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Threats, insults and intimidation directed at MERB from MERC. How do we stop it?

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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Quite well said, Techman. My sense at this point is that we're spinning in circles and that it's time to ignore Tom and his slimy buddies again. Here's where I stand:

1. We move forward with the initial plan to give our business only to those indies and agencies who do not give their money to Tom. For my part, I've already let the agency operator that I deal with most frequently that she won't be hearing from me again. I've had approximately eight appointments with her girls this year, despite a hiatus of nearly four months. That's one call a month she's losing to other agencies and I'll bet that's more business than merc is generating for her. It's now everybody's job to let the agencies and indies that you deal with and who advertise with Tom know that you'll be doing your business elsewhere. There are certainly more than enough girls in Montreal who won't be dirtying your money by giving some of it to Tom.

2. The other piece of this which has only been alluded to by Sapman and CS Martin is page hits. It's time to stop monitoring merc. I've been wallowing in the sewer numerous times every day to see just what kind of new crap Tom's psychotic friends have come up with. No more. Traffic is so low over there that we are probably doubling it by monitoring. So no more looking at merc. No more giving Tom the traffic. Ziggy and Tony, Benson and the rest can enjoy talking to themselves, wallowing in their own sleaze.
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Mar 26, 2004
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Hello everyone,

What I could read lately on both boards is really sad, that's really sad to be involved in something existing because of "others".

Long time ago, I saw to advertise only at one board was sufficient for me, why pay to advertise at 2 places when 1 place was enough covering my needs in that matter? It was also, for a personal security question. I don't want to elaborate about it a lot, but I confirm that is not because I received some direct "menaces", ok? That's something really personal.

For all the curious, what I basicly said to Dee, when I met him, is that was sad that he was sharing a war with Merlot, because both of them are really charming men in person. That I didn't like wars, I don't understand them really between the boards, and maybe that something to do about the same reasons why some supporting fans of a certain sport team honestly dislike other supporting fans of another team.........

A lots here are now writing to ban Sp's who are using Tom's possibilities of advertising. That's direct threat against my business. Why? I like a lots of you here, the last GT I went was fantastic, I could hug a lots of you. I really do appreciate those of you I know, and this is not because I met or I have the possibility to meet you, you know that. That was because we used to appreciate each participations too, on Merb.

Maybe the solution will be to stop to advertise on any board? And how will I live now?

For those who want to know, my studies are going well, really well, in fact. I am about to finish. I am not sure to be able to stop to escort soon, because, I have, just in the practical side of escorting, something to finish about beeing an escort. Everyone here knows that presently, my escort's activities have a particular goal, and with your boycott, you will probably just make it harder to reach. I have other possibilities, that's right, but that's really hard to believe that I will have, again, to wait, for a "war between boards", that's insane. The more quick way to jump into my new carreer, and have the tools to become efficient in it, is to continue to be an escort. And you are threatening me and call others to boycott me?

Hope that's things are clearer for you now, about my situation.

And let me say, that I always refused to meet people who have a bad way to be on the boards. Maybe, that could bring some frustrations too, and this, without counting some Sp's or ex-Sp's who wanted to attacked myself. I am tired of all this.

Boards seem to bring bad things to Sp's, if you are participating on it more than to advertise.

Have to go, I'm late to school, now. :(

Is it any wonder that I so admire and respect this fine lady. Nice to hear from the second lady you seek to protect. I make no further observation so as not to "use" (abuse?) her in making my points.


For Maria, a review board like this exists because of the money advertisers pay for the privilige to advertise there. Here on MERB we try to provide a harmonious and respectful atmosphere for all members to have an enjoyable experience when they spend time here on MERB. People come here and find many interesting discussions to take part in, a respectful atmosphere, and most importantly - reviews. They will not find racist posts or attacks directed at other boards.

I'm speechless...
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Hey, Rumples! I don't really agree with you about visiting merc. Sure it only gives them hits they don't deserve but hits really don't mean anything at all in the overall scheme of things. But we have to keep things going here so that people keep aware of what's going on. We have to keep the pressure on. To do that properly, we have to address the bullshit they post over there. I find it amazing that people who advertise there think they have no responsibility for what's posted on that board. Are people really that oblivious to what goes on around them? Or do they just not read the board they advertise on? I wouldn't blame them for not reading merc though, because most of what gets posted there would offend most normal people.

I haven't posted here on a regular basis for quite a while now but this has brought me back, for now anyways. I think it's a battle worth fighting and worth doing whatever we can to win. The only way to win is to pressure the people who pay Tom's bills on merc. Everyone should tell their hobbyist friends about this situation and maybe even email the advertisers there to get them to open their eyes. If enough people do it, maybe it will have an effect.

Dee...see your doctor. I think you have some serious problems. You seem to have a problem understanding what's been going on for the last year or so. We didn't start this fight, but now that we've been allowed to defend ourselves why should we stop? Maybe you could take some remedial reading courses so you can actually understand what's going on here. Maybe get checked for dyslexia because you seem to get everything backwards. And pick up some kleenex to clean off your nose. It seems to be more than a little brown.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

This is why we have "discussions". They are supposed to be the exchange of ideas for enlightenment. Always open to changing my opinion on most subjects.

And so to "exchange ideas" you broadcast how you close yourself off with the "ignore" option you are only pretending to use anyway. What a gross conflict of principles.

Also noticed you've done nothing about the large print in EE's signature. While, I don't begrudge him having a much larger print, I do take issue with your targeting me when his violation has existed much longer.

Then why mention it at all? Don't you realize Eastender's signature is a memorial, not your vain advertisement of spite.

Your feeble post is nothing but a sad admission that you can't handle such a small task as an Internet message board and you're trying to absolve yourself of any responsibility for what gets posted there. Sorry, Tom, but it just doesn't wash. It's your board and what gets posted there is indeed your responsibility. Try owning up to it for a change instead of trying to find excuses.


In the posts you, Sapman, and I quoted from Tom his basic message is...I am helpless. As you pointed out the owner of the board has all the power to control content. Given that, Tom's assertion of being helpless brings to mind a number of meanings. He has called several members here "fools". If he wants everyone to believe he can't control his own board then he clearly thinks every reader here, member, lurker, everyone is a fool.

Otherwise the possibilities are darker. If there is any truth in what he says then one must consider that others are in control. Perhaps as Tony betrayed Sapman and many others, Tom's close association with him has cost him leverage over the blue board in some way. Or since he has little left but the malcontents, he must be beholden to them.

Whatever Tom's assertions mean they are a self-indictment. Looking at the underlying message in Tom's posts he is essentially saying blueland is beyond his authority. Regardless of what Tom really means, whether you believe him or not, Tom is telling us blueland is beyond control. Any board owner who can say that has admitted to irresponsibility and ineptitude, and should not be running a board or be involved in running one at all.

Dee...You seem to have a problem understanding what's been going on for the last year or so.

He's not trying to understand. He never comes here except to defend Tom. Same for Roland.


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Mar 26, 2004
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Dee...see your doctor. I think you have some serious problems. You seem to have a problem understanding what's been going on for the last year or so. We didn't start this fight, but now that we've been allowed to defend ourselves why should we stop? Maybe you could take some remedial reading courses so you can actually understand what's going on here. Maybe get checked for dyslexia because you seem to get everything backwards. And pick up some kleenex to clean off your nose. It seems to be more than a little brown.


Gosh... you used to do so much better.

We'd be interested in a summary of your views of how the boycott is working so far.

Speaking of dyslexia.... what does the dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac do?

He stays up all night wondering if there really is a doG.

Dyslexics of the world Untie!


Hating the sin, while loving the sinner.


Mar 26, 2004
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Dee...see your doctor. I think you have some serious problems. You seem to have a problem understanding what's been going on for the last year or so. We didn't start this fight, but now that we've been allowed to defend ourselves why should we stop? Maybe you could take some remedial reading courses so you can actually understand what's going on here. Maybe get checked for dyslexia because you seem to get everything backwards. And pick up some kleenex to clean off your nose. It seems to be more than a little brown.


Gosh... you used to do so much better.

We'd be interested in a summary of your views of how the boycott is working so far.

The way I see it:

2 of those you seek to protect by harming them are against it... so far, none for it.

My friend Rumples will honour it... this boy has actually got some balls and intelligence... I'd be interested in EE's cool appraisal as to if this means any lose for the ladies or agencies or whether the ladies just be available for others to enjoy.

Merlow will honour it 100% as long as he can still see the ladies he would see without the boycott. (priceless, n'est-ce pas?)

You fervently support the boycott, but economically that will make no difference to any one as you don't see the ladies.

Speaking of dyslexia.... what does the dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac do?

He stays up all night wondering if there really is a doG.

Dyslexics of the world Untie!


Hating the sin, while loving the sinner.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Hey, Rumples! I don't really agree with you about visiting merc. Sure it only gives them hits they don't deserve but hits really don't mean anything at all in the overall scheme of things. But we have to keep things going here so that people keep aware of what's going on. We have to keep the pressure on. To do that properly, we have to address the bullshit they post over there.
I don't disagree with you entirely, Techman, but for me the way to keep the pressure on is to spend my money with those that do not support Tom, in the hope that his advertising revenue will decline to the point where he does something.

I've just come off a four month hiatus from the hobby. My last date in July was with Naomie of SD and I'd intended for her to be my first date upon my return, but rather than call Jessy, a merc advertiser, I spent my time and money with Elena of Devilish. I'd also decided that upon my return, that I'd start reviewing again so Elena got both my dollars and my review. Should SD/MSC finally pull their advertising from Tom or should business dry up enough that Naomie decides to seek employment elsewhere, I'll see her again. (Note to Ziggy: Not "one penny" but eighteen thousand pennies. Time to initiate your threat.)

As far as what's posted over there, it's already quite exposed. I don't mind the shit that's said about me, but I do mind the lies and intimidation directed at the girls. As for Ziggy the Clown, consider the source and the audience. While he's claimed to have departed the board, that departure will probably last as long as Tony's. The man has no life beyond merc and will doubtless reply to this post within the hour. Sadly, his posts of the last month suggest that ?????? is no longer sharing her anti-psychotic drugs with him.

>>> Edited by Mod 11: No need to drag somebody else in the mix. <<<
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Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Ziggy the obfuscator

Demagogy Tool said:
Distorting what I said as usual. What I said is his insistence carries the germ-line configuration of a rapist but if you insist.
Oops :cool:
Demagogy Tool said:
Ledit Rumpleforsekiin (appelons-le violeur1 pour les besoins de l'exposé)
Translates to: "the said Rumpleforsekiin (let's call him Rapist Number One for the needs of the cause)...

In audio, we call that "Total harmonic distortion"! Read him carefully for many more examples of the same :p.
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Mar 26, 2004
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Hi Merlow,

It's an established fact that you are a respected poster on this board; your opinion carries weight.

We know that as part of your boycott you won't boycott because of your loyalty to, for example Maria and Jessy.

What is your recommendation to others with respect to boycotting Maria and Jessy's girls?

Thanks in advance for your advice.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello Dee,

If you are going to participate in this discussion, I would advise you to post more than off-topic one liners. Also, if you plan on addressing other members in your posts, use their proper handle, not your version of it.

This is the last time I will warn you about your behavior here. The next time you will be suspended.

Mod 8


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Divide and conquer

Hi Dee,

It's an established fact that you are a respected poster on both boards; your opinion carries weight.

I was wondering if you'd care to explain in light of all the hate posts, lies, misogyny and disclosure of personal information emanating like sewer gas from MERC, why oh why are you putting your brilliant mind in the service of perpetuating that drek?

Please don't come back with clever replies like this "girlcott": you know as well as I do that money talks, and money flows from clients to girls, girls to agencies, agencies to advertisers. Money talks when it walks. Any escort business wanting respectful clients for their ladies cannot sensibly advertise on MERC in it's current state, that much is obvious.

Same goes for saying that we are dissing MERC, when you tried to trap Mod8 the other day: the moderating staff is only allowing this thread because MERB has been under attack as an entity over there for 7 months, and respectable posters have been under increasing and constant attack over there for a long time. And the ladies... Shall I start hauling out quotes from some of your more prolific posters? No, these quotes don't belong on MERB :eek:.

Thanks in advance for your explanations. Frankly, I can think of none.
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Mar 26, 2004
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Hello Dee,

If you are going to participate in this discussion, I would advise you to post more than off-topic one liners
This is the last time I will warn you about your behavior here. The next time you will be suspended.

Mod 8

I apologize... I honestly thought folks from all sides would find humour in what I posted, it was an attack on no one. Additionally I apologize to Rumples for leading him into the same conduct. (Although strongly on the other side he reacted as I thought most would.)

Hi Dee,

Same goes for saying that we are dissing MERC, when you tried to trap Mod8 the other day: the moderating staff is only allowing this thread because MERB has been under attack as an entity over there for 7 months, and respectable posters have been under increasing and constant attack over there for a long time. And the ladies... Shall I start hauling out quotes from some of your more prolific posters? No, these quotes don't belong on MERB :eek:.

Hi Sapman,

Thanks for this post... you and I are brothers of a sort in that we attempt to make our points with humour and irony. This is not appreciated by all, but right thinking members find it refreshing and useful. Well done.

Please reflect on my posts here... what are they about? they are antiboycott because, in my opinion, it will hurt the girls who I like. I can't solve every problem in the world; I'm not saying there isn't a problem; frankly I don't know.

Additionally, I'm saying that the approach to what is seen as a problem here (even if the "seeners" are 100% right and on the side of the gawds) is not correct plus it will be ineffective. Everyone has the right to disagree with me. Once again I will note that the ladies who are theoretically being protected haven't been asked what they want and the 2 that have posted aren't in favoiur of the boycott.

Check my first gentle post - the one with the offer to remove it.

I reserve the right to fight back when attacked; I would argue that if I succeed too well my posts are removed; without a doubt I am on a shorter leash than others. In all honesty I think that you will have to agree that if I used some of the descriptors used by others to describe me, to describe them, that I would be history. But I am grateful to Mod8 for giving me as much leeway as he has.

I focus on what I see as inconsistencies and immature reasoning. I do it here. Folks who disagree have greater powers to post then I and they can expose where my reasoning is incorrect. This is how debate works. AND if I happen to be correct they can adjust their tactics to become more effective. Imagine the comments if I posted my thoughts elsewhere where those who oppose my beliefs couldn't respond. Here I'm in a hostile world, with a choker chain on, laying out my thoughts which, if wrong, can be rent asunder.

Let me just give one example of how things get off the rails: Is it not incorrect to say that other boards can't be attacked on this one? What should be said is: Other boards can be attacked on this one for the following very good reasons.... Don't you agree?

Part of my problem is that I have been trained in debate and rhetoric and teach it to others. I seize on logical fallacies and, as a well recognized debating tactic, at times, use the same error prone tactics that are used on me. Some learn from this, while others keep impaling themselves on their self made Punji stakes.

I bet that you agree with most of the actual points I make... if you request that I list some and assure me that you will give honest answers as to whether you agree or not, I will be happy to oblige.

I admire your passion for what you think is a just cause with a wise attack, but I fear that you haven't maintained your rational side that I came to expect from your earlier posts.

Let's you and I keep trying to make our points with some humour and irony.

Best regards,

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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

Hi Dee,

It's an established fact that you are a respected poster on both boards; your opinion carries weight.

Well, I'll be direct. I for one don't respect him at all.

Hi Merlot,

It's an established fact that you are a respected poster on this board; your opinion carries weight.

We know that as part of your boycott you won't boycott because of your loyalty to, for example Maria and Jessy.

What is your recommendation to others with respect to boycotting Maria and Jessy's girls?

Thanks in advance for your advice.

Me, well if you say so. Straight to the point, I don't post for what others think. I try to maintain self-respect by being honest and straight-forward without being cheap. I am not 100% successful of course. I go too far, at times becoming verbose and bellicose, and it really bothers me. I have had tough arguments with every senior member here. But, because we have strong differences of opinion, not out of malicious intent or enjoyment of taunting. Just strong disagreement, but I respect them when they post with similar respect.

As for how others here may respond to my posts, it's just one person's opinion, no better than anyone else. I think for myself, and I know others do the same for themselves.

Now in the mode of being honest and straight-forward, and being quite calm and rational, I will say I don't respect you at all!!! I have never made any slanderous accusations at you, but you have made several at me and others you know with total certainty are gross distortions and usually total lies. Your accusations have been made where you deliberately hid from responsibility while behind your keyboard, where you knew no reply was possible by those you accused. You haven't had the manhood to apologize or retract, and in fact you attempted to slide in a slanderous insinuation here two days ago which the mods immediately deleted. You are also a grand hypocrite, calling for peace and harmony here while being a surrogate attacker for your blueland friends, and doing absolutely nothing to promote or encourage peace there. And of course, your post above is just more "Dee"...underhanded, mocking, disrespectful...more bait for your crap-disturbing. How's that? I hope you enjoyed it.

Oops :cool:Translates to: "the said... (let's call him Rapist Number One for the needs of the cause)...

In audio, we call that "Total harmonic distortion"! Read him carefully for many more examples of the same :p.

This refers the accusation by Dissection Tool/Ziggy in one of the ugliest posts I've ever seen. Tom/The Wickerman/Wicked Man has done nothing about it though he has said we should all mind our own business and that he won't tolerate such ugly bile. Dee has made no reference to it or its' scurrilous nature despite coming here to call us out. Clearly, Dee is just a blueland surrogate here.

Part of my problem is that I have been trained in debate and rhetoric and teach it to others. I seize on logical fallacies and, as a well recognized debating tactic, at times, use the same error prone tactics that are used on me. Some learn from this, while others keep blundering into self made traps.


So as someone "trained in debate" you professionally chose to make accusations in blueland where those you directed your "debates" to could not possibly respond...where you could suck up the cheers of sycophants and gloated over it. Now that is pure double-talking hypocrisy.

When you start addressing the real subject, what the blueland boys are doing, you may begin debating.


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Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Dear Dee

Since you have tenure and clout on MERC, I ask of you: why are you solely posting here? Why not ask them to stop the horrible things they are saying at the source, avoiding this sorry situation altogether?

Surely I can't think you agree with the wild inferences emanating from MERC these days, nor with the Wild West free for all that is actually encouraged even more since this "conflict" began.

Please report back to us after posting on MERC. I would advise that you keep a local copy of your posts in case they get instantly deleted. I am sure the mods here will let you post them.


Mar 26, 2004
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Hi Sapman...

Did you see Merlot's post above where he quoted you as saying:


Hi Dee,

It's an established fact that you are a respected poster on both boards; your opinion carries weight.

and then he responds (I'm not kidding - this was even after my post where I complimented you on your irony, geez):


Well, I for one don't respect him at all.

Once again we are demibrothers and suffer from the literalists. There is more to the exchange of ideas than simple 3 word declarative sentences. it's sad....

It's so obvious to the rest of the world that you were being ironic, teasing me and mocking my post and scoring points against me. Can you understand some of my frustration? It happens to me all the time.

Let me stand up for Sapman who is no fan of the Deeman... he doesn't respect me, he doesn't agree with me and his post was meant to have exactly the opposite sense from that taken my Merlot. This again shows the value of reflecting maturely before posting... this is the second embarrassing blunder in this thread by Merlot.

Sapman... would you please confirm that my interpretation of your comment is correct. Merlot will think my post as being some kind of trick. Thanks.

Merlot... as Reagan said... There you go again... your tedious repetition of demonstrable untruths don't advance your cause; especially in a thread where your logic on display is more Monty Pythonesque than anything else.

Is there any reason you don't answer the reasonable questions I ask about your position with respect to the boycott? Often the highly principled have to resolve difficult dilemmas. Frankly this one isn't that difficult and I can save you on this one if you wish; folks will think highly of you if you adopt what I would suggest. I'll even include insults against myself so that it will be more appealing to you. I can do it by PM and and won't claim credit when you use it.

Take a deep breath. Discuss this with Maria and ask her if she wants you to support the boycott of herself of this truly lovely lady, by others... if you want to hurt her business by urging others not to enjoy her company while you continue to do so, you should be just enough to be upfront about it. If you don't want anyone to boycott her, I'm sure she would welcome the comment so that those who respect your opinion will still see her despite the boycott, soi disant. As you know I'm dead set against having anyone boycott this friend. She really does have something wonderfully unique about her.

I guess we share a loyalty to Maria; mine extends to the point where I would urge no one to boycott her... et toi?
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Part of my problem is that I have been trained in debate and rhetoric and
teach it to others.
Once again I will note that the ladies who are theoretically being protected
haven't been asked what they want

Trained in debate? Really? In a debate, the first rule is to actually know the real subject being debated. No one here is talking about protecting anyone. What we're talking about is the shit that's continually being posted on merc about merb. The constant attacks, lies, personal information and outright libelous statements that no one over there has any interest in stopping. It is so hard for you to understand?

Get with the program, Dee. :rolleyes:


Sep 19, 2005
Please reflect on my posts here... what are they about? they are antiboycott because, in my opinion, it will hurt the girls who I like. I can't solve every problem in the world; I'm not saying there isn't a problem; frankly I don't know.

And of course you have been very active on merc defending those poor girls every time they were attacked by the failed-marriage guy, Sicky Montana. Talk about BS. You were one of the most active smurfs taking shots on MERB and some of its members here. :rolleyes:

I am almost sure that some girls give those 20 or 30 bucks a month to Wickerman in exchange of protection, Mafia-style protection of course. Pay or my hounds will take care of you. In real-life or on the Internet, Wickerman is only able to do one thing: Pimping.

I am curious to know how some SPs are tracking the effectiveness of their merc advertisement campaigns? How can an SP be so sure that merc is sufficient for her needs now? Most these SPs and agencies did not even have the idea to add some JavaScript tracking code to their sites. :confused: That's why, I am more and more inclined to think that the money they pay merc is for protection and not for visibility.
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