Trump is corrupt to the core and is an embarrassment to the nation.
its almost like people who cant read or understand
if you have been watching the witch hunt trump released the transcripts to the foreign phone call a unprecedented move that the democrats never thought would happen.
there was nothing he said which even remotely sounds what ''the whistle blower claimed''
prior to this was the ''russia scandal and people just eat it up
and when this does not work they lower themselves to a level this slippery slimy democrats could crawl under a snake making fun of the presidents autistic son a innocent that is low
cause like the 70% who live pay to pay its for a reason they are basically brain cell lacking
in america your supposed to be innocent untill proven guilty
all these circus clowns are doing is throwing accusation after accusation to trump well knowing he in innocent
hopeing to mess up his futur presidential run
as the only candidates they have to run against him are village idiots