Truly agree. There is not space for real debates of ideas in this toxic divided era. The USA needs a 3rd or even 4th party option. It's an absolute necessity for survival.
I agree that opinions are entrenched on both sides
However, it is frustrating to hear the common assessment of
False Equivalency between the two sides, that both sides are equally spinning dishonestly.
The outright lies and misinformation is heavily weighted to the Trump/Republican Party/Fox News side.
The Dems will often turn on their own out of principles; see the forced resignation of Minnesota US Senator Al Franken.
Nonpartisan organizations have documented the fact that Trump tells multiple lies every single day. His administration is rife with corruption and self dealing Obama by contrast was a saint, with scarcely a hint of scandal for his 8 years
Fox News makes little attempt at presenting the truth. Whereas CNN presents both sides.
Honesty is the principle that drives the Left philosophically. They attempt to see both sides of every issue. Which is why their tent includes the powerless and downtrodden: ethnic minorities, the poor, nondominant religions, LGBT, climate change activists, environmental advocates for clean air and water, etc.
The Right represents the wealthy, big business, Big Oil, Evangelical Christians, gun manufacturers, voter suppression, racists/bigots
Their are good people on both sides. But most of the bad people are on the Right.