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NHL off season thread (trades, signings, etc…)

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
ahhhh like clockwork you arrive with the same nonsense as always.,... look out gsg, gonna be a tough year for Hockey in Le Belle Province :)
(no more Halak and a fragile minded carey price getting 40-50 shots at him a night, ahhhhh the pressure, can he handle it?) gonna be fun to watch and see

a lot of chirping from the blowhard fans of a certain 29th place team that hasn't had so much as a sniff of the playoffs in five straight years


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
ahhhh like clockwork you arrive with the same nonsense as always.,... look out gsg, gonna be a tough year for Hockey in Le Belle Province :)
(no more Halak and a fragile minded carey price getting 40-50 shots at him a night, ahhhhh the pressure, can he handle it?) gonna be fun to watch and see

And like clockwork you spout the same mindless, illiterate bullshit as you have in all of your 2799 posts. You said the same crap at the start of last season - how did that work out for you, Mr. Leaf Fan, or should I call you Mister 29?

"Tough year for hockey"? Well, if last year - in fact EVERY year since 67! - hasn't been "a tough year for hockey" in Hogtown, then it all it means is that you hopeless suckers are so USED to FAILURE that nothing - even your shitty team, useless overrated GM, and hopeless coach - will ever wake you up!


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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ahhhh like clockwork you arrive with the same nonsense as always.,... look out gsg, gonna be a tough year for Hockey in Le Belle Province :)
(no more Halak and a fragile minded carey price getting 40-50 shots at him a night, ahhhhh the pressure, can he handle it?) gonna be fun to watch and see

didn’t think your shitty team would finish one spot removed from the NHL crapper, did you?


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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Here`s one of many nuggets from ass clown #2

Originally Posted by lgna69xxx
Anyways, the Leafs are finally playing very good Defense, but the youngsters need time to gel and see whats needed as far as forwards this offseason, should be a interesting July1, when Burke can start to spend some of the many millions he will have available for Free Agents, Patrick Marleau would be a great addition, as a former captain, he has leadership as well as can put the puck in the net and would also look good on a line with Mr. Kessel....


and here was my response:

Give your head a shake. Why would Marleau go from the penthouse to the out house? He`s playing for a top team on a line with Thornton and Heatley, you think he has any interest in going to Toronto to play for Rompin` Ronnie (assuming Wilson is still coach) and a soft perimeter player like Kessel?
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Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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Here`s a classic nugget from ass clown #1 (from around this time last year, just before the mighty Leafs went on to miss the playoffs for a fifth straight season, finishing in a lowly 29 place)

Originally Posted by Doc Holliday

I remember a year or two ago when some Habs fans were making fun of the Leafs being an old & slow team. No more!!! The Leafs are young, fast, tough, skilled & will scrap with anyone other teams throw at them. No one will dare push around their smaller, skilled players, knowing full well Ron Wilson will send out an army of tough guys to take care of business if that every happens! The Leafs have one top player who could be considered up there in age, and that`s Jason Blake. But Blakie is still one of the fastest players on the team & can still score. He`ll be relied upon for his leadership more than ever now. Watch out folks, the Leafs mean business & not a single team will take them lightly this season. Habs fans, be afraid! Be very afraid!!


and here`s what I said on September 19 of last year:

You just potentially handed Boston the 1st overall draft picks in 2010 and 2011 for a chance at being mediocre now. Out of the 36 goals he scored last year, only 8 of them were against teams who made the playoffs. In other words, in important games, Kessel disappears. Also, if you take his career 66 goals in 222 games, that averages to 24 a year... if he plays a full 82 game schedule. Kessel is soft and is not a team player which is why he couldnt get along with Julien. Good luck with that loser Laff fans!
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
somethings never change lol.... this place just wouldnt be the same w/o him tho.

guess hearing the truth about his team and also seeing as they did nothing to improve this offseason has him a little edgy these days.. lets go easy on him ...... for a day or two :p

Oh-oh!! Hide the kids!! Our resident bipolar hockey fan forgot to take his lithium & he's at it again with his insults & derogatory language!
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
awwwwwwwww look at that, little c to the defense of his butt-y , maybe you can show the habs how to play a little D instead of letting price get bombarded with 40-50 shots a game.


ps, funny post from a guy who says his REAL team is detriot, a team that went 42 years w/o a cup ... hello!!! lol, unreal, your not credible as a red wings fan, and as a habs fan you have very little

And like clockwork you spout the same mindless, illiterate bullshit as you have in all of your 2799 posts. You said the same crap at the start of last season - how did that work out for you, Mr. Leaf Fan, or should I call you Mister 29?

"Tough year for hockey"? Well, if last year - in fact EVERY year since 67! - hasn't been "a tough year for hockey" in Hogtown, then it all it means is that you hopeless suckers are so USED to FAILURE that nothing - even your shitty team, useless overrated GM, and hopeless coach - will ever wake you up!
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
truthfully, i did not think the Leafs would, but i also realise sometimes things need to get worse before they can get better. Thats life, do you really think your crappy team will make it as far as they did last season? really?
didn’t think your shitty team would finish one spot removed from the NHL crapper, did you?

ps. typical habs fan, in your copy/paste posts above, why is it you always bring up the past? never can talk of the present or future, only the past, now why O' why is that ???? hmmmmmmmmmm kinda reminds me of a little joke that goes something like this ..... How many habs fans does it take to screw in a lightbulb? answer....14, one to screw it in and 13 to sit there talking about how great the "OLD" ONE WAS! now i get it! :)
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New Member
Jul 26, 2005
ps, funny post from a guy who says his REAL team is detriot, a team that went 42 years w/o a cup ... hello!!! lol, unreal, your not credible as a red wings fan, and as a habs fan you have very little

If you didn't spend so much time watching figure skating on your very close friend's couch, you might become a better reader.

I'm not a Habs fan, Fido - I'm a Detroit fan and a Leafs ANTI-fan! The fact of the matter is that I'm not so much defending the Habs as I am attacking your stupidity. If you directed your stupid repetitive bullshit at any other team I'd STILL attack your childish, witless, FACTLESS, and totally unamusing and inaccurate crap. Why? Because CAIRO is the conscience of this board and he's saddened and repulsed by you and the crap you pollute this board with.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
truthfully, i did not think the Leafs would, but i also realise sometimes things need to get worse before they can get better. Thats life, do you really think your crappy team will make it as far as they did last season? really?

ps. typical habs fan, in your copy/paste posts above, why is it you always bring up the past? never can talk of the present or future, only the past, now why O' why is that ???? hmmmmmmmmmm kinda reminds me of a little joke that goes something like this ..... How many habs fans does it take to screw in a lightbulb? answer....14, one to screw it in and 13 to sit there talking about how great the "OLD" ONE WAS! now i get it! :)

Sorry for calling you Fido in my last post - I see that you now prefer to be addressed as Sparky. Oh well, both are good names for a lapdog, so I'll respect your wishes...Sparky.

Meanwhile, the post I've quoted here is CLASSIC lggy (or, should that be Classic Sparky?). You ADMIT that you didn't expect your pitiful team to be so lousy - no surprise, since with only 2 teams left in the finals you couldn't even get THAT right, picking the Flyers in 6. Needless to say, I picked the Hawks in 6. As usual, I was right. As usual, you were wrong.

Next, you ask GHG why he always brings up the past. Well, he probably does it to remind you and your very close friend how WRONG you have always been by posting the PROOF from your own dimwitted statements. And let's turn the complaint around: why do YOU always dwell on the FUTURE? Answer: because your past and present SUCK, because you can at least DREAM about the future, because you don't need any FACTS to back up your idiotic boasts and predictions, and because you probably hope that when your idiotic boasts and predictions fall flat again - as they invariably have done and will continue to do - people might not remember the stupid shit you posted. (Holliday is far more intelligent than you, so he just deletes his posts when they become too embarrassing, but you probably haven't yet learned how to delete - if you deleted all YOUR stupid posts there'd be over 2800 going into the cyberspace wastebasket.)

And, how many LEAF fans does it take to screw in a lightbulb? There are TWO answers to this.
Answer # 1: 14, one to screw it in and 13 to sit there wondering why it doesn't work but bragging about how the NEXT one will be great!
Answer # 2: Just TWO..if the lightbulb is BIG enough and if the TWO are VERY CLOSE friends!

Roll over Sparky!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA, I see another MrsC meltdown a coming! cmon sparky jr. you can top the last time , just think like the little red train "i think i can, i think i can" what do you say lil fella, 20 posts in 30 minutes all saying the same thing like every other rant before?

Seems you get your panties in a bunch when there is negative talk about your team, the habs,. i must say tho, it is not all bad, at least you got your goalie signed, but too bad he will be booed off the ice and become a headcase, BUT at least you can relate to that :)




New Member
Jul 26, 2005
BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA, I see another MrsC meltdown a coming! cmon sparky jr. you can top the last time , just think like the little red train "i think i can, i think i can" what do you say lil fella, 20 posts in 30 minutes all saying the same thing like every other rant before?

Seems you get your panties in a bunch when there is negative talk about your team, the habs,. i must say tho, it is not all bad, at least you got your goalie signed, but too bad he will be booed off the ice and become a headcase, BUT at least you can relate to that :)



You obviously have an extremely low IQ - Otherwise you'd even bore YOURSELF with your ignorant horseshit. The only time you ever displayed even an iota of intelligence was when you repeatedly chickened out of bets on your hopeless Leafs. On second thought, it wasn't intelligence - it was just your total lack of guts.

It's amazing that your master lets you sit on his couch for the figure skating reruns. Now be a good little lapdog and go bark in some other playground. Do they HAVE any playgrounds where sexually confused little lapdogs are welcome? Probably not, since you're about as popular in the baseball threads as you are in the hockey ones.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008

You obviously have an extremely low IQ - Otherwise you'd even bore YOURSELF with your ignorant horseshit. The only time you ever displayed even an iota of intelligence was when you repeatedly chickened out of bets on your hopeless Leafs. On second thought, it wasn't intelligence - it was just your total lack of guts.

It's amazing that your master lets you sit on his couch for the figure skating reruns. Now be a good little lapdog and go bark in some other playground. Do they HAVE any playgrounds where sexually confused little lapdogs are welcome? Probably not, since you're about as popular in the baseball threads as you are in the hockey ones.


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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another piece of the puzzle

Leafs invite cement headed goon to training camp

Michael Liambas may be best known in the hockey world for a dangerous hit that fractured the skull of an opposing player, but he now has a chance to be known as a member of the Toronto Maple Leafs organization.

On Oct. 30, 2009, Liambas — then an over-age player with the Ontario Hockey League's Erie Otters — delivered a hit to Kitchener Rangers defenceman Ben Fanelli that resulted in Fanelli requiring a week in hospital with skull and facial fractures.

The Woodbridge, Ont., native was suspended from the OHL for the balance of the season and moved on to a stint in the International Hockey League but his tenure with the Bloomington Prairie Thunder was almost as tumultuous.

Liambas' fifth game with the club saw him pick up a five-game suspension after he ruptured the spleen of an opposing player with another strong check on Dec. 29.

A 20-yr old over-age career OHL-er with no future tries to decapitate a 16-yr old rookie......and he gets a try-out with the Leafs. Yeah, a Burke type of player all right – a no talent thug. Wouldn’t it be a laugh if this slug knocks Kadri out with a concussion.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
whats wrong with that? everyone deserves a second chance. Are you so perfect you have never made a mistake? it is to bad Montreal never gave that 2nd chance to Patrick Roy, instead he went on to win 2 cups with Quebec, i mean Colorado :) oh and Roy would of never gave that sad sack of a franchise in Montreal the satisfaction of coming back as a player...
Leafs invite cement headed goon to training camp

Michael Liambas may be best known in the hockey world for a dangerous hit that fractured the skull of an opposing player, but he now has a chance to be known as a member of the Toronto Maple Leafs organization.

On Oct. 30, 2009, Liambas — then an over-age player with the Ontario Hockey League's Erie Otters — delivered a hit to Kitchener Rangers defenceman Ben Fanelli that resulted in Fanelli requiring a week in hospital with skull and facial fractures.

The Woodbridge, Ont., native was suspended from the OHL for the balance of the season and moved on to a stint in the International Hockey League but his tenure with the Bloomington Prairie Thunder was almost as tumultuous.

Liambas' fifth game with the club saw him pick up a five-game suspension after he ruptured the spleen of an opposing player with another strong check on Dec. 29.

A 20-yr old over-age career OHL-er with no future tries to decapitate a 16-yr old rookie......and he gets a try-out with the Leafs. Yeah, a Burke type of player all right – a no talent thug. Wouldn’t it be a laugh if this slug knocks Kadri out with a concussion.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
whats wrong with that? everyone deserves a second chance. Are you so perfect you have never made a mistake? it is to bad Montreal never gave that 2nd chance to Patrick Roy, instead he went on to win 2 cups with Quebec, i mean Colorado :) oh and Roy would of never gave that sad sack of a franchise in Montreal the satisfaction of coming back as a player...

Whoever you asked to read this for you didn't do a very good job. Those who CAN read will see that this goon ALREADY had a second chance! Having been suspended by the OHL for the balance of the season, he gravitated to the IHL where he continued his criminal activities less than 2 months later. Duh!!! We all know you can't read lg, but whoever is reading the words for you isn't exactly a genius either.

Let's give Burkie full credit however: when he's not busy marching in gay pride parades, he definitely has a great talent for finding the worst hockey players and the best goons.
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