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The Conservative Party of Canada

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
You all make valid points. But if the Cons do end up winning the next election it will more likely have more to do with the need for change than anything else.

While it is true that PeePee will likely have 2-3 years to change his mini Trump act (actually he’s more Ron DeSantis than Trump) will his current supporters still be around if he succeeds into dropping the school bully act and become a less divisive, less polarizing act?

We still don’t know if JT will even want to run again. But he’s still the Liberals’ best chance at retaining power. And so far all he’s done is win elections. PeePee hasn’t yet accomplished anything other than using social media to his benefit & constan whine about whatever the government does or doesn’t do. Now that i think of it he reminds me more of GYM Jordan than any other US politician. I just think he turns more people off than not. And let’s not forget: only 30% of voters show up at the polls on election day. Will the Liberals be successful in scaring the shit out of voters about PeePee in order to get them to the polls?

The bottom line is that in Canada the federal government has the least effect on people‘s lives than municipal and provincial governments. Most people don’t realize this. Whichever government gets elected federally will have very little effect on Canadians’ everyday lives. It’s easy to blame Trudeau or previously Harper for all of our problems but more often than not the federal government has been a useful scapegoat when more blame should be directed at various other levels of government. And when people justifiably blame the provincial governments they in turn shift the blame to the federal. And when you blame the municipal government they in turn shift the blame to the provincial. And so on. It’s like that old Hank Williams Jr song.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Oh boy....c'était prévisible....done...avec Ti-Poil on vient d'entrer de plein pied dans l'ère du TROMPISME et du lendemain de sa victoire fustige--s'en prend violemment à ALAIN RAYES....qui a pris la décision de siéger comme indépendant...

et quelle bonne décision !!!!...lui au moins se tient debout/ n'est pas dupe... ;) voit clair dans le jeu de mini-TROMP.

À sa 1ère presse....Ti-Poil annonce tout de go qu'il ne répondra à aucune question.....jette son fiel sur veut quitter.....heureusement un brave journaliste l'a interpellé.....s'en est suivi une scène rocambolesque....

Hey Ti-Poil ..ainsi fonctionne notre démocratie...on s'assume et on fait face à la musique....quand on est un vrai leader !!!!

De plus....a ---comme son mentor---demandé à ses membres de le financer afin de faciliter ses communications le TROMPISME à l'os.....

Oui ça va plaire à sa base.... MAIS contribuer à l' majorité sera toujours du côté de la modération et de la 2 cents en cette soirée fraîche/automnale sur la Cité.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Quebec MP Alain Rayes says that he and his team have been the target of “intimidation” tactics from Pierre Poilievre’s leadership team ever since Rayes announced he would step down from the Conservative party and become an independent member of Parliament.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
PP, a discount Trump, except without the Russian financing, years on reality TV & backing of Fox News.

If he ever becomes PM, then we truly and utterly deserve it.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
SONDAGE ABACUS.TODAY.....FEDERAL INTENTION VOTE.....CONSERVATIVE 35 LIB 30 NDP lendemain de l'écrasante victoire de Ti-Poil ce n'est pas un gros honeymoon... ;). à 3 ans encore des prochaines élections....rien n'est joué pas sûr
que TRUDEAU veuille récidiver ;) beaucoup d'action à venir sur la scène fédérale.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Well done, Mr PP, well done

Very bad news if it means that Trudeau would be winning the next election.
Name a department in which the federal government is doing a decent job.
I can't find one. Our army and marine are stuck with outdated equipment, the immigration is a disaster.
With his politics of massive immigration, the defcit in housing is the worst of all time, raising the price of houses and rent costs.
Law Officers get killed by criminals released from jail.
He want to disarm law abiding citizen and do nothing effective for illegal firearms that enter in the country.
He want to run Provinces Health Systems that he underfund. Etc.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
It took years in power for Harper to become possibly the most hated person in Canada (at least for a little while). It also took time for the rosy glow to vanish from Justin to the point where he too is now fairly unpopular and possibly even hated as much as Harper was. PP managed to equal their unpopularity despite never even being close to becoming PM. That's indeed quite an accomplishment.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
As per the above post by Wetnose, that might be the case but Justin Castro is the most hated of them all. He is the worst Canada has ever had and we see how Canada is going into a shithole since he got elected. Having said that, interesting according to this by a Leger poll, if an election were held, the Conservative would win a minority. I am not surprised. But many things can change between now and then but the good news is that people are waking up and will make the right decision to vote Conservative.

Direct Quote from Article:

The last Leger poll put the Conservatives ahead nationally 33% support to 30% for the Liberals. More importantly, it put the Conservatives ahead of the Liberals in Ontario by seven points — 36% to 29% — and showed the two parties tied among women with 30% support each, while the Conservatives led among men 35% to 31%.

Poilievre’s Conservatives also held a lead in all voting age groups over 35, the most reliable voters.

While the Trudeau government has failed to deal with this issue, Poilievre needs to convince suburban women that he has a plan to make life more affordable for their families.

Similarly, he needs to show that he has a plan on several issues and a team to carry it out.
Right now, nothing works as it should and people are noticing. That means Poilievre needs to show that he and his party are the government in waiting and will fix the many problems plaguing the federal government under Trudeau.

Passports, immigration, the military, election interference, the inability to get things built in Canada are all problems. Trudeau is good at campaigning, he’s good at making announcements, but he’s terrible at running a government. Poilievre needs to offer an alternative to putting up with this mess.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
As per the above post by Wetnose, that might be the case but Justin Castro is the most hated of them all. He is the worst Canada has ever had and we see how Canada is going into a shithole since he got elected. Having said that, interesting according to this by a Leger poll, if an election were held, the Conservative would win a minority. I am not surprised. But many things can change between now and then but the good news is that people are waking up and will make the right decision to vote Conservative.

In 2015 Trudeau was elected on his Family name and good looks (like his father, I know it, I was there at the time).

Direct Quote from Article:

The last Leger poll put the Conservatives ahead nationally 33% support to 30% for the Liberals. More importantly, it put the Conservatives ahead of the Liberals in Ontario by seven points — 36% to 29% — and showed the two parties tied among women with 30% support each, while the Conservatives led among men 35% to 31%.

Poilievre’s Conservatives also held a lead in all voting age groups over 35, the most reliable voters.

While the Trudeau government has failed to deal with this issue, Poilievre needs to convince suburban women that he has a plan to make life more affordable for their families.

Similarly, he needs to show that he has a plan on several issues and a team to carry it out.
Right now, nothing works as it should and people are noticing. That means Poilievre needs to show that he and his party are the government in waiting and will fix the many problems plaguing the federal government under Trudeau.

Passports, immigration, the military, election interference, the inability to get things built in Canada are all problems. Trudeau is good at campaigning, he’s good at making announcements, but he’s terrible at running a government. Poilievre needs to offer an alternative to putting up with this mess.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
PP's Platform? Looks like it's based on two things and two things only: Bitcoin and hatred. He should move to the USA, join the GOP, and try to get elected as Speaker of the House. Maybe Gaetz and Boebert would support him and he'd have a better chance at that position than at becoming PM of Canada.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Probably no Canadian election for two more years. Here's hoping voters stay up to date with PP's nonsense during those two years so that they don't make the error of voting for him, which would result in a total disaster for Canada. It became obvious that Harper wanted to take away several long-entrenched Canadian rights...and Harper, despite certain faults, was a far far better leader AND human being than PP. He was also much more intelligent.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Probably no Canadian election for two more years. Here's hoping voters stay up to date with PP's nonsense during those two years so that they don't make the error of voting for him, which would result in a total disaster for Canada. It became obvious that Harper wanted to take away several long-entrenched Canadian rights...and Harper, despite certain faults, was a far far better leader AND human being than PP. He was also much more intelligent.

I am not a big PP fan, but Justin has to go. Our best hope is a conservative minority.
Let PP show what he can do and let them replace Justin.
2 years later we can pick
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