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Special K

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May 3, 2003
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EagerBeaver said:
I warned everyone to be careful because it used to be that the Holiday Inn Select would only grab the higher bids that were made last minute.


There is no rhyme or reason to which hotel selects your bid. That has been made extremely clear on the BFT website.

You can bid $80 if you want for a 3* hoping that the Hyatt will accept it, when in fact there's an equal chance that the HI Select will accept it.

The only thing you can do is at the time check BFT and see where your bid of say $40 has been recently accepted, and at this time it appears to be a crapshoot between the HI Select, Hyatt, and Delta Montreal. Let's just hope the Crowne Plaza doesn't start accepting any 3* bids.

Dirty Jer-z

Crazy SOB from Jersey
Feb 24, 2005
New Jersey, USA
Holiday Inn Select

I got 2 rooms at the Holiday Inn Select a few days ago for $40USD a night. So it does look like the Holiday Inn Select is the most likely 3* right now from looking at BFT and my bid.

Is the Holiday Inn Select really that bad? Seems like the people on BFT gave it some good reviews and it seems to be in a good location. Am I mistaken?


Jul 7, 2003
Motels... and priceline

We are not comfortable to send ladies to a motel because :

1 - It's kinda obvious, walking in a parking lot, you know what I mean..

2 - 1 of our driver already got stopped by 2 beautiful, well-fed specimen of doughnut eaters that have nothing better to do than sit in their car, in front of these places all day (murder or rape is sooo less important).

It's not that we won't go, but as long as their is another option, we prefer that... The holiday inn on sherbrooke offers 4h stays (I am not 100% but almost).

As for priceline, it kinda suck for montreal because you have no neighborhood option (not like NYC, SF, etc). If your bid is not accepted at first, you have to chose another location and you might end up in the suburbs.. (not too fun). However, you can check that website : to have an idea of wich hotels are offered in wich area, and also what people got lately.
This way, you can trick your bid. Per exemple : Choose at first a 4 star hotel in Montreal. Try at 60$ a night (if you are adventurous, 50). If it's not accepted, check on the "cheaters" website, choose an area that offers no 4 stars hotel, include that area on your second bid and change your price to 5 or 10$ higher.
There is also hotwire, expedia,, etc...
It may sound horribly painful, but it's actually fun when you don't care much of where you stay! And you save a lot of bacon!
Lolita xxx


Jul 7, 2003
By the way

Used priceline yesterday, and I got the Hyatt on Ste-Catherine st for 50$ a night. I could upgrade to a suite for a ridiculous extra 100$. This is hilarious!! I guess these people make too much money..


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Lolita said:
2 - 1 of our driver already got stopped by 2 beautiful, well-fed specimen of doughnut eaters that have nothing better to do than sit in their car, in front of these places all day (murder or rape is sooo less important).


This comment is too funny! :D Most of the guys who have complained about not being able to see your ladies at the Chablis are guys who just don't get it and they will never get it, and/or they are playing fast and loose and on the cheap, so you don't want to do business with them anyway.

Thanks for your information on your bid at the Hyatt!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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regna D,

I am not talking about you, I am talking about the whole history of this issue. The Chablis is a known hangout for cheating husbands and it is well known that the parking lot is filled with surveilling PDs and cops. There were past reports that blackmail tapes and photos have been made and sent to some hobbyists and/or used in Court cases. There was also a murder there and reports that the murder was related to gang activity. There are some out there who are too stupid to figure any of this out, but Lolita is wise to it and she does not want any of her girls involved in any of this bullshit. So the message she is sending is along the lines of "don't be a cheap bastard, stay in a real hotel in a legitimate neighborhood devoid of the rats and other lowlifes that hang at the Chablis."

Of course Lolita is a subtle and suave businessperson, whereas I am the blunt voice of the truth, so hopefully this makes things clearer.
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EagerBeaver said:
So the message she is sending is along the lines of "don't be a cheap bastard, stay in a real hotel in a legitimate neighborhood devoid of the rats and other lowlifes that hang at the Chablis."


You are generalizing and your opinion of those who go at the Chablis is condescending. For those of us living in the Montreal area or coming in town during the day (like Regnad), this place is very nice. I personally use that place very often, and I don't consider myself being one of those "rats and other lowlifes", as you said. :mad:

regnad said:
Although I've never seen the Chablis by night, I would imagine that it is quite a different place by day. It is fairly quiet and the rooms are certainly far nicer than those at the Holiday, or at least the one I visited.
Yes Regnad, the place is nice during the day, but quite busy and not welcoming at night. I strongly suggest anyone to NOT book a full night. It's a world of difference between day and night shifts there.

Lolita said:
We are not comfortable to send ladies to a motel because :

1 - It's kinda obvious, walking in a parking lot, you know what I mean..
2 - 1 of our driver already got stopped by 2 beautiful, well-fed specimen of doughnut eaters that have nothing better to do than sit in their car, in front of these places all day (murder or rape is sooo less important).

It's not that we won't go, but as long as their is another option, we prefer that... The holiday inn on sherbrooke offers 4h stays (I am not 100% but almost).

By the way, if the girl is not comfortable going to a motel, there is always the option of meeting her at an other place, for example a Tim Hortons nearby, and then go at the motel together. When you do so you can park the car in the parking lots behind the motel, and no-one will let you two come in and out of the place. You may want to book the room first.

I did that a few times, with you Lolita and others in the past, and it always worked.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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``Rat`` is an English expression that is used to refer to PDs derogatorily since they are paid to ``rat`` someone out. I work with PDs all the time and some of them are good friends of mine. We laugh about stuff like this.

However CA, the fact is perception often becomes reality, and it has become reality in the case of the companions. I hardly need to prove the case any further than that! If you have a problem with the fact that perception=reality, you need to take that up with Lolita, not with me.

Further comments on this should be made in the Chablis thread, not in the Priceline thread.
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New Member
Mar 10, 2005
Special K said:

You got the Sandman on Priceline? If so what star level and area did you choose?



I got it for 55 on 3 star. I forget the name of the area, started with an l. Is it a good hotel? And opinions on it?


New Member
Mar 10, 2005
You mean its not actually on the correct side of the river? I'd have to cab to ste Dennis and ste catherine?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I am confused as to why you bid on a hotel in Longeuil apparently not knowing where it was. There are maps on Priceline as you bid that show you where the area you are bidding on is located. Did you look at these maps? :confused:

Why didn't you bid on a hotel in Montreal? You could have gotten a 3 star for less than $55 in the downtown Montreal area.
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Oct 6, 2003
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I've tried Priceline several times but it seems they don't accept a Canadian address. Is there a way around this or are all you guys using Priceleine Americans? I'm looking to see how we can get the cheap room prices here also. Any ideas? :)


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Sailor said:
I've tried Priceline several times but it seems they don't accept a Canadian address. Is there a way around this or are all you guys using Priceleine Americans? I'm looking to see how we can get the cheap room prices here also. Any ideas? :)

This question was already answered earlier in the thread, which you apparently did not read in its entirety. When you get to State insert "CA" and for zip code enter "99999" (see post of GIG Ballday). Many Canadians are using Priceline so I can't imagine it is that hard.


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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There's also a chance that once you try to sign up and give your credit card info with the 'correct' info that shows that you live in Canada.....using that same card might not work the second time around. Buddy tried that in Toronto and had to use another 'new' card.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Hyatt for $52

I just assisted a friend of mine place a successful $52 bid on Priceline which was accepted by the Hyatt this upcoming week.

I came out of the blocks with a $40 offer, which was rejected. There was then a $52 counteroffer which my friend instructed me to accept because he was not interested in further haggling.


New Member
Feb 15, 2005
hhhmmm.. I got Quality Hotel Downtown for US$35 for tonight.
A little more than what I normally pay at Chablis but it's downtown. :)

General question : is it better try to book in advance (at least 1 week advance) to get better price for 3 or 4 star hotels via
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