex they can get? Of course not.

A very classic and predictable EB response, I am disappointed and was hoping for something more original. I am sorry your statement does not mean "market rate is established by people regardless of where they come from" and I am pretty sure you did not intend it to mean so in the first place. I condone this statement, but if you really meant it, how on earth is it related to the argument at hand?

I am done with argumentation, I will let you say the last word in the usual humble and polite way we are accustomed to from your side. This thread is more about Quebec elections and not yet another nostalgia thread about the USD/CAD exchange rate in 2000-2002.


Sep 19, 2005
PQ has benifited a lot from the students conflict paired with the deafness of Jean Charest. We have still one month before the elections and intentions of voters might change by then. I will never vote for a party whose sole program is an ideology, even if I support that ideology. We live in a very competitive world, and economy rules these days. I don't think PQ will do anything for the economy except asking me to pay more taxes so that they can start more research chairs on national identity and pay the language police employeers salaries.

If PQ gets a majority vote, then I will still stay in Montreal. If PQ gets a majority and decides to increase taxes, then I might stay. If PQ calls for a referendum and ends up winning the separation option, then I will be definetely packing my things and heading west. I talked to some anglophone friends and many have less stringent threshold-to-leave-the-province levels.


User Registered
Feb 4, 2010
Montreal, QC
Damn right HFE about the success of the student conflict for the PQ. Now they have Martine Desjardins running for them. Which goes to show how student politics is merely a stepping stone to join the PQ.

While I am troubled by the political situation, I've resolved to stay. I won't flee west like the other cowards, I will stay and fight! And if Quebec does indeed separate I'm gonna make the best of the situation. Despite everything we still live well, are surrounded by beautiful women, and there is great food here. I hope Quebec stays in Canada, we are well served by a federal pension and transfer payments (getting more than we give).


Sep 19, 2005
Damn right HFE about the success of the student conflict for the PQ.

I deserve no credit for that, I was just echoing Miss Laflamme's post.

While I am troubled by the political situation, I've resolved to stay. I won't flee west like the other cowards, I will stay and fight! And if Quebec does indeed separate I'm gonna make the best of the situation. Despite everything we still live well, are surrounded by beautiful women, and there is great food here. I hope Quebec stays in Canada, we are well served by a federal pension and transfer payments (getting more than we give).

This might not be an act of cowardness. I am not a "pure laine" person, I love Montreal and I think one of the big assets of this city is its bilinguism and multiculturism. Think about the Jazz festival and the diversity of people who attend the shows. Whenever I go there, I say to myself, this is the place I want to live in. Though, I am not willing to live in a sectarian province despite the fact that I am an 70% francophophone man now (this ratio changes over the years so, depending on many factors).


Sep 19, 2005
If the PQ gets a majority and passes its "Charter", I promise to move to Calgary ;) Hey, Calgary has Canada's first opera. It's gotta be somewhere I want to live (there's apparently a very alive-and-well franco-Quebecker community in Calgary, I'll fit in just fine). I'll just have to work on my vegetarianism (I've never seen so many "all you can eat ribs" restos per capita anywhere else in the country).

I will be probably moving a bit further west to Vancouver. Everyone who visited this city is raving about it and it is by the ocean on top of that! I prefer to live in a bilingual city, but if enough francophones move to Vancouver, then it will ultimately become a bilingual city. I did not you were a vegetarian.


Sep 19, 2005
My dear Hornyforever, don't you know 2 1/2 is just a realtor's made-up name for bachelor. Seriously, are you going to lay down nearly 300 grand for a closet-sized pad?

My dear Sidney Laflamme,

Right now, I think that 270K is the regular price for a condo with 1 bedroom and a living room, on the island of Montreal. Bachelors are called now Microcondos, it makes it look more trendy, but certainly this is not something for me. There might be still some affordable houses in Vancouver, not right downtown, but in the vicinity.

This shows how desperate the situation in Quebec is, members are already debating about real estate prices in other provinces.


Jul 30, 2011
Girls! What do you think? Duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The vast amount of money spent on any US hobbyist's trip is spent on hotels and escorts.

Boy - you either have your head in the sand or dreaming in technicolor.- maybe both!

Do you really think if the Quebec dollar becomes 50 cents US the prices of the hotels and SP's would not change to compensate?
Today's $200.- hotel room will become a $Q 400.- room and the $200.- an hour SP will become a $Q 400.- SP.


Sep 19, 2005
Possibly in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside :D

p.s. I love it when you call me "miss Laflamme" or "my dear" :p

East ends are cheaper I guess, regardless your position on the planet.

The "my dear" was to reciprocate your previous post, I did not dare to post it until you did so, call it cowardness or gentelmanhood. I like calling you Miss Laflamme and since you like it, I might do it more often. I was about to start a thread when there was a fire in Sydney, Australia last summer, but I thought this would be of a bad taste. Are we still talking about Quebec elections here?
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