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Sex worker murdered by man who had previously been jailed for murdering his ex

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Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
The other solution IS prison for life. Or pinel.

What really confuses me is why he was specifically allowed to visit sex workers for his sexual needs, in a country where hiring sex workers is supposedly illegal. hmm...

They went on and favorised his sexual urges over women's safety. That's really awful...


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Same source which is supplying the democrats with impeachment material for trump

You are going too far with this statement. A beautiful young girl was killed. Show some respect by not bringing it over to politics please?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Where do you get it from???

A few years ago i watched a documentary on prisons and this matter was discussed. Most of the expenses come from various legal fees when prisoners on death row file appeal after appeal after appeal, once the main trial is over. But that's only part of it. On top of that the death penalty is absolutely not a deterrent. These sickos would probably prefer to die than spend years in prison. Way too easy of an exit.

I just googled something about this & posting it for those who are interested in this:

Comparing the costs of the Death Penalty vs. Life in Prison

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
En passant pour ceux qui s'expriment mieux en francais il y a deja un thread de fait dans la section Quebec Lounge.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
And how did he had 1300$ in the first place? It sound like the first meeting was a success which gave the girl confidence and trust for the unfortunate 2nd meeting...

Who knows how he got $1300 to pay her the first time they met. Maybe he had a job, who knows. Or maybe he had a lot of money before going to prison for the first murder. But that's irrelevant. He promised her he'd give her $2000 for the encounter the afternoon he killed her. Maybe he never intended to give her that much and an arguement ensued and it led to him murdering her. He immediately went to the cops after the murder & confessed.

I spent a week in QC last year and Hotel Sepia in Ste Foy was a hotel i was considering staying at but when i decided to fly there instead of driving i figured it'd be too far from the old city so i stayed in St Roch instead at the Alt Hotel. Still an absolutely awful & preventable tragedy! The parol board has blood on its hands!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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He promised her he'd give her $2000 for the encounter the afternoon he killed her. Maybe he never intended to give her that much and an arguement ensued and it led to him murdering her.

This possibly is what could have happened, we know it was 2nd degree murder he was charged with and if it was totally premeditated I assume he would have been charged with 1st degree murder. There are still no details on how she was killed.

The parol board has blood on its hands!

100%, that is the real problem here.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
well i am not god at math but
Canadians taxpayers dished out an average of $ 113,974 to lodge an inmate in a federal prison last year - a 30% increase from four years ago
life expectecency for a canadian is 82.3 yrs
31.3 x 113,974,386 = $ 3,567,386.2 not factering in the increases every 4 yrs in cost.
I was actually suprised to read death penalty costs to end were $ 1.26 million when googled which i guess you did, since its probably usa cost we would have to facter in exchange rate
Fact ... the justice system is obviously flawed obviously, so id say i prefer the death penalty to ensure it does not happen again.
A eye for a eye a tooth for a tooth.

Yep, the recidivism rate is very, very low with capital punishment. I say the guy should of got the chair or put to sleep the first time. I am enraged that a murderer is paroled so that he can have sex. Is there no such thing as punishment? He should have been allowed to have as much sex as his former victims are currently having.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2013
Mtl, Qc
So to summarize, Death penalty is more expensive than life sentences and this because of the legal fee's and time required to validate and solidify the original sentence.


Basically the system sucks balls.
Certainly there are people who will say that because human errors are made and innocent people get convicted all the time, that this process is there as a counterbalance. Agreed. But do we need to afford this type of privilege to murderers & pedophiles who were caught red-handed?


New Member
Jan 27, 2020
I'm guessing since the murderer is a white man, SW will stop seeing white clients :(


Nov 1, 2019
This CBC article:
Sandra Wesley of Stella hammers the Parole Board in the above article for allowing the guy to see escorts as a condition of his parole.
"Gallese (the perp) had been living in a halfway house since March and had been allowed to have his "sexual needs" met, his parole officer told the board at a hearing in September.
The board raised serious concerns about that as a 'risk management strategy', but nonetheless listed Gallese's likelihood of reoffending as 'low to moderate".
The parole board must have confused Gallese's risk of murdering an SP with the weather report, as in "Partly sunny, low to moderate risk of showers." There's a big difference in consequences between rainy weather and murdering an SP, but apparently not everyone agreed.


Active Member
Mar 10, 2018
So baisically he wasnt "well" enough to be in a "standard" relationship but , you know what, let's test his wellness on a sex worker first. Let's see how well he adjusts... BRAVO !!


New Member
Aug 31, 2011
The problem we have in Canada is lots of parole commissioners are pure incompetents.

Many lawyers named over there have zero criminal or carceral law experience, they're just friends of the party.

This monster should have never been released.

It was clear the danger of a repeat offense was very high as they forbid him of a relationship.

If anybody has two ounces of logic, if you can't be in a relationship, you can't meet girls on the side...

By just seeing this problem, they should have kept him in jail.

The monster would have killed any girl, he was a disaster waiting to happen.


Feb 6, 2004
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Its been a while but need to comment about this story.... I saw this very sad news last Friday morning and was immediately struck as it took place in a hotel less than a KM from where I grew up. As I read more about this horrible murder, I was shocked and disgusted for many of the reasons already discussed here. I've been following the various threads here and on FB and on local media (especially the Quebec City press) to see in part how this story is treated. Except for groups like Stella and sex worker activists, most of the focus has been on the total fck up at the Canadian Parole board and the halfway house to allow this sick person near any human beings.

While this is an important part of the story, a more important part is that the murder of Marylène Lévesque was PREVENTABLE! Why? This sick person had been banned from the MP parlour where Marylène worked because he was violent with another provider. If someone was violent in a place of business with anyone, what should they do? CALL THE POLICE!! This person would have been immediately picked up and sent back to jail. End of story.

Unfortunately, thanks to Bill C-36 (as pointed out by Sandra Wesley of Stella), the MP parlour would never consider calling the police since this is an illegal activity. As a result, Marylène is dead.

She was from the Saguenay region, couple of hours north of Quebec City, and went back regularly to see her boyfriend. The Quebec City press has provided many sordid details on what took place here - based in large part on interviews with her roommate and the police. My first question was why Marylène even went to see this person. Turns out tha he was a regular client for her at the MP and had bought her many gifts (sound like a familiar pattern?). He had discussed his children and even his murdered wife with her, seemingly making sure she would be comfortable with him. After being banned, this was the second time he met her at the hotel. The first time he paid her 1300$, and the second time he promised 2,000$.

According to police reports, Marylène was stabbed with a knife several times and she did fight back. She had a deep wound to her abdomen that probably did her in. I get the difference between first and second degree murder, but if you go to meet an MP with a knife capable of inflicting these types of wounds, you have to wonder if there wasn't some level of premeditation.

While the parole board is responsible for this and someone should pay for such a dumbass mistake resulting in a loss of life, the bigger story is how vulnerable she and all sex workers are. The Supreme Court ruling overturning the prostitution laws in Canada was made by the smartest lawyers in our country with the goal of protecting people like Marylene. Unfortunately, the dumbest lawyers in Canada constituting the governing party of Canada in 2014 decided to circumvent the Supreme court ruling and make sure that sex workers continue to be at risk. This murder is a direct result of Bill C-36!

Finally, the local media that I've listened to have done a poor job in reporting and discussing their opinions on this story. Its dead obvious that the parole board screwed up and everyone is indignant that we didn't throw the keys away on this guy. A grade 10 student could write that story. But what about this poor girl who's death was preventable if this person had been locked up after beating on an MP? The media doesn't want to touch the sex worker aspect of this. I heard 2 radio shows where this line of discussion was shut down. Its shameful. The government isn't doing their job, nor is the mainstream media. Only Stella and a few activists are raising the alarm. For mainstream media, this is just another blood and guts story to splash all over their front page and drive some more advertising revenue :(

PS to EB: In the 70s, the hotel was a cheap motel and it bordered on trackyards down the hill its on. About 20 years ago, it was renovated "a la Chablis". I've never been in it, but this was not an area to invest a lot of money in a high-end hotel.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I have never been to Quebec City in my life and would not know St-Foy from Saguenay, but the photos I saw of the property make it appear very nice, the rooms look nice and the Google ratings have it as a 4.5 star. It sounds and looks like it’s at least on the level of Montreal Vogue or Omni which are highly respected hotels that any SP would not have an issue visiting. I suspect that this property may have given the poor lady some comfort that she would be OK even with a creepy client she knew to be such.

Thanks for the details you added in your post. I still wonder where Hotel Security was if there is evidence of a fight back by the victim. Where were they when they were needed?


Feb 6, 2004
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That's a good question EB. I'm sure Police questioned the security staff about noises but I read nothing that they heard noises. The fightback was inferred from stab marks on her arms that were defensive in nature. I looked at the hotel pictures and of course they all give the impression of a nice hotel and its certainly nicer than the Chablis. However, see the attached daytime picture from the parking entrance view and not quite as glamorous - really a converted 2-story motel. Quite possible her room was at the far-end for privacy purposes. In the comments I read in one of the articles, her roommate said that she thought this was a secure hotel to meet this client because it was in the middle of the city. I don't think she could have imagined that this guy was a nutcase ready to stab her to death no matter where it was. Her roommate also said that she was highly motivated by the 2,000$ fee which would have allowed her to take 3 weeks off and go back home to be with her boyfriend. Apparently, she was trying to quit the business. So sad.


Aug 17, 2003
She knew who he was, she knew he was banned from the salon, she knew what he had done to his ex.
You can have all the security measures you want, it will probably not help if you're facing a derranged lunatic who is determined to end your life. Even if this motel is sketch, the same would have happened anywhere. This guy is a murdurer.

I am not saying by any means she went looking for it, but can we agree all the red flags were in sight?

Its a horrible thing, I hope he gets multiple daily beatings in prison, allowed to heal long enough to be beaten again.
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