Nono Optimism
Here are nine reasons for optimism for Leafs' fans:
1) Captain Pylon is only under contract for another six years - Clarkson and Bozak even shorter!
2) The possibility of allowing more teams to make the playoffs is being considered. It is intolerable that only the top 16 do now, thus excluding the Leafs during 90% of the last decade.
3) rates the Leafs chances of making the playoffs at almost 10%. Also, Kessel is reported to be very confident that they will be allowed to play in mid April.
4) Don Cherry and Doug Maclean seem to no longer be their apologists. They are bound to play better soon without having their heads swelled by the media. Maybe this is just an unlucky century for them.
5) Another saviour is coming soon. Burke, Mini-Burke(Noonis) and Carlyle have certainly laid the foundation for a very entertaining team.
6) The Leafs can't help but be profitable in the populous province of Canada. They have ensured that Hamilton (not just Toronto) doesn't have a NHL team.
7) They have a source of revenue that no other team in professional sports does. Fans buy their jerseys and then return them without asking for a refund.
8) The Leafs are usually hot until the snow comes and then start falling with their namesakes on the trees. Then they collapse in Spring just in time to get onto the golf courses early. This year it appears that they will not be raising any false expectations.
9) It is annoying for most fans when their team goes into revolving door mode. The good news is that Leafs management has provided huge long term contracts to avoid any chance of any other team wanting to trade for any of their prominent losers.