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The NEW 2011-2012 NHL Free For All thread.

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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
The holy moly hell ? bwahahaha !
What's that ? took too many pills this morning ?

Answer :

Take a deep breath, close your eyes and Repeat after me :
1-Our predictions that Burke was gonna bring the cup was full of crap !
2-Our thousands of posts on how the Leafs would do the playoffs was full of crap !
3-We kept on bitching the Habs, Bruins, Wings, because our Leafs stinks, year after year, after year... !
4-So we're full of crap !

Now there's a way to speed that process by singing the following !

In chorus now (both of you)

And we'll keep on being retarded till the end !

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :thumb:

This is where Iggy comes and say : I agree with you DOC ! I agree 100% with you ! lick lick, slurp, slurp, smooch !!!

So RIGHT! You Go Boy!!!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
My little buddy is some advice for you: "You should seriously consider staying off the bottle & to refrain from taking any hallucinogenic drugs." :confused:


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
By a vote of 24 to 20 the Toronto City Council passed a motion to ban plastic bags as of January 1, 2013.

The 24 who voted for this are obviously Leaf fans who realize that putting a plastic bag over their head can be dangerous. In 2013 it will be much safer for Leaf fans: the bags they wear to cover their humiliated faces will be made of paper as their team heads towards its inevitable course of a 46th (!!!) consecutive year of complete ineptitude.

The one bright spot for Leaf fans: after failing dismally again next year, Burkie will likely be fired and WHOEVER replaces him will be better.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
This coming from a LAST PLACE scabs fan, freaking hilarious! :lol:
By a vote of 24 to 20 the Toronto City Council passed a motion to ban plastic bags as of January 1, 2013.

The 24 who voted for this are obviously Leaf fans who realize that putting a plastic bag over their head can be dangerous. In 2013 it will be much safer for Leaf fans: the bags they wear to cover their humiliated faces will be made of paper as their team heads towards its inevitable course of a 46th (!!!) consecutive year of complete ineptitude.

The one bright spot for Leaf fans: after failing dismally again next year, Burkie will likely be fired and WHOEVER replaces him will be better.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Gentle, my little buddy....didn't your mamma ever teach you that it's wrong for a 15-year old to surf on xxx sites & escort review boards like this one?

On another note, i'm very surprised that with all the spare time that you seem to have on your hands, that you haven't considered taking an english-language course in order to improve your skills in communicating with the master language. :rolleyes:

Habs suck! :lol:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Again, go easy on the lil fella, the scabs just had one of their worst seasons in history and it takes time for some of their fans to understand it's just a game and not life and death, it is understandable why so many of them are on edge these days, I say give them a pass, which btw thats something that scottie gomez should learn how to do better, pass. (nevermind trying to score more than 2 goals a year for 8 million dollars) :lol: And yes once again you are correct, HABS SUCK
Gentle, my little buddy....didn't your mamma ever teach you that it's wrong for a 15-year old to surf on xxx sites & escort review boards like this one?

On another note, i'm very surprised that with all the spare time that you seem to have on your hands, that you haven't considered taking an english-language course in order to improve your skills in communicating with the master language. :rolleyes:

Habs suck! :lol:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Can anyone explain to me what gibberish our buddy Gentle is spewing? What's your opinion? Too much alcohol? Illicit drug use? Mentally handicapped? Too many blows to the head? Teenager? :confused:


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
This coming from a LAST PLACE scabs fan, freaking hilarious! :lol:

Actually it's coming from a WINGS fan - you know, the CLASS of the league, the winners of FOUR Cups in the last decade and a half, the team that hasn't missed the playoffs even once in over two decades, the team that plays in a city called Hockeytown, the team that had a player forever known as Mr. Hockey, the team that has been home to countless legends past and present (to name just SOME: Howe, Lindsay, Abel, Sawchuk, Yzerman, Lidstrom, Federov, Datsyuk, and on and on and on...).

In fact now that I think of it the Wings are the ANTI-LEAFS (winners as opposed to losers, champions as opposed to bums, a class act as opposed to a laughingstock, a universal source of pride as opposed to Canada's National Embarrassment, the best owner in sports as opposed to jokes like Harold Ballard and the Ontario Teachers, the best GM in hockey as opposed to an overweight loudmouthed blowhard who has made his team WORSE in the four years he's been there).

The Wings are the epitome of class. The Leafs are the epitome of CRAP. No wonder their woebegotten fans have to cover their embarrassed faces by wearing bags!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
going to the Winter Classic, Joel? Every SOG by the Leafs you buy me a beer, every SOG by the Wings I buy you one.... at the end of the game I wanna hear you cheering with the other 75% LEAFS FANS and say HABS SUCK and BRAIN BURKE Rules! (does that mean the wings have more sog's than the leafs :confused:, why I think it does) But the Leafs will still win :D


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Red Fisher retires !

Yup ! he started his career on one of the most important day of the NHL, was able to cover all 11th of Henri Richard's Stanley cup.
Something no player will ever be able to match anymore.

And aside the 17 Stanley cups won by the Habs... he saw during his long career the last and only 4 Stanley Cups won by the Leafs !
(3 in a row from 62-64 and the last one on 67...and that was it).

One of his famous quote I believe was "I'm quite happy I didn't start my carreer in Toronto !" :lol:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Like your posting in the playoff thread and a few other threads on MERB, where your sooooooo bored you post all to YOURSELF???? like that you mean? Bwhahahaahahahaa............ ouch!

The 2011/2012 scabs season really f'ed you up didnt it bro? here ya go, dont worry, the sun will come out tomorrow!


Nah ! just bored with you guys !
You can go back at posting news articles I guess


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Such the TYPICAL scabs fan, always living in the past lol.....Yea, in a 6 team leauge.... never again ! delusional much? habs win and have rights to all of quebec players which USED TO BE THE BEST IN THE WOLRD, now, meh, not so much, Tears of joy about the past "gentle one" thats long gone and never coming back, haha, and the scabs sucked last year and it "aint" gonna get better anytime soon...... wheres goSCABSgo when the going gets tuff? oh yea, nevermind, got it :thumb:............:lol::lol::lol:

Yup ! he started his career on one of the most important day of the NHL, was able to cover all 11th of Henri Richard's Stanley cup.
Something no player will ever be able to match anymore.

And aside the 17 Stanley cups won


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Like your posting in the playoff thread and a few other threads on MERB, where your sooooooo bored you post all to YOURSELF???? like that you mean?

Haha ! this is what I wanted.
I knew you guys would all keep out and you obviously missed my post "Playoffs thread = owned".

I was basically laughing at you guys posting 95% of all posting in your Leafs Thread and answering yourselves.
On a Montreal escort forum :lol: Crack's me up

BTW Here's a sample of the posting in blueland from your buddy last time he got banned on Merb.
In the sandlot thread 88% of all the posts were from Doc.
In the Ice pond it was 72%
And on the Bobby Valentine ? 100%

Does it ring a bell ?

That's what I was doing !
Hence my answer to Merlot that I didn't care no one was posting.
That was the intent.
With the majority of the posting by me while having over 1K of viewing ?
I knew it would tip you off !

You just won this great gift !

By the way I do hope you're watching tonight's game !
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