Darn if you two kids aren't the cutest rascals alive; how sweeeeet. I see my little boy Joe.teenie has a new sandbox buddy. Oh quick...somebody get me a camera so we can remember this moment again after they grow up...if.

Corn rows are for kids and rich stars with too much time on their hands. And "sour grapes" would have been funnier little teener.
I would love to see you boys at a GT. I miss you. I here you are getting so big these days. Thanks to the Rumples for the photos he sent to me of the last time you all got together. That's Igna Ranty on the left, EagerBeater on the right, and our little Teenie in the middle. Love the hair styles.

Teenie looks a bit annoyed because Ranty just pinched his butt cheek. See how Ranty snickers.
I guess you boys are now big enough for something challenging and also epitomizes your choice of baseball teams. Here you go: A big fat lollipop also known as an "All Day Sucker". Doesn't uncle Merlot just luv you boys.
Hugs y'all,