Montreal Escorts

The Conservative Party of Canada


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
IPSOS--POLL...24-07-2022....fait auprès de 1001 Canadiens.

Une majorité---33%-- semble préférer J,C. alors que les Conservateurs semblent avoir un penchant pour P.P. avec 49%. Le pourcentage d'opinions positives pour J.C. est en hausse de 18% depuis Avril....Les opinions négatives envers P.P. sont en hausse de 9 points.

À travers le pays J.C. possède un pourcentage d'opinions favorables de 8 pts sur P.P.......quand même intéressant dans le crunch de la campagne....évidemment encore un big big challenge pour J.C....peut-il encore nous surprendre...??? le souhaite ardemment. ;)


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
ANGUS REID...ce jour...1606 Canadiens.

Both J.C et P.P. l'emporteraient sur les Libéraux lors d'une élection générale avec 34% du vote chacun.....MAIS J.C. avec une marge beaucoup plus confortable de 10%....c'est gros ;) .....P.P. avec 5%.

P.P. obtiendrait 85% des votes conservateurs...c'est gros...J.C. 72%...ce qui est bien....

Si moins populaire chez les électeurs conservateurs J.C. irait chercher une part de l'électorat traditionnellement Libéral et Néodémocrate....pour devenir un PM vraiment national....ce qui est important.

Sondage intéressant qui fait le point....aux membres conservateurs de faire le bon choix...;) de 55% jugent que le temps est venu pour un changement de gouvernement....intéressant.


Active Member
Oct 12, 2010
You guys are under the impression that JC would beat PP for the conservative party leadership. The polls saying JC who will win by a wider margin are likely polling liberals as well as conservatives. Disillusioned liberals will sooner vote for JC than they will for PP, but are making the incorrect assumption that he will be running for PM.

JC does not stand a chance to beat Pierre as the conservative leader.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
You guys are under the impression that JC would beat PP for the conservative party leadership. The polls saying JC who will win by a wider margin are likely polling liberals as well as conservatives. Disillusioned liberals will sooner vote for JC than they will for PP, but are making the incorrect assumption that he will be running for PM.

JC does not stand a chance to beat Pierre as the conservative leader.

We have seen JC often succeed where the odds were low. It is often alleged that he can't be beat at distributing brown envelopes


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
You guys are under the impression that JC would beat PP for the conservative party leadership. The polls saying JC who will win by a wider margin are likely polling liberals as well as conservatives. Disillusioned liberals will sooner vote for JC than they will for PP, but are making the incorrect assumption that he will be running for PM.

JC does not stand a chance to beat Pierre as the conservative leader.
Faut se rappeler qu'un sondage est une photo du moment présent des électeurs....une projection...beaucoup d'eau va couler d'ici les prochaines élections générales.....vrai que les odds ne sont pas favorables à J.C.....cela va se vérifier bientôt.


Active Member
Nov 2, 2012
Reality is it is quiet the opposite, Trudope made vaccination about politics and forced vaccines to gain votes. Vaccines should never be forced, that is authoritarian. Bernier fights for freedom yet many ppl are so quick to bow down to the government. Trudope is about Maoism and he is one of the most dangerous crime ministers ever. He has to go. O'Toole is a light Liberal and is wishy washy. I do agree the Conservative party sucks now. It needs a strong leader like Pierre Poliviere or Derek Sloane who will uphold freedom and small government and cut ties with globalism. The root of all problems is the United Nations.
UN !what!?what 's got to do with the conservtive malaise or whatever ,one's mind is clouded!


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
WOW...selon SCOTT AITCHISON----CANDIDAT----à trois semaines du vote final plus de 450,000 membres n'ont toujours pas voté à ce jour......c'est énorme....évidemment un vote par la poste avec joint une pièce d'identité ne facilite pas la tâ n'enflamme pas les passions.....lolll

Vivent les bonnes vieilles conventions avec des délégués sur le plancher.....peut-être moins démocratiques MAIS pas mal plus spectaculaires et le 2 cents en ce merveilleux Mardi sur la Cité.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Un accroc dans le bas de laine des Québécois.
Croyant saisir une bonne occasion d’investissement il y a quelques mois, la CDPQ avait parié sur le prêteur en cryptomonnaies Celsius Network.
Mais aujourd’hui, la solvabilité du partenaire est gravement remise en question.

Faites confiance à Poilièvre, et ce sera beaucou plus que 150 millions que nous perdrons.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Good news. Pierre Poilievre wins a strong majority for the leadership of the Conservative Party. Now he will smoke Trudeau out. Poilievre will sweep like a tsunami. He has a lot of damage to fix and bring back freedom to Canada and sensible spending and cut excessive government spending and cut wasting taxpayers money by sending it to foreign countries. Poilievre will make Canada great again ;)

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Conservative Leadership Results - First Round:

Poilievre: 68.2%
Charest: 16.1%
Lewis: 9.7%
Baber: 5%
Aitchison: 1.1%

Now time to get Trudeau packing ;)
Good thing Charest did not win, he is just another Liberal.
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The so-called “Conservative” party chosing to go semi-Maga in choosing PeePee as its leader. That’s the best news the Liberals got as long as JT decides to run again.

Personally i believe that Jean Charest had the best chance to win a federal election. PeePee turns off too many people with his radical right-wing agenda. He will have to tone things down if he wants to win. His record of never having any job whatsoever before entering politics won’t be as popular with blue collar workers as much as people think. They’re likely to vote for the NDP or a smaller fringe party.

PeePee winning the party’s leadership was overwhelmingly expected so no surprise there. But that party is extremely fractured & this won’t help their chances in their next federal election. We’re likely still two years away from the next election & meanwhile the Cons are likely to continue destroying one another. The Liberals should just step away & watch the shit-show while continue hoping JT decides to stay in politics. There is no heir apparent in sight & give him credit: he has a knack of winning elections.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
We see Liberal voters complaining. Charest is over and good too. He was just another Liberal. Now is his time to retire. He reminds of Coderre who tried to make a come back, how pathetic. The reality is Poilievre got very strong support on first ballot shows that the CPC will follow him and will be united. O'Toole was a disaster, weak and he thought that being a Liberal will make him win. The party got fractured plus it provided no difference to the LPC. Justin Trudeau is a total disaster, far worse then his father. He set the bar so low then anyone will be better then him. Trudeau's position is so weak that he only won one majority government, the rest were minority government and the worst part is he has a sleazeball like Singh that keeps on proping him up to save his own job. Poilievre has some controversial suggestions but the fact that Trudeau pissed off so many ppl will ensure Poilievre secures a win. Prepare yourselves, in 2025 Poilievre will send Trudeau packing. Trudeau is the worst Canada has ever had, Socialism has no place in Canada. Trudeau's popularity is at an all time low and there is a lot of anger against him, Poilievre will capitalize on that and he will succeed.
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Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts