Not at all. If this is not an option, then we can't stayed married long time.Isn't cheating to visit escorts while being a married man ?
Not at all. If this is not an option, then we can't stayed married long time.Isn't cheating to visit escorts while being a married man ?
I think you are lying to yourself. If you would be "deeply in love", you would not call her "a partner". You would say "my wife", "my spouse".I am married and deeply in love with my partner. Yet, I have been having constant urges to go to a massage parlor or a provider just because I miss the diversity and excitement of having good sensual sex. How do you guys reconcile these two things? The urges have been constant in the last year.
Really? Most of us? Very judgemental... If you are deeply religious as you pretend, shouldn't you apply what Matthew 7.1-6 said: "“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.Whether we admit it or not, most of us in on this board don't want to be here but due to our own weakness or life's vagaries this is where we are. You've got a choice.
most women would consider it cheating, most men not so much. It definitely is not cheating on the same level as having an affair at work for exampleIsn't cheating to visit escorts while being a married man ?
Ask your wife ….Isn't cheating to visit escorts while being a married man ?
I agree.I think you are lying to yourself. If you would be "deeply in love", you would not call her "a partner". You would say "my wife", "my spouse".
You probably still feel love for this woman or maybe you are just afraid to lose something. If I would be in your situation, I would ask myself why did I get into a marriage? To get sex?
I don't know your background but I would not be surprise that you evolve in a conservative family where sex and being married go together. Did you have sex with other women before getting married? Did you even get sex before the wedding?
I may be out of track but you are not telling every thing and you ask for advises. Be honest with yourself and ask the right questions and do your choice. good luck!
It’s a completely different excitement with someone fresh and new with someone you don’t know so, you are not going to get that with someone your married to for 20 years guaranteed!I agree.
I've been in the hobby on and off. When I am in long term relationships with someone I actually want to be with, I have zero urge to see an SP. (true for both when I was married, and when I was even in short relationships)
Now, I can't really judge since I don't have any background information. Maybe if guys are married for 20+ years and aren't getting sex anymore, I can see maybe why someone would want to see SPs... but I haven't been there.
I think most likely it will be the man calling discreetly for himself! Lol.I would be honored to visit your significant other and yourselfYou could be surprise of the benefits of this kind of adventure!
You are going to keep having the urges. What you do about it is up to you. I am glad I am not in your shoes, but I made the decision not to get married so I wouldn't have to be in your shoes. Don't get me wrong- I don't believe that marriage is without advantages. In my mind the most significant one is to have someone to grow old with once you in fact are old. I am getting into that area of life where having a companion for other than sexual reasons would be helpful.Thank you for all your comments. I will simply add that I am deeply in love, despite what some of you can think. But that does not prevent me from having the urges to have fun with a provider. Monogamy is very difficult and it is hard for me to reject all of it at once because of many factors, including family.
You can’t. Been there, done that. So, when you go don’t forget to get you a burner phone. Cause you need to delete all messages , all pics all texts. Or one day you’ll forget and you’ll be caught as it happen to me. I manage to fix it but I still feel the urge. And I can’t help itI am sure this has been covered so many times before but I would like some advice. I am married and deeply in love with my partner. Yet, I have been having constant urges to go to a massage parlor or a provider just because I miss the diversity and excitment of having good sensual sex. How do you guys reconcile these two things? The urges have been constant in the last year.
If you cross that line make sure you get a pren-up LOLI am sure this has been covered so many times before but I would like some advice. I am married and deeply in love with my partner. Yet, I have been having constant urges to go to a massage parlor or a provider just because I miss the diversity and excitment of having good sensual sex. How do you guys reconcile these two things? The urges have been constant in the last year.
Funny how you say your in love as maybe the wife is not so that would explain the urges !Thank you for all your comments. I will simply add that I am deeply in love, despite what some of you can think. But that does not prevent me from having the urges to have fun with a provider. Monogamy is very difficult and it is hard for me to reject all of it at once because of many factors, including family.
Nothing like a new kitty to play with.I am sure this has been covered so many times before but I would like some advice. I am married and deeply in love with my partner. Yet, I have been having constant urges to go to a massage parlor or a provider just because I miss the diversity and excitment of having good sensual sex. How do you guys reconcile these two things? The urges have been constant in the last year.