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The Sports Humor, & FUN STUFF Thread...


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
All hail the superhosts...



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
The Texas State Police are cracking down on speeders heading into Dallas. For the first offense, they give you 2 Dallas Cowboy tickets. If you get stopped a second time, they make you use them.


Glad to see Jerry will be livin' it up as his well paid team serves up the drinks...LOL.


For the 3rd offense - a day listening to Jerry Jones.
But Amnesty International has filed in Texas Superior Court against the NFL for cruel and inhuman punishment on that one.

Iggy's got a free pass too. As towel boy he gets to see his team work the playoffs...bwahaha.

WOOOOW! Luv u Doc.

XXXXXXXXXX Edited to avoid offended member's crying.


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New Member
Jul 26, 2005

Yes, the amazing thing is that as the Wings age they seem to get even better! Look at the remarkable Nick Lidstrom as the prime example: he's almost old enough to be Dion Phaneuf's father but is less fragile and can still outplay him in every aspect of the game.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005

Hey thanks.


The Dallas Cowboys new team logo in honor of their 2010 season.


CRYING! C'mon Romo, there's no CRYING in the silly little wus.



I will repeat, Merlot: Don't start.

A while back you were sending me annoying e-mails and when I replied you went crying to Mod 8, who advised us both to ignore each other. I have VERY HAPPILY done so.

Now, a couple of days ago, you decided to bring my name up in this thread. I responded by reminding you of Mod 8's warning.

Now I see that 1) you have fabricated a quote in my name (which is not a kosher thing to do in any circumstances) and 2) you have again sent me a PM. Now if you really WANT to start a flame war, I will certainly be willing to take part and demolish you as usual, but - again! - I REALLY don't think Mod 8 wants that. And you know Merlot, I really don't think YOU want it either since the previous times you tried to annoy me I came back at you and you ran crying to Mod 8 because you couldn't take the heat.

Now why not just be a good little boy and ignore me because for DAMN sure I am ALWAYS happy to ignore you.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
I will repeat:


As you were warned not to send your nasty PMs.

Emails? Are you kidding? How? Did you give me your address? Obviously not. So that's a lie.

Are you really so seriously hurt over a harmless question that you have to keep on crying about it to everyone? You can't even handle that? I'll remove it to make you feel better.

A real man doesn't need a fake funny tough guy act either...great comedy as it is. WOW! Now move on as you promised above...if your word is any good.


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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I didn't really know where to post this, but since it's funny & happened during an NBA program, i figure it's okay to post it here:

Tracy Morgan's Palin gag leads to apology by network

Turner Network Television officials have issued an apology after Tracy Morgan made a lewd remark about former U.S. vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on live TV.

The 30 Rock star stunned viewers with the comment about the former Alaskan governor during his appearance on the Inside The NBA broadcast on Thursday.

Host Charles Barkley asked the funnyman, "Sarah Palin's good looking, isn't she?" prompting Morgan to reply, "Now let me tell you something about Sarah Palin man, she's good masturbation material. The glasses and all that? Great masturbation material."

The network was flooded with complaints and have now apologized for any offence Morgan may have caused.

A spokesperson says in a statement, "It's unfortunate Mr. Morgan showed a lack of judgment on our air with his inappropriate comments."


Tracy Morgan makes joke about Palin


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Host Charles Barkley asked the funnyman, "Sarah Palin's good looking, isn't she?" prompting Morgan to reply, "Now let me tell you something about Sarah Palin man, she's good masturbation material. The glasses and all that? Great masturbation material."


Tracy Morgan makes joke about Palin


So she won't apologize for putting gun targets on people backs and telling her nutsy fans to reload, but Tracy Morgan should apologize for sex humor about her. NUTS!


The foolproof trainer for perfect bathroom accuracy.




New Member
Jul 26, 2005

As you were warned not to send your nasty PMs.

Emails? Are you kidding? How? Did you give me your address? Obviously not. So that's a lie.

Are you really so seriously hurt over a harmless question that you have to keep on crying about it to everyone? You can't even handle that? I'll remove it to make you feel better.

A real man doesn't need a fake funny tough guy act either...great comedy as it is. WOW! Now move on as you promised above...if your word is any good.



1. My "nasty PMs" were NEVER sent except in RESPONSE to "nasty PMs" that YOU sent me - just as my posts regarding you in this thread have NEVER appeared except in response to what YOU posted about me. Of course, when I replied to the PMs that YOU initiated, you ran crying like a little girl to Mod 8 because you don't have the balls to take back what you dish out. Mod 8 wisely realised this and warned BOTH of us to ignore each other, which I did until YOU started your BS again in this thread AND in your latest UNSOLICITED and UNWANTED PM to me. And AGAIN when I responded and twice advised you to stop, you couldn't leave it alone - probably because as yoiu have so often demonstrated you are one twisted STALKER. Please note that I did NOT respond to your latest PM, in the hope that you would finally get over your obsession with me. Apparently, my hope was in vain, STALKER.
2. Sorry, I guess I should have been more exact in my wording. The "e-mail" you sent me the other day - the UNWANTED and UNSOLICITED one that Mod 8 has warned you NOT to send - was a PM, as opposed to a regular e-mail.
3. Since you are still rudely referring to me as "Cairo" even after I said that to you it is Mister Cairo, perhaps I should again start referring to you as "Merloser". My friends can call me Cairo, lggy and Doc can call me Cairo, just about ANYBODY can call me Cairo, but YOU cannot - you are not my friend.
4. If you enjoy posting FALSE quotations and childish cartoons, by all means enjoy yourself, but 1) don't expect me to turn the other cheek, and 2) I suspect Mod 8 does not appreciate your unethical and infantile rejection of his suggestion to ignore me. As always, YOU started this, but being the ball-less wimp you are, you can't bear it when someone responds to your total bullshit. In other words you try to be a hotshot and a bully but like most bullies you are nothing but a coward - as you proved not too long ago when you ran crying to Mod 8.
5. Two lessons for you, Merloser: First, if someone gives you advice (whether it's Mod 8's advice to ignore me or my advice to NOT start again - after you IGNORED Mod 8's advice and DID start again) you should take it because the person giving the advice - like just about everyone else on this planet - is probably way more intelligent than you are. Second, don't start a battle if you're going to fall to pieces like a little schoolgirl when the other person responds.
6. Maybe we'll both get suspended for this. But you know what? I won't care one bit because a) I didn't start this - as usual, YOU did, and b) I have a life outside the board but for you it seems to be all you have in your otherwise pathetic existence. I think you'd fall to pieces if you couldn't spend several hours a day posting your bullshit and harassing people with your PMs. (Note: I said PMs, not e-mails, because you're damn right that I would NEVER be stupid enough to give my e-mail address to a contemptible STALKER such as you.)
7. Now, Merloser, for the THIRD time, I will ask you to respect the wishes of Mod 8 and IGNORE me. If you do, I will be ECSTATIC to ignore you also and to hope that I can erase your memory from my brain forever. However, if you continue with your HARASSMENT in public and by PM, I will CONTINUE to respond...with the ultimate outcome most likely being you again breaking down like a little girl and very possibly with both of us being suspended. Now, get a life...and get OUT of mine...STALKER.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
1. My "nasty PMs" were NEVER sent except in RESPONSE to "nasty PMs" that YOU sent me - just as my posts regarding you in this thread have NEVER appeared except in response to what YOU posted about me. Of course, when I replied to the PMs that YOU initiated, you ran crying like a little girl to Mod 8 because you don't have the balls to take back what you dish out. Mod 8 wisely realised this and warned BOTH of us to ignore each other, which I did until YOU started your BS again in this thread AND in your latest UNSOLICITED and UNWANTED PM to me. And AGAIN when I responded and twice advised you to stop, you couldn't leave it alone - probably because as yoiu have so often demonstrated you are one twisted STALKER. Please note that I did NOT respond to your latest PM, in the hope that you would finally get over your obsession with me. Apparently, my hope was in vain, STALKER.
2. Sorry, I guess I should have been more exact in my wording. The "e-mail" you sent me the other day - the UNWANTED and UNSOLICITED one that Mod 8 has warned you NOT to send - was a PM, as opposed to a regular e-mail.
3. Since you are still rudely referring to me as "Cairo" even after I said that to you it is Mister Cairo, perhaps I should again start referring to you as "Merloser". My friends can call me Cairo, lggy and Doc can call me Cairo, just about ANYBODY can call me Cairo, but YOU cannot - you are not my friend.
4. If you enjoy posting FALSE quotations and childish cartoons, by all means enjoy yourself, but 1) don't expect me to turn the other cheek, and 2) I suspect Mod 8 does not appreciate your unethical and infantile rejection of his suggestion to ignore me. As always, YOU started this, but being the ball-less wimp you are, you can't bear it when someone responds to your total bullshit. In other words you try to be a hotshot and a bully but like most bullies you are nothing but a coward - as you proved not too long ago when you ran crying to Mod 8.
5. Two lessons for you, Merloser: First, if someone gives you advice (whether it's Mod 8's advice to ignore me or my advice to NOT start again - after you IGNORED Mod 8's advice and DID start again) you should take it because the person giving the advice - like just about everyone else on this planet - is probably way more intelligent than you are. Second, don't start a battle if you're going to fall to pieces like a little schoolgirl when the other person responds.
6. Maybe we'll both get suspended for this. But you know what? I won't care one bit because a) I didn't start this - as usual, YOU did, and b) I have a life outside the board but for you it seems to be all you have in your otherwise pathetic existence. I think you'd fall to pieces if you couldn't spend several hours a day posting your bullshit and harassing people with your PMs. (Note: I said PMs, not e-mails, because you're damn right that I would NEVER be stupid enough to give my e-mail address to a contemptible STALKER such as you.)
7. Now, Merloser, for the THIRD time, I will ask you to respect the wishes of Mod 8 and IGNORE me. If you do, I will be ECSTATIC to ignore you also and to hope that I can erase your memory from my brain forever. However, if you continue with your HARASSMENT in public and by PM, I will CONTINUE to respond...with the ultimate outcome most likely being you again breaking down like a little girl and very possibly with both of us being suspended. Now, get a life...and get OUT of mine...STALKER.

I think it's time you two get together & make up. Everyone join up in a group hug? :D



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
I think it's time you two get together & make up. Everyone join up in a group hug? :D


So, it's like this. After three words and a name simply wondering if Cairo is implying he's a Red Sox fan, Cairo is so obsessed he takes his party Saturday night time to stay up until 1:30am and make a big effort to post over 500 words spewing ugly sickness with some exceedingly deluded allusion to "friend". And still he thinks someone else is a stalker despite nearly driving out one of the most senior members on any board.

Cairo, why cry to mod8 when you turned a simple inquiry into this heap of ugliness. Wouldn't it have been better to enjoy your Saturday night having a few drinks, or being so close to Montreal taking an option ...perhaps ...calling up for a hot lady. It's very uncomfortable to me that you gave all of that up to obsess over a non-confrontational three word question at the wee hours of the morn...and you don't see a serious problem with that.No doubt there will be more obsession and bile in another 500-1000 words...per post. Your choice for your "life". What a show.

Hey Cairo, no kidding. I really hope you get over this. Taking so much time to display this ugliness to's distressing to see anyone in such a negative state of mind. Good luck.

Cheers Cairo,

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