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Madame Marois Has Announced The Date of The Next Elections


Sep 19, 2005
So, here we go again. We are going to vote on April 7th. Barely a year and a half have elapsed since the last elections. All this is going to cost us 88 million dollars. Democracy turns out to be very expensive at times.

I did not vote for the Parti Québécois last time and certainly will not on April. Except the Charter of Values, I am not aware of any major actions that this Government did to improve the economy of Quebec. At one point, Mme Marois announced an increase in taxes, to back off later on when she sensed that such decision would be very unpopular.

I am surprised that PQ is hoping for a majority this time. Why is PQ more popular, despite so unimpressive decisions and results? I have no sympathy for the Liberals neither, though I think that I will reluctanly vote for the Liberals this time to prevent PQ from getting a majority.


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Jun 21, 2003
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The PQ is hoping for a majority as the Charter of Values have the french population showing their true colors as ethnics are not welcome.

If I remember correctly CTV news said that 45% of french quebecers support the Charter.

The PQ is hoping this support will translate into a majority as the french quebecers are the ones that will decide the vote.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Honestly im tired of voting all the time... Its supose to be every 4 years, but we got the federals AND provincials and now we got to vote all the time with those minority governement. Why? Because there is no real leader and figure to identify yourself in.

I would say on one side as a french quebecois, i should vote for the PQ as i support the charter, but then again i despise badly Marois and i still have a sour taste in the mouth from the last year and those red square...wich where supported by the PQ.

Want to know who i voted for last time? Option National...

This time... i so don't know who to vote for... i don't want to vote for Marois, i don't care at all for the other 2... to go vote only to pretty much play "pile ou face" with a 25 cent is useless. I think ill just home and let them run there stuff... cause i couldn't care less. Because as i said in the past, choosing if you want to spend your next 4 years in a pile of shit or a pile of vomit is not a pleasant decision, one you should rather not take...


Oct 21, 2011
Top of the mountain
The PQ is hoping for a majority as the Charter of Values have the french population showing their true colors as ethnics are not welcome.
That is not true , in outremont we have Latino and black ! Yes we do ! Because all the rich witty beside PKP are with the liberal ! It's less in less true and as much as the pq plays whit the identity card as much the liberal pose as the defendant of the immigrant ! If you take the ethnics vote their left with 20% of the French vote ! And shame , shame on both of them and I'm a partisan not happy of the pq !
Yes I do agree that these election should be how to attract more business to the province ! But ANY new job creation will come with a price tag ! Any job done here can be made outside of North America for less! The only way is evilly subside company to stay here and we are competing with North America !
For the charte ! The problem is the tree that hide the forest that we all agree on ! It's a old discussion between Napoleon and the King of England . We're one as no religion and master of all and the other king and Pope at the same time !
I'll go with Machiavelli ....


Nov 12, 2007
This time... i so don't know who to vote for... i don't want to vote for Marois, i don't care at all for the other 2... to go vote only to pretty much play "pile ou face" with a 25 cent is useless. I think ill just home and let them run there stuff... cause i couldn't care less. Because as i said in the past, choosing if you want to spend your next 4 years in a pile of shit or a pile of vomit is not a pleasant decision, one you should rather not take...

But if you don't choose between Kang and Kodos then you deserve everything you get.

If you don't choose between a Turd Sandwich and a Giant Douche you are a very bad person indeed.

Voting is highly overrated.

Although if you are an Anglo in Quebec and not a complete Uncle Tom, it is one of the few places where the call to vote can actually be strong.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
LOL i am not an anglo, and honestly i feel they need to deserve my vote, wich for the moment they don't. If i go vote at all, ill vote for the green party or something like that... Ain't voting for Marois, i don't even know the liberal guy, and Legault look as honest as an used car salesman...


Sep 24, 2009
I know this is not a popular view but...

Democracy is garbage. It's probably the worst form of Government.

All you do is vote out the old bunch of assholes and then vote in a new bunch of assholes.

I'd rather just have Elizabeth II run the show instead of playing this stupid game.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Elisabeth 2? Can she even remember who she is anymore? And anyway i think the british should not even had anything at all anymore to do with Canada/Quebec.

No what we need is a figure like Rene Levesque in the 70s


Sep 24, 2009
P.S -- I support the charter on everything except hospitals and ... maybe schools.

I do not want Police/Judges/Politicians/Lawyers/Bureaucrats to wear overt religious symbols. I mean, look, if you're such a religious fanatic that you cannot put your religion or symbols of religion aside for 8 hours a day, I do not think you should be issued a Gun (police).

Now, when it comes to Doctors and Nurses... I don't really care and most people do not really see them as "The State" anyways.

Teachers... hmm I don't know I'm still on the fence.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Teachers are role model for children, they should not wear them at all. Doctor/Nurse... well it up to debate. I guess since we need doctor so badly we would have to do an exeption, but im not supporting it at all... the end justify the means thats it.


Sep 24, 2009
Elisabeth 2? Can she even remember who she is anymore? And anyway i think the british should not even had anything at all anymore to do with Canada/Quebec.

No what we need is a figure like Rene Levesque in the 70s

Monarchy is superior to Democracy in almost every way in my opinion. Democracy is like a bad joke. I would pick Elizabeth II over Marois or any of the other bumpkins that want to be elected any day of the week.


Nov 13, 2013
I do believe if PQ comes to majority , they will push for referendum. Having worked and travelled in various parts of canada in last 3 years , I sense people are fed up of Quebec politics. It won't be like last time when people in Toronto were urging québécois to vote non. Instead of trying to fire our economy, PQ is hell bent on driving immigrants out of Quebec. House prices will drop, businesses wil run away .


Oct 21, 2011
Top of the mountain
I do believe if PQ comes to majority , they will push for referendum. Having worked and travelled in various parts of canada in last 3 years , I sense people are fed up of Quebec politics. It won't be like last time when people in Toronto were urging québécois to vote non. Instead of trying to fire our economy, PQ is hell bent on driving immigrants out of Quebec. House prices will drop, businesses wil run away .
Same old scarecrow ! It's not the same crew at the pq anymore ! Their a lot more pragmatic ! No referendum if they don't have at least 70/75% of the vote ! Marois she doesn't want to be the one that organize a loosing referendum ! She's not that stupid ! Why organize election now because their 900 000 snowbirds in Florida and most of those vote liberal !


Sep 24, 2009
I do believe if PQ comes to majority , they will push for referendum. Having worked and travelled in various parts of canada in last 3 years , I sense people are fed up of Quebec politics. It won't be like last time when people in Toronto were urging québécois to vote non. Instead of trying to fire our economy, PQ is hell bent on driving immigrants out of Quebec. House prices will drop, businesses wil run away .

That's because there is a new generation. I don't see many "Canadians" and by that I mean English speaking people in Canada (and not too mention a good number of French speaking Canadians as well) who give a care. Quebec is poor, Montreal went from a top Metropolis to a debt ridden cess-pool with collapsing infrastructure and roads that might as well be made out of rocks.

It will probably separate and be invaded by Canada decades from now to ensure "stability" with the United States siding with Canada in exchange for rights to fresh water resources yapping on about it's "special" relationship with the Commonwealth.

Quebec's main problem is that it's very culture is anti-militaristic. That's going to come around bite them in the ass later down the road.


Nov 13, 2013
Well it's not about being scarecrow but believe me other Canadians are fed up. PQ is trying to replicate France government .
May be she will not force this term . She will use this term to form the base , drove out immigrants and force referendum next term.
Our economy should be the main point , only way we are surviving is because of Montreal being a port. Main fighting point should be how to bring economy back on track .


Jul 30, 2011
Main fighting point should be how to bring economy back on track .

But the PQ has no clue how to do that - they already demonstrated that in the short while they were in power.
For this campaign, the PQ is going to do their damndest to focus attention away from the economic issues.

I wonder if people realize that the close to 8 billion in annual transfer payments to Quebec will disappear if Quebec becomes a separate nation to say nothing of all the other services that Quebec now receives being part of Canada.

Tigers' WOOD!

New Member
Jan 26, 2011
I hear there is a vote for separation in Scotland soon, there will be turmoil there when that happens. That is what I want Marois and her cronies to see so they can think twice before making a big mistake.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Monarchy is superior to Democracy in almost every way in my opinion. Democracy is like a bad joke. I would pick Elizabeth II over Marois or any of the other bumpkins that want to be elected any day of the week.

Monarchy's time is done... even in UK the prime minister is the one taking decision and the queen only serve as a symbol because British people are stuck to old traditions... A king or a queen is the worst kind of ruling because no matter what you are stuck with them...


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
I hear there is a vote for separation in Scotland soon, there will be turmoil there when that happens. That is what I want Marois and her cronies to see so they can think twice before making a big mistake.

Not to mention a referendum in Crimea... Maybe Quebec should ask Russia to make us a good offer for our peninsula.

When I was young I was pro-separatist for idealistic reasons. Now I don't think it's a good idea. Independence did not help Ireland that much compared to Scotland. They still speak mostly english and their economy is not better.

Chez ''Madame Marois''... that would be a cool name for a brothel...


Nov 13, 2013
Monarchy's time is done... even in UK the prime minister is the one taking decision and the queen only serve as a symbol because British people are stuck to old traditions... A king or a queen is the worst kind of ruling because no matter what you are stuck with them...
Completely agree with mike. Moreover PQ in last year has done nothing apart from charter.
Charter is not going to create jobs or feed our kids. I voted for them last time. First time mistake , second time stupidity
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