Montreal Escorts

Should best offer prevail in escorts world?


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
Wow! That got a lot of people suspended. pokerpro, EagerBeaver is not going to be able to respond to you for a while. I have to agree with him, though. I don't think I would use the term "cheapass" to describe someone who only wants a 1 hour app't, but you have to look at it from a business perspective. It would be foolish for a girl to NOT take a four hour date over a one hour date. Sometimes you just have to take it when a girl cancels out on you. If I have a date with a girl, it's always with someone who I think is very hot & has great reviews & if you respond to a cancellation with anger, the only result is that you'll never get to see her. Sometimes you've got to roll with the punches. The last girl I saw cancelled out on a 90 minute app't (35 minutes out!) in early June and I ended up seeing her weeks later for 2 hours and had a fantastic time.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

The hotel should cancel your reservation?

Agreed. Some people look at a situation and deal with it without looking at the principle of what they are saying. If one supports the highest bidder theory then there's a world of applications to use the principle in that means only people with a lot of money get any respect, and in fact there is no respect because every person is looked at as a cash register or bank, not a person. Think about going in for yourself or a loved one for medical treatment and being treated in the order of the profitability regardless of your condition, sickness, or life-threatening disease.

So a guy complains about being ditched because he only asked for 1/2 an hour with an escort and someone else rebukes him for whining and says should have promised more money. That's an interesting world of principles you support, one that's sure to come down on your own head soon if it was carried out. have to look at it from a business perspective. It would be foolish for a girl to NOT take a four hour date over a one hour date.

From the business perspective why shouldn't the lady or agency be accountable for their free choice to make the deal. In the same principle as you propose why then shouldn't the same guy make 20 of the same bookings to be sure he has want he wants, then ditch the other 19 when the time comes. It's the same principle your view supports.

The solution is as Brandi suggested. Make arrangements with the time frames where both clients can be accommodated, don't support a system of business where everyone just goes around screwing each other, because eventually there would be no business.

BTW: I personally know a couple of guys who were bookers and drivers. According to them 4-hour bookings are pretty rare. The huge segment of business is half that or less. So ditching short bookings is very risky from the business perspective.




New Member
Jan 19, 2014
From the business perspective why shouldn't the lady or agency be accountable for their free choice to make the deal. In the same principle as you propose why then shouldn't the same guy make 20 of the same bookings to be sure he has want he wants, then ditch the other 19 when the time comes. It's the same principle your view supports.

The solution is as Brandi suggested. Make arrangements with the time frames where both clients can be accommodated, don't support a system of business where everyone just goes around screwing each other, because eventually there would be no business.

What you're suggesting is very extreme & most people don't act like this unless they're sociopathic. Of course an SP would want to accommodate both men. I'm just saying that faced with 1 hour at 8:00 or four hours from 7:00 to 11:00, the answer for the SP is obvious. And since this type of situation would only come up rarely, no, I don't think it would do much to hurt her business.

BTW: I personally know a couple of guys who were bookers and drivers. According to them 4-hour bookings are pretty rare. The huge segment of business is half that or less. So ditching short bookings is very risky from the business perspective.

Oh. Then, why are we arguing? Honestly, I'm thinking about this from the perspective of an indy from the US versus an agency girl in Montreal.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
US indies? The US version of the hobby is so different i wouldn't even dare comparing it to MTL...

Sometimes you just have to take it when a girl cancels out on you. If I have a date with a girl, it's always with someone who I think is very hot & has great reviews & if you respond to a cancellation with anger, the only result is that you'll never get to see her. Sometimes you've got to roll with the punches. The last girl I saw cancelled out on a 90 minute app't (35 minutes out!) in early June and I ended up seeing her weeks later for 2 hours and had a fantastic time.

For a local guy its easier, but to an out of towner its a whole different thing. Personally i think with agencies there is always a highter risk of cancellation, because information is pass from the escort to the booker/drivers. Therefore she may be list for a day, but then something happen and she just don't show up, informing the agency or not, so in that matter the bookings have to be cancelled. When it comes to an indy, she takes her own booking, and should adapt more to the situation. If she has to cancel, she should do it very early, a day in advance at least unless some very special circonstances.

In any case cancelling is never pleasant for anybody, and as much as it can happen because of out of control situation, i really would prone the honoring of bookings no matter the time period or else. Because as some put it, as clients we are expected to keep our part of the bargain, why the agency/indy would no?

As it was said above, what if a client would book 1 girl from 4-5 different agency and only confirm with "the #1 on his TSL" when he is sure she is gonna show, then cancel short notice all the other 4... The agencies would hate that client and would blacklist him very quick. As clients we can only book with hopes everything will turn out well... so at least, the minimum to hope is that this "outbid" situation does not become the norm... cause it will be a free for all mess...

I do think both agencies and clients have advantages to build themselves as being "reliable"


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I do think both agencies and clients have advantages to build themselves as being "reliable"

Hi all
I do so much agree with this statement both clients and escort should be reliable unfortunately many clients are not because they do not have any major consequences for it !
I saw in my career some guys calling for or five agencies just to have more choice not paying the drivers for there lost time ,this situation unfortunately happens often .
Or they will refuse the girl at the door saying they for Greek to booker he said yes she says no !
Many customers abuse because contrary to escort and agency they are anonymous and are shielded from bad reviews so they believe they can do anything without consequences !
I was recently cancelled a four hour pre booking with 90 minutes heads up !The Sp cancelled her hold day, luckily the booker found me a suitable replacement and that meeting went very well !
The booker is often caught in situation where the girl cancels her shift at last minute , unforeseeable situations happens and obviously the booker will work harder on replacing a four hours booking then a one hour since the replacement girl will make more money and him too.
But longer bookings are not a guarantee of none cancellations .
Reliability sadly mostly applies on SP's and agencies they are the only ones poorly revewed
Kind Regards


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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I say no to Highest Bidder (Ebay) Pricing because:

Most guys are booking an hour maybe 2. If a girl works 10 hours and sees 6 guys during that 10 hours, will she have 6 bidding auctions? That's a lot of work and coordination for a night's worth of appointments for 1 girl. Think about it when an agency has 5 or 10 girls at one time. I doubt Ebay will allow SP's to be bidded on their website. Even if C-36 never passes. Agencies will need Ebay like software to gather bids.

Prices can fluctuate down or up. Girls become popular, agencies tend to bump their rate up $20 at a time. The phones aren't ringing? Then they run specials knocking the price down.

The only way bidding makes sense maybe is for an overnight, or for a knockout virgin. And how many of us are in that ballpark? For an hour appointment, it makes sense to have a standard price and fluctuate it for market conditions.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I think the bidding thingy was a joke man :p

Booker : It ain't true that clients are that much shielded. I mean, of course if the client is "volatile" as in using spoof numbers and calling from many different locations then maybe yes a bit more. But for the more casuals using the same number and such they do become identifiable.

A good client "registered" with the agencies should probably pass before a random client with a "blocked" cell phone or such. Thats my only grip when it comes to "best offer" even tough its not really an offer. Then of course for the girl cancelling her shift, yes it does happen.. nothing can prevent it, but i do know some agencies are more "firm" when it comes to girl cancelling. If a girl is not reliable, she will be out soon. Other agencies don't give a damn...

It all depends on how one run his business...

Sure escorting ain't your typical work maybe, but in the work market you can't call day off left an right as you feel like it...


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Booker : It ain't true that clients are that much shielded. I mean, of course if the client is "volatile" as in using spoof numbers and calling from many different locations then maybe yes a bit more. But for the more casuals using the same number and such they do become identifiable

Sure escorting ain't your typical work maybe, but in the work market you can't call day off left an right as you feel like it...

Thanks for your specifications HM a clients that reviews SP's or a Indy that requires The merb handle of a client to decide if she will meet him or not,th ,This one is obviously easily identifiable, but this applies to how many of the escorts bookings !
Experience Booker will re-conciliate reviews with clients even if they have spoof numbers .
But the none reviewers are shielded , same thing for newbies !
A escort agency relies on regulars to exist and be successful,they also rely on reliable customers for feedback's on debutante girls ,its the same thing in many other business .
But in the escort it is expected that agencies or girls will not reveal the identity of there patrons .
So they can remain anonymous !
Its a complicated business !
When 2 or 3 clients regulars, sometimes more are trying to book a very popular girl they must be a tie breaker !
If the tie remains because they are all reliable clients and regulars at the end something must decide or they will be a stalemate ,what is that tie breaker ?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Well when it comes to reviews, depend if the client met her yesterday or 1 month ago. Also some clients prefer to avoid mentioning anything outside of the meeting itself, to avoid being recognized(like hotel they used etc)

But yes, mostly true for everything. As fo the tie-breaker, i would say how unlucky would it be to have 2 extremely good clients wanting a booking at the same time? First come first served anyway. If i try to book a girl for a certain time frame and be told that its not possible, ill say ok, is there a different time slot avalaible? If yes, ill take it, if not.... too bad ill switch to anoher girl i guess or try a different day...

I usually pre-book to avoid those kind of problems. Some agencies allows pre-booking and this way i usually know from the get go who i will see and it usually work great. I know if the girl call for day off, i will be contated very quickly by the agency offering a replacement, usually before she start her shift. But agencies doing pre-booking usually have a smaller cancelletion rate.

On the other hand the counter part is its harder for me to book with the days to days agency. You mentioned yourself being a booker for many years, it does make me wonder wich agency you booked for... lol. In any case there is 3-4 girls per agency i would like to meet. Sadly those girls don't work much... they show 1 day or 2 per week, sometimes less... or if they are more regular you still don't know if they will appear that particular day.

So its way harder for me to see those girls. Thats why i usually go the easier more convenient route of booking in advance. But when the booking is made, its made. I won't cancel if if happent the girl that i wanted to see from another agency work... cause it would make me unreliable... wich im not.

So you see, im stretch between 2...

Same day booking is a pain for me... cause i got to find a way to browse every agency, inquire, all of this being in the bus... I enjoy seeing girls early too, not a fan of late booking, so agencies listing at 4-5 pm also make a problem for me, cause if nobody i want to see is avalaible, there i chances i fucked up my chances to see another girl at another agency who operate more early.

So what can i say... lol. I will mention this one just for exemple purpose. Im dying to see Mandy, Megan and Adrianna from xxxtase. Yet those girls work on and off... they may disapear for like 1 month before working again. And they often work only 1 day, then gone again. Its not like there working 4 days a week in a week, then take a week or 2 off, there schedule is TOTALLY RANDOM. I know cause during 3 months i have look at the xxxtase website every day :p (trying to find a pattern and such lol)

Meeting them for me is too hard..., I would need to wait to see if they appear and if by chance they do...i would need to speed up and take the bus to mtl, then i got to make a run for an hotel... and at this time of the year, its hard to arrive without a reservation...My usual places are always full unless i reserve way in advance, and St-Hubert hotels are avoided by agencies. So that leave me with 2 choices, big expensive hotels(no thanks, i won't pay 200$ a night) or i got to make a run for siestas motel... All of this is too much an hassle, so my only possibility is reserve a day, cross my finger a girl on my TSL will be avalaible... That is if i don't pre-book.

So thats why i will usually use the easier way, ill check the weekly schedule, pre-book, and then ill make my way to mtl with an easy mind... If something happen and she call off... well i usually remember who was there that day, and choose another one. I try to aim more for days when there is 2-3 girls im interested in. But by experience, i can tell you being in MTL at 6pm without a booking... oh boy it ain't easy to get a girl.

Maybe im too picky... maybe, can't say, but knowing the services is important for me, so that leaves some agencies out of the pictures too.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Well when it comes to reviews, depend if the client met her yesterday or 1 month ago. Also some clients prefer to avoid mentioning anything outside of the meeting itself, to avoid being recognized(like hotel they used etc)

But yes, mostly true for everything. As fo the tie-breaker, i would say how unlucky would it be to have 2 extremely good clients wanting a booking at the same time? First come first served anyway.
Hi all Hi HM
Well first come first serve is a tie breaker ! What happens if both clients pre book on the same day one wants a four hours date the other a 6 hours date in duo would you loose your 8 hours to apply first come first serve .
And yes I started booking in the early 90's and completed my career in 2013 .
Warmest Regards

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
That is like once in a year or less... lol. A duo for 6 hours? Especially when it comes to agency girls, thats pretty rare, those type of booking seem to apply mostly for indies. BUT yes they can happen and if you can really book ths with a well known client and you are SURE he won't back down. I guess yes accept it. BUT only if there is proper time for the other guy to be warned of the 'cancellation" and if a different time would be fine with him. I mean in a case like that, thats a lot of money and the girls woud be piss to miss on that one...

But a 1 hour booking vs a 3 hour simple booking... i still honor the first client with his 1 hour. I know damn well the escort will get other booking anyway and will do her 4 hour or so anyway... I would offer the 3 hour guy to meet her an hour and a half later... thats it.

But lol 2 extremely huge booking, so rare ...


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

An agency or independent is entitled to run their business in any model they wish. If they want to use a highest bidder/best offer system then do it. The devil is in being honest about it, and I'd be willing to bet that will never happen because those clients who have the most money to get the lady they want in that system almost never just pick out a lady and book her for a large block of hours the first time. They want to know how the lady will react in matching up with them and these clients book ladies for first time meetings in the same small blocks nearly every one else does. So the agencies run the risk of cutting out the best new clients and getting a bad reputation with them. Most of the well-healed clients I know are very nice reasonable guys who would understand and accept the right of an agency or independent to run their business with this model. But support it? Deal with the cancellations and accept the disappointments? NO. They would go elsewhere where an agency or independent would keep their word by honoring appointments regardless of a better offer caller.

If many of the clients most likely to make the highest bids become impatient and doubtful with such a bidding system then what about the support of the rest of us. Sure bidders who ask for 4 to 6 hours are prized by agencies, but on the whole these are much rarer than the average clients, and when you wealthier clients are already being cut out of appointments what are the great numbers of prospective small block clients who are the real bulk of profits going to think of their chances in an open bidding system. They are most likely to flee from such agencies, so this bidding system cannot be carried out in an honest and open manner. Is an underground hidden de facto bidding system what the membership supports? Maybe it's tolerable for locals who have many opportunities each night or most nights, but for 80% or more of out-of-towners with few opportunities who are counting on appointment integrity and and avoiding the problem of last minute less desirable appointments it's intolerable.

That's what bothers me about this bidding system. It has to be shady to work, cheating good clients who think they have a deal, and especially putting the traveler in a position of scrambling for appointments. And to those who want to knock down the clients who were cancelled as being "cheapass"...YOU, your support and enforcement of this system, is part of the DECEPTION. We all know it goes on and will go on, and actually I'm happy to see a few members attack the clients who don't like and don't take being dumped and cheated because that also exposes this system of deception and who is a de facto part of it.




Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hello all,Good Day all ,Hi Merlot

Has I have read all the post in this thread ,I must say that this subject seems to be largely controversial and stir bad emotions
An agency or independent is entitled to run their business in any model they wish. If they want to use a highest bidder/best offer system then do it. The devil is in being honest about it, and I'd be willing to bet that will never happen because those clients who have the most money to get the lady they want in that system almost never just pick out a lady and book her for a large block of hours the first time.
I wiil speak for myself on this quote of yours ,my regular bookings are of two hour the first time to see if chemistry will be at the rendez-vous but there is exceptions ,I will go for a long shot if the SP is consistently well reviewed ,and like have mentioned in a previous post ,I do it for my pleasure not too outbid anyone !Those clients does exist I am not the only one !

They want to know how the lady will react in matching up with them and these clients book ladies for first time meetings in the same small blocks nearly every one else does. So the agencies run the risk of cutting out the best new clients and getting a bad reputation with them. Most of the well-healed clients I know are very nice reasonable guys who would understand and accept the right of an agency or independent to run their business with this model. But support it? Deal with the cancellations and accept the disappointments? NO. They would go elsewhere where an agency or independent would keep their word by honoring appointments regardless of a better offer caller.
Now do long bookings guarantees no cancellations ,no because there is always enforceable scenarios a SP is starting her period ahead ,Hi has myself a duo planned for my past birthday 5 hours for one and 4 for the other ,It was cancelled well was I unhappy my executive suite was paid for my time off
was schedule ,I needed a B plan and reschedule the duo a week later .
I did go through does situation has booker as well are they common no ,but they do happen !

If many of the clients most likely to make the highest bids become impatient and doubtful with such a bidding system then what about the support of the rest of us. Sure bidders who ask for 4 to 6 hours are prized by agencies, but on the whole these are much rarer than the average clients, and when you wealthier clients are already being cut out of appointments what are the great numbers of prospective small block clients who are the real bulk of profits going to think of their chances in an open bidding system. They are most likely to flee from such agencies, so this bidding system cannot be carried out in an honest and open manner. Is an underground hidden de facto bidding system what the membership supports? Maybe it's tolerable for locals who have many opportunities each night or most nights, but for 80% or more of out-of-towners with few opportunities who are counting on appointment integrity and and avoiding the problem of last minute less desirable appointments it's intolerable.

In business small clients must be respected too becasuse like you say they constitute the bulk of business it is a true reality of business ,however when you by retail you do not have the same price and purchasing power has the one that buys wholesale ,
When a decision must be made will you snob your better regular customer that buys bigger block of hours on the basis he constitute a rare thing out the ordinary ,or will you try to keep happy too ?
In business lying and deceit has a specific words for it ,its called astute marketing ,to make believe that something is the best without any solid proof ,in the escort industry ,there is also astute marketing its part of all business ,some are in favor other against to have consensus is not a easy task?

That's what bothers me about this bidding system. It has to be shady to work, cheating good clients who think they have a deal, and especially putting the traveler in a position of scrambling for appointments. And to those who want to knock down the clients who were cancelled as being "cheapass"...YOU, your support and enforcement of this system, is part of the DECEPTION. We all know it goes on and will go on, and actually I'm happy to see a few members attack the clients who don't like and don't take being dumped and cheated because that also exposes this system of deception and who is a de facto part of it.


Obviously I do believe prior engagement shouldn't be respected ,however there is exceptions to everything ,notwithstanding unforeseeable scenarios,even
has the impossible no one is required even in the escort world .
A tie breaker is still required ,whatever it maybe be someone will be disappointed ?Who will be that someone ?:thumb:
Warmest Regards


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
Fully Booked or Best offer?



for me, i woud never book lady on day she is fuly book or on shcedule fuly book so i dont no abut best offer & have never offer more then avertise rate to see lady on her non avalabel or busy or fully book days

im not 100% sur but i feel i been bumped off the shcedule at leest once (mabe more times) in my hobyist life of on/off for over 20 years. i was from outof town back than & came to montreal for busness reglarly & visit family/freinds. wen company sendt me to montreal, they bookd hotel for me & i use to prebook outcall. i was shcedule to see one of my favs lady for 3 hours after returning to hotel after work so wen i got to hotel & mesage booker for confirmasion, i was telld that lady had bad/demanding client & ended early her shift. i decide it to take a brake as opose to seeing someone else offerd that night. the folowing visit to montreal (1 month latr), i prebook same favs lady for 3 hours. wen she show up at door, she mension we didnt see each otheer for 2 months & i mension tat i had prebook her last trip to montreal previus month & she had bad/demanding client so finish early. she was confuse & telld me tat this never hapen. i show her text mesage & she still mension it never hapen were she left early & didnt have any demnding/bad client last month so i have no idea so either booker/agency was folwoing best offer were previous customer extend or hobyist give more money (since i was seeing at member/special rate for mutihours) & i got bump or lady was lying to me.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
A few years ago I tried to meet Naomi at MSC and was told she was fully booked, when I seen her a week later I mentioned what had happened she says she only had a 1 hour appointment that night and was waiting for bookings ( Booker steered me towards another SP ). Not sure if the booker was being an ass but she was upset over the incident.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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There's a saying: Don't get mad, get even.

I find that the women of lousy agencies (e. g. agencesummumxxx) are aware of the foibles of their bookers. They are the ones who are most likely to propose to see me privately and I have no compunctions about accepting.

In the case of what I consider good agencies (e.g. asservissante, mtlxxxtase) whose ladies have always been exactly as in their photos and who arrive on time with no lies about availability, I feel loyalty to the bookers and have never seen anyone without the agency even when, on rare occasions, I have been offered.

One test for the "goodness" of an agency: A bad agency will not bother notifiying the client about a delay and then justify it by saying that the preceding client extended. A good agency will refuse my request to extend if there is another appointment immediately after mine.
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