Amen to that same as you never cared about politics myself until that numb nut screwed up everythingI never followed politics much until Trudeau junior entered the ring, I knew he was going to be a west hating incompetent POS.
Amen to that same as you never cared about politics myself until that numb nut screwed up everythingI never followed politics much until Trudeau junior entered the ring, I knew he was going to be a west hating incompetent POS.
Not sure I would want to be part of the US because the country has the strictest prostitution laws in the world. I am not sure how Montreal would change if it were part of the 51st state. Would it become much more prudish with strict anti-prostitution laws? Would Montreal follow through with strict restrictive stripclubs like in the US? Too much uncertainty. It might transform Montreal's escort scene for the worst to be like the US.I agree with Trump that Canada should become part of the United States but it is too big to become just a single state. It has enough land and population to become at least 4 and maybe as many as six new states.
I have always been a Liberal voter till Trudope took over. The party has swung so far to the left and has gone completely woke that I will never vote Liberal again. I never seen so much corruption in Canada since Trudope took over and never seen a PM lie as much as Trudope does. Another reason is the covid pandemic. The Liberals were pushing the most for covid mandates, another reason why I will never vote Liberal.I never followed politics much until Trudeau junior entered the ring, I knew he was going to be a west hating incompetent POS.
The double standard, as he seems to feel the need to rip off his canadian counterparts, and is upset that retaliation may be necessary??? If he wasn't trying to screw us over, this wouldn't be an issue.He told Trudeau that if he cannot handle his list of demands without ripping the U.S. off in trade.
I know is kind too i guess, i worked in a crap company back in 2006 and there was an arrogant prick like Trudeau there is father was rich and he made comments on everyone, he was on my back for 3 years i was afraid to lose my job but one day he push to far and i drove him in the wall, surprise myself too, the week after he was so afraid that he quit the job and to this day he never got a good job he is an incompetent prick like Trudeau and lives off is father money, he had the looks and everything but inside he was rotten piece of shit.I met Justin Trudeau in 2000 when I was finishing work on a Master's degree. He is exactly as he presents himself, an arrogant, ignorant, pompous, spoiled elite prick who never once worked an honest day's work.
I spoke with him for about half a minute and he insulted me as he parted. I will never forget the moment.
I do not understand how this clown was ever elected and the point that his good looks and elite family name got him elected is probably true and reflects poorly on the judgement of Canadians. These same Canadians then look down upon Americans as inferior and dumb hillbilly fucks, look at yourselves in the mirror, you have reaped what you have sown.
Canadians are now suffering the consequences of that decision to put him in power and will suffer for decades, financially and socially. He has sown the seeds of hatred and division. It will worsen before it gets better, even after his departure. So sad to see the destruction of a once proud and peaceful nation.
He wants the borders secured and that is his way to do it, look how fast Maxico and Canada came to visit him and he is not even president yet. No double standard, just point blank putting it out there .The double standard, as he seems to feel the need to rip off his canadian counterparts, and is upset that retaliation may be necessary??? If he wasn't trying to screw us over, this wouldn't be an issue.
We also have the wrong person in there making this discussion, as Trudeau seems to be intent on f*king over the Canadian population as much as possible before he is forced out of his position come election time.
Not sure I would want to be part of the US because the country has the strictest prostitution laws in the world. I am not sure how Montreal would change if it were part of the 51st state. Would it become much more prudish with strict anti-prostitution laws? Would Montreal follow through with strict restrictive stripclubs like in the US? Too much uncertainty. It might transform Montreal's escort scene for the worst to be like the US.
On another note, the land Canada has is useless. Much of Canada is too cold and over 50% of the land is all rocks (The Canadian Shield) limiting agriculture. It is the reason the population is all concentrated near the US border, a lot of it in the golden horseshoe area.
In his speech he also mentioned it could be two states, a liberal one and a conservative one
Sources told Fox News someone at the table chimed in and advised Trump that Canada would be a very liberal state, which received even more laughter. Trump suggested that Canada could possibly become two states: a conservative and a liberal one.
He told Trudeau that if he cannot handle his list of demands without ripping the U.S. off in trade, maybe Canada should really become a state or two and Trudeau could become a governor.
While sources say the exchange got many laughs, Trump delivered the message that he expected change by January 20.
My take on this is the far-left is using abortion as a way to score political points. Abortion should not even be an issue considering all the contraceptive methods available these days. I do understand that sometimes it is necessary to have an abortion in cases like rape or other health related reasons that present a danger but otherwise this is not even on my radar. Abortion should not be used as a form of contraception. I still remember how the government stripped people their constitutional rights under the guise of protection with covid mandates. They shut down businesses, stripclubs, imposed curfews, limited the operating hours of grocery stores, etc.. They also forced vaccines with vaccine passports. What about the right to your body to not be forced to take a vaccine? Or to not wear a mask? Trudope used the emergencies act on peaceful trucker fighting against authoritarian covid mandates. This is what I think.Moreover, in many aspect at least at State level, are going back to 19th century on women rights (abortion).
On firearms laws, Trudeau's Canada have and continue to attack law abiding firearms owners while USA allows citizens to posess war weapons resulting in massacres in public environment and schools.
Their solutions are prayers and more prayers.
My take on this is the far-left is using abortion as a way to score political points. Abortion should not even be an issue considering all the contraceptive methods available these days. I do understand that sometimes it is necessary to have an abortion in cases like rape or other health related reasons that present a danger but otherwise this is not even on my radar. Abortion should not be used as a form of contraception. I still remember how the government stripped people their constitutional rights under the guise of protection with covid mandates. They shut down businesses, stripclubs, imposed curfews, limited the operating hours of grocery stores, etc.. They also forced vaccines with vaccine passports. What about the right to your body to not be forced to take a vaccine? Or to not wear a mask? Trudope used the emergencies act on peaceful trucker fighting against authoritarian covid mandates. This is what I think.
There not just condoms. There are IUDs which are 99% effective at prevention of pregnancy. A lot of young girls are using this these days so there is no need to take birth control pills. Just saying the methods are effective, nothing is 100% effective no doubt. But these methods are so effective that pregnancy would not be common at all.I wonder how you know that contraceptive methods never fail ?
Perhaps I am the only one that think it can fail but I am not a woman.
Consoms can be lost or break, contraceptive pill can be forgotten, etc.
I certainly agree that abortion is not a contraceptive method but a last resort.
I have always been a Liberal voter till Trudope took over. The party has swung so far to the left and has gone completely woke that I will never vote Liberal again. I never seen so much corruption in Canada since Trudope took over and never seen a PM lie as much as Trudope does. Another reason is the covid pandemic. The Liberals were pushing the most for covid mandates, another reason why I will never vote Liberal.
I didn't like liberals since Pierre E. Trudeau and after that Jean Chretien and now the worst : Justin Trudeau.
Mostly on the Liberals attacks on firearms owners.
They make believe that Canada is like USA on mass murders and firearms crimes.
Trudeau is afraid the provincial premiers make him look incompetent which is an easy task.Trudeau great friend Mark Miller, is telling that provinces Prime Ministers are "mangeux de puck" meaning they shouldn't speak about their positions on trade with USA. I would call him : "mangeux de merde" with his position on immigration !
Just wait until he gives Freeland the boot very soon.![]()
Politics in Canada – Justin Trudeau News – CTV News
Today's political news, including the latest on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Pierre Poilievre, Jagmeet Singh, Canada's federal elections, government policies and
^^^^^ More nonsense from our woke PM. He claims that this is a setback for womens rights because USA did not elect Kamala Harris. He says womens rights are under attack because Trump won. Can you believe this horse manor? That is very audacious coming from Trudope. Lol Trudope is a fake feminist. Let us see. Remember Trudope elbowed a NDP minister, Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott were thrown out because they did not do what Trudope wanted. And also Trudope groped a woman. Never a Canadian politician was more willing to degrade women, insult women, fire women, and in one case physically assault a woman for not getting his way.
Elon Musk called Trudope an insufferable tool and won't be in power much longer.
Just wait until he gives Freeland the boot very soon.
Trudeau great friend Mark Miller, is telling that provinces Prime Ministers are "mangeux de puck" meaning they shouldn't speak about their positions on trade with USA. I would call him : "mangeux de merde" with his position on immigration !