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Obama, the Post-Constitutional Emperor

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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I wonder what the percentage would be if they didn't count people who read nutblogs.

Gallup: GOP Favorability Plunges To Record Low
Only 28 percent of Americans have a favorable opinion of the Republican Party, according to findings from Gallup released Wednesday.

That number represents a nadir for either party since Gallup began asking the question in 1992 and a 10-point drop for the GOP from a month ago. Sixty-two percent said they have an unfavorable opinion of the Republican Party.

Conversely, Gallup found that Americans are more split when it comes to Democrats. Forty-three percent said they have a favorable opinion of the Democratic Party, compared with almost half — 49 percent — who said they have an unfavorable opinion

I wonder where CS is. Could he possibly be locked in a shut-down government building?


At least he practices what he preaches. 5 daughters, 2 sons.:eek:

But actually what Ken is referring to is sodomy and oral sex with "minors", its not intended to go after consenting adults in the privacy of their bedrooms.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
This was in the YouTube comments, "Just happened to be watching CSPAN this morning and was surprised to hear the term "martial law" used on the house floor. Can someone please explain why the Representative from Texas used this language?" The answer is simple: he's a dope.

Composite poll has Obama at 45%.
May 28, 2012

You keep holding on to that number as his polls will continue to slip. I'll reiterate my original premise as stated a year and a half ago: "The man is a very poor manager". It's not the ideology that I object to most, it's his f__ked up management style that presents the biggest problem. And now his infantile personality is coming through. His recent numbers are buoyed by that BS Economist/YouGov poll that put him dead even. That poll won't last for long and he's headed downward. It's also interesting that Rasmussen is helping him out quite a bit at +1. But remember you characterized them as being conservative BS. Let's also remember that AP is one of those most liberal organizations around. You've bought every word of their BS over the years....LOL. Rumps your support network is running on fumes....LOL

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
the crazification factor... an oldie but still true...

John: Hey, Bush is now at 37% approval. I feel much less like Kevin McCarthy screaming in traffic. But I wonder what his base is --

Tyrone: 27%.

John: ... you said that immmediately, and with some authority.

Tyrone: Obama vs. Alan Keyes. Keyes was from out of state, so you can eliminate any established political base; both candidates were black, so you can factor out racism; and Keyes was plainly, obviously, completely crazy. Batshit crazy. Head-trauma crazy. But 27% of the population of Illinois voted for him. They put party identification, personal prejudice, whatever ahead of rational judgement. Hell, even like 5% of Democrats voted for him. That's crazy behaviour. I think you have to assume a 27% Crazification Factor in any population.

John: Objectively crazy or crazy vis-a-vis my own inertial reference frame for rational behaviour? I mean, are you creating the Theory of Special Crazification or General Crazification?

Tyrone: Hadn't thought about it. Let's split the difference. Half just have worldviews which lead them to disagree with what you consider rationality even though they arrive at their positions through rational means, and the other half are the core of the Crazification -- either genuinely crazy; or so woefully misinformed about how the world works, the bases for their decision making is so flawed they may as well be crazy.

John: You realize this leads to there being over 30 million crazy people in the US?

Tyrone: Does that seem wrong?

John: ... a bit low, actually.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Great Associated Press Poll here with Obama at 37%...[/url]

The numbers here are troubling. Surely a gentleman like you is very concerned because very low numbers means the government functions poorly, and means it is not serving the needs of the people. While we might also snicker when it's the opposition party that is held in such poor esteem by the public, we are also very conscious of the great damage such numbers can do to all.

THEREFOR: I join you CS Martin as a fellow native born Florida Gator in sharing your grave concern for the well being of our country in the face of the poor government performance 28% favorability represents as a threat to our standard of living for all.

Only 28% of Americans view the Republican Party favorably, the lowest mark for either party in Gallup polling dating back to 1992, when they started asking that question.

The latest Gallup survey, taken amid an ongoing federal government shutdown for which most have blamed Republicans so far, plunges the GOP's favorability levels 10 points from where they were in September. More than six in 10 Americans (62%) now view the Republican Party unfavorably, also a record-high in Gallup polling.

The previous low for the GOP came in 1999, when only 31% of people viewed the party favorably. That was during the impeachment proceedings of President Clinton.

Democrats have a more measured favorable-to-unfavorable split at 43-49. The 43% favorability level is down four points from last month.

And President Barack Obama's approval rating stands at 44%, compared with 51% who disapprove.

Here's a chart of the historical trend:

In addition to the government shutdown, the two parties are also locked in a debate over raising the nation's borrowing limit. Obama and the Treasury Department have repeatedly warned that a failure to raise the debt ceiling could lead to default and disastrous economic consequences.

"The Republican Party is clearly taking a bigger political hit from Americans thus far in the unfolding saga, with 28% rating the GOP favorably — a loss of 10 points from only a month ago," Gallup editor-in-chief Frank Newport wrote.

"This contrasts with previous Gallup findings from just before the government shutdown showing the Republican Party making up ground on a few key issues. Thus, the Republican Party's current strategy in the fiscal debates may not be paying dividends."

Very TROUBLING indeed.




It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The numbers here are troubling. Surely a gentleman like you is very concerned because very low numbers means the government functions poorly, and means it is not serving the needs of the people.
What you are forgetting, Merlot, is that teabaggers like Marty hate the US government. The lower the President's approval rating, the happier these people are. The typical teabagger thinks that the government only exists to pick their pockets and take away their precious guns.

You know what's funny, or not, is that those who are most likely to cling to the mantel of "patriot" are those who most resent paying taxes. Go figure.
May 28, 2012
What you are forgetting, Merlot, is that teabaggers like Marty hate the US government. The lower the President's approval rating, the happier these people are. The typical teabagger thinks that the government only exists to pick their pockets and take away their precious guns.

Merlot, the ignorance of the above post merely reinforces my opinion of the individual that spewed the foolishness. The essence of your post appears to be that there's blame to go around for all concerned, including the American People. I agree with this premise, but point out that this thread is about Obama not the balance of those at fault. I will ask you this question: You'll remember that Obama came into office with numerous promises. On the whole do you believe he's kept the majority of those promises? Do you still believe that he runs an open & honest administration? I'm looking for direct answers from you personally, not the media BS.
May 28, 2012
A friend of mine posted on her fb;
"I was born and raised in the Republican Party, but what the "Tea Party" is doing is not what the Republican Party was all about, when I was growing up. They are NOT the party they were 20 or 30, years ago. This used to be a party of integrity, compromise, negotiation and communication. Geez, people, Reagan was called the Great Communicator for crying out loud. Now, the Tea Party doesn't have a meal without the Koch Brothers telling them what to eat. Personally, I find it horrible that so many members of the Republican Party have sold out. The United States of America is NOT FOR SALE TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. That being said, this time it is because the Tea Party doesn't want the ACA. Please! Republicans, do what was done during Prohibition and write a bill to repeal this law instead of what is going on now. You are only shooting yourselves in the foot. We have a constitution for a reason. Let's do this the way our founding fathers would want. If is passes, yay! And if it doesn't then try again or accept the will of the people."

Even republicans don't approuve what the Tea party is doing!

Sadly your friend apparently has the same mental challenges to her logic as you do. The vast majority of the comment is an emotional outcry rather than a statement of substance. Suggest she talk to Obama about the constitution as even his supporters are saying the document is outmoded. Just the same blabbering you always post.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong. even his supporters are saying the document is outmoded.
Can you document this? No nutblogs accepted.

Just the same blabbering you always post.
roflmao, coming from the likes of you, CS Martyboy, the nutblog-lapper extraordinaire.

Sadly your friend apparently has the same mental challenges to her logic as you do.
Right, her friend doesn't gobble redstate and breitbart hook, line, and sinker like someone we know, eh? You bought any bridges from breitbart, Martyboy? I hear they've got a neat one for sale, linking Brooklyn and Manhattan and will give you a pretty good price.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Marty, did you know that the Republicans in the House have passed a bill to repeal the ACA?
Actually, Alyssa, they've passed repeal bills over 40 times, wasting some $17,000,000 in taxpayer dollars doing so, but unless the nutblogs have reported it, Marty wouldn't know.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Actually, Alyssa, they've passed repeal bills over 40 times, wasting some $17,000,000 in taxpayer dollars doing so, but unless the nutblogs have reported it, Marty wouldn't know.

Really? Did you know that the worthless Obama Administration paid $500 million on the website he official sign up Obamacare website, which almost no one can use?

Talk about incompetence. Obama is the poster child of incompetence, rumps. And you worship him. Doesn't say much about you and your Leftist nutjob comrades.


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
You keep holding on to that number as his polls will continue to slip. I'll reiterate my original premise as stated a year and a half ago: "The man is a very poor manager". It's not the ideology that I object to most, it's his f__ked up management style that presents the biggest problem. And now his infantile personality is coming through. His recent numbers are buoyed by that BS Economist/YouGov poll that put him dead even. That poll won't last for long and he's headed downward. It's also interesting that Rasmussen is helping him out quite a bit at +1. But remember you characterized them as being conservative BS. Let's also remember that AP is one of those most liberal organizations around. You've bought every word of their BS over the years....LOL. Rumps your support network is running on fumes....LOL

Quote '' poor manager'' and ''infantile personality'', and how exactly do you get these oh-so-incisive perceptions? because he's not completely going along with the suicidal republican congress right now?
Why don't you explain to us lowly paeons what exactly you mean by these comments...?

Obama's approval ratings at the time you wrote this is no doubt due to the same thing that has plagued EVERY two-term president in the last 50 years, also in the middle of his second mandate...

Oh and his somewhat decreasing numbers are no doubt due to the realization by many democratic supporters being disillusioned that the chosen president is not as progressive as they would want to be (i.e.: doing too much the bidding of his corporate donours) rather than what the people who elected him want...They wanted him to be a lot more firm during the recent push for gun control that got completely deflated by yahoos like you who are so perfectly in love with their phallic symbols... sorry, weapons... that they prefer being allowed to arm themselves to the teeth and blow a giant hole into their neighbour than to make sure said neighbour could survive the same gunshot wound without being thrown out into the street...


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Sadly your friend apparently has the same mental challenges to her logic as you do. The vast majority of the comment is an emotional outcry rather than a statement of substance. Suggest she talk to Obama about the constitution as even his supporters are saying the document is outmoded. Just the same blabbering you always post.

Well, that's ironic coming from've been the master for the last 4 years at writing what I call the ''Frankenstein's monster'' brand of debating: ''!!''

And for your information, she IS right, there are many Republican senators such as John McCain (name ring a bell) who just yesterday said Obamacare will NOT be defunded even though he has fought for defunding for the last few years, and that the Tea Party faction led by Ted Cruz will soon be brought to heel. Hell even the Corporate masters of the Republican party has met with them and have ordered them to stand down before the US defaults in a few days....

So what is YOUR view on the whole debacle, CS... in YOUR words, of course. (no franking allowed)


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Wow!! You wingnuts are really something else. So we've now taken the great leap from nutblogs to Russia Today. Russia Today? Really, DD? That's your source for news about Washington? Russia Today??? What's next in your never ending quest for mis-information? The Shanghai Times? The Pyongyang Bugle? Mad Magazine? Mars This Evening?

By the way, did you notice the by-line in this article? Don't look too hard, there is none.

From Wikipedia:
"James Kirchick in The New Republic accused the network of "often virulent anti-Americanism, worshipful portrayal of Russian leaders."[133] Ed Lucas wrote in The Economist (quoted in Al Jazeera) that the core of RT was "anti-Westernism."[134] Julia Ioffe wrote "Often, it seemed that Russia Today was just a way to stick it to the U.S. from behind the façade of legitimate newsgathering."[52] Shaun Walker wrote in The Independent that RT "has made a name for itself as a strident critic of US policy."[135] Allesandra Stanley in The New York Times wrote that RT is "like the Voice of America, only with more money and a zesty anti-American slant."[68] David Weigel writes that RT goes further than merely creating distrust of the United States government, to saying, in effect: "You can trust the Russians more than you can trust those bastards."[50]

Martyn Andrews reporting from Siberia, 2007.
Russian studies professor Stephen F. Cohen stated in 2012 that RT does a lot of stories that “reflect badly” on the United States and that they are “particularly aggrieved by American sermonizing abroad.” Thus RT compares stories about Russia allowing mass protests of the 2011–2012 Russian election protests with those of U.S. authorities nationwide arresting members of the Occupy movement. Cohen states that despite the pro-Kremlin slant, "any intelligent viewer can sort this out. I doubt that many idiots find their way to RT."[118]

John Feffer, codirector of Foreign Policy in Focus says he appears on RT as well as the U.S.-funded Voice of America and Radio Free Asia, commenting "You’re going to find blind spots in the coverage for any news organization."[118] American journalist Glenn Greenwald listed the corporate and government owners of prominent western media like NBC, BBC, Voice of America, Wall Street Journal, Fox News, Politico and The Washington Post and asked why it was "an intrinsic violation of journalistic integrity to work for a media outlet owned by the Russian government." He also wrote that the real cause of American media hostility toward RT is that "the reporting it does reflects poorly on the U.S. Government, the ultimate sin in the eyes of our 'adversarial' press corps."[73]

An 2013 article in Der Spiegel noted that RT is the most successful foreign broadcaster in many US cities, but also that RT "also uses a chaotic mixture of conspiracy theories and crude propaganda", referring to a program which linked the Boston Marathon bombings to a US government conspiracy.[136]"


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
While some people prefer to post articles from propaganda organizations, other live in the real world. Here's the result from a recent NBC poll taken by Democratic pollster Peter Hart and Republican Bill McInturff.

"Professional pollsters for major news organizations are notoriously cautious people who avoid hyperbole. So when Democratic pollster Peter Hart and Republican Bill McInturff conducted the new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll and described the results as "jaw-dropping," it's worth appreciating why.

Let's put it this way: if this poll were a campfire story, it'd leave Republicans shaking uncontrollably in their sleeping bags. The GOP wasn't in especially good shape before, but the shutdown crisis and the threats to crash the economy on purpose have been an unmitigated disaster for the party, causing the sort of collapse in public support pollsters simply don't see very often.

What's the good news for Republicans in the poll? There is no good news.

* Approval ratings: While President Obama's approval rating improved after GOP lawmakers shut down the government, Republican support has collapsed. In the new poll, 70% of Americans disapprove of the way in which GOP lawmakers are doing their jobs. Republicans have reached a level of unpopularity unseen in the history of the poll.

* Shutdown: Asked who bears responsibility for the shutdown, a 53% majority blame congressional Republicans. Less than a third (31%) blame the president.

* "Obamacare": Despite the difficulties the Affordable Care Act has encountered since the open-enrollment period began, support for the law has increased.

* Generic ballot: Democrats enjoy an eight-point advantage in the congressional midterm elections (47% to 39%), as compared to a three-point advantage last month (46% to 43%).

* Government activism: By a 52% to 44% margin, Americans believe the government should do more, not less, to solve problems. In June, the results were evenly split.

* Patriotism: A 70% majority believe congressional Republicans are "putting their own political agenda ahead of what is good for the country."

Republican pollster Bill McInturff added, "These numbers lead to one inescapable conclusion:
The Republicans are not tone deaf; they are stone deaf."

Reince Priebus' "rebranding" campaign hit a few potholes in recent months, but it's now fallen into a deep sinkhole.

Away from politics, let's also note that the Republican-imposed crisis has taken a severe toll on the public's general outlook. Only 14% believe the nation is headed in the right direction -- a low unseen since the economic crash five years ago. Over the next year, only 17% expect the American economy to improve, which is also down sharply.

In other words, Washington has effectively punched the nation in the gut, for reasons Republicans have not fully explained and fail to fully understand themselves.

The crisis is not yet over, but even when it's resolved, it's going to take some time to recover from this one.


Nov 12, 2007
A friend of mine posted on her fb;
"I was born and raised in the Republican Party, but what the "Tea Party" is doing is not what the Republican Party was all about, when I was growing up. They are NOT the party they were 20 or 30, years ago. This used to be a party of integrity, compromise, negotiation and communication. Geez, people, Reagan was called the Great Communicator for crying out loud. Now, the Tea Party doesn't have a meal without the Koch Brothers telling them what to eat. Personally, I find it horrible that so many members of the Republican Party have sold out. The United States of America is NOT FOR SALE TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. That being said, this time it is because the Tea Party doesn't want the ACA. Please! Republicans, do what was done during Prohibition and write a bill to repeal this law instead of what is going on now. You are only shooting yourselves in the foot. We have a constitution for a reason. Let's do this the way our founding fathers would want. If is passes, yay! And if it doesn't then try again or accept the will of the people."

Even republicans don't approuve what the Tea party is doing!

I know this gay guy who said on his face book that those pride parades are over the top.
Even Homosexuals don't approve what is going on with pride parades.

I know this black guy who said he doesn't mind the word nigger.
Even black people like the word nigger.

I know a woman who digs getting a beating, loves the rough stuff.
Even women love a good fisting.

Just skimming and couldn't let that one pass. It isn't any other republicrat or dempublican would notice what you in effect did there.

I'll let you all get back to arguing over what is better, a giant douche or a turd sandwich.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Wow!! You wingnuts are really something else. So we've now taken the great leap from nutblogs to Russia Today. Russia Today? Really, DD? That's your source for news about Washington? Russia Today??? What's next in your never ending quest for mis-information? The Shanghai Times? The Pyongyang Bugle? Mad Magazine? Mars This Evening?

By the way, did you notice the by-line in this article? Don't look too hard, there is none.

From Wikipedia:
"James Kirchick in The New Republic accused the network of "often virulent anti-Americanism, worshipful portrayal of Russian leaders."[133] Ed Lucas wrote in The Economist (quoted in Al Jazeera) that the core of RT was "anti-Westernism."[134] Julia Ioffe wrote "Often, it seemed that Russia Today was just a way to stick it to the U.S. from behind the façade of legitimate newsgathering."[52] Shaun Walker wrote in The Independent that RT "has made a name for itself as a strident critic of US policy."[135] Allesandra Stanley in The New York Times wrote that RT is "like the Voice of America, only with more money and a zesty anti-American slant."[68] David Weigel writes that RT goes further than merely creating distrust of the United States government, to saying, in effect: "You can trust the Russians more than you can trust those bastards."[50]

Martyn Andrews reporting from Siberia, 2007.
Russian studies professor Stephen F. Cohen stated in 2012 that RT does a lot of stories that “reflect badly” on the United States and that they are “particularly aggrieved by American sermonizing abroad.” Thus RT compares stories about Russia allowing mass protests of the 2011–2012 Russian election protests with those of U.S. authorities nationwide arresting members of the Occupy movement. Cohen states that despite the pro-Kremlin slant, "any intelligent viewer can sort this out. I doubt that many idiots find their way to RT."[118]

John Feffer, codirector of Foreign Policy in Focus says he appears on RT as well as the U.S.-funded Voice of America and Radio Free Asia, commenting "You’re going to find blind spots in the coverage for any news organization."[118] American journalist Glenn Greenwald listed the corporate and government owners of prominent western media like NBC, BBC, Voice of America, Wall Street Journal, Fox News, Politico and The Washington Post and asked why it was "an intrinsic violation of journalistic integrity to work for a media outlet owned by the Russian government." He also wrote that the real cause of American media hostility toward RT is that "the reporting it does reflects poorly on the U.S. Government, the ultimate sin in the eyes of our 'adversarial' press corps."[73]

An 2013 article in Der Spiegel noted that RT is the most successful foreign broadcaster in many US cities, but also that RT "also uses a chaotic mixture of conspiracy theories and crude propaganda", referring to a program which linked the Boston Marathon bombings to a US government conspiracy.[136]"

You are incredible, rumps. Go ahead, blast the source. You want a better source? Is CBS news good for you? Or Real Clear Politics? Propaganda news organizations like CNN or ABC news don't mention a word about the cost of on their website. Here:

The crowning blunder came 10 days ago with the rollout of website, the centerpiece of the administration’s effort to sign individuals up for coverage through the government-run health care exchanges that are at the heart of the legislation. To say this was vitally important to the overall success of the law is an understatement. It is the aspect of Obamacare that the president himself has said is utterly essential—and backed up those words by letting the federal government shut down rather that give in to Republican demands to gut it. Nonetheless, its premiere was a giant flop – and Kathleen Sebelius is responsible.

The government’s website apparently cost more than $500 million to build—and counting. This is more than LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Spotify, and yet it has been a disaster from the get-go, freezing, crashing, and locking people out.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Marty, did you know that the Republicans in the House have passed a bill to repeal the ACA?

Many times, but it takes the Senate to repeal it also, and the president to sign it. This one won't. It will be the Democrats undoing. The bill is so bloated and catastrophic that it will haunt the Democrat party for decades.
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