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Should the legal age for SPs be increased to 21 years old?

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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I have already stated that it is common sense that if GG's proposal were acted upon, it would benefit ALL mature SPs. Less competition means more business.

This is not an insult, it's just stating the fact that ANY post by ANY mature (i.e., over 21 for purposes of this discussion) SP in this thread would be, necessarily, self-serving. What your actual intentions were in posting are irrelevant because it is fact that all SPs 21 or over would benefit from enactment of the GG proposal.
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Jul 8, 2003
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franky sayz
I understand why some might think 18 is too young for this. Many believe in the US that 18 is too young for drinking and thus the law is 21. Realistically, eventually there has to be an age where you "grow up" and start taking responsibility for your actions. 18 is a perfectly fine age for that, for drinking, driving, voting and working. If we start telling 18 yr old "adults" that they are not "adult" enough for somethings then they will continue to act like children. Those who would advocate that an 18 yr old is not mature enough for the industry, would you also accept that they are not mature enough to accept responsibility for criminal action and other poor judgements? Should 18 yr olds be sheltered from all risky behavior or just sex?
Over the past 100 yrs, there has been a trend in our society to keep increasing the age at which we view people as mature. I suspect this is somewhat due to the increasing ages to which we live. In the 50's and 60's many 18 yr olds were marrying, having kids, going to war and protesting war. In general people adapt to the responsibility that they are given.
Let the 18 yr olds work, in this industry or any other. Hobbyists are free to boycott them if they choose

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
EagerBeaver said:
First of all, the age of consent for purposes of the criminal law in Canada is as follows: the age of consent is 14, with two exceptions:

1. It is not an offense if the female is over 12, and the male is 16 or less, and also less than 2 years older than the female.

2. Age of consent is 18 for anal intercourse.

That is the starting point in any analysis.

So if you're old enough to have sex, you're old enough to be an SP?:rolleyes:

EagerBeaver said:
Second, I am not aware of any major hobbying jurisdiction in the world in which an 18 year old is not deemed the minimum age for an escort. There are various reasons for this. One is the purely legal reason that at age 18 a woman is deemed to be legally emancipated from her parents and all child support obligations of parents are released at that age.

There are many SPs that might be "legally emancipated" from their parents but the reality is that they still need them to survive. Those that are run-aways or do not live at home are SPing to make ends meat, not to pay their tuition.

EagerBeaver said:
Two, apart from all of our laws treating women as adults when they reach age 18, there are the economic considerations. At age 18 women are deemed ready for college or CEGEP. Many women then are forced to obtain employment in order to fund said schooling and education, or else they must eschew said schooling. Many SPs I have seen escort to help pay for their college education. Under the GG model, these women would be forced to obtain lower paying jobs at Burger King, or they would not work at all, and some would end up not being able to go to school. Rent would go unpaid, and some would have to drop out of school.

These women would then become wards of the Province of Quebec. Wards of the Province of Quebec receive welfare payments funded by the Quebec taxpayers. And who are those taxpayers? Well, it's all of you - Techman, Smack Appeal, Stripper Lover, Martin, etc., all of you Quebec citizens who will pay for the welfare of these ladies, while simultaneously not having sex with them. Unless of course you can convince the Revenue Services to send the bill directly to General Gonad to relieve your own personal tax liability.;)

EB, there are more young SPs that are not in school than those that are. That is a fact. And apart from SPing, I am sure there are other ways to get fiancial assistance than to sell your body for sex.

As far as paying my taxes to support welfare cases, I do not have a problem with this as long as they are not frauds. There are millions of poor people that rely on welfare. If a young lady is studying she can get financial assistance from the government of Quebec and if she is really bright, she can get a scholarship. There are also hundreds of thousands of young female students that get regular jobs to pay their debts.

EagerBeaver said:
Third, if Montreal agencies increased the minimum SP age to 21, many agencies which rely on out of town and tourist business would go out of business, because every major hobby destination in the world offers 18-21 year old SPs, and there would be no reason for many hobbyists who enjoy the company of younger ladies to visit Montreal any more. An agency like Eleganza, for example, which is primarily staffed by ladies in this age group, would suffer tremendously.

These are the social, legal and economic reasons. Beyond those, any reasons advanced in this thread are from my perspective either purely personal opinion or self serving justifications, as in the case of some more mature SPs who have posted in this thread, who would love to see the minimum age increased - to age 30 or even higher if possible, as it means more business and less competition for them. This is obviously common sense. The only reasons that matter to me are the ones I have stated above. If we treat a woman as an adult at age 18 legally, for purposes of emancipation from parental rights, voting, serving in the military, etc., there is absolutely no reason to treat them otherwise for purposes of employment in the escort industry.

What nonsense are we talking about here that by raising the age to 21 years old, the escort industry would shut down in Montreal? This is pure horseshit unless we assume that all US tourists, which do not even make up the bulk of the clients, come here to fornicate with young 18 year old teenagers.

The bottom line is that the better SPs are not 18 or 19 years old. Most of the better ones I've met are in their low to mid twenties or older. I've enjoyed their company beyond the sexual aspect of the encounter.

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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Very interesting post, with which I agree.

When I attended college in the USA, the drinking age was still 18. I can remember that in those days we would have keg parties every Thursday night in the college dormitory where I lived. In the aftermath of these parties, there would be tremendous damage done to the dorms, fights, and motor vehicle accidents and loss of life due to the drinking. At first, my college suspended keg parties from taking place on campus. A few years later, the drinking age was increased to age 21, mainly due to numerous motor vehicle accidents involving intoxicated 18-20 year olds.

We are living longer as a society, but an 18 year old girl in 2006 is as immature as an 18 year old girl was in 1906. Other than the drinking age which is a real problem, I see no reason to have laws that coddle children further and further into adulthood. I believe in making young people stand on their own 2 feet at the earliest possible age, with "tough love." "Tough love" is what I got from my parents and it is what all our children should get.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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General Gonad said:
This is a self-serving reply from a guy who comes from a country where the legal age is 21 years old.

I don't know what you are talking about. Anyone under age 18 (not 21) would be considered subject to underage laws here. However, since outcall escorts are illegal at any age in the jurisdiction where I live, it is a moot issue.
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
EagerBeaver said:
I don't know what you are talking about. Anyone under age 18 (not 21) would be considered subject to underage laws here. However, since outcall escorts are illegal at any age in the jurisdiction where I live, it is a moot issue.

My mistake, I was thinking of the drinking age. I will edit my post.


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
EagerBeaver said:
We are living longer as a society, but an 18 year old girl in 2006 is as immature as an 18 year old girl was in 1906. Other than drinking age which is a real problem, I see no reason to have laws that coddle children further and further into adulthood. I believe in making young people stand on their own 2 feet at the earliest possible age, with "tough love." "Tough love" is what I got from my parents and it is what all our children should get.

So if you had a daughter and you sent her off to college and she was SPing to make ends meat, you would tell her: "..don't worry honey, it's part of my tough love'll thank me later on.":rolleyes:

You can stand on your own two feet by not SPing. In fact, the young ladies that are busting their asses in all sorts of regular jobs will be better off in the long run than most SPs out there.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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General Gonad said:
You can stand on your own two feet by not SPing. In fact, the young ladies that are busting their asses in all sorts of regular jobs will be better off in the long run than most SPs out there.


Given the positions you have taken in this thread (and in other threads), why are you part of this community? You keep saying, in many different threads, and in diffferent ways, that it is bad to be an SP. If that is the way you feel, what are you doing on this Board? Perhaps you should simply leave this community, if this is the way you feel? The arguments that you are making frequently mirror the puritanical arguments that we hear which justify the anti-prostitution laws in the USA. Most people here do not want to hear this.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
To Btyger

Hello Btyger,

I hope you know there was nothing personal. As I said in on post, we all have triggers. And what I read hit a trigger with me....fair or unfair. I was excessive unfairly because I wanted the outrageous statement to cause people to think. It seems to be a method that works even though it is going well beyond what you said. I will try to avoid this sort of thing in the future for your sake and in the interest of fairness to all.

Bonne journee',

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New Member
Feb 15, 2005
EagerBeaver said:
I have read through 4 pages of this thread and see no meaningful discussion of the legal, social or economic issues involved.
Finally.... What I was trying to say is that if one was concerned about this then do it yourself.
What I don't get is the post itself mentioning one particular girl. There has been many girls at different agency(agenies) who are/were 18 but those girls were never mentioned as examples.
I could be wrong but I get this feeling that the nature of this post might have some other meaning???

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
EagerBeaver said:
Given the positions you have taken in this thread (and in other threads), why are you part of this community? You keep saying, in many different threads, and in diffferent ways, that it is bad to be an SP. If that is the way you feel, what are you doing on this Board? Perhaps you should simply leave this community, if this is the way you feel? The arguments that you are making frequently mirror the puritanical arguments that we hear which justify the anti-prostitution laws in the USA. Most people here do not want to hear this.


If I leave the hobby, it isn't because I have a low image of SPs, it's because of all the bullshit I read on these boards. In fact, I have a lot more respect for SPs than most of the hobbyists here because they are typically more honest with me.

But you didn't answer my question, if you had a daughter that you can help financially, would you allow her to SP to pay off her debts? Even if you couldn't assist her financially, how would you feel if she started escorting to pay the bills?

Please answer this question honestly.

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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I don't have any children. I made a decision a long time ago not to have any children, for personal reasons.

My own personal belief is that once someone turns 18 they are an adult and can do whatever they wish. However, if I had a daughter and could help her financially, I would. If the choice was to let her SP to pay off her debts or help her, I would help her. That being said, I am not against the general idea of women escorting to help pay for college tuition. I realize that not all SPs do this but I have seen many 18-22 year old SPs who were college students. I helped pay for their college education and yes, I also achieved personal sexual gratification.

However, I don't see this situation as being distinctly different from women who are not SPs, but sleep with their bosses or others to do better in life. I recently heard about a new book on the modeling industry called "Model Student" written by a former American model. In the book she says it was understood that when you went to Italy and attended social functions with other models you slept with older wealthy men in order to get by and advance in the industry. All of this is equivalent to being an SP, just the consideration exchanged for the sex varies in these situations.
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
EagerBeaver said:
I don't have any children. I made a decision a long time ago not to have any children, for personal reasons.

My own personal belief is that once someone turns 18 they are an adult and can do whatever they wish. However, if I had a daughter and could help her financially, I would. If the choice was to let her SP to pay off her debts or help her, I would help her. That being said, I am not against the general idea of women escorting to help pay for college tuition. I realize that not all SPs do this but I have seen many 18-22 year old SPs who were college students. I helped pay for their college education and yes, I also achieved personal sexual gratification.

Thanks for the honest reply and I tend to agree with you that I prefer helping a young SP who is in school and trying to pay off her tuition. It makes me feel better if I know she isn't wasting the money on other things.

EagerBeaver said:
However, I don't see this situation as being distinctly different from women who are not SPs, but sleep with their bosses or others to do better in llife. I recently heard about a new book on the modeling industry called "Model Student" written by a former American Model. In the book she says it was understood that when you went to Italy and attended social functions with other models you slept with older wealthy men in order to get by and advance in the industry. All of this is equivalent to being an SP, just the consideration exchanged for the sex varies in these situations.

I think despite all the progress that women have made since the 60s, we still live in a male dominated society. Modeling is a brutal world which makes the SP biz look like kindergarden. But I am glad to see that more and more women are getting recognized for what they achieve than who they sleep with.

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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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That reminds me of the famous quote by Joe DiMaggio, the former Yankees supertsar and ladies man who was once married to Marilyn Monroe. A friend of DiMaggio asked him if he could date another friend's daughter, knowing that her father was his friend. Joe D responded, "they're all someone's daughter."

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Damit GG...EB is right..maybe you should leave this community and leave all us "bad" people alone..Just let us enjoy our perversions :rolleyes:

As for your question....thats always the last line of defence..the ole.."what if..your daughter....SPing..."....

Hey GG...those 28 yr olds are daughters too...yep..every girl is someones daughter...


Who are you to tell me to leave the hobby? If you like little 18 year olds, good for you. There are some exceptional young ladies out there but they are rare. Might I also suggest you visit Thailand and find some mature 14 year olds to fondle.:rolleyes:

EB's reply was honest. There is not a member on this board with a shred of decency to say that it wouldn't bother them if their daughter was SPing to make ends meat.

As for the 28 year old daughter, yes, she is a daughter to someone, but she is probably a hell of a lot more mature than the 18 year old doing this line of work.

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New Member
Jun 30, 2005
Let me clue you in to something: many 18 year old SPs have that ability, and many 40 year old regular guys don't. So perhaps you'd like the government to have some sort of licensing process to be an SP?

This is a great idea, I wish all goverments would do it :D

Rather than just have an arbitrarily high age, we have the lowest reasonable age to consider someone an "adult" (18) but in order to truly be considered an actual adult (if the person desires enter into something requiring them to be an adult such as vote, drink, or get into the sex industry) then they go through a process similar to gaining a driver's license to get a "I am an adult" ID. Gaining a driver's license requires going through driving school, passing a written test, and being evaluated by a driving instructor on the road.

Will it solve anything? Probably not because how many SP will want to show clients an ID which will have their real name on it? They won't do that now. Still, I volunteer to be the "driving instructor" to help ensure that all 18+ girls interested in being a SP are properly an adult. :D


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
The object is sex...not social work.

Hello all,

Would everyone who came to this hobby to do social work put a single * next to their name: and everyone who came to this hobby for sex put many ****** next to theirs. There is one great difficulty with this subject. Despite all the niceties we try to weave into our very brief relationships with the SPs, the object of our involvement is still sex....especially sex with the most vibrant and beautiful female one can find. Typically, on the average, that usually means a more youthful lady...on my an 18 year old. I think the age should be raised for many reasons, and as for myself I don't need to see an 18 year old. But, I am a weak bastard, and as long as it is legal, I will see such a lady if the lady I find more appealing happens to be that age. I don't worry about age at all when I choose someone except that she must be at least 18. So I am certainly no saint. But it is funny to have this discussion about raising the age limit within a hobbying group where the most likely object of their efforts would more often than not be a younger lady.

Not that everyone has the same preferences concerning age and I am not saying anyone is particularly focused on 18 year olds. But in a hobby where youth and vitality is the most potent "viagra" how can we expect to have a generally sincere and unbiased discussion? Yes, many are able to express honest opinions on both sides despite the general attraction for youthful ladies they may have. But in a forum where the vast majority of members are men seeking great sex, can there really be a genuinely fair discussion about whether an 18 year old is mature enough to decide about having sex with older horny men? You came here for sex not to do social work. How sincere can you really be about discussing the current and future welfare of a hot, vibrant, and beautiful 18 year old considering what you are here for. If this was a court case in the U. S. at least ( don't know Canadian standards ) you would all be disqualified from the jury.


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New Member
Nov 9, 2003
EagerBeaver said:

If the minimum SP age was increased from 18 to 21, isn't it true you would have more business and less competition? Yes or No?

Is child support required to be paid to age 21, yes or no?

I have been thinking about this statement and the answer is NO. There would not be less competition, just more SPs working illegally.

So my question is what do we do about all those underage escorts who are working "illegally" to survive?

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Virgin User
May 17, 2006
General Gonad said:
There is not a member on this board with a shred of decency to say that it wouldn't bother them if their daughter was SPing to make ends meat.

It would bother me if my child had to clean toilets in a hotel, pick up city garbage, or work in any other hazardous job to make ends meet. What's your point?

And what does any of this have to do with being 18 or 21?

It looks to me like you regret having slept with 19 year olds for money and are now somehow trying to make amends.


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
Korbel said:
But in a forum where the vast majority of members are men seeking great sex, can there really be a genuinely fair discussion about whether an 18 year old is mature enough to decide about having sex with older horny men? You came here for sex not to do social work. How sincere can you really be about discussing the current and future welfare of a hot, vibrant, and beautiful 18 year old considering what you are here for.

I agree. This is all pretty silly considering what we are in this hobby for. Not to mention the irony of having folks, who are most likely cheating on their wives or girlfriends, lecturing other members on morals... A psychologist might conclude that engaging in this behavior is their way of dealing with guilt. In a word, some members need to get off their "white knight" (syndrome) pedestal.
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