Not wrong at all. The Sox DID NOT score another run AGAINST Westbrook...Korbel said:Hello Ziggly Wiggly,
And that's a great big WRONG for Are you another Joe.t?
The Kiss of Death.Joe.t said:The Rockies in 6 over the tired Red Sox(my prediction).
There's no crying in baseball, but apparently there's still some whining.Joe.t said:Congrats go to the Red Sox for buying their way into the World Series with the second biggest payroll in baseball, too bad that it won't help them any against the well rested Rockies.
rumpleforeskiin said:There's no crying in baseball, but apparently there's still some whining.
Ziggy Montana said:I understand Westbrook had close to 100 pitches but he was nonetheless showing no sign of fatigue (he was actually strong and dominant). Pulled too early, IMO. Oh well...
Joe.t said:Hey rumples pal of mine who ya picking Colorado or Cleveland?.![]()
Doc Holliday said:You are correct & only the hated Yankees could choke like they did, meaning i doubt Cleveland will do likewise.
Special K said:Oh yea, and remember, it takes 4 games to win the ALCS. Just ask the Yankees of 2004.![]()
Way back on March 3, it appears that one person, at least, was able to peer into the future.rumpleforeskiin said:Looks like another grim year for the Bronx Bummers as they continue into year seven of their Millenium of Despair.
Actually, Joe, you fucking moron, the notion that anything less than a WS victory has been labelled "The Steinbrenner Doctrine." There is only one team in all of sports, professional or amateur, to which the Steinbrenner doctrine applies.Joe.t said:I would consider that anything less than a World Series win would be a total failure for a team with the second biggest payroll in baseball that is somewhere in the neighborhood $150 million, I would hold off on the celebrations until this happens if I were a Red Sox fan because if I remember correctly it took them 86 years to win another World Series.![]()
Hello Joe.t,Joe.t said:I would consider that anything less than a World Series win would be a total failure for a team with the second biggest payroll in baseball that is somewhere in the neighborhood $150 million, I would hold off on the celebrations until this happens if I were a Red Sox fan because if I remember correctly it took them 86 years to win another World Series.![]()
Sox spent $143, Yankees $210, a difference of $67,000,000. The other difference, of course, is that the Sox actually won something.Korbel said:Then it follows that you must have a truly horrendous opinion of the Tankees who spent 40 million more than the Sox this year, and between 75-105 million in most years since 2000.
Korbel said:Hello Joe.t,
Then it follows that you must have a truly horrendous opinion of the Tankees who spent 40 million more than the Sox this year, and between 75-105 million in most years since 2000. Maybe you can remember this correctly too. Let's see...booted out of the playoffs in the first round four times, choked in the World Series twice, achieved the greatest CHOKE in sports history during the ALCS in 2004. That's $200,000,000 worth of "HEIMLICH MANEUVERS" repeated 25 times, plus more for coaches and support staff for seven straight years with the highest budget in baseball. I hear the Yankers get a unique bulk rate on the Robitussin special Cough, Cold, and Playoff Choke formula...every year...LOL!
rumpleforeskiin said:Sox spent $143, Yankees $210, a difference of $67,000,000. The other difference, of course, is that the Sox actually won something.
The vacuousness of your "logic" is astonishing. My suggestion is that you stick to your lofty position as Chief Vigilante on the loserboard.eastender said:Simply the Red Sox never won anything - the other teams lost.
The Red Sox have won fuck all!!! you can toot your horn when the Red Sox actually win something of value like maybe the World Series something that should happen in the year 2090 if you go by history which is something that you will not witness, maybe your Aunt Gertrude's son Derek will but certainly not you, you delusional doorknob.rumpleforeskiin said:Sox spent $143, Yankees $210, a difference of $67,000,000. The other difference, of course, is that the Sox actually won something.