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Threats, insults and intimidation directed at MERB from MERC. How do we stop it?

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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Congratulations, Roland.

You have found an example of a moderator communicating with a banned member about his banning. If you notice the time frame, the ban was lifted 8 days after it was imposed and it was the result of discussions between Mod 7 and Ziggy. Not exactly the type of thing I was talking about. For one thing, neither Mod 5 or Mod 7 are currently moderating the board. Mod 7 is retired and Mod 5 is semi-retired, possibly permanently. 2007 was also a very different time in the history of the boards. Today, when a member is banned permanently, it is done with valid reason and it will not be lifted. In any other serious case, a ban of 1 year or more may be imposed and any temporary ban is open to discussion and reduction if we have valid reason for doing so. Permanent bans are not open for discussion and will not be lifted.

As for Tom not liking parts of my post, what Tom thinks hardly concerns me in the least. He is welcome to discuss it with me by email if he wishes.

Mod 8

Mod 8,

I guess some were allowed back in before you started helping out.
Here is a dooozie:
Press here:
Mod 5 & 7 could tell you a few stories about this one. ;-)

I think you reply will be seen by Tom , regardless if I pass on or not.
Cooperation in the past was well appreciated...and vice-versa (Check with 7)

And I`ve done quite a bit already...not too sure Tom is gonna like some parts of your post.


Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello Dee,

Once again a totally useless post that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. If you wish to participate in this thread I would advise you to do your best to make a worthwhile contribution. If your only goal here is to start a flame war, I will be more than happy to send you on vacation for a month or two.

Mod 8

Ok 2 more for Techman....all others have 3 unrespondable posts to go.


Mud thrown is ground lost.


Mar 26, 2004
Visit site
^^ Actually.. 5,7,Roland and Ziggy.

Anyhoo , thanx for exchanging , I'm tired and have to sleep.

FYI-Ziggy has stepped down....maybe just fed up with all this stuff...I dunno.
I wouldn't celebrate though.

Dee, don't forget and I will try to get the two really tall guys there too.


Will be fun... we'll include of course a shorter very wise man too.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Well, it seems that both Ziggy and Tony are claiming to leave merc for good. We'll see. In the meanwhile, in the spirit of peace, I'd like to make an offering to Tom and his people and hopefully bring an end to all of this so we can get back to what we all enjoy.

I propose:
1. Merc permanently bans both Tony and Ziggy, including future handles they may create. The posts of Legit 2 and Dissection Tool will be deleted in their entirety.
2. Any further mention of merb will be prohibited.
3. "The Shill Board" thread must be deleted in it's entirety.

In return:
1. The boycott of merc and ME advertisers proposed to start December 1 will be called off.
2. All mention of merc will again be prohibited on merb.
3. This thread will be shut down and, at the discretion of the mods, deleted at an appropriate time in the future.

EDIT: Let's leave the little digs at each other out of this thread please.

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CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Deterioration on the boards, CAUSED by GT's?!? When was the last time you even showed up at a GT, CS? I've been going for the last 4 to 5 years and I don't remember ever seeing you there...To the contrary, I and many other members tend to get along just fine both on AND off the board, with very, VERY few exceptions.
I don't know how you made such a giant leap in logic with this statement...

And BTW, CS...please, please, PLEASE start spelling Hypocrisy the correct way, and not

as you've been doing. It just makes my teeth gnash each time...

Never known for my spelling, but it's my pleasure to allow your teeth and gums to get exercise. Never been to a GT and you guys can't afford my appearance fee anyways. I subscribe to GS's point of view on GTs. They're for girleymen. Tell you what, get GS to appear at one and I promise to be there.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
I've met Tony and Tom at GTs in the past. Both of them sit in a corner and hardly say a word to anyone. A far cry from their tough personas on the boards. Every GT I've attended, and there's been quite a few, have been very pleasant gatherings of like minded people looking for nothing more that a night out with people they can share their secret 'hobby' with. Before the trolls started suggesting that people were taking pictures and that LE were going to be there watching to see who showed up and other bullshit claims, we had fantastic times. I never witnessed any problems or trouble and everyone got along well. But now that some people know they aren't welcome, they want to start shit to ruin it for everyone. That's behaviour suited to children, not the adults that these boards are supposed to be made up of.

.................. making my point. Effectively everything gets personalized, analyzed, stored away for future situations, advantages, etc to be used when necessary as opposed to elsewhere where such occassions are used to create alliances and move forward in a positive fashion.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
.................. making my point. Effectively everything gets personalized, analyzed, stored away for future situations, advantages, etc to be used when necessary as opposed to elsewhere where such occassions are used to create alliances and move forward in a positive fashion.
Thanks for the gross generalization, EE. I've been to most every GT and dinner, Celine's, Devilish, or otherwise. I've "personalized, analyzed, stored away for future situations, advantages, etc to be used when necessary" nothing, nor have any of the many friends I've made or the girls with whom I've chatted or flirted. I can safely say that this is true for most everyone else I've met. You are, however, free to speak for yourself. Not everyone is as manipulative as you make them out to be, nor are most as paranoid as you.


Sep 19, 2005
Mod 8 said:
That is the absolute height of hypocrisy and one of the reasons for my permitting the continued existence of this thread. If you wish to have any part to play in this discussion, I suggest you communicate with Tom and persuade him to get his act in order. As far as we are concerned, he is a man without honor who will permit any kind of post to be made on his board in the goal of increasing his declining post count.

This is the man you are so steadfastly defending.

Mod 8

Very well said, you have seized very well his true nature and this will hopefully be an eye-opener to the very few people who came from retirement just to defend him here.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Lost in the thread is a more important issue - the positive value of GTs and other face to face meetings. Seems that a high percentage of the protagonists have met yet the results show few if any positives.

Opposite of the results on scientific, interest or community boards.

An other off topic, and as usual laughable, post from our dear EE. You obviously have no knowledge of the scientific community if you think that they interact differently from the hobbyists both in congresses or GTs (being pleasant and having fun) and in the back-channel (stabbing their back). Here is an other guy not going to GTs judging their results. The purpose of GTs is having fun and meeting people.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Well, it seems that both Ziggy and Tony are claiming to leave merc for good.

They are not the guys I am interested to get any news from. Both are liars and will somehow be back shortly because they have a dependance problem with these boards. I'll believe it if it comes from the owner of smutland. He may lie as much as the others, but at least he is liable.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

An other off topic, and as usual laughable, post from our dear EE. You obviously have no knowledge of the scientific community if you think that they interact differently from the hobbyists both in congresses or GTs (being pleasant and having fun) and in the back-channel (stabbing their back). Here is an other guy not going to GTs judging their results. The purpose of GTs is having fun and meeting people.

Having been to GTs, met with various "hobbyists" one on one as well as having published and participated in the scientific and sporting arenas I find your comments highly amusing.That I was at GTs was confirmed by previous posters in this thread - consider remedial reading as a positive option for the rest of your life.

EDIT: Personal comment removed.

Mod 8
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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello everyone,

I have edited a couple of recent posts in this thread. I will not permit people attempting to stir up a flame war by insulting each other in this thread. The next comment i have to remove will be accompanied by a 1 week suspension.

Mod 8

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
Hello everyone,

What I could read lately on both boards is really sad, that's really sad to be involved in something existing because of "others".

Long time ago, I saw to advertise only at one board was sufficient for me, why pay to advertise at 2 places when 1 place was enough covering my needs in that matter? It was also, for a personal security question. I don't want to elaborate about it a lot, but I confirm that is not because I received some direct "menaces", ok? That's something really personal.

For all the curious, what I basicly said to Dee, when I met him, is that was sad that he was sharing a war with Merlot, because both of them are really charming men in person. That I didn't like wars, I don't understand them really between the boards, and maybe that something to do about the same reasons why some supporting fans of a certain sport team honestly dislike other supporting fans of another team.........

A lots here are now writing to ban Sp's who are using Tom's possibilities of advertising. That's direct threat against my business. Why? I like a lots of you here, the last GT I went was fantastic, I could hug a lots of you. I really do appreciate those of you I know, and this is not because I met or I have the possibility to meet you, you know that. That was because we used to appreciate each participations too, on Merb.

Maybe the solution will be to stop to advertise on any board? And how will I live now?

For those who want to know, my studies are going well, really well, in fact. I am about to finish. I am not sure to be able to stop to escort soon, because, I have, just in the practical side of escorting, something to finish about beeing an escort. Everyone here knows that presently, my escort's activities have a particular goal, and with your boycott, you will probably just make it harder to reach. I have other possibilities, that's right, but that's really hard to believe that I will have, again, to wait, for a "war between boards", that's insane. The more quick way to jump into my new carreer, and have the tools to become efficient in it, is to continue to be an escort. And you are threatening me and call others to boycott me?

Hope that's things are clearer for you now, about my situation.

And let me say, that I always refused to meet people who have a bad way to be on the boards. Maybe, that could bring some frustrations too, and this, without counting some Sp's or ex-Sp's who wanted to attacked myself. I am tired of all this.

Boards seem to bring bad things to Sp's, if you are participating on it more than to advertise.

Have to go, I'm late to school, now. :(


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
A lots here are now writing to ban Sp's who are using Tom's possibilities of advertising. That's direct threat against my business. Why? I like a lots of you here, the last GT I went was fantastic, I could hug a lots of you. I really do appreciate those of you I know, and this is not because I met or I have the possibility to meet you, you know that. That was because we used to appreciate each participations too, on Merb.
And I, Maria, have enjoyed the time we've spent together, both in my apartment and at the GTs and the dinner you organized. I find you not only attractive, but charming and intelligent. I've long wondered why you choose to advertise over there.

You have two choices of boards on which to advertise in Montreal. One board has a large membership, hundreds of posts and many reviews every day. It is the choice of almost all the reputable agencies and most independents. The board is carefully moderated and threats, insults and intimidation are not allowed; those violating the rules are quickly dealt with and with an even hand. The girls are almost universally treated with respect. There is certainly considerable business to be generated here.

On the other side, you have few posters, few posts, and a wild west environment where anything is permitted, including threats, insults, intimidation and outright lies. It is, as well, a hotbed of misogyny, the most active posters showing a clear dislike of women. I can't imagine that you're generating any business there.

For some reason, unknown to me, you choose to advertise in the latter. I think, Maria, if you take a look at those who attended your last dinner in December, you'll quickly find that all of the men are merb posters and none would be seen posting on merc. From business and a moral standpoint, you would be much better off to advertise on merb.


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Well, it seems that both Ziggy and Tony are claiming to leave merc for good. :p ....snip....

I propose:
1. MERC permanently bans both Tony and Ziggy, including future handles they may create. The posts of 2Legit and Dissection Tool will be deleted in their entirety.
2. Any further mention of MERB will be prohibited.
3. "The Shill Board" thread must be deleted in it's entirety.

In return:
1. The boycott of MERC and ME advertisers proposed to start December 1 will be called off.
2. All mention of MERC will again be prohibited on merb.
3. This thread will be shut down and, at the discretion of the mods, deleted at an appropriate time in the future.
That just about sums up what needs to be done. Tony was absent for three days, but reared his head again this morning (2 posts and counting, including the "Dear Tom" thread). It's obvious the circus will continue unfettered until bans are handed out.

I would also add that Tom should make a statement that misogyny, threats of violence, over-the-top insults, lies and the dissemination of personal information are against board policy, same as here.

For Maria: one of the guests at your dinner was qualified of "RAPIST" by Ziggy Montana on MERC. I support what rumple said, that MERB is currently a better, more respect-oriented venue of advertising for you.

However, you as a MERC advertiser have a power we as "simple posters" do not have: you can contact Tom and ask that this pandemonium come to an end, or else.

You can help us all avoid a boycott, help clean up "your" board, and continue advertising there by doing this.

Techman had a really good point last night when he said that the free for all posting that goes on over there would not be tolerated on ANY other board, regardless of subject. Who wants to be associated with that :confused:.
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CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
With regards to the proposed banning of Tony by Tom on MERC. While I was a Moderator on MERC, Tom expressed to me that this might be easier said than done, given Tony's level of technical expertise. My direct "impressions" from discussing the matter with Tom were that Tony could do a great deal of harm to that board (not that it's not already true). Thus some level of access was less dangerous than denying him access.

With all due respect to the Moderators here, Tony's proven that he can gain at least temporary access to this board. So saying it ain't so, doesn't make it not so.
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New Member
May 23, 2005
I don't really have a dog in this fight, but I must say this after CS's post about this Tony fellow: I would dream of a life in which I had nothing more to do other than to stir up a shitpot on an escort review board. Then again, maybe I wouldn't.
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