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The Joe.T Memorial FM® Yankees Suck Thread for 2009

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Where have those Stankee bats gone? Did Beav take them down into his hibernation hole with him a couple weeks ago when last we saw him bragging about his boys? there???? Didn't think so. Guess we'll have to wait for the next Stankee winning streak, or errorless streak or some other useless stat streak to rouse him out of his hole. Ohhh and Cy Wang's ERA is almost down as low as Dice-K's. Haha.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
WOW! my lil round purple friend "does" have a sense of humor afterall :D .... but you got it wrong, i am on the right , shows how little you no :rolleyes: pffftttt......

Merlot said:

Darn if you two kids aren't the cutest rascals alive; how sweeeeet. I see my little boy Joe.teenie has a new sandbox buddy. Oh quick...somebody get me a camera so we can remember this moment again after they grow up...if. :p Corn rows are for kids and rich stars with too much time on their hands. And "sour grapes" would have been funnier little teener.

I would love to see you boys at a GT. I miss you. I here you are getting so big these days. Thanks to the Rumples for the photos he sent to me of the last time you all got together. That's Igna Ranty on the left, EagerBeater on the right, and our little Teenie in the middle. Love the hair styles. :D Teenie looks a bit annoyed because Ranty just pinched his butt cheek. See how Ranty snickers.

I guess you boys are now big enough for something challenging and also epitomizes your choice of baseball teams. Here you go: A big fat lollipop also known as an "All Day Sucker". Doesn't uncle Merlot just luv you boys. ;)

Hugs y'all, :D



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Special K said:
Where have those Stankee bats gone? Did Beav take them down into his hibernation hole with him a couple weeks ago when last we saw him bragging about his boys? there???? Didn't think so. Guess we'll have to wait for the next Stankee winning streak, or errorless streak or some other useless stat streak to rouse him out of his hole. Ohhh and Cy Wang's ERA is almost down as low as Dice-K's. Haha.
Beav? Beav who? Oh, right, Beav. I remember him now. It's been a while since the last Yankee winning streak.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Yanks now trail the Sox by 3.5. If they close to within 1, look for the Beav.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
yanks are playing well, watch, now i just jinxed them, AGAIN!...... 1918 lives!........ i only say that cause of jot t's *............ :)


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
lgna69xxx said:
yanks are playing wel
My Aunt Gertrude could shut out the Mets. Their starting lineup this weekend, their entire starting lineup, has two more home runs than Mark Teixeira.

You know, you go around saying stupid shit, like 1918 lives, people are going to start mistaking you for Joe.T. BTW, didn't Roger Clemoids and Andy Pettoide pitch for the 1996*, 1998*, 1999*, and 2000* Yankees?

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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rumpleforeskiin said:
My Aunt Gertrude could shut out the Mets. Their starting lineup this weekend, their entire starting lineup, has two more home runs than Mark Teixeira.

You know, you go around saying stupid shit, like 1918 lives, people are going to start mistaking you for Joe.T. BTW, didn't Roger Clemoids and Andy Pettoide pitch for the 1996*, 1998*, 1999*, and 2000* Yankees?

Owwww...igna just got owned!! :D


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
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rumpleforeskiin said:
You know, you go around saying stupid shit, like 1918 lives, people are going to start mistaking you for Joe.T. BTW, didn't Roger Clemoids and Andy Pettoide pitch for the 1996*, 1998*, 1999*, and 2000* Yankees?

Careful who you are accusing of saying "stupid shit" because with his great knowledge of the game I got a sneaking suspicion that Igna69xxx is none other than Ken Rosenthal.:cool:
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
geez i would have to say they did, now did Manroid Ramirez Play for the redsux in 2004/2007? talk about saying stupid stuff, nothing worse than contradicting ones self , stupid is as stupid does eh? :D

talk about owned Spec K., rummpy just got it back 10 fold! bwahahahaha!

and just for you rumps........ 1 9 1 8 LIVES!!! with a few of these of course ************* :D
rumpleforeskiin said:
My Aunt Gertrude could shut out the Mets. Their starting lineup this weekend, their entire starting lineup, has two more home runs than Mark Teixeira.

You know, you go around saying stupid shit, like 1918 lives, people are going to start mistaking you for Joe.T. BTW, didn't Roger Clemoids and Andy Pettoide pitch for the 1996*, 1998*, 1999*, and 2000* Yankees?

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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lgna69xxx said:
talk about owned Spec K., rummpy just got it back 10 fold! bwahahahaha!

Yea, not so much. :p Not even close did Rumples get anything back. You pointed out *'s and dated back to 1918, he pointed alot more *'s of proven, uncontestable, admitted, Yankee roid users, you pointed out pretty much nothin', except someone who used a fertility drug mistakenly given by his MD. You really should quit while you're waaaaaaay behind!! :D


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
hahahaha, of course im behind in the eyes of a SUX Fan! bwahahahaha, you should no by now K, that a red sux fan can NEVER compete with a Yankees fan at anything.....;) pffffftt! (maybe its the boustan talking, if so, my sincere apologies :D )

besides, rumples knows im only kidding anyways, but i do see he isnt really ignoring me like he claims :)

Special K said:
Yea, not so much. :p Not even close did Rumples get anything back. You pointed out *'s and dated back to 1918, he pointed alot more *'s of proven, uncontestable, admitted, Yankee roid users, you pointed out pretty much nothin', except someone who used a fertility drug mistakenly given by his MD. You really should quit while you're waaaaaaay behind!! :D
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Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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I haven't clicked your link but is that a team picture of the 2004 Yankees Joe, the biggest choke artists in the history of all sports blowing a 3-0 game lead and 9th inning lock with Mo Rivera on the mound in the ALCS which the Sox went on to the first of their two World Series this decade? :D

No worries iiiigna, it came back amazingly today. At least it wasn't the Yanks that made that come back against them last them, that would've been disgusting.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Special K said:
Owwww...igna just got owned!! :D
And you'll notice, K, that I made on mention of the triplets, A-Roid, A-Fraud, and Pay-roid. And why not? For one simple reason: the Yankees haven't won jackshit in all the years he's played for them. In fact, the Yankees have only one major accomplishment since acquiring him: the biggest choke in the history of professional sports.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Welcome back, Beav.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
hey i was here when the Yanks were having a rough couple weeks, no one else was saying much at the time...... anyways i fully expect the sox/yanks to be fighting it out till the last week of the season, just like usual......
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