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The So Called Double Standard by Women


New Member
May 14, 2016
Out of curiosity, how many of you would date a women who was decently taller than you?

Not a fair question because it's not a natural impulse, though I have done so.

I don't know what it's like to be a short man. But I can say though it may cut your chances with more women it is not a deciding factor in the least unless a guy is extremely short. Plenty of short guys get together with great women who are taller because it's not just one thing that makes it happen. Shorter guys do overcome their physical stature in many ways even if it's natural for most women to go for a taller guy.

I'm sorry if anyone feels he has been disadvantaged in dating because of his height, but I still think it's the person inside that counts much more. I think deciding it's one factor like weight, income, job position, or height that blocks you from being happy is a mistake. Something like 5'7" is not enough to stop you. I know one guy who is about 5'3" or 4" and you should see how hot his lady is. WOW.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Uh.... What?

That makes no sense

Sure it does. Men love tall women, not women decently (as you put it) taller than them. How often do you see a decently taller woman with a guy? You would not have asked the question if that was the norm.

It's hard to say if I've ever known any guy who said he prefers taller woman. I can't remember anyone saying that. I've known many who have said they prefer women shorter to themselves or as tall at most.

Besides seeing taller escorts is something clients will like at times because they are not dating them. They are having a temporary fantasy.


Active Member
May 5, 2015
I think it's Faire questions

Majority of guys are 5'10 and up
Majority of girls are 5'7 and below

You're asking a girl to go out with a guy who is shorter than the average guy but you couldn't ask a guy to go out with a girl who is taller than the average girl, great double standard :argue:


Sexual Deviant
Sep 1, 2014
Montreal, Ottawa
It's hard to say if I've ever known any guy who said he prefers taller woman. I can't remember anyone saying that. I've known many who have said they prefer women shorter to themselves or as tall at most.

So you're literally proving my point for me, thanks!

Some were complaining on here that women only like taller men, and so I ask, would you prefer to date a women taller than you? No? Well there you go, everyone can go home and relax now.


New Member
May 14, 2016

BTW: you look beautiful and very sexy in your pics. Love the smile too. Don't change that shade of red for you hair. It's FABULOUS!!! Blondes will be eating their hearts out with envy.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Majority of guys are 5'10 and up
Majority of girls are 5'7 and below

Actually, in Canada, the average adult male height is just under 5' 9", so the majority of men are below 5' 9", not above 5'10".

You are right about the majority of women being below 5'7", but more precisely, the average adult female height is only 5' 3.9", so more than half are even below 5' 4".

I have been told by women who were abused that they preferred men who were shorter than them. However, in my experience, it is more common that women prefer taller men. I have been amazed to have been told by athletic, apparently confident and independent women that they feel safer with taller men.


New Member
Oct 14, 2015
Out of curiosity, how many of you would date a women who was decently taller than you?

I would date a women taller than me, because I already have. It did not bother me in any way.

Weeeeeel maybe later in bed... :D

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
*just adding, for those who think that "handsome" is everything for a woman.


Even nope at all. Or maybe for a one nighter? but not for a relationship.

*And this, might very much vary from an individual to another one, but generally speaking, women could be seduced differently than men. We are less focused on the body than men.

Too much beauty in a person made possibly them very infatuated that you should be at their feet and if it is, they are really not good at sex then. One of the worst sex partner possibly. Terrible deception then.

I don't like someone making literally the "star" in the bed. You know, the position on their back without moving and touching their partner?

I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, when you had the chance to meet a very beautiful woman and you should do everything.
And, that kind of, call it, "taking advantage of the situation" is existing with handsome men too.

Very handsome and beautiful people could be so much distant & independent, they are having soooo much opportunities that if you're not enough "enjoyable", that's not a big problem at all.
There is a waiting line out there.

So, for a lots of women, we will go for the most attractive guy based most of all on the BEST VIBE we could get.
I am not the only one to say it, just try to find a study about what are the 10 things that attract women about men, and you will see that the apparence isn't coming first for us.
In comparaison, the same study about what attract men about women, , you will see that for men, the first thing important is the apparence -> body

But I have to admit, in our days, younger ladies become way more liberated and are able to use men only for their bodies too, as it used to be much more of a masculine "hobby" before. :pound:
Anyway, that's another topic . :p

C'est fou les sujets d'échanges, parfois. :pound:


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
You guys and ladies alike all made excellent points however this is not what this thread was about or the reason why I posted it. This was not about dating or confidence or money or anything else. Only SylvainP got the point of this and this was at post #39

Amber Rose, I saw that on some women's profile, and in a forum too.

What I like in the first video is that the guy said that it's OK for women to ask men questiions about their height but it is not OK for men to ask women questions abour their weight, the size of their tits or ass. It should be OK for men and women or not at all.

The point is phenomena called heightism or height discrimination. It starts with the so called double standard where women will ridicule small men and even be ruthless in rejecting them. 1 in 5 women I checked in sites like plenty off fish where women directly write that if you are less then six foot she will ignore you. However if a man wrote he only wants a women who weighs less then 110Lbs or less then a size 3 he will be villafyed. As we have seen Birds for stating a very true and accurate fact was villafyed. Men are just as shallow as women in this. But the point is that if a woman will ask what is a mans height then as a man I will ask what her size or weight is. Because my personal preference is I like slim and athletic women.

Another aspect of heightism is someone wrote and asked why 5'10'. Well I will explain for any man who is shorter then 5'10' will soon realize that all mens clothes off the rack are too long or large. Why? Because all mens clothes are made for a man that is 5'10" and up. So for the 30% of the male population who are between 5'4" to 5'9" have to wear ill fitting clothes further emphasizing his smallness. Women got both petite and plus sizes why no small short sizes for men? This is height discrimination. A man who is small is not a man at all and has got no respect is basically the signal being sent to us. Currently there is only one mans store that sells clothes for short man and that is Browns Short Man at Toronto. But these are only formal attire and business clothes. What is I want to dress sportive? All my t-shirts are too long and the sleeves always long. I must always tuck in my shirt and then it makes me look like a nerd. I must always have my leather jackets made to measure and these cost upwards of $500. We got all kinds of groups promoting plus size women and even plus size models. But we got no small sized short man models or groups promoting them. So yep this is the reality of a short man that I wanted to bring up.

Here is another great video explaining this further->


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
But we got no small sized short man models or groups promoting them. So yep this is the reality of a short man that I wanted to bring up.

I need 37 inches sleeves ,everything is always to short in regular stores ,my legs are too long ,so are my feet .

You adapt and move on !
As for the ladies well Patron and Hungry are hitting the bullseye

Hungry makes the good point that seeing escorts is more fun than dating, particularly as a guy gets older and the hot, younger chicks are just not interested. Why fool with all the nonsense you describe. If the bullshit you describe is the norm, why not just say fuck it?

Escorts are for successful financial guys ,cheaper then divorce and on this no discrimination on height short ,average ,tall




Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Out of curiosity, how many of you would date a women who was decently taller than you?

I have and would, I actually like taller woman. I am seeing a 5'10" SP in NYC next week, I actually have texted with her fairly regularly since I met her in Florida in March. I like tall women because there is more woman in the package. I like short petite spinners as well. As long as a woman is lean, height is not that important to me. What I am not attracted to is women who are not in shape, regardless of height.


Sexual Deviant
Sep 1, 2014
Montreal, Ottawa
Cloud your comparison makes no sense though, you're comparing people who have a preference for certain heights and those who have a preference for certain weights. I'm fairly certain if a women put in her profile "no fat dudes" she would be seen as equally douchey as the man who does the same.

Also having worked in the retail clothing business for both men and women for over 7+ years, your statement of all clothes being made for only tall men is false. Most women's and mens clothing is made for the average height, but there are many stores which sell different length of men's pants for different heights.

What I am not attracted to is women who are not in shape, regardless of height.
Good for you EB ;)


Active Member
Jan 9, 2012
Endless debate... Yes we all live on a double standard reality
An SP wants reference before seeing you, so basically she's saying find an another looser who's not as hot as me, have sex with her and I'll ask her If it was good and than I'll consider seeing you.
This may be a little off topic but I think a little clarification on this point should be made.
When a courtisan asks for reference bear in mind she does it not for the reason you mention but rather for her own safety.
After all there are a lot of crazys out there.

Not a very well kept secret but a man, with good humour, engaging personality, active, cool and generous of himself will always be a winner with ladies.
And THAT is a very down to earth and to the point answer. I think it points to the fact that the person you're looking for is not always easy to find
no matter your looks.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Well, I have to agree with Cloud500 on clothes but especially shoes. I am a men's size 7, which is very small feet. Although my feet are proportional to my body, I don't get any points for that either from women or from shoe manufacturers. Unless you have walked around all of your life in size 7s, you have no idea how hard it is to get the shoes you want in the size that fits.

I recently had to shop for new sneakers. I am not buying any sneakers online, I have to try them on. So I am forced to only shop at stores that have huge inventories of shoes. About a month ago I got lucky and found a size 7W in Asics. I tried it on and it was the most comfortable damn sneaker my footsies ever did snuggle into. I paid $110 for those sneakers because I knew automatically I would search far and wide before trying on another pair that felt so good.

I like boat shoes and dress shoes with tassels. I am fortunate that Sperry, a top boat shoe manufacturer, makes boat shoes in 7s because not all of them even carry 7s. I was able to buy a pair online for around $90 and it fits very nicely.

Dress shoes are a huge problem for me. You guys have no idea how many man hours I have been forced to spend online finding dress shoes with tassels. I am in Court a lot and I have to wear nice shoes. Anyway LL Bean came through for me. They have wonderful dress shoes with tassels for just a little more than $100 and they wear very well.

Price has to be put on the shelf when you are a size 7. You can't bargain shop. You take what you can find or go barefoot.

So my heart goes out to Cloud500 on clothes and on shoes.

Lastly sports coats are another problem because of my stocky build, broad shoulders and disproportionately long arms. I am a 42 short. Go and see how hard it is to find 42 short. Even when I find a 42 short alterations are still needed. So although I am a short man and everything is reasonably proportional, shopping is a painfully difficult and complex and time consuming job. And I am sure none of you care, but I do have to waste time on research when I could be doing that research on SPs instead of shoe inventories.


Active Member
May 5, 2015
Man height : height and shape is really different... I get your point about asking for a height threshold but it could only compare to guy asking height threshold aswell, boob size and weight can be compared to penis size and weight. Anyways, I understand your frustration but all have that one thing that we don't like about ourselves..

Reference : Last statement about it. I understand the purpose of safety. Don't get me wrong. But at end, one will have to take one for the team so that you can have a reference and so that they can get new clients, this is the part that I find unfair but since it's an SP issue, it's not my personal concern. I won't go further than that in my comments.

Eager: I hear you but me having a strong chest (one the verge of man boobs (their solid though lolll)) I have my own issues in terms of buying clothes so I certainly won't argue with you with your reality. All this to say that we have all our personal dating or clothing issues, man and woman...
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