The holy moly hell ? bwahahaha !
What's that ? took too many pills this morning ?
Answer :
Take a deep breath, close your eyes and Repeat after me :
1-Our predictions that Burke was gonna bring the cup was full of crap !
2-Our thousands of posts on how the Leafs would do the playoffs was full of crap !
3-We kept on bitching the Habs, Bruins, Wings, because our Leafs stinks, year after year, after year... !
4-So we're full of crap !
Now there's a way to speed that process by singing the following !
In chorus now (both of you)
And we'll keep on being retarded till the end !
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :thumb:
This is where Iggy comes and say : I agree with you DOC ! I agree 100% with you ! lick lick, slurp, slurp, smooch !!!
So RIGHT! You Go Boy!!!