Montreal Escorts

Scary stories of escort security

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Damn, this is scary! Any tips on what to do if things like this happen when you see an indy?
Well i remember something similar did happen to me. I saw a girl that i had met previously & liked her. I had seen her early in the afternoon. An absolute beauty! About a month later i was back in town & she had switched agencies. She was now working the evening shift starting at 8pm until the early hours of the morning. Her name was Jersey. Anyways i had also noticed that her roomate & best friend was also working that night. When she showed up in my room she looked like she was on something. I can’t say that she was high because she was slurring her speech & kept saying how tired she was. I told her “But it’s only around 8 o’clock!” She mentioned that she hadn’t seen her roomate for two days. I mentioned that her roomate was currently working. “Really? Oh, I didn’t know.” Anyways she asked me if she could sleep for a few minutes. And she kept slurring “I like you so much…i like you so much…you’re my favorite client.” I couldn’t help but chuckle. Anyways she soon was snoring & only woke up an hour later when i told her it was time for her to leave. She could barely walk straight. She kept saying “I don’t know why i’m so tired. What’s wrong with me?” I asked her if she wanted me to escort her out but she said she was okay. About 15 minutes later the agency called & asked me how things went. I chuckled and said “How things went? She slept the whole time!” I never saw her again. lol. (later one of her regulars told me that she likely was under the influence of ketamine)

So the answer to your question: pray that it doesn’t happen to you. lol
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