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Move Canada to...


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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What would happen if you Canada happened to be in another part of the world? Say between Russia and China? In the middle east? What would have to be different about Canada so that they would remain intact/sovereign? Larger military? Required armed service like Israel?

What would the U.S. look like with Russia and China on either side of our borders?

...just some points to ponder. don't take for granted what you have now.


Oct 30, 2003
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breadman said:
What would happen if you Canada happened to be in another part of the world?
...just some points to ponder. don't take for granted what you have now.

Actually, if something can be taken for granted, it's the geographical location.
It's bound to remain the same for a least a couple million years.
And I agree Canada is definitely profiting from being just north to the US, while critisizing them for abusing of the very power we're benefiting from...


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
It all depends on the context of your question. Do you mean 'what if Canada suddenly appeared' in one of those locations or 'what if Canada was always' in one of those locations?

If the question is that latter, then Canada would probably be no different than the countries that exist there now.

If the question is the former, then Canada would adjust to the political and social climate of it's neighbours in the same way it does now in regards to the USA.

It's no great mystery. It's like asking what someone would be like if they were born to different parents in a different country. Obviously they would be a different person than they are now, comparable to anyone else in the same social, political, economic, religious etc...environment.

Basically we should all be glad that we are who we are and where we are. Things could be a lot worse.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Here is another scenario for you...

Imagine that North America, the USA and Canada, had control of the majority of the world's oil reserves. Combine that with the fact that the US is the world's only super power. What would the world be like?
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