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The NEW 2011-2012 NHL Free For All thread.

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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello everyone,

As it seems that Doc Holliday and Merlot prefer to trade shots at each other to posting about hockey, they are both banned from posting in all sports threads for the remainder of the first round of the NHL playoffs. If anyone else would like to continue making posts that have nothing to do with the topic, I will be more than happy to relieve you of the problem of posting in the sports forum also.

Mod 8

EDIT: I have also cleaned the last couple of pages of useless posts. This may be a Free For All thread but the topic remains HOCKEY. Any new post that does not focus on hockey will be removed and the poster suspended from the Sports Forum.
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Oui rumpie, you sure do understand your hockey,
I mean a ppg player in todays NHL is horrible and there are no teams that have or would want a Allstar sniper who is a ppg'er, let alone pay them big bucks. :lol: In reality (people who actually no something about the sport of Hockey) Kessel, if he continues to produce at a ppg or better rate will actually be considered underpaid by todays NHL salary standards. rumpie-poo, you have a lot to learn my fairweather hockey fan friend but......

Maybe, but as for now, he sucks. He's a one way player who isn't fit to carry Tyler Seguin's shorts.


Nov 4, 2009
Did Mod8 just humiliate Doc Holiday with a ban during the playoffs, the most important time of the year:lol::lol::eyebrows:

I respect Mod8's decision. At least he was fair this time and banned both parties that were implicated.:thumb:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Hey Boyz...lets poke the bear



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
First was so true, lets poke em again, shall we? Oui, we shall, boyz :)



New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Looks like Markham wants to get their own arena and maybe get a team in the futur.
This would mean a team near the Leafs...

Some say already that they are saturated with the Leafs.
Do they mean that they are saturated with loosing or ...maybe that they'd prefer Leafs to move there ?

Maybe it's the new idea to try and get the Leafs to win ?


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hey Boyz,

Had the Bruins kept Phil the Thrill, they would likely already have back to back cups and going for a third in a row.

If he's such a decisive player then any team with him should be on the rise, not in the tank "for a third in a row".

BTW...Talk of loser teams are forbidden in the playoffs thread. :thumb:

Do they mean that they are saturated with loosing or ...maybe that they'd prefer Leafs to move there ?

Maybe it's the new idea to try and get the Leafs to win ?

There is only one absolutely guaranteed way to get the Leafs to win:

1. Hypnotize the team into thinking they're playing golf and give them irons instead of sticks. :lol:




Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Burke's Genius Strikes Gold.

Hey BOYZ!!! :D

***Momentous News!***

<<<Toronto's New Winning Strategy!>>>



That's right! After decades of utterly disastrous futility, Leafs fans can now sit back and relax with a big victory cigar for the first time in 45 years. Gone are the burning gut feelings of hopelessness and despair, and the huge bills of psychiatric depression consultation. After four years of tailspin, Brian Burke's GENIUS finally comes shining through with the answer. FIGURE SKATING! Since decades of springtime rust on golf courses have taken their toll, 48 year old Barbara Underhill, Canada's 1984 skating woman's champion, will butch up the Leafs and teach them how to skate to win.

The video displays the goal for the Leafs new winning playing style philosophy:


What intimidating power and...GRACE. These moves are sure to put FEAR (yikes) into the hearts and bellies of any opponent. Brian Burke has surely brought the Stanley Cup back to Toronto after this move. Eye-liner and fishnets are said to be key to success. :thumb:

There are only two real problems.

1. Where to put the traditional Maple Leaf logo on the new uniforms, also cited by Brian Burke as a key factor to the Leafs future success.


2. What one Toronto fan will charge the Leafs for his trademarked fashion creation.




New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Merlot, you will do anything to show pics and videos of men in tights skating wont you. :lol:

Whats wrong with hiring a former world champion to help a hockey team with skating? Is it because she is a woman? If you think the hiring of Barb Underhill is in anyway a negative you are once again, totally clueless to all things hockey. And if you think this is funny because she is a woman working in a mans pro sport, then maybe you should look up the word misogynist. Why cant a woman be hired to help men? Especially when she is a World Champion?......Unreal, just when you think you have seen and heard it all. Simply, disgusting.

I fully support the hiring of Underhill and it could not come at a better time, and whats great is she is a champion and to be what you want to be it is always good to surround yourself with the same, no matter what sport or profession. Great hire Burke! :thumb:

Here mErlot, eat some more crow....

Figure Skaters teach hockey players

The 48-year-old Underhill has worked extensively with hockey players on skating and power, working with the OHL Guelph Storm, of which her husband is a part owner, since 2007. She has also worked with the Anaheim Ducks, New York Rangers and Tampa Bay Lightning of the NHL. Her career has also seen her in the booth for the CBC as a skate commentator.
She's not the only Canadian female figure skating champion to work with hockey players; another is Karen Magnussen, who for years taught skating to hockey players at the North Shore Winter Club in Vancouver. That program continues to be run by former-NHL player Todd Harkins.

Read more:


How's your dinner merlot?


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Stop babbling you guys !

The amount of whining is down so does the stupid habit of boasting loosers from another city on this board.
So cheer up instead and enjoy playoffs !


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
No babbling here, just stating the obvious and exposing non hockey minds like usual, just another day at the office. :cool:

Stop babbling you guys !

The amount of whining is down so does the stupid habit of boasting loosers from another city on this board.
So cheer up instead and enjoy playoffs !


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Only until I think June, when Rogers/Bell take over. I have heard tho it could take longer as Bell also owns a small part of the Scabs so they might have to sell those shares first, maybe you could buy them, i am sure they could be had for pennies on the $. :lol::lol::lol:
Ok Ok ! go on then :D

Here's one for ya !

Q: Why are the Leafs owned by teachers?
A: Because they both take summers off and are demoralized the rest of the year.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Merlot, you will do anything to show pics and videos of men in tights skating wont you. :lol:

Whats wrong with hiring a former world champion to help a hockey team with skating? Is it because she is a woman? If you think the hiring of Barb Underhill is in anyway a negative you are once again, totally clueless to all things hockey. And if you think this is funny because she is a woman working in a mans pro sport, then maybe you should look up the word misogynist. Why cant a woman be hired to help men? Especially when she is a World Champion?......Unreal, just when you think you have seen and heard it all. Simply, disgusting.

I fully support the hiring of Underhill and it could not come at a better time, and whats great is she is a champion and to be what you want to be it is always good to surround yourself with the same, no matter what sport or profession. Great hire Burke! :thumb:

Here mErlot, eat some more crow....

Hello Iggy,

I couldn't resist. It's just too funny that Burke has decided after four years of failing in his 5-year plan that the Leafs should actually now...LEARN TO SKATE! It's not the woman, it's the utterly backward thinking. After four years he thinks they should finally learn to gotta admit IT'S HILARIOUS!!! The genius promised victory before his team could skate. :lol: :crazy:

Another active member, who shall be nameless, put me onto this this news. One thing I love about you is how 100% predictable you are. On you I bet him:

1. He will back this move 100% because he sucks up to everything his team does, though he'd attack this just as hard if any other team did Burke's butt.

2. I guarantee you he will use the phoney old...your not a real fan routine.

3. He can never take a joke, though he expects everyone else to from him.

So you are posting exactly the same information on the link I posted. Wow, did you take the bait.

4. I guarantee he'll get angry, and won't be able to let this go. That a boy!!! :thumb: :D

Geeez, you're obsessed. Notice not one response from me to your garbage in the Baseball Free-For-All.

Finally, why so pissed??? Jokes are what the Leafs are about. It's Leafs tradition.




New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Brian Burke Was Robbed!

The nominations for best GM have come out and Brian Burke's name is not on the list.

The man was robbed!

He singlehandedly turned a team into a Stanley Cup Champion!

Granted, that team was the Boston Bruins, but hey one man can't do everything by himself, and to be fair he did turn his OWN squad into a 26th place team - surely THAT counts for something?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
:lol: Sure merlot, we all can read between the lines about what you meant and I am spot on as usual, or you would not of felt the need to keep it going aka defend with yet another post about it. Had Burke hired a man, you would of not even posted about it, we know what you meant. I stand by my previous post, you might wanna not "hate" so much and learn to at least "like" them.

Pissed? Me? ROFL, Never, ahahahahaha, oh how some have sooooooo much to learn, hehe. I said before I LOVE the fact Barb Underhill is gonna be working with the Leafs, and had I saw it first I would of posted it. To think Kessel and the young guns can be even more explosive skaters is a scary thought for the rest of the league. Why wouldnt any real hockey fan back that move? :noidea: thats simply :crazy: .... I'm flattered you are back channeling about me, I new you cared after all ya lovable little fella, :D Like Lovemaker says "lets hug"

More crow for you merlot.... in case you did not know or realise, but figure skaters are leaps and bounds better skaters than NHL players. Ask Brian Boyle who he credits with his turnaround in skating ability. Here, enjoy your "crow" :lol:



New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
I have to say that it was fun to see Chara looking down after they lost to Caps in this 7th game of the playoffs.
I mean... I would be rooting a lot more for Boston if it wasn't for this motherf*cker who's purpose to hit was to injure others !

Anyway... now not only Habs, TO but Bruins also gets to play golf while we watch the rest of the playoffs !

You'll have to hand over the cup and wait another 15 years also (that's the average it takes Bruins to win a cup since 1924) to see this cup back in Boston's street I guess.

Welcome to the same reality than Habs are facing nowadays :lol:

As for TO ? well.... you can stick to your 40+ years I guess :thumb:


Nov 4, 2009
Gentle, you're not much of a Montreal Canadiens' fan. The fact that you were going for Boston in this series shows us how much of a "true fan" you are. Now you're trying to act like you're happy that Boston lost when in reality this is what you were hoping for:

Myself I'd like to see Bruins move on.
Lately I started to like Washington's play but.. I prefer see Boston moving on.
Hopefully I'll see Boston against Flyers in the Eastern final.
That would be awesome.

Aren't you the same guy who disses Toronto fans? Maybe you should learn a thing or two about loyalty from Toronto fans who have always supported their team through think and thin, and couldn't ever imagine themselves rooting for their arch rivals. If you went to any bar in Montreal and rooted for the Bruins, no one would call you a Montreal Canadiens' fan.

Also, you haven't said a single thing so far that's been correct in these playoffs. A bunch of stats, a bunch of bullshit. Anyone who truly understands playoff hockey doesn't need to look up stats on, especially not stats from the regular season ten years ago. This is playoff hockey, where stars get shut down and new stars are born.

You're not a Montreal Canadiens' fan and you don't know much about hockey.

Bruins got OWNED in the first round, some defending champs they were:lol:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Geez, I swear Lovemaker, if you had not of personalised that post to Gentle, it could of easily been meant for rumps or merlot as well. Google makes it to easy for these fairweather bandwagon hockey fans. And your right, hate to say it again but you are and when someone is right, I will admit it, but ya, your right that no real habs fan EVER roots for boston, period! Just like Yankees fans NEVER cheer for the red sox. And your right a second time as well, Leafs fans are some of the most loyal fans in ANY sport.

Gentle, you're not much of a Montreal Canadiens' fan. The fact that you were going for Boston in this series shows us how much of a "true fan" you are. Now you're trying to act like you're happy that Boston lost when in reality this is what you were hoping for:

Aren't you the same guy who disses Toronto fans? Maybe you should learn a thing or two about loyalty from Toronto fans who have always supported their team through think and thin, and couldn't ever imagine themselves rooting for their arch rivals. If you went to any bar in Montreal and rooted for the Bruins, no one would call you a Montreal Canadiens' fan.

Also, you haven't said a single thing so far that's been correct in these playoffs. A bunch of stats, a bunch of bullshit. Anyone who truly understands playoff hockey doesn't need to look up stats on, especially not stats from the regular season ten years ago. This is playoff hockey, where stars get shut down and new stars are born.

You're not a Montreal Canadiens' fan and you don't know much about hockey.

Bruins got OWNED in the first round, some defending champs they were:lol:
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