Well when it comes to reviews, depend if the client met her yesterday or 1 month ago. Also some clients prefer to avoid mentioning anything outside of the meeting itself, to avoid being recognized(like hotel they used etc)
But yes, mostly true for everything. As fo the tie-breaker, i would say how unlucky would it be to have 2 extremely good clients wanting a booking at the same time? First come first served anyway. If i try to book a girl for a certain time frame and be told that its not possible, ill say ok, is there a different time slot avalaible? If yes, ill take it, if not.... too bad ill switch to anoher girl i guess or try a different day...
I usually pre-book to avoid those kind of problems. Some agencies allows pre-booking and this way i usually know from the get go who i will see and it usually work great. I know if the girl call for day off, i will be contated very quickly by the agency offering a replacement, usually before she start her shift. But agencies doing pre-booking usually have a smaller cancelletion rate.
On the other hand the counter part is its harder for me to book with the days to days agency. You mentioned yourself being a booker for many years, it does make me wonder wich agency you booked for... lol. In any case there is 3-4 girls per agency i would like to meet. Sadly those girls don't work much... they show 1 day or 2 per week, sometimes less... or if they are more regular you still don't know if they will appear that particular day.
So its way harder for me to see those girls. Thats why i usually go the easier more convenient route of booking in advance. But when the booking is made, its made. I won't cancel if if happent the girl that i wanted to see from another agency work... cause it would make me unreliable... wich im not.
So you see, im stretch between 2...
Same day booking is a pain for me... cause i got to find a way to browse every agency, inquire, all of this being in the bus... I enjoy seeing girls early too, not a fan of late booking, so agencies listing at 4-5 pm also make a problem for me, cause if nobody i want to see is avalaible, there i chances i fucked up my chances to see another girl at another agency who operate more early.
So what can i say... lol. I will mention this one just for exemple purpose. Im dying to see Mandy, Megan and Adrianna from xxxtase. Yet those girls work on and off... they may disapear for like 1 month before working again. And they often work only 1 day, then gone again. Its not like there working 4 days a week in a week, then take a week or 2 off, there schedule is TOTALLY RANDOM. I know cause during 3 months i have look at the xxxtase website every day
(trying to find a pattern and such lol)
Meeting them for me is too hard..., I would need to wait to see if they appear and if by chance they do...i would need to speed up and take the bus to mtl, then i got to make a run for an hotel... and at this time of the year, its hard to arrive without a reservation...My usual places are always full unless i reserve way in advance, and St-Hubert hotels are avoided by agencies. So that leave me with 2 choices, big expensive hotels(no thanks, i won't pay 200$ a night) or i got to make a run for siestas motel... All of this is too much an hassle, so my only possibility is reserve a day, cross my finger a girl on my TSL will be avalaible... That is if i don't pre-book.
So thats why i will usually use the easier way, ill check the weekly schedule, pre-book, and then ill make my way to mtl with an easy mind... If something happen and she call off... well i usually remember who was there that day, and choose another one. I try to aim more for days when there is 2-3 girls im interested in. But by experience, i can tell you being in MTL at 6pm without a booking... oh boy it ain't easy to get a girl.
Maybe im too picky... maybe, can't say, but knowing the services is important for me, so that leaves some agencies out of the pictures too.