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The Trudeau Crime Family


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
It's scary to think there is still another 2 years before he is dethroned.. and that's hoping that those who have always voted liberal realize where the blame of our situation today lies, and doesn't continue to remain liberal diehards.
The problem is not so much the party, the root problem is the man leading it. Trudeau is corrupt to the max, I never seen corruption more intense and deep then with Trudeau. The man will do anything to remain in power, most normal ppl would voluntarily resign, Mulroney did after the GST he put, but Trudeau is so power hungry he wants to be like Fidel Castro that he will never resign. He is still in power due to the Socialist coup formed by the NDP which is two weasels profiting off the system to remain in power and to bring as many Sikhs to Canada as possible in exchange for votes.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
This year official immigration is close to 600k, almost double of the average of the last 20 years, that was already one of the highest of the planet. If you include so called "temporary" workers (who will be permanent quickly), refugees and international students the total is close to 1,4 million in one year. This is the total population of the province of Manitoba to give a benchmark. All these people need housing, doctors, schools, Jobs, groceries .... so a huge imbalance of offer and demand planned and executed every year by our gvt. Diversity is our strength

This is Trudeau's plan, densification then gentrification.

Direct Quote from the Article:

On Oct. 20, Mississauga Mayor Bonnie Crombie came back from her temporary leave to overrule a previous rejection by city council and allow the building of four-unit housing on low-rise residential lots.


The move not only kept Mississauga in the running for a federal housing grant, but it also added the city to the growing list of municipalities around Canada pushing through massive zoning changes to address Canada’s housing crisis.

Since the federal government’s $4-billion Housing Accelerator Fund was launched in May of this year, cities have been rushing to claim the incentives that are tied to zoning changes. In the last few months, the Ontario cities of Brampton, London, Vaughan and Hamilton, as well as Halifax and Kelowna, have all signed agreements with the federal government. Others, like the Ontario cities of Mississauga, Kitchener and Burlington, as well as Calgary, were making significant gains in zoning changes.

This has led some experts to argue that Canada was witnessing nothing short of a zoning “revolution.” In much of the country, zoning restrictions mean developers are allowed to build only single-family homes or condo towers in residential areas. There is a huge chunk of housing options, often referred to as “missing middle housing,” that does not get built.
“We just can’t afford this kind of single-family housing. But more importantly, it doesn’t satisfy a growing part of the market as people age,” he recently told Global News, adding that for an aging population looking to downsize, the current housing market is not well suited.

As you can see, this all in line with the Century Initiative and the 15 minute city, think of cities like New York City, Shanghai, Hong Kong to name a few, Trudeau plans to cram everyone in little cramped overpriced condos with tall condo skyscrapers everywhere. The single detached home with a backyard and wide open spaces will be endangered. Our way of life is under threat by this madman because he is turning us all into cashcows. Is this the country you want? Or do you want wide open spaces with affordable single detached houses, a big backyard, roads that are not overcrowded? Or a densely populated city with constant traffic, tall grey buildings everywhere, living in small overpriced condos, forced to use public transit that is always overcrowded? This is Trudeau's vision, the vision of a madman.

Here is the reality.

Direct Quote from the Article:

Today there is a new obsession at City Hall, a fixation on massive densification as the solution to urban housing problems. But where has densification produced affordability? Not in North False Creek, not in the Cambie-Oak corridor. The single-mindedness of the densification mission will inevitably compromise the primary goal of affordable housing in sustainable communities.

Increased densities near subway stations are defensible. But unfortunately, up-zoning for higher densities as laid out in the Broadway plan and the wider city plan raises land values, and as developers pay more for a site, their cost is passed on to owners and tenants. The result is unaffordable housing.

According to CMHC, monthly rents for new apartment units (built 2018-2021) in the City of Vancouver averaged $2,100 for a one-bedroom unit and $3,000 for a two-bedroom unit. Rents in a central location like Broadway would be higher.

Even now, with a rent in the Broadway corridor of say $2,400 for a new one-bedroom unit, an annual household income of $96,000 would be necessary if rental costs were at the standard of 30 per cent of gross income. For a new two-bedroom unit at $3,400, the equivalent necessary household income would be $136,000.
The sonner Trudeau is gone the better.
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Active Member
May 25, 2015

This is Trudeau's plan, densification then gentrification.

Direct Quote from the Article:

As you can see, this all in line with the Century Initiative and the 15 minute city, think of cities like New York City, Shanghai, Hong Kong to name a few, Trudeau plans to cram everyone in little cramped overpriced condos with tall condo skyscrapers everywhere. The single detached home with a backyard and wide open spaces will be endangered. Our way of life is under threat by this madman because he is turning us all into cashcows. Is this the country you want? Or do you want wide open spaces with affordable single detached houses, a big backyard, roads that are not overcrowded? Or a densely populated city with constant traffic, tall grey buildings everywhere, living in small overpriced condos, forced to use public transit that is always overcrowded? This is Trudeau's vision, the vision of a madman.

Here is the reality.

Direct Quote from the Article:

The sonner Trudeau is gone the better.
Trudeau is not a madman, he is a globalist, just following the decisions taken at the World Economic Forum: the piece of land north of the United States has to be populated, and quickly. It is cristal clear the Century Initiative and his boss are the ones defining the immigration policy and demographic plans of this country, or what remains of it. It's a post-national state, remember, Canada in their vision no longer exists as a nation.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Trudeau is not a madman, he is a globalist, just following the decisions taken at the World Economic Forum: the piece of land north of the United States has to be populated, and quickly. It is cristal clear the Century Initiative and his boss are the ones defining the immigration policy and demographic plans of this country, or what remains of it. It's a post-national state, remember, Canada in their vision no longer exists as a nation.

Yesterday the close friend of Trudeau, Marc Miller min.of Immigration has announced the immigration policy for the nect 3 years.
Despite the opinions of Provinces, he refuse to reduce his goals.
He said that the immigrants will build houses and take care of Canadians health.
He probably think that they will bring their homes and their nurses and doctors !
Meanwhile, the new immigrants have to wait months and years for permits to work.
Trudeau will certainly deserve the worst the worst Prime Minister of all time !
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Trudeau is not a madman, he is a globalist, just following the decisions taken at the World Economic Forum: the piece of land north of the United States has to be populated, and quickly. It is cristal clear the Century Initiative and his boss are the ones defining the immigration policy and demographic plans of this country, or what remains of it. It's a post-national state, remember, Canada in their vision no longer exists as a nation.

I forgot perhaps the main vision of Trudeau for his immigration policy : great majority of immigrants vote Liberal !
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I forgot perhaps the main vision of Trudeau for his immigration policy : great majority of immigrants vote Liberal !
Trudeau is a big time globalist and it all started in Canada with Mulroney. These politicians are obsessed with GDP. It is a political stance on the international stage to have more influence and are told more GDP = More influence on the international stage. GDP may look great on paper but it is an inaccurate figure. War increases GDP, razing forests increases GDP, increasing the population rapidly also increases GDP. If the top 5% hold more then half the countries wealth, well then the GDP will not measure that. More population = greater income inequality, lower standard of living for the average joe. The actual figure to take into account would be GDP per capita and that has actually dropped in Canada.

Direct Quote from the Article:

One of the first things economics students learn about is Gross Domestic Product (GDP). GDP is also a central concept in many political debates, including Brexit. Will it rise? Will it fall? What effect will this have on our lives?

Even in developed economies a failure to boost GDP yearly can have negative economic and political repercussions. But despite its wide use, there are problems with attaching so much importance to GDP.

Any economics textbook will admit that GDP is flawed when it comes to measuring production in an economy. A further limitation concerns public goods. Economists are still perplexed by the economic contribution of the army or a primary school for example. In many cases we just add up the cost of a public good in the GDP calculation yet this is clearly wrong. A public good can cost little and offer great value, or vice versa.

Another major limitation is that inequality is not portrayed in GDP. In a world where 1% of the population owns more than 50% of the wealth, perhaps we should be asking who benefits from economic activity – not simply how much economic activity there is.

Direct Quote from the Article:

Growth is the be-all and end-all of mainstream economic and political thinking. Without a continually rising G.D.P., we’re told, we risk social instability, declining standards of living and pretty much any hope of progress. But what about the counterintuitive possibility that our current pursuit of growth, rabid as it is and causing such great ecological harm, might be incurring more costs than gains?

The question is, Does growth, as currently practiced and measured, really increase wealth? Is it making us richer in any aggregate sense, or might it be increasing costs faster than benefits and making us poorer? Mainstream economists don’t have any answer to that. The reason they don’t have any answer to that is that they don’t measure costs. They only measure benefits. That’s what G.D.P. is. There’s nothing subtracted from G.D.P.
Historically we think that economic growth leads to higher standards of living, lower death rates and so on. So don’t we have a moral obligation to pursue it? In ecological economics, we’ve tried to make a distinction between development and growth. When something grows, it gets bigger physically by accretion or assimilation of material. When something develops, it gets better in a qualitative sense. It doesn’t have to get bigger. An example of that is computers. You can do fantastic computations now with a small material base in the computer. That’s real development. And the art of living is not synonymous with “more stuff.” People occasionally glimpse this, and then we fall back into more, more, more.

It’s a false assumption to say that growth is increasing the standard of living in the present world because we measure growth as growth in G.D.P. We’ve said that it does, but we’ve left out all the costs of increasing G.D.P. We really don’t know that the standard is going up. If you subtract for the deaths and injuries caused by automobile accidents, chemical pollution, wildfires and many other costs induced by excessive growth, it’s not clear at all.

A lot of what you’re talking about has to do with getting humanity — from individuals to corporations to governments — to accept the idea of having “enough” and that constraining the ability to pursue “more” is a good thing. Those ideas are basically anathema to modern Western society and, especially, certain notions of liberty. So what would the inflection point or mechanism be that might move people away from that mind-set of “more”? So, how do you envision a successful steady-state economy? First, back up and say, How do you envision a successful steady-state Earth? That question is easier because we live in one. Earth is not expanding. We don’t get new materials, and we don’t export stuff to space. So you have a steady-state Earth, and if y
ou don’t recognize that, well, there’s an education problem. But again, there’s this heroic ethic and economic ethic. Maybe the heroic ethic is the right one, but religion’s counsel is to pay attention to the cost. Don’t make people worse off.
And to the last paragraph I like to add is the politicians obsession with population growth. The majority of the human population grew in the last hundred years, there are 8.5 billion people. This greed and continuous obsession with growth will be humanity's undoing. The planet can theoretically a maximum of 11 billion humans, anything beyond that will be total catastrophe. There will not be enough resources or food for all these people but it is great for the rich corporations and governments. They will be able to cash in big time because of a lack of food and resources. Remember, scarcity = higher prices.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Trudeau is a big time globalist and it all started in Canada with Mulroney. These politicians are obsessed with GDP. It is a political stance on the international stage to have more influence and are told more GDP = More influence on the international stage. GDP may look great on paper but it is an inaccurate figure. War increases GDP, razing forests increases GDP, increasing the population rapidly also increases GDP. If the top 5% hold more then half the countries wealth, well then the GDP will not measure that. More population = greater income inequality, lower standard of living for the average joe. The actual figure to take into account would be GDP per capita and that has actually dropped in Canada.

Direct Quote from the Article:

Direct Quote from the Article:

And to the last paragraph I like to add is the politicians obsession with population growth. The majority of the human population grew in the last hundred years, there are 8.5 billion people. This greed and continuous obsession with growth will be humanity's undoing. The planet can theoretically a maximum of 11 billion humans, anything beyond that will be total catastrophe. There will not be enough resources or food for all these people but it is great for the rich corporations and governments. They will be able to cash in big time because of a lack of food and resources. Remember, scarcity = higher prices.

If I"m not wrong, this year the human population has consumed what earth can provide in one year, at some point in July.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

The NDP will now be supporting a conservative motion to suspend taxes on all home heating oil, not just for Atlantic Canada. But why did Trudeau only offer this to Atlantic Canada? Is that because mostly his voting based is in the Maritime provinces?

Rural Economic Development Minister Gudie Hutchings said if that the people in the Prairie provinces want carbon tax suspension then they should vote for more Liberal ministers.

So Trudeau will suspend the carbon tax on all home heating oil till if he gets reelected he will put back the carbon taxes. It does not go far enough, carbon taxes should be removed permanently on all fossil fuels from home heating oil to natural gas. There are other ways to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions and the carbon tax is not one of them.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022

The NDP will now be supporting a conservative motion to suspend taxes on all home heating oil, not just for Atlantic Canada.
Well it's about time Trudeau looses his NDP backing. Without it he may not get away with all the damage he has been allowed to cause to the Canadian population.


Active Member
May 25, 2015
Trudeau is a big time globalist and it all started in Canada with Mulroney. These politicians are obsessed with GDP. It is a political stance on the international stage to have more influence and are told more GDP = More influence on the international stage. GDP may look great on paper but it is an inaccurate figure. War increases GDP, razing forests increases GDP, increasing the population rapidly also increases GDP. If the top 5% hold more then half the countries wealth, well then the GDP will not measure that. More population = greater income inequality, lower standard of living for the average joe. The actual figure to take into account would be GDP per capita and that has actually dropped in Canada.

Direct Quote from the Article:

Direct Quote from the Article:

And to the last paragraph I like to add is the politicians obsession with population growth. The majority of the human population grew in the last hundred years, there are 8.5 billion people. This greed and continuous obsession with growth will be humanity's undoing. The planet can theoretically a maximum of 11 billion humans, anything beyond that will be total catastrophe. There will not be enough resources or food for all these people but it is great for the rich corporations and governments. They will be able to cash in big time because of a lack of food and resources. Remember, scarcity = higher prices.
I am not able to find the article, but when Marc Miller was challenged about limiting the immigration numbers, he said it was a bad decision because you are losing points of the GDP!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I am not able to find the article, but when Marc Miller was challenged about limiting the immigration numbers, he said it was a bad decision because you are losing points of the GDP!
Yes exactly... Many articles I read said the same thing, Miller repeats the same thing as Trudeau does, always about the economy (they really mean GDP). It could also be why Trudeau is spending so much and giving so much money away. All that goes into the GDP.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
To conclude, the right thing to do is to get the government out of the immigration business. We do not need expansion of the GDP, value tests, government quotas, and bureaucracy. Canadians can manage immigration themselves through sponsorship. Privatize it.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
C'est facile d'accuser quelqu'un de corruption. Quels sont les faits appuyant ces affirmation? Trump accuse tous les jours Biden d'être corrompu sans jamais apporter quelques preuves ou évidence... On lit la même chose sur ce forum. Ce n'est pas parce que quelqu'un (Trudeau par exemple) est un imbécile qu'il est corrompu... Il n'est peut-être qu'imbécile après tout... Il faut se rappeler que c'est l'establishment libéral de Toronto qui a travaillé à le faire nommer à la tête du Parti Libéral du Canada parce qu'il portait le nom Trudeau et que son père était vendu au lobby "Québec Bashing" de l'Ontario. C'est l'Ontario qui le maintien au pouvoir. Le Québec anglophone le supporte aussi, de même que les immigrants en général. Rien de zénophobique ici, seulement la réalité. Il suffit de regarder la composition des comtés qui votent Libéral au Québec...

Pour ceux qui affirment n'avoir jamais vu quelqu'un de plus corrompu que Justin Trudeau, il serait peut-être temps d'arrêter de lire et de propager les conneries de Poilièvre et de vous intéresser à la vrai corruption. Le scandale des commandites sous l'ère de Jean Chrétien est un exemple indéniable ou des millions de $ ont été donnés aux ti-zamis libéraux.

Ce n'est pas en remplaçant un imbécile par un populiste opportuniste sans plan que la situation du Canada et surtout des Canadiens s'améliorera. Trudeau ne mène et n'a jamais rien mené... C'est une marionnette essayant de plaire aux anglos de l'Ontario, ses gros donateurs à sa caisse électorale.

Comment se définit la corruption ? La corruption est la perversion ou le détournement d'un processus ou d'une interaction avec une ou plusieurs personnes dans le dessein, pour le corrupteur, d'obtenir des avantages ou des prérogatives particulières ou, pour le corrompu, d'obtenir une rétribution en échange de sa complaisance. Trudeau ne reçoit pas de rétribution particulière. Il a son salaire de Premier Ministre, les avantages qui vont avec. Il était déjà millionnaire (ayant hérité de la fortune de son père) avant de se lancer en politique.

À trop en mettre certains perdent toute crédibilité.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

Rents and house prices reached a new high. The average rents for a 1 bedroom apartment in Canada is $2,178. In Toronto, a one bedroom apartment is going for $2,607. Ask yourselves this, how many of you can afford to pay these prices and be able to have any money left to spend on this hobby? Trudeau is a POS who only cares for himself and his obsession with GDP growth. Does he care people are going deeper into poverty? He continues to bring in immigrants, refugees, and temporary foreign workers. This is being driven by rapid population growth. And that is not only that, food prices are going up fast due to rapid population growth. There is a lot more food insecurity. Trudeau will do a lot of damage before he is voted out in 2025. The only way to restore affordability is to put a moratorium on immigration for at least 5 years and provide incentives to build new apartments to restore supply to more balanced levels. The norm is becoming multiple people sharing an apartment. Typical NYC situation.

Direct Quote from Article:

The average asking price for a rental unit in Canada reached $2,178 last month, a 9.9 per cent year-over-year increase and continuing a trend that has seen asking rents hit new highs for six months in a row.

The average cost of a one-bedroom unit in October was $1,906, up 14 per cent from the same month in 2022, while the average asking price for a two-bedroom was $2,255, up 11.8 per cent annually, according to the report.

Vancouver led the way again as Canada’s most expensive city for renters, with the average one-bedroom unit listed at $2,872 and a two-bedroom at $3,777 — both down from September’s asking prices, but up 6.7 per cent and 5.5 per cent, respectively, on an annual basis.

Toronto was the next highest ranked major city at $2,607 for a one-bedroom and $3,424 for a two-bedroom.

The report said rent inflation in Canada is being driven by price increases in Alberta, Quebec and Nova Scotia, in part because of strong population growth and large infusions of new rental supply priced at above-average market rents.

“I get asked all the time, ‘How are people affording this?’ The answer is they’re not,” said spokesman Giacomo Ladas.

“Rents are getting so high to the point where people are almost out of options. They’re looking desperately to find more affordable rents.”

And this is the main reason I despise Trudeau. He has ruined Canada. Even the media is saying often "strong population growth", that is a politically correct term to say mass immigration.

Under Trudeau, Canada's richest 1% saw largest leap in annual income in years, while lower earner's wages declined (mostly due to rapid population growth due to Trudeau's mass immigration policy).
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

Here is the latest polls from Abacus data. As Justin Trudeau's popularity declines across Canada, the Liberals are rapidly losing support in their most important electoral strongholds. During the 2015 election, Trudeau managed to win every seat in Atlantic Canada. According to the recent data from Abacus, if an election were held today, Trudeau would win a total of three seats in between the four Atlantic provinces.

In 2021, the Liberals won all but three seats in the Greater Toronto Area. If an election were held today, the Liberals would loose another 14 seats to the Conservatives and an additional two to the NDP. Of the nine seats up for grabs in Northern Ontario, six are controlled by the Liberals and two others are held by the NDP. If an election were held today, the Conservatives would win all but one.

Finally, in British Columbia's Lower Mainland, the Trudeau Liberals won sixteen seats during the 2021 election. If an election were held today, they would be reduced to four.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017

Here is the latest polls from Abacus data. As Justin Trudeau's popularity declines across Canada, the Liberals are rapidly losing support in their most important electoral strongholds. During the 2015 election, Trudeau managed to win every seat in Atlantic Canada. According to the recent data from Abacus, if an election were held today, Trudeau would win a total of three seats in between the four Atlantic provinces.

In 2021, the Liberals won all but three seats in the Greater Toronto Area. If an election were held today, the Liberals would loose another 14 seats to the Conservatives and an additional two to the NDP. Of the nine seats up for grabs in Northern Ontario, six are controlled by the Liberals and two others are held by the NDP. If an election were held today, the Conservatives would win all but one.

Finally, in British Columbia's Lower Mainland, the Trudeau Liberals won sixteen seats during the 2021 election. If an election were held today, they would be reduced to four.

I hope Quebecers will see the Light and vote for Poilievre to ensure a majority for him.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

Marc Miller a madman following the agenda of the biggest madman in Canadian history is hiding behind humanitarian aid to bring in more refugees. The last thing this country needs is more population when you see the housing crisis, high inflation, high grocery costs, etc... But Trudeau only cares for himself and his personal agenda to increase the GDP at any cost. My theory is, Trudeau knows his time is done and you know the thinking of "If I go down I will take you down with me also" is what Trudeau is doing, he will totally take down Canada into major poverty, he will do a lot of damage in two years. Remember all of you that voted Liberal asked for this. More homelessness, more people going to food banks, more people struggling. Someone posted a thread about if the economy affected hobby habits, see this is all across the board. Even though more people have less money to spend on basic necessaties, prices still keep on going up simply because there are more people thus more demand. It is a simple law of economics, if you have a certain amount of product, but suddenly more people come to buy that product, unless the amount of product sold is increased, the prices will go up, way up.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022

Marc Miller a madman following the agenda of the biggest madman in Canadian history is hiding behind humanitarian aid to bring in more refugees. The last thing this country needs is more population when you see the housing crisis, high inflation, high grocery costs, etc... But Trudeau only cares for himself and his personal agenda to increase the GDP at any cost. My theory is, Trudeau knows his time is done and you know the thinking of "If I go down I will take you down with me also" is what Trudeau is doing, he will totally take down Canada into major poverty, he will do a lot of damage in two years. Remember all of you that voted Liberal asked for this. More homelessness, more people going to food banks, more people struggling. Someone posted a thread about if the economy affected hobby habits, see this is all across the board. Even though more people have less money to spend on basic necessaties, prices still keep on going up simply because there are more people thus more demand. It is a simple law of economics, if you have a certain amount of product, but suddenly more people come to buy that product, unless the amount of product sold is increased, the prices will go up, way up.
They allow so many refugees, because they know those who were here before are about to change their vote, and they are relying on the gratitude of the new citizens being made to vote for them and keep them in office.
As for hobbying, there are 2 sides that might happen. Immigrants with cheaper prices to compete, until they realize the cost of living means those cheap prices aren't sufficient on the providers side. And likely more people looking for discounted prices on the client side, because soon no one will be able to afford hobbying, which just means more headaches for providers.
Whoever takes office after Trudeau will have one hell of a mess to clean up. As he is going to single handedly ruin everything canada was and has been with his stupidity of not taking into account we may have the land mass... but it is undeveloped, and so unless he expects to open up forest land for these people to be allowed to tent on, and freeze to death, there isn't room for them. Or maybe he should be made to open his own doors to strangers instead of expecting the population to be subjected to rooming up with strangers to keep people off the streets. I may be a nice person, but i am unwilling to have roommates with my kids to protect, and my mom is the type of person i would rather live on the street than live with her.
He needs to start focusing on where these people can go before inviting them in. He is ruining any possibility of actual growth in this country. Eventually they will arrive and realize there isn't any place for them to go but back home to the place they are trying to get refuge from.
I don't blame the people who come here to get away from their troubles in their countries, but they are just going to face a different set of unfair problems once they arrive because of his poor planning.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
They allow so many refugees, because they know those who were here before are about to change their vote, and they are relying on the gratitude of the new citizens being made to vote for them and keep them in office.
From what I have seen, Trudeau is a big time globalist and is obsessed with never ending GDP growth.

^^^^ See this, he started the Century Initiative. They do not care who they bring to the country, they want to increase the population the most rapidly possible at any cost. They do not care if the quality of life for the average person goes down and everything gets more expensive because of rapidly never ending increasing population. I suspect higher GDP gives them more influence on the international stage and it also means more tax revenue.
As for hobbying, there are 2 sides that might happen. Immigrants with cheaper prices to compete, until they realize the cost of living means those cheap prices aren't sufficient on the providers side. And likely more people looking for discounted prices on the client side, because soon no one will be able to afford hobbying, which just means more headaches for providers.
This is a possibility, so far I have not seen this but these things are very hard to predict.
Whoever takes office after Trudeau will have one hell of a mess to clean up. As he is going to single handedly ruin everything canada was and has been with his stupidity of not taking into account we may have the land mass... but it is undeveloped, and so unless he expects to open up forest land for these people to be allowed to tent on, and freeze to death, there isn't room for them.
The biggest issue is the immigrants/refugees like to go to the big cities. They are not going to the northern sparsely populated areas and neither is the government offering them incentives to move to sparsely populated areas.

Or maybe he should be made to open his own doors to strangers instead of expecting the population to be subjected to rooming up with strangers to keep people off the streets. I may be a nice person, but i am unwilling to have roommates with my kids to protect, and my mom is the type of person i would rather live on the street than live with her.
I always say that, and Trudeau can donate from this own salary and offer them free hotels and monthly paychecks every month. Taxpayers should not be forced to pay for them.

He needs to start focusing on where these people can go before inviting them in. He is ruining any possibility of actual growth in this country. Eventually they will arrive and realize there isn't any place for them to go but back home to the place they are trying to get refuge from.
I don't blame the people who come here to get away from their troubles in their countries, but they are just going to face a different set of unfair problems once they arrive because of his poor planning.
Economists focus on GDP per capita, Trudeau only cares for GDP on whole. The immigrants keep on coming here despite all the issues you described because of all the social benefits Trudeau gives. Child care benefits (immigrants tend to have big families often 5+ kids so they get very good revenue from child care benefits and are the first in line to get subsidized housing) , universal healthcare, OAS for the retired parents of recent immigrants. When you look at the perspective of the immigrants, almost all of them are coming from poor third world countries, all these social benefits and Canada is paradise for them. Many are used to living 5 people sharing the same apartment so high rents affect them much less then Canadians who prefer to not share an apartment with many people.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

^^^^^ While Trudeau was eating at a BC restaurant, a big mob of protesters showed up shouting at Trudeau. A 100 police officers were deployed to facilitate the exit of Trudeau and to bring back order.
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