Montreal Escorts

Oddest thing to happen to you

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Un de mes copains m'avait dit qu'il me surprendrait en me procurant une fille pour le jour de mon anniversaire. Il me demanda mon choix, et je lui dit de me surprendre avec une fille d'Eleganza, mais je voulais pas savoir quelle. Le lendemain, j'entend cogner. Je croyais que mon copain venait me chercher pour aller souper. A ma grande surprise, une belle jeune demoiselle entra et m'embrassait profondement. Mon dieu, elle n'arretait pas! Je tentais de lui dire un mot et elle continua a m'embrasser. Elle commence ensuite a me deculotter et a genou procede a me donner une bonne pipe.

Je lui suggere d'aller vers le lit et pendant que je la deshabille, je lui dit qu'on devrait au moins s'introduire avant de proceder a la prochaine etape et apres que je lui ai dit mon nom, elle me dit le sien et sa clochait pas du tout. "Ah, tu dois etre nouvelle avec l'agence", je lui dit. Elle me repoind que ca faisait un an environ qu'elle travaille avec son agence. "C'est curieux, je me rappelle pas d'avoir vu une fille avec ton nom sur leur site."

Je continue a la deshabiller et on s'embrasse de plus en plus et c'est intense. Soudain, une idee me vient et je lui demande: "Tu travailles bien pour Eleganza, pas vrai?" Elle arrete et a un air soucieux. "Quoi c'est ca l'eleganza???" Et c'est a ce moment que tout les deux, on realise que je n'etais pas le client qu'elle devait voir. Elle rappelle son agence et il lui informe qu'elle s'etait trompee de plancher!! C'etait meme pas une fille que mon copain m'avait envoye!!

Elle avait l'air tres genee apres avoir apris ca et s'excusa. Moi, je trouvais ca tres drole. Elle m'a alors demandee ce que je voulais faire, car son agence lui avait dit qu'elle pouvait rester avec moi si je voulais ou qu'elle aille a son call. Je lui ai dit qu'elle pouvait rester si elle voulait et que je l'aimais bien, alors elle est restee. En passant, ca a fini par ce bien passer et on s'est revu a quelques reprises ensuite.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Salutation a tous

Comme Booker outcall

J'attend deux de mes filles qui termine leurs call double dans le stationnement du Motel .Un appel entre un client mécontent' car les deux filles qu'il a commandé sont en retard de plus d'une heures ,Le problème c'est pas avec nous qu'il a fait le booking ,mes mes deux filles qui termine on les memes stats ou proche .je lui dit que le chauffeur est dans le stationnement .Mes deux demoiselles viennes me voir je les dirige a leurs chambres .

Call confirmer .Ce n'était pas un phénomène fréquent ,donc étrange

Au plaisir


TD Bank

New Member
Oct 27, 2011
I had a SP get belligerent with me right in the middle of the session. Things started to escalate and she said Hit me. I know you want to hit me. She seemed disappointed when I told her that was the furthest thing on my mind. She went silent and just sat on the edge of the bed looking depressed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2011
I was having a great time with a beautiful SP, we were both getting hot, gave her a clitoral orgasm then when my fingers went deep inside I felt a condom, owwwwwwwwwwwwww... Errrrrrr ummmmmm is this yours? Immediate deboner!!!!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
I posted this in Crystal's review thread but because it is one of the oddest things to happen to me I will also post it here:

"I was fortunate to catch up with and see Crystal prior to the VIP9 party. Although it had been a while since I have seen Crystal, she looked as beautiful as ever. Her website is here:

I mistakenly believed she had moved from Montreal. She is still in Montreal, although she travels a lot. I emailed her and arrangements to meet were made quickly and easily.

I had a great time with Crystal - she looked awesome and her service is fantastic. I write this review primarily to describe a mishap that occurred to me at the end of the session, which is possibly the funniest thing that ever happened to me with a woman.

I had checked into my AirBnB condo in Old Montreal about 5 hours earlier. I immediately sized it up and although I liked the condo a lot, I quickly realized one of the weaknesses of it was the lighting. Specifically, the area of the condo where the bed was had one lamp with an overpoweringly bright light and no dimmer switch. With the lamp light off, there was barely enough ambient light from the kitchen and the large TV in the living room to filter into the bedroom area, which was not walled off.

I then noticed, to the wall side of the bed which was opposite from the lamp side, a cabinet with a half burnt candle in it. I then noticed different, 3/4 burned smaller candles in small glass receptacles on the top of a cabinet in the living room. I then hatched the idea that what the bed area lacked in lighting when the overpowering lamp was off, I could make up for with 3 candles, also creating a somewhat nicer ambience in the room. So I arranged the candles in a row on the wall side cabinet near the bed, and lit them shortly prior to Crystal's arrival.

Crystal and I then had our date. At the end, as we dressed, I looked at the candles and told myself I better blow them out now, lest I forget in the banter of conversation and burn the condo and/or the building to the ground, which obviously wouldn't endear me to my AirBnB host.

So I went over to blow out the smaller candles first, took a deep breath, and blew, without thinking. Because the candles were 3/4 burned and located at the bottom of small glass containers, the melted wax was pooled at the bottom of the glass. As a result, the force of me blowing on the candle forced up a backsplash of hot wax- which splattered my forehead, eyebrows, face, neck, and chest.

The good news is that although the wax was hot, it didn't burn me. However, upon hitting my face it coagulated and did not come off. It adhered to my eyebrows and chest hair and my facial hair. I jumped in the shower and tried to wash it off, but only got some of it off. Crystal then got a brush out of her purse and because she could see me better than I could, she brushed most of the wax out of my eyebrows and off my face. Some remained in my chest hair even after a second shower. However I was then able to get dressed and go to the VIP9 party.

Moral of the story: be careful blowing out candles and take it easy if it is a candle in a glass with pooled, melted wax on the bottom. Blow only with such force as is necessary to quell the flame and no more- start with soft blows and work your way up. I blew too hard which is why this happened to me. Thankfully I had Crystal and her brush to get most of that wax off of me. It was a lot."

Milburn Drysdale

New Member
Jan 17, 2011
This was in the dark ages before the internet. I saw an ad in a newspaper ( Laval - freeby paper ) with a, I called to make an appointment. She was a woman in her early 40s, she was advertising massage but she said on the phone that I would be getting additional services. When I asked how much were the add-ons, she said it was included. I asked for the address and told me it was near St. Faustin. Bummer. The time spent traveling would negate any savings.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I just have to bump that thread sorry guys but

Listen what happened is bsaically I got an electric shock on the tip of my tongue. I'll let you figure out where the other person involved got a shock. :eek:


is this too much information ? I just thought it was funny/weird as hell omg

Naomi Loren

Supporting Member
Mar 26, 2016
Weirdest thing that almost happened: my uber driver tried to get me to go apple picking with him?


Time Traveler
Jul 29, 2006
Planet Earth
Pancakes anyone?

My weirdest experience went like this:

I had previously booked an encounter with an SP some time ago. I made sure all was inclusive, and then she asked me if i'd like pancakes, which I confirmed.

The next morning, I get to the location, take a shower, come out in the kitchen and realised she was completing the pancake mixture. I came by her and she started pouring it in the pan and cooked 10+ of them.

We sat like 20 minutes into our meeting, and she talked and ate... After a while, trying to keep track of time, I told her that we had only 10 minutes left in our meeting. She felt bad and was hoping to extend our encounter for an extra 30 minutes. Sadly, and according to our schedule, we simply couldn't. Not much could have been done for the remaining 5 minutes, except teasing each other.

I've tried to arrange another meeting with her at a later moment, because i did find her interesting. But seeing where this was going, I simply gave up.

N.B. This actually happenned following 2 last minute cancellations within a timespan of a month. I felt so lucky...


Oct 21, 2016
Struck up a relationship with an early 20's SP who I saw fairly regular before having to move to Toronto. After awhile we both started opening up a bit about ourselves, sharing details about our life is pretty normal I guess. Thing is the more I heard the more it sounded strangely familiar though somewhat different at the same time, as though two people were giving me an account of the same experience but from different points of view. Then suddenly the light went on and I realized that she was the daughter of a nice lady I had known about ten years before but who had left the business. The family resemblance was unmistakable too, so there was no mistake.
TBH this was a turn on for me though I never mentioned it to the SP and needless to say never explored the possibility of a mother daughter combo.

Meat Missile

New Member
Jan 17, 2011
There was a sister, sister, daughter team working a salon in St. Therese about 10 years back. I did the three of them.

MTL Expos

Oct 15, 2010
I was using a motel room on St, Jacques for a rendez vous and saw a cab driver pull up with a woman in the back seat. He went in and got a room and they zoomed over to the room...................I guess he got a nice tip.


Trusted Since 2003
Aug 29, 2003
I had the SWAT Team burst the door with a ram of my room at The Chablis a couple of years ago ... they were looking for someone else. But it was scary having the little red dot pointing at you ...
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