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New Member
Mar 4, 2013
We know that it is not just about a simple demand/supply issue as demand is today carefully managed by suppliers/marketing experts. This is what I do each day of my life and have been doing for the past 15 years. I do not believe that a Merc is so superior to a GM car as to charge top dollars. Several GM cars have more reliability, options than a Merc, but could not build and maintain a brand (class as Giselle would say). It is something similar in this business. Girls who are able to create an "aura" (for a lack of a better word) around them to attract men charge more than a "simple" girl selling sex. As long as there are men with surplus cash in pockets, they will like to believe that they are buying exclusivity to keep them above the "rest." Good luck to all of them, but I stick to having fun with the simple girl, being hard on cash and a simpleton myself.
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