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Senate impeachment circus

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Nov 1, 2019
Its obvious you have a short attention span in your list of qualifications but..its innocent until proven guilty.
opinions are like assholes...everyone has one.
I wish picking the Loto Max numbers was as easy as the obvious verdict of innocent was.

here is a video on you tube showing a few decades ago the same democrats when clinton was trying to be impeached should a differene forward to miss adds to 1.45

Clinton handled his own impeachment much more honorably and bravely than has Trump.
1) Clinton testified under oath to Congress (and lied about having sex with an intern). Trump hides behind lawyers and refuses to testify under oath.
2) Clinton handed over documents subpoenaed by Congress. Trump has defied Congress and has refused to hand over ANY documents to Congress; documents that likely would help prove his guilt.
3) Clinton permitted all his staff and federal employees to testify under oath to Congress. Trump has refused to allow ANY of his staff or federal employees to testify under oath to Congress. A few diplomats have testified in defiance of Trump. Many who would help prove his guilt have remained silent. John Bolton has agreed to testify under oath, if the Congressional Senate subpoenas him to do so this week, in defiance of Trump.
Trump makes Clinton look like a choir boy by comparison!


Nov 1, 2019
got to love tabloid magazines might was well get your information from a comic book
he created jobs
stock market is at a all time high
eevrything he said he would do he has done
he turned around the mess obama created
Exactly that's why
1 he will no be impeached
2 he will win the next election

Obama is the one who turned the economy around, after he cleaned up the economic disaster that George Bush left him. You do remember the banking system on the verge of collapse?
When Obama left office, the economy was humming, jobs were being created, and the stock market was in the midst of a record length of expansion. Trump has simply piggy backed on Obama's progress. Typically, he takes full credit for all of Obama's successes, and takes no blame for the mess that is now Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine; for China kicking our economic and diplomatic ass in the world; and he can't stop thanking Russia and KGB Putin for helping install him in as POTUS by rigging the election that defeated Clinton, despite the fact that More Americans Voted For Hillary Clinton Than Donald Trump.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Isn't it amusing that John Bolton has now become the chief hero of the "progressive" part of humankind? I guess they are now in love with his foreign policy views as well. Never met a war he didn't like, that kind of stuff.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Clinton handled his own impeachment much more honorably and bravely than has Trump.
Thats your opinion and your welcomed to it

1) Clinton testified under oath to Congress (and lied about having sex with an intern). Trump hides behind lawyers and refuses to testify under oath.
the democrats wanted to trap trump without legal council and they have totally illegally done the whole process which is why trump will not only get off i hope they all get tried with treason you forgot clinton raped 3 woman who took him to court and won

2) Clinton handed over documents subpoenaed by Congress. Trump has defied Congress and has refused to hand over ANY documents to Congress; documents that likely would help prove his guilt.
total bs watch the trial and actual concentration on the facts not simon says listen to me from the democrats

3) Clinton permitted all his staff and federal employees to testify under oath to Congress. Trump has refused to allow ANY of his staff or federal employees to testify under oath to Congress. A few diplomats have testified in defiance of Trump. Many who would help prove his guilt have remained silent. John Bolton has agreed to testify under oath, if the Congressional Senate subpoenas him to do so this week, in defiance of Trump.
Trump makes Clinton look like a choir boy by comparison!
Buddie get off the herbs and watch the trial the democrats refused to give republicans the so called proof and have taken everything and twisted facts but to die hard trump haters its a quick spin and wash cycle

im typeing really slow just for you
trump will be not be impeached
trump will be re elected democrats will pay for their treason by loseing seats


Nov 1, 2019
Thats your opinion and your welcomed to it

the democrats wanted to trap trump without legal council and they have totally illegally done the whole process which is why trump will not only get off i hope they all get tried with treason you forgot clinton raped 3 woman who took him to court and won

total bs watch the trial and actual concentration on the facts not simon says listen to me from the democrats

Buddie get off the herbs and watch the trial the democrats refused to give republicans the so called proof and have taken everything and twisted facts but to die hard trump haters its a quick spin and wash cycle

im typeing really slow just for you
trump will be not be impeached
trump will be re elected democrats will pay for their treason by loseing seats

I did present you with facts. You are the one who is either unaware of the facts, or deliberately being obtuse because the facts are actually quite damning for Trump.
99% he will be acquitted, because the Republicans hold the Senate majority.
Trump has been invited to testify with legal counsel at his side. Fact. He's too chicken to do so because he is guilty. Innocent people testify under oath. He can now do so in front of the Senate, which is majority ruled by his political allies the Republicans. So he cannot be mistreated by this Senate trial. Where is he now? Why is he still hiding in the shadows behind Twitter? Why not testify under oath in front of his allies who control the Senate trial? Why not let his staff testify under oath in front of his allies controlling the Senate, if he is really innocent?
Answer: He is obviously guilty.
Another point: you haven't the faintest idea of what constitutes treason. The USA is not a monarchy, and Trump is not a king. He just thinks he is.
And regarding the need for you to type slowly for me...don't flatter yourself lol

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Democrats talk about impeachment without even defining what laws may have been broken,with applying the facts to them,without defining if even those laws were ever broken.
Nancy Pelosi was pressured to try and impeach president bush yet did not do that.
Back then she said its not about impeaching the president it is about putting the country through that
She said she thought what the republicans did to president Clinton was shameful and irresponsible
And wrong for the country,what bill Clinton did was stupid but had nothing to do with public policy and his office-his responsibility and his office.
She felt people could have made a case about president bush but she did not want to go down that path because what ti would mean to the American people.they wanted to impeach but didn’t remove from office-1 president in a very irresponsible manner

If you want to talk about interference in elections this is exactly what the republicans are trying to do.
Think about it its impossible trump will be impeached the whole purpose is to try and discredit him as they know they don’t have a snowballs chance in hell to beat him in the next election
Democrats talk about impeachment without even defining what laws may have been broken,with applying the facts to them,without defining if even those laws were ever broken.
Nancy Pelosi was pressured to try and impeach president bush yet did not do that.
Back then she said its not about impeaching the president it is about putting the country through that
She said she thought what the republicans did to president Clinton was shameful and irresponsible
And wrong for the country,what bill Clinton did was stupid but had nothing to do with public policy and his office-his responsibility and his office.

Think about it
its impossible trump will be impeached the whole purpose is to try and discredit him as they know they don’t have a snowballs chance in hell to beat him in the next election.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Not only Tramp will be acquitted with flying colors but also Biden will be damaged beyond repair. Giuliani claims having now documented evidence that Hunter Biden made not $2M but $8M in Ukraine during his father’s tenure as the Obama’s point man for Ukrainian policy. Biden will face this question everywhere he campaigns.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
The president won in just 2 hrs of his team speaking
After w eek of hearing from schiffs team
The presidents team totally demolished the democrats case
Even the mainstream media admitted they put on a great defense. Pretty meticlulious well organized argument from the presidents defense
Presidents defense team.they came out with the facts rather than liek shiff trying to tell people well trump said this but in his head he was thinking that and the Ukraine president replived but in his mind he thought that how was like the media never heard all the facts before.because the had not.
Adam Schiff and the democrats set this up in secret,denied Donald trumps lawyers for 5 months the right to make their case and hid a lot of the evidence from the senate..
Simple..... read the transcript ther is no talk about denying aid on the phone
Trump asked the Ukraine president to do us a favour,the American people
That was to investige election interfearance and to investigate corruption
This is in black and white and in writeing
The president of the Ukraine and his people said the phone call was a good call
And he felt no pressure,he said that after the call and after this whole thing blew up
Never knew that the aid was delayed they found out in the news when the usa media reported it
How can he be charged with trying to leverage the Ukraine to do a investigation by holding back funding when they were not even aware funding was held back
There can not be a threat without the person know he is being threatened
There can not be a quick pro quo without the quo
Trump delayed aid to many countries but this was nver mentioned as it would put holes in the democrats story afganastan korea central America trump jsut does not throw money away with out knowing its going to where it is supposed to go.he is a businessman nto a politician and it shows,packastan.
Witnesses called by the democrats backed trump foreign policy concern in Ukraine was fighting corruption,foreign aid starts and stops all the time.witnesses testified trump had ordered a review of all foreign aid2 yrs ago that it would nto be business as usual.focus would be on other countries paying their fair share.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
I think it was really smart of them to have a short 2 hour hearing today. The senators are not used to seating on their asses for hours and hours, so this alone will work in the defense's favor.


Nov 1, 2019
My goodness, you apparent ignorance of the facts is exhausting, CBB.

Trump is being impeached for two articles. Abuse of Power, and Obstruction of Congress. The Democrats meticulously laid out both articles ad nauseum these past 3 days. And a review of the Federalist Papers and other documents at the time make it clear that laws need not be broken by the President in order to be impeached. In large part because the President has powers with potential abuse that no other citizens possess, and therefore Congress is not in the habit of passing laws that try to foresee every conceivable abuse of power that a President might someday commit. But attempting to bribe the Ukrainian president by withholding military aid to an ally during a time of wartime crisis, solely for his own personal benefit (insisting that Zelinsky dig up dirt on Biden's son) constitutes an obvious abuse of power. And they could have included a charge of bribery as well.

Additionally, on January 16, 2020, the Government Accountability Office, a nonpartisan watchdog agency, stated that Trump broke the law by withholding military aid to Ukraine that had been legislated by Congress. This was a violation of the Impoundment Control Act of 1974.

Lastly, the Constitution grants Congress the right to impeachment of the President. By refusing to hand over documents and witnesses that would be helpful in conducting the impeachment process, Trump has obviously obstructed Congress from fulfilling its Constitutional duties. President Clinton fulfilled his oath to defend and protect the Constitution; President Trump has elected to thumb his nose at the Constitution.

Despite the fact that a supplicant Republican Senate majority is unlikely to convict Trump, the members of the House felt they had a duty to defend the Constitution, and even Pelosi acquiesced to proceeding once the evidence of his attempted bribery became overwhelming. The facts are not in dispute. The only defense his Senate allies have is that his crimes and abuse do not rise to the level of severity necessary to impeach, a conveniently subjective assessment.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
GMA, you are so eloquent, you have almost convinced me. You really should have applied for one of the impeachment manager openings. Probably too late for this current one, but don't despair, there will be many more chances for the next 5 years.

And they could have included a charge of bribery as well.

Exactly! Why the hell didn't they? You are now making my point for me. They are obviously clueless without your input.


Nov 1, 2019
Not only Tramp will be acquitted with flying colors but also Biden will be damaged beyond repair. Giuliani claims having now documented evidence that Hunter Biden made not $2M but $8M in Ukraine during his father’s tenure as the Obama’s point man for Ukrainian policy. Biden will face this question everywhere he campaigns.

Trump be acquitted likely, but not because he is innocent. It's because he controls the Senate.
Yes, the entire Abuse Of Power by Trump was to damage Biden (whose son was not guilty of anything except trading on his famous father's name, but not as extensively nor as corruptly as the Ivanka and Donald Jr). And Trump's lawyers are seeking to maximally damage Biden through this trial.

More evidence is arising daily of Trump's guilt (see Lev Parnas). Drain the Swamp, my ass.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015

“…trading on his famous father's name” is getting paid for the real or possible “protection” through his father as he was in no use for the company otherwise. He does not have any knowledge in the field and did not do anything for the company. Nevertheless, he was paid at the rate 10-15 times more that in a similar typical position for the same size company anywhere. This is the definition of the mafia-type corruption and not simply some conflict of interests.
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