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Should the legal age for SPs be increased to 21 years old?

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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Korbel said:
Would everyone who came to this hobby to do social work put a single * next to their name: and everyone who came to this hobby for sex put many ****** next to theirs. There is one great difficulty with this subject. Despite all the niceties we try to weave into our very brief relationships with the SPs, the object of our involvement is still sex....especially sex with the most vibrant and beautiful female one can find. Typically, on the average, that usually means a more youthful lady...on my an 18 year old.


Do you really think that the ONLY reason hobbyists see SPs is just for sex? I would argue that sex is often secondary to companionship. There are many lonely hobbyists out there.

Now, while I am not a social worker, I do like to discuss with SPs about their lives, their dreams and their concerns. I think many ladies enjoy speaking to someone they feel comfortable with about these topics. Often, they just ned someone who can listen to them.

Finally, it is your opinion that a vibrant beautiful female is a more youthful one. I happen to think that by and large the best ages for women is between 25 and 35 years old. I have met even older women that had more youthful vibrance than young chicitas with tight asses.


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
JustBob said:
I agree. This is all pretty silly considering what we are in this hobby for. Not to mention the irony of having folks, who are most likely cheating on their wives or girlfriends, lecturing other members on morals... A psychologist might conclude that engaging in this behavior is their way of dealing with guilt. In a word, some members need to get off their "white knight" (syndrome) pedestal.

Oh please, spare me, I am not preaching on morals and even though I do feel guilty about cheating, I bet I am more ethical and decent than most of the single dudes on this board.

This thread is about reflecting on what is a more appropriate age for a lady to SP. I argue for 21 years old. Others who think with their penises, couldn't give a rat's ass if she is 16 or 18 years old.:rolleyes:


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
I think you need to pick up the phone and call for a SP., and stop posting, its only 2pm and you have 18 posts today! Hey were all in this hobby for self gratification. We are ego maniacs...we have our issues, just as many SPs also have issues.. I have met 34 yr old SP that have drug problems, escorting for 4 years and prob. have the maturity of a 19yr old and have nothing to show for it. I have also met 19yr olds that are using this avenue to save money and make a better life for themselves. Age doesnt=maturity or ability to handle the pitfalls of this business.

Are you trying to put a guilt trip on the hobbyist for seeing young SP....or is this just another pointless rant...

I am trying to have an honest conversation here. But obviously some members feel uncomfortable with this subject...a little too sensitive, if you know what I mean.

I agree with you that there are mature and immature SPs in all age groups but the fact remains that on average, alittle older = a little more mature.

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New Member
Feb 15, 2005
martinl68 said:
It all began because there was some accusations that maybe Samantha worked for Eleganza while she was under 18.
Who said that? I think it was one of those posts got deleted and I never got a chance to read.
Was it a member? or was it another agency?

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
orallover said:
Who said that? I think it was one of those posts got deleted and I never got a chance to read.
Was it a member? or was it another agency?


Read my first post...that is all.



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams

Hello General Gonad,

"Others who think with their penises, couldn't give a rat's ass if she is 16 or 18 years old."

Crass but fairly true. You went right to the point. Great!




Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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traveller_76 said:
EB, You are defending the right of younger escorts to do this work because you are fundamentally defending your right to use their services. t76

Your analysis assumes, incorrectly, that I only use the services of escorts 18-20 years of age. The majority of escorts I have seen have been over the age of 21. I have seen many escorts over age 30, with the oldest being a 42 year old. So therefore the "fundamentally defending my own right to use their services" argument, as to 18-20 year olds is actually bullshit in fact. I would estimate that 20% of the escorts I have seen were under age 21.
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
excellent post t76

traveller_76 said:
Your analysis is that of a lawyer... looking only to the law when it justifies your point. If the legal age of consent was a consideration with respect to prostitution, the Criminal Code of Canada would not consider prostitution of a minor an offence.


This is an excellent post. I too struggle with the utilitarian view of the hobby that reduces SPs to commodities for our own sexual gratification. In a consumer society, we are taught that more choice is better and helps keep prices in line.

But this a perverted logic when dealing with SPs where the emotional and psychological consequences of doing this job when you're not ready can last for a lifetime. To say, "she is 18 and all I care about is sex," is to admit that you really don't care about these other, non-economic factors that can negatively impact a lady's life.

I would like some hobbyists to stop bullshitting that they really care about SPs' well-being when the reality is that they want sex with a young lady even if she isn't really mature enough to deal with the decisions she has taken.

I am not sure that raising the age to 21 years old is enough but if it can prevent some young teenager who is contemplating this job even though she isn't ready to deal with the consequences of her choices on all levels, then I am all for it.

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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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General Gonad said:
I would like some hobbyists to stop bullshitting that they really care about SPs' well-being when the reality is that they want sex with a young lady even if she isn't really mature enough to deal with the decisions she has taken.GG

It is possible to have sex with someone and also care about their well being, you know.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
EagerBeaver said:
It is possible to have sex with someone and also care about their well being, you know.

No shit, that's what this board is all about. As I sift through countless reviews with acronyms, I wonder does anyone really care about how these ladies feel? There are some who do care and even some on this thread that act like total macho guys.;)


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
martinl68 said:
We know, you have more ethics than most of us, you care a lot for SPs and you are a great lover. You are so wonderful GG. I can go on if your ego is not filled up enough :p

Stick with watching mafia movies, your last post speaks volumes about your ability to distort my views.



New Member
Nov 19, 2004
General Gonad said:
I bet I am more ethical and decent than most of the single dudes on this board.

Well I haven't been here long but it sure looks to me like you constantly try to remind other members of this "fact".

This thread is about reflecting on what is a more appropriate age for a lady to SP. I argue for 21 years old. Others who think with their penises, couldn't give a rat's ass if she is 16 or 18 years old.:rolleyes:


The above automatically disqualifies you from being able to have an intelligent and rational discussion on this issue. According to you, arguing for the 21 y/o age limit is the decent and ethical approach and those who believe that 18 is ok are only penis-brained predators who woudn't have a problem fucking a 16 y/o. Gotcha! Oh, and thanks for proving my point.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
JustBob said:
The above automatically disqualifies you from being able to have an intelligent and rational discussion on this issue. According to you, arguing for the 21 y/o age limit is the decent and ethical approach and those who believe that 18 is ok are only penis-brained predators who woudn't have a problem fucking a 16 y/o. Gotcha! Oh, and thanks for proving my point.

Hmmm, you got me!:rolleyes:



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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General Gonad said:
I am not sure that raising the age to 21 years old is enough but if it can prevent some young teenager who is contemplating this job even though she isn't ready to deal with the consequences of her choices on all levels, then I am all for it.GG

Ronnie already posted that illegality will not necessarily stop 18-20 year olds from working as escorts. It will simply criminalize their conduct and add one new, even more stressful layer to their emotional well being, that of the threat of criminal prosecution. And the possible stigma of a conviction.

In fact, illegality of escorting does not stop 18-20 year olds from working in the USA. In fact, with younger people being better versed in computers, there are now numerous 18-20 year olds advertising on Craig's List. A hobbyist I know in California has sent me many links to such ads.
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
EagerBeaver said:
In fact, illegality of escorting does not stop 18-20 year olds from working in the USA. In fact, with younger people being better versed in computers, there are now numerous 18-20 year olds advertising on Craig's List. A hobbyist I know in California has sent me many links to such ads.


Good point, which is why I may have made a mistake with my initial question. Instead of making it illegal, we should pressure agency owners to favor ladies that are 21 years old and above.

In the age of computers, I worry that there are many girls in the US and Canada well below 18 that are engaging in this activity, often with little regard for the predators they might be dealing with.

The hobbyist you know in California better be careful with who he's contacting because many of these links are set up as police sting operations to nab internet pedophiles.


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
traveller_76 said:
Let me put it this way EB: I worked almost a year as a minor and I'm pretty sure I also provided my services to people who only see young escorts sometimes.

There you have it folks, straight from an ex-SP, you might be dealing with a minor and you do not even know it.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I once saw an escort, in her early 20s (she told me 23), who had been working for quite some time. I had seen her in the past, and knew her quite well. I thought she looked quite young for her age, and could possibly pass for 19 or 20.

She came to my hotel room at the Omni one night visibly upset and in a poor mood. I asked her what was wrong. She told me that her previous client that evening had told her he could not see her any longer, because she "did not look 17 any more." The comment had hurt her feelings, significantly. Obviously it was a cruel thing to say. I had a major task that evening trying to cheer her up, and then get in the mood for sex. However I could see she was really bothered. I found the comment a bit absurd because this lady looked about 19, and was absolutely gorgeous.

There can be no doubt that a lot of hobbyists see 18-21 year olds almost exclusively. This is why agencies like Eleganza are so wildly popular. That being said, we aren't going to change anything. I don't see that anything in this thread is anything more than an academic exchange of opinions and ideas. And I remain unconvinced that anything should be changed legally. Many other laws would have to change pertaining to the legal rights of 18 year olds, as a threshold matter. And that is not going to happen. So this thread will remain a purely academic exercise of exchanging opinions, with no practical impact on this industry (unlike, for example, my thread on the definition of GFE, which did have some impact on marketing in this industry, or at least raised the level of consciousness about it).
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New Member
Feb 15, 2005
General Gonad said:

Who are you to tell me to leave the hobby? If you like little 18 year olds, good for you. There are some exceptional young ladies out there but they are rare. Might I also suggest you visit Thailand and find some mature 14 year olds to fondle.:rolleyes:

GG.... that is funny... you telling SA that.. and then you suggest him to visit Thailand and do something...

Special K

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General Gonad said:
Would I recommend her now? No, and it has nothing to do with doubts on her age but everything to do with the fact that she is obviously not cut out for this. If what the owner of Mercedez told me is true, she should stay as far away as possible from this line of work and go back to school.

This whole incident has opened my eyes to a few things. In the future, if I have any doubts about age, even if they're small, I will ask for a valid ID where she can hide her name but show me her birthdate. If she refuses...CIAO.


I'd be very interested to hear what the very reputable :rolleyes: Mark of Elegance VIP mentioned to you about a former employee of his? Please consider the source prior to posting such a comment, there's an old saying "There's nothing like an agency owner scorned", or something to that effect :p



New Member
Aug 26, 2005

after wading through a lot of stuff in this ever-increasing thread, and giving it some thought, my answer to your original question has to be NO.

now, my knowledge of the law isn't very extensive, but i'm pretty sure that there aren't any laws that PERMIT women to jump into the sex trade business when they reach the age of 18, but rather that there are laws that FORBID them from doing so until they reach the age of 18. The same type of laws that say you cannot join the army, vote, drink (at least in Canada), and many other things until you have passed what we consider the age of physical adulthood.

Again, i don't know the law that much, but for your idea to ever be implemented you would need a massive across the board retooling of the justice system for all these other rights, for the lack of a better term, to also be pushed back to the age of 21 for both young men and women (yes, there are men who toil in the sex industry even though we've been obsessing for the last 8 pages over the welfare of young women only). Frankly, i don't believe there would ever be any political will by either the public or the justice system to spend time and resources to make this a reality.

i think we have enough damn laws that say we as a person CANNOT do this thing or that thing if we so choose when we reach the age of 18. if you want to show your concern for these young unfortunate women (since you completely choose to ignore the young boys who also work in this business), why not devote more energy to help secure more funding for education, after-school activities, wiping out poverty, health and all the other social ills that may lead a person to choose this lifestyle. That seems more like a better long-term plan.
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