Montreal Escorts

Not enough racial variety in strip clubs?


New Member
Jul 1, 2007
Baravo Roland

Roland said:
Hi Cloud Hi Techman,

Cloud I never met, but have experianced communications a while back on this this thread and a few others.He knows his stuff, as a client, and is well appreciated by the members.

Techman has a lot of inside information that others here can only appreciate.His points are well taken.

Both of you have established high credibility since you have started.

Opinions are personal views based on experiance, information gathered and feelings.You guys have had your opportunity to express them, over and over again.Fine.But , maybe it is time that some of these should be moved over to the other thread.

Hi Roland,
you are right to bring( or at least you tried) this endless discussion to an end. The topic was in fact very futile to my humble acknowledge. I rather appreciate another type of interventions from my fellow merbites like for example about our shared dreams and fantasies when we visit Cleo.
The common interst we share for a specific dancer and the enthousiasm we show to describe in a classy manner how much we enjoyed her company and sometimes, why not how much we were disappointed, Life is too short for such a waste of energy and time. Let us all come back to our dreams an enjoy in this valentines day the charms of thos ladies we like.
Haapy day ( and evening of course ) to all of you specially The Bitchelor who is able to bring some common sense, when it is really needed.

Tropical dreamer

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
These posts have been split from the Cleopatra's review thread as they are off topic there. If anyone wishes to continue this discussion or make any more posts relating to racial variety in strip clubs, this is the place to make such posts. Do not make posts on this subject in any review thread as they will be removed.


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
CLOUD 500 said:
Montreal stripclubs are not known to have much in the way of racial variety of women.

Same with escort agencies. Very few ethnic variety. Other than blacks & italians, other ethnic communities around Mtl are small as compared to larger cities. Reasons for small amount of sps in the escort business are the same for the reasons given for stripclubs: black girls are simply not popular among the clientele. As for italian girls, most speak french so they're considered french-canadian to many. So there are a lot out there so they don't count for the reasons i just mentionned. As for the Mtl jewish community, it never was much of a contributor to the local sex business.

If you want ethnic diversity among the women, you simply have to go elsewhere. In most cases, the talent won't be superior to Mtl's. Recently, a buddy mine (hobbyist) was under the impression that i now spent my time going to Toronto & that i found the sps there superior to Mtl's. Not so. I only went to Toronto last summer & sampled a few 'recommended' sps of other ethnicities. They were okay, but nothing compared to Mtl in terms of quality & services. Rates were slightly higher, mostly due to the fact the cost of living in Toronto is sky-high & the demand outweighs supply. In North America, Montreal rules when it comes to the sex business....sps, stripclubs, etc. Nothing comes close to it. But where it lacks is in ethnical diversity. I told my buddy that this is why one might consider trecking to Toronto (or Vancouver, etc) once in a sample the charms of women of various ethnicities. It's like trying a different restaurant from your regular one, where there's much more variety on the menu. The food won't be as good as your favorite restaurant, but you have the choice of trying out other foods that your regular restaurant doesn't carry.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Hmm? It is funny you compare Montreal Escort Agencies to Toronto Escort Agencies. I have to agree that the quality of Montreal SPs are much more superior to those of Toronto. I also find that Montreal has more ethnic diversity. It is very ironic is it not and hard to believe? I read up on Terb the Toronto equivalent of this board and most of the agencies advertised on that board there have very limited ethnic diversity. Check it out for yourself. But in terms of stripclubs that is where it ends. I have to say that my experiences in Toronto stripclubs are been much more superior in terms of choice of women(higher quality and much more ethinic diversity) and also superior service wise. But yea the prices are much higher there. Caucasian women are the most preferred type of girls but still I consider Montreal's population diverse and when I am in a stripclub with 50 girls and only 3 out of all of them are different(I do not mean just black but also latina, arabic)I have to admit I get very annoyed :mad: . By no means I also like white women from time to time usually the tanned ones with dark hair but I find most stripclubs have too much of the same type of girls that it makes me not desire them. Unfortunately that is the way things are and it will take a longtime for things to change :( . The diversity has greatly improved from since the days when clubs went contact. For now I have to change stripclubs often to see the various exotic women.

Doc Holliday said:
Same with escort agencies. Very few ethnic variety. Other than blacks & italians, other ethnic communities around Mtl are small as compared to larger cities. Reasons for small amount of sps in the escort business are the same for the reasons given for stripclubs: black girls are simply not popular among the clientele. As for italian girls, most speak french so they're considered french-canadian to many. So there are a lot out there so they don't count for the reasons i just mentionned. As for the Mtl jewish community, it never was much of a contributor to the local sex business.

If you want ethnic diversity among the women, you simply have to go elsewhere. In most cases, the talent won't be superior to Mtl's. Recently, a buddy mine (hobbyist) was under the impression that i now spent my time going to Toronto & that i found the sps there superior to Mtl's. Not so. I only went to Toronto last summer & sampled a few 'recommended' sps of other ethnicities. They were okay, but nothing compared to Mtl in terms of quality & services. Rates were slightly higher, mostly due to the fact the cost of living in Toronto is sky-high & the demand outweighs supply. In North America, Montreal rules when it comes to the sex business....sps, stripclubs, etc. Nothing comes close to it. But where it lacks is in ethnical diversity. I told my buddy that this is why one might consider trecking to Toronto (or Vancouver, etc) once in a sample the charms of women of various ethnicities. It's like trying a different restaurant from your regular one, where there's much more variety on the menu. The food won't be as good as your favorite restaurant, but you have the choice of trying out other foods that your regular restaurant doesn't carry.
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