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The Trudeau Crime Family


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Here is proof of my point. Trudeau wants to be like Fidel Castro, his goal is to rule with decree and to remain in power indefinitely. The NDP and Liberals made a deal to keep the Liberals in power till 2025 and advance leftist communist agenda. This is by definition autocracy. All of you that voted for Liberals are responsible for this. There is a reason why the US has max two terms for a president, to prevent such type of power grab.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Comme progressiste et non après avoir pris connaissance de l'entente----et il ne s'agit pas d'une coalition---je suis en ne puis qu'applaudir à des mesures qui viennent en aide aux plus démunis...assurance dentaire---assurance médicaments--garderies---et taxer davantage les banques....avec la pandémie et l'inflation galopante beaucoup de nos concitoyens méritent que l'on pense à eux.

Cela étant dit cette entente peut-être révoquée en tout temps et comme elle est bien structurée le moindre écart va la remettre en comme personne ne peut prévoir l'avenir....cela risque fort de se produire.

Faut aussi rappeler que ces 2 parties ensemble totalisent la majorité des votes des Canadiens.....que cela nous plaise ou non.....

Ma prédiction est qu'un jour ou l'autre cette entente TRÈS FRAGILE va tomber pour des raisons que nous allons aller en élection avant 2025...

Mais encore une fois comme progressiste et humaniste j'espère qu'on va pouvoir la mener à 2 cents en ce Mardi lumineux sur la Cité.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
So in other words they will take from Paul to give to Danny. This has got to be the biggest joke: This is kind of like I steal from your wallet then with the money I stole from you, I give you a gift with the money I stole from you. That is essentially what those commies are proposing for all those social benefits. Of course you are in favor you are are in favor of authoritarianism (you a pro-government, pro-mask, and pro-vaccine passports) and in favor of high taxes. To each their own. This is a coalition of sorts, something never seen in Canada. The people did not vote for a NDP party but now they will get a NDP agenda. This coalition is corruption to the max.. What we need is Libertarianism.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
More hypocrisy from Trudeau. He praises how he is for democracy especially in regards to Ukraine but I compiled a few examples of how he ruled by decree and bypassing the house of commons. He is also a criminal but got away with it. He praises Fidel Castro and the Chinese Communist system. Trudeau in reality is for autocracy.

1) In 2019 the prime minister and senior members of his staff and cabinet worked to pressure former justice minister and attorney general Jody Wilson-Raybould into interfering in the criminal proceedings against SNC-Lavalin. Trudeau originally denied the allegations but an investigation by Ethics Commissioner Mario Dion found that Trudeau had broken conflict of interest laws by attempting to politically interfere in the case. Trudeau threw Wilson-Raybould under the bus along with along with cabinet minister Jane Philpott. Trudeau got away with it.

2) Despite record opposition to the Liberal government's plan to ban the possession of a bunch of firearms by law abiding gun owners, Trudeau skipped the usual legislative process by issuing an order in council. Through the order in council (which effectively banned over 1500 kinds of guns) Trudeau was able to bypass debate in the House of Commons as well as any study in the proposed bill.

3)Covid-19 Mandates: Trudeau has (unlike the premiers) refused to offer a timeline for lifting the federal restrictions that continue to affect Canadians from coast to coast. Using a public health emergency, Trudeau has barred unvaccinated Canadians from boarding planes or trains domestically and internationally. Canada is the only nation in the world to have taken such drastic steps. Trudeau also used public health orders to fire unvaccinated public sector workers employed by the federal government or working in federally-regulated industries. The Liberals ordered the Canadian Armed Forces to implement a similar mandate whereby unvaccinated soldiers including Afghan war vets faced dishonorable release from their service.

4)Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act against peaceful protesters who only wanted their freedom. This would have never happened if it were some far-left group like BLM or Antifa. Trudeau invoked the act on February 14 and did not seek parliamentary approval for the measure until after a joint police force had ended the Ottawa demonstrations. The government also assumed powers to have the accounts of convoy protesters and donors frozen. Civil liberties groups and critics have called the move unjustified and a dangerous precedent that could see other legitimate protests declared illegal (of course all far-left protests will go on).

5)In 2020 Trudeau prorogued parliament to shut down the investigation into the WE Scandal. Members of his family had received half a million dollars for speaking engagements before the Liberal government awarded the charity a sole sourced federal contract. Trudeau shut down parliament to shut down the investigation.

So here you go is my list. All of you that voted for the Liberals voted for Socialism and corruption. You are all responsible for this. Now we are stuck with a Socialist coup and they are out to destroy Canada and make us all poor.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Even European politicians are calling out Trudeau for what he is, a authoritarian who wants to be like Fidel Castro. Members of EU parliament spoke out against Trudeau and condemned him for authoritarian covid mandates and using the emergency act to freeze bank accounts of peaceful protesters who wanted their freedom. BTW Legault should be put into this also. He is far worse then Trudeau. We are now the only province in Canada with forced masks. Among the G7 countries, only Canada keeps on scaring people with covid and cannot let it go. Behold some videos of members of EU parliament blasting Trudeau.

Only Canadians are not blasting Trudeau. Speaks a lot about society here, I guess they want Socialism.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
More evidence of how corrupt Trudeau is. Trudeau forked over $600,000 of taxpayers money to social media influencers to sing the praises of the Liberal government. According to Blacklock’s Reporter, an Inquiry Of Ministry tabled in the House of Commons revealed that various ministries had hired media personalities to compliment the government on social media. The payments were billed as “partnerships with social creators” and totalled $610,900 in 2021. Among those who were paid to sing the praises of the Liberals was Dragon’s Den personality and investor Michele Romanow, as well as partner Nicholas Duvernois, who received $120,000 to promote Export Development Canada.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
In addition to the carbon tax (which is a hoax to collect revenue), the Liberals will be putting a surtax on big banks and insurance companies who made a lot of profits (the details are listed in the article I posted). In short Trudeau is looking to put taxes anywhere he can to collect more revenue a form of communism because taxes in owning someone elses labor/earnings. Sounds good but the reality is these big banks will just jack up their prices to compensate. Who pays more? You got it the customer the little guy. Trudeau also wants more revenue to send to foreign countries, to start his UBI plan, and to buy more votes. This man is on a path to bankrupt Canada.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Trudeau's former finance minister speaks up against Trudeau's economic policy. Now it is more clear as to why he left. Trudeau is taking Canada into a big poverty disaster. Stagflation is coming soon. Trudeau is finding ways to redistribute wealth and his reckless spending.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Trudeau finally made the right call to remove the covid mandates for domestic and international travel (Canada being one of the last place which such mandates just to show Trudeau is a communist). Having said that for many weeks Trudeau was getting a lot of pressure from opposition parties, from the industry both touristic and airplane, and legal groups to remove the mandates but Trudeau refused despite travel volume almost to what they were before. The airport is a complete total mess with many flights being cancelled due to Trudeau's needless mandates. The Conservatives tried to remove it some weeks ago but of course NDP propped up Trudeau as usual. Now they remove it. What has changed? None of this was based on science all of it was 100% political science. Trudeau wants to be so much like China. This government is so incompetent and Trudeau's true colors are showing. People cannot get a passport it is like a third world country. People waiting days. I have been always a Liberal voter in the past but my issue is with Trudeau, he is a far left extremist with admiration for Chinese style communism and praised Fidel Castro. Look now, Trudeau got all his vaccines and he still got infected twice. It makes him look like the biggest idiot on the face of this planet. Unvaccinated Canadians cannot take a domestic flight yet we got thousands of unvaccinated asylum seekers crossing Roxham Rd daily and all are welcomed with fully paid hotels and monthly paychecks. While veterans, seniors, and others on fixed income get poorer due to Trudeau's reckless spending, the asylum seekers are living like kings and unvaccinated. I do not understand Trudeau's agenda at all, why is he giving so much to foreigners? So point is these mandates were 100% political.



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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
A anti-Trudeau children's paperback is a best seller on Amazones called "How the Prime Minister Stole Freedom".



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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The police were called to Complexe Guy-Favreau due to a large crowd waiting to get passports and tensions were running high. Trudeau is 100% responsible for this for needless covid mandates and poor planning. That is what happens when you got a clown in office. But devout Socialists will still vote for Trudeau even though he is a disaster.



Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
The police were called to Complexe Guy-Favreau due to a large crowd waiting to get passports and tensions were running high. Trudeau is 100% responsible for this for needless covid mandates and poor planning. That is what happens when you got a clown in office. But devout Socialists will still vote for Trudeau even though he is a disaster.

Trudeau should try the solve the real problems instead of putting his energy at greatly restricting the rights of honest and law abiding firearms owners.
These restrictions will do nothing to secure the population.
Remember that desarming the population is one the first action of dictators.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Trudeau made a speech about abortion but he is in no place to make statements like that because he has fought against body autonomy for over two years. Forced masks, vaccine passports, and lockdowns. He did not remove covid mandates on travel till the last minute. Why the discrimination? A woman is allowed to choose to get an abortion but a person has to get vaccinated and be forced to wear a face diaper. A business cannot stay open because the government says your business is not essential. What hypocrisy. The Liberals should be renamed the Socialist Party of Canada because there is nothing liberal about them and is being lead by a wannabe dictator wanting to be like Fidel Castro.



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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Le Journal de Montreal columnist, Richard Martineau, has a great column today about Trudeau's ineptitude.

Trudeau is like a young Joe Biden-unintelligent, poorly educated, no meaningful executive experience before assuming power and fond of mouthing banal slogans and platitudes. Here is a translation (by Google) of the column:

Do you know what Justin Trudeau makes me think of these days?

To a restaurant owner who keeps ranting about the fate of humanity over a drink while the employees of his business, overwhelmed, fail to serve customers and orders pile up in the kitchen.

The guy talks, talks, while his restaurant is sinking head first.

Ah, to speak, it is good, Justin.

The best in the world !

blah blah aboriginals.

blah blah minorities.

Blablablabla diversity.

His speeches are filled with good feelings, the guy feels so much compassion for the poor on the planet that it comes out of his nose.

But when it comes to running the country, our PM is as inept as an antivax in a lab.

Roxham Road is a sieve.

The Phoenix pay system is a joke.

The Department of Immigration deserves to be put under supervision.

And passport offices can no longer keep up with demand.

The machine farts on all sides, all sides.

While Justin, leaning on the bar, quietly sips a Williams pear while discussing the disparities between the rich and the poor.

A sideways glance in the direction of the mirror to make sure her hair was neatly groomed.

Quite a Prime Minister!

What do you want, the guy was catapulted to the highest office in the country based on a speech he gave at his father's funeral.

The Liberals did not choose him for his experience or his expertise, but for his gifts as a speaker.

So that's what we have.

A speaker.

Who talks about the environment while giving the green light to hyper-polluting projects.

At first, he dazzled us with his speeches, the Justin.

The whole world was listening!

But we ended up realizing that the words that came out of his mouth did not turn into actions.

The chops were going, but the boots did not follow.

Today, the man has lost his luster.

Who in the international community still screams when Justin gives a speech?

When we see his lips move, we hear the famous song of Dalida:

"More words, always words, the same words / Easy words, fragile words, it was too beautiful..."


Do you remember the Edsel, the car that was to revolutionize the automotive industry in 1957?

Ford had asked motorists what they wanted in a car.

Then, based on their wishes, we built a prototype.

To write Wikipedia: “The Edsel is a kind of accumulation of all the desires expressed by potential buyers of the moment; this accumulation has made it a real monster”.

As the Chinese say, "Beware of what you wish for..."

We wanted a young Prime Minister, who looks good, supports fashionable causes and who would allow us to restore Canada's image on the international scene.

Well, we got it.

Unfortunately, if the bodywork is magnificent, the car is a lemon.

You turn on the radio and the windshield wipers go off.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Great summary. Trudeau is the worst Canada has ever had. He takes the title from Mulroney as the worst ever. Who would have known he would do so much damage and have communist tendencies. He is all talk but no walk. He just wants to show off and take selfies to look good on the world stage. He does not mean what he says, all fake promises and lies, he is two faced. He learned the techniques from corrupt third world countries. He excels at hypocrisy. He formed the coalition with Singh because both of their position's are so weak. He only cares to have power and money at any cost. Trudeau is effectively and slowly turning Canada into a third world country. Trudeau is corrupt.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Seems there might have been interference from China in the last general election. Seems China spread disinformation about the Conservatives to discourage them from voting for them. Not surprised, Trudeau praises China's Communist government.

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Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
Seems there might have been interference from China in the last general election. Seems China spread disinformation about the Conservatives to discourage them from voting for them. Not surprised, Trudeau praises China's Communist government.

Because maybe like most of intelligent Canadians (Excluding Alberta and the haters) maybe even the Chinese just couldn't see or imagine
the sight a classless WACHO GARBAGE like Andrew Shear being at the helm of this beautiful country.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Because maybe like most of intelligent Canadians (Excluding Alberta and the haters) maybe even the Chinese just couldn't see or imagine
the sight a classless WACHO GARBAGE like Andrew Shear being at the helm of this beautiful country.
Andrew Scheer was a thousands times better then Trudeau. He criticized Trudeau's reckless spending and sending so much of taxpayers money to foreign countries. You like paying more and more taxes? Trudeau is a total disaster.


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Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
Andrew Scheer was a thousands times better then Trudeau. He criticized Trudeau's reckless spending and sending so much of taxpayers money to foreign countries. You like paying more and more taxes? Trudeau is a total disaster.
No problem paying taxes as I know I live in a country that runs on a tax system and takes care of the people who need them.
But you still live in Quebec ? the highest taxed jurisdiction in North America. Why ?
If you had done some real research instead of posting conservative classless garbage bullshit hate images and propaganda,
most probably you would be living in Alberta by now paying 33% less in taxes (And $500 for Non-GFE services).
Or even better, moved one of those 3rd world countries and enjoy "Trudeau"s Money"...
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