Montreal Escorts

Montreal Requiring All Dogs To Be Bilingual

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...

2 true stories about dogs and languages.

-I am having a good particular friend English speaker who adopted a French raised dog adult. When I was visiting him, he made all he could to keep his dog sit, and not always coming to see me. (Animals are often curious about visitors) The dog wasn't listening that much, and he explained to me that fact that the dog was raised in french. So, I just say to the dog: "Assis! & Reste" (Sit & Stay) and he made it. So, I teach to him the words in french. I hope he remembered them... :)

-I had many dogs in my life since I was a little kid. I start about now 18 years ago to train my dogs for particular jobs mainly in French & with signs of the hand, and tell them "good boy" or "good girl" to signify them they are making well. The fact to say it in another language make it a special sound and that's making a bit the same effect as a "clicker". (that's a special tool to train animals, very good with dogs & cats)

Oh, by the way, that's a very funny story you reported.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Don't you think your dogs would be a little more well rounded if you also gave them the same commands in English? This way when you have an English visitor or maybe even an English-speaking boyfriend, when he says "sit!" or "away!", the dog might listen to him.


New Member
Oct 9, 2010
Even a dog can not escape the language debate in this province. I have a very nice dog that attracts a lot of attention. When I go into a store and tie him up outside I often come back to a small crowd of admirers. One time a lady came to pet my dog and he was doing tricks for her. He can sit, stand, speak, and shake hands on command, a Quebecois lady ran up and started to give commands to the dog in french, but my dog would not do any tricks for her. The Anglo lady suggested that she speak in English because the dog knows the commands in English. The Quebecois lady got very angry and said that this is Quebec and everyone should speak French ( even dogs )

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...

Don't forget something much more important I show to my dogs: sign command. They obey just by a movement of my hand, in silence.

Everybody could do it :p

And that could be too much to show English because where I am living, we are just and only French speakers. I am living in the country.

And what is funny, one of my cats adore the little dry meat I am using for the training with the clicker, so, when I am training my dog, he comes, and he follow the training to have his rewards too... :lol: He knows to sit, to be on 2 legs on his own and to be on 2 legs putting his front paws on my leg, by command.
I did not push that much with him, (because he is disturbing the regular training of my dog and the dog is my priority for the training) but I imagine I could do lots with my giant cat, he is so gourmand... :smile:
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Dec 11, 2004
This discussion is totally out of line. This is Quebec. Dogs in Quebec ( les chiens) have a right to command and be commanded in French, which is the common language of the state. Any dog barking in English must do it at half volume. Same applies to dog owners issuing commands in English. I thought everyone knew that.
Jul 29, 2011
lmfao quebec laws,lmfao,are they going to tax them soon, a dog has his rights,lmfao, vivre le quebec libre, loi 14 and 101, in marois ass,lmfao


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Jun 21, 2003
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The OLF will be making random checks in pet stores to make sure dogs, cats, rabbits, parrots, gold fish, and any other animals are able to understand and respond in the french language.

Failure to do so will result in a fine at the owners expense and multiple infractions will lead to said animal being deported out of our great and prosperous nation of Quebec.


Jul 23, 2006
no seriousley you have to give them ultimate prize to be the most fucked up government and most stupid politicians in the entire civilized countries.anybody buys an animal is normal they train them with the language they are speaking in their home you stupid moron.more important issues than dogs and cats to be bilingual.whole world is laughing at us what kind of fucking government did we vote?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Next joke ( thread ) will be that all bands playing live in Quebec must perform their songs in French :)


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Next joke ( thread ) will be that all bands playing live in Quebec must perform their songs in French :)

Actually, I got the impression that some bands were invited to the Jazz festival this year based on bilingualism. For example, the top performer I saw, a New York City-based Disco band called Escort, featured a lead singer who was a biracial woman from Paris that sang in both French and English and spoke to the crowd in both languages. They were a very talented, energetic live act and deserved to be the headliners on the main stage the night I saw them perform. However, I had a feeling that her bilingualism was one of the reasons that this Disco band was invited to perform. It was probably a decisive factor that tipped in their favor if it was between them and a few other American bands getting the invite.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Since I only speak a few words of French I cannot comment on the quality of that Parisian singer's French but her English was quite perfect. In fact I believe she is an American originally from Paris. She is a young biracial woman who had the Divaesque qualities needed to stoke and energize the Jazz Festival audience. This band evoked quite a response from the audience including younger and older fans from my own personal observations. Her singing and speaking in French was well received but her English singing was very good IMHO.

I am sure her bilingual abilities did not hurt this band's chances to be selected as a main stage headliner at the Jazz Festival.
Jul 29, 2011
the language is more important than the economy here in quebec, i rest my case, let see how many people get laid off in 2013, then will see which is more important, language or living?, this is riculous, the language laws, signage in front of a building, who cares, let the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$, cash flow, let people live, for fuck sake, taxes taexes,etc, aways in our pockets, the people who voted marois in, the rest have to suffer, ,elvis has left the building,lmfa,,,,,,,,


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
the language is more important than the economy here in quebec, this is riculous, the language laws, signage in front of a building, who cares, let the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$, cash flow, let people live, for fuck sake, taxes etc, aways in our pockets, the people who voted marois in, the rest have to suffer, ,lmfa,,,,,,,,

If you're lfma then why the rant when this thread is about people believing that there would be a law on language for dogs.
Isn't it funny to see all the rant about a language law coming out of people complaining about French when in fact there's none.

You're basically proving that people ranting about it are either paranoid or chicken sh!t of learning a 2nd language.
The cash flows ? how long will it take for you guys (like Harper who took many years to admit) that the cash now will come from Asia.

This baby crying and lazy state of mind that you can and shouldn't make any effort in learning other cultures and build on that knowledge to make more cash is retarded.
It's long overdue and will not stand the test of time in about max. 20 years from now.

All those speaking only one language will be f*cked, screwed and left aside.

As for voting for Marois I surely don't like her face and some of them stuff but it was about time to get rid of Poopoo Charest who just didn't give a f*ck about Quebec and basically handed Montreal to the Mob.

So have fun lfya since this is a thread about people who fell in to rant about french when there was no reason for it which proves how racist some can be.
Probably would have fun with the douchebag who killed 1 guy at the election thinking God was telling him he would fix the language issue by killing people.

FYI a Jewish anglo just got elected as Montreal's mayor instead of a Ottawa s*cking federalist... and did you see any French going to the election trying to kill him ?

Wouf wouf !

Red Paul

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Jun 6, 2003
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People, it's a joke!

A parody, satire, hoax, fraud, put-on, farce, attrape, charade ...

Ok, some of you realize this, but a lot don't. Here's some advice. Google "Benoit Ladouce Montreal." You will find nothing but stories about the dog proposal. There is no other trace of his existence. Because he doesn't exist.

One thing that does turn up: a story by the CBC -- the network that broadcast the alleged interview with the alleged councilman -- that carries this headline:

CBC Radio bilingual dog parody fools the internet

Don't believe me? Click right here.

That link Eager found? It was from a Daily Caller story with this headline:

Spoof plan to make Montreal dogs bilingual fools ‘New York’ magazine, ‘Raw Story’

... and also some very indignant people on Merb.
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