Its obvious you have a short attention span in your list of qualifications but..its innocent until proven guilty.
opinions are like assholes...everyone has one.
I wish picking the Loto Max numbers was as easy as the obvious verdict of innocent was.
here is a video on you tube showing a few decades ago the same democrats when clinton was trying to be impeached should a differene forward to miss adds to 1.45
Clinton handled his own impeachment much more honorably and bravely than has Trump.
1) Clinton testified under oath to Congress (and lied about having sex with an intern). Trump hides behind lawyers and refuses to testify under oath.
2) Clinton handed over documents subpoenaed by Congress. Trump has defied Congress and has refused to hand over ANY documents to Congress; documents that likely would help prove his guilt.
3) Clinton permitted all his staff and federal employees to testify under oath to Congress. Trump has refused to allow ANY of his staff or federal employees to testify under oath to Congress. A few diplomats have testified in defiance of Trump. Many who would help prove his guilt have remained silent. John Bolton has agreed to testify under oath, if the Congressional Senate subpoenas him to do so this week, in defiance of Trump.
Trump makes Clinton look like a choir boy by comparison!