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Threats, insults and intimidation directed at MERB from MERC. How do we stop it?

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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Hi Rumples,

I'll take your comment "How much simpler would you like me to make it?" as admirable enthusiasm for your arguable point of view, rather than an insult directed at one who has in the past praised your nobleness and wisdom. Friends can disagree.
Dee, sorry for my snide and frustrated reaction to your posts, which continually miss the point. No SP or agency will lose any business so long as they pull their advertising from Tom's businesses. That economic power is all we have. Will we break Tom? Not likely, but hopefully we'll cost ME enough business that it makes economic sense for him to either shut it down or control it.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Here's an opinion many won't like, but what the hell: I think Montreal needs two boards in order to maintain balance.
Thanks, CS, for the silliest post in the thread. This isn't politics. It's an escort review board and Montreal hardly needs two. To balance what? If Montreal needed two boards, the Bigdoggie Montreal thread would not have died within minutes of merb's launch. If Montreal needed two boards, the Montreal thread on ISG would not be dormant.


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Who is the "censor"

Heather: what do you think about the deleting of the posts in this thread?

D: it was to be expected. The mods have the right to run the board as they see fit. I might wish that they would leave in any salient points that have been made.
The mod appropriately replied that these posts were part of an off-topic flame war between two members and that no on-topic writings were deleted.

I want to point out that I posted in MERC's GT thread initially, calling them on their inane writings which indicated loonies would attend or stalk the GT. My post was deleted. I then started the "Dear Tom" thread and IT was deleted. It was reinstated a couple of days later, but in a very underhanded way: just the first line, followed by a Mod's judgment that the rest was "threats to the ladies livelihood". Under pressure from their own members, the post was finally uncensored, and as anyone with a brain can tell, that post can in no way, shape or form be read as "threats". It is just a simple appeal to Tom to clean house.

BTW I am not banned on MERC, just censored... Swiftly enough to prove the point that when they want to "clean house" they can :rolleyes:.
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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello Dee,

Once again you attempt to take a comment out of context. I do not see anywhere in my post where I mentioned you were attacking anyone in particular. I did state, however, that you go on the attack by attempting to turn the main subject of a thread around, discrediting other posts in the process. It is a tactic you have used in the past in attempting to discredit respected MERB members in other threads by attempting to turn their words against them. Such tactics are often used in jury trials where a lawyer will make an inadmissible statement in passing and then the jury will be told to ignore it. an impossible fact once they have heard the statement. It is like telling someone NOT to think of a pink elephant, or any other similar statement. Just making the statement brings that picture to mind.

While this is an underhanded tactic, it is not against MERB rules. I just want members to be aware of your style.

Thanks for your reply Mod8.

When u talk about me attacking others... please review my first post here... I didn't initiate anything; I responded.

I know we don't see eye to eye but I sincerely thank you for not banning me.

(I hate to admit it... and I know it won't happen... but I would love to meet you over a pleasant and calm meal in Montreal. You are an enigma to me.)

Take care.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Thanks, CS, for the silliest post in the thread. This isn't politics. It's an escort review board and Montreal hardly needs two. To balance what? If Montreal needed two boards, the Bigdoggie Montreal thread would not have died within minutes of merb's launch. If Montreal needed two boards, the Montreal thread on ISG would not be dormant.

As usual, your post speaks only to your closed mind on almost all subjects including your own infallibility....LOL


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
As usual, your post speaks only to your closed mind on almost all subjects including your own infallibility....LOL
I guess I should apologize. I sometimes get carried away when I see dopey shit in print.


Mar 26, 2004
Visit site
Dee, sorry for my snide and frustrated reaction to your posts, which continually miss the point. No SP or agency will lose any business so long as they pull their advertising from Tom's businesses. That economic power is all we have. Will we break Tom? Not likely, but hopefully we'll cost ME enough business that it makes economic sense for him to either shut it down or control it.

Thanks Rumple...I appreciate your demi-apology on my posts "which continually miss the point."

You say "No SP or agency will lose any business so long as they pull their advertising from Tom's businesses." You are an extremely bright guy... think of the comments that can be made mocking this. eg "I am completely neutral but if you don't agree with me, I'll murder your extended family and consume more power then I should and not recycle my waste. All you have to do is agree with me ". "The lady in question will not be raped if she just succumbs to my crude entries."

I am confident that you will understand.


Mar 26, 2004
Visit site
Hello Dee,

Once again you attempt to take a comment out of context. I do not see anywhere in my post where I mentioned you were attacking anyone in particular. I did state, however, that you go on the attack by attempting to turn the main subject of a thread around, discrediting other posts in the process. It is a tactic you have used in the past in attempting to discredit respected MERB members in other threads by attempting to turn their words against them. Such tactics are often used in jury trials where a lawyer will make an inadmissible statement in passing and then the jury will be told to ignore it. an impossible fact once they have heard the statement. It is like telling someone NOT to think of a pink elephant, or any other similar statement. Just making the statement brings that picture to mind.

While this is an underhanded tactic, it is not against MERB rules. I just want members to be aware of your style.

I don't agree with everything but you do make a good point.
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CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
I guess I should apologize. I sometimes get carried away when I see dopey shit in print.

Do keep going. Once I've absolutely figured out you're not worth reading it makes it soooo easy to hit that ignore button. Don't know when that will be, but I feel it coming soon. Come on, I know you're got at least a few more absolutely stupid pointless comments in you.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
I would just like to mention that if this thread gets taken off course again with foolish infighting, I will not be as forgiving and just remove the posts. Suspensions will be handed out. If you wish your argument and this thread to be taken seriously, you really are not helping yourselves with this crap.



Sep 19, 2005
Well, Tom can see for certain that his warning to Ziggy (The Huge “not to be so viciously confrontational” fell on completely deaf ears. :confused:

As I wrote a few days ago, there is no hope that TheWickerman will ever clean up his website. The case of merc and Wickerman's poor management skills should be taught in business schools on "How to ruin your business in a few months". As a matter of fact, we are just giving him a helping hand to speed up the decay process of merc, EM, M Call Gs and all his other boards. Don't thank us Wicky. As much as I helped this moron in the past by taking the time to compile stats for his board, by writing Cleo reviews (that were used against me by Asshole27 just a few month ago) and by helping setting up the Reviewer of the month contest <end of the very long sentence> as much as I am determined now to shut down this ungrateful moron economically and legally. merc has become the shadow of itself, the Cleo's thread (that used to be the most popular thread over there) is now dead with no activity to talk about for the past year.

TheWickerman is one click away from getting out of his current and coming troubles. If he decides to keep merc, then he'd better be prepared of what he is going to deal with in the coming months.

Ungrateful and manipulative moron!
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I am confident that you will understand.
I understand completely, Dee. What you're trying to say is that you're not good at analogies.

By removing their ads from Tom's sites, merc, ME, MGC (whatever that is), the girls will be a) saving money as advertising on merc is worthless, and b) helping to eliminate a major source of misogyny from the Montreal scene. And please, please, please, don't reply that they wouldn't be advertising with Tom if the ads weren't working. I doubt that any of the girls working in Montreal, or agency operators for that matter, have sheepskin from Wharton hanging on their office walls.


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Ziggy's new trick

What a ... ah never mind, I will keep my adjectives civilized.

Ziggy has figured out we are all watching the "Dear Tom" thread over there like hawks. So this morning, he is using a different thread (and posting in French because Tom stated he is not the one moderating French language posts) to call rumples a rapist for a review he wrote recently. It is also sneaky and cowardly to throw such insults at a person who cannot understand the post and may miss it because of where it is...

ROTFLMAO. I met the same young lady twice, both dates a few months apart. On the first occasion, I was extremely happy with the date and on the second, I noticed she wasn't kissing very convincingly. I wrote reviews of each date.

This young lady is a pure sweetheart, I like her very much and probably will see her again. As stated in her review thread, it's always a good idea for an escort NOT to come into work on nights when she isn't feeling like escorting, and that seemingly is what happened on those occasions. Anyone can flip burgers when they are in a so-so mood, but escorting is different. Period, the end. The attraction of the large hourly salary and the youth of the "employee" sometimes will cloud their judgment. This is one of the reasons escort review boards exist, by the way :cool:.

The young lady in question talked about this with another client who told me (back-channel) that on both occasions, she simply was not in the mood to be escorting but checked into work anyway.

By the way, her thread is a classic example of "up and down", even with the same poster.

Tom, you can see plain as day that the flood of insults, exaggerations and slander will never stop from certain individuals. BOOT THEM OUT!
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I actually went to Google translate to read Ziggy's post. Here's what it came up with, "I am too much of a coward to post this in a language that Rumples understands. I am way to cowardly to post this in English. I have this massive yellow streak running down my back and it prevents me from making my slanders available to the one slandered. Boy, am I chicken. I really should be paying attention to my family during all these hours that I spend on the board, hypocritically attacking people in a cowardly fashion, but I really have no life beyond reading merb; I so miss merb and wish they'd allow the scum of the earth like me back. Gee, I sure wish I had the guts to post this in English."
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
This is in reply to merc Mod 9's silly post of just a little while ago, where he totally misinterprets two tongue-in-cheek posts (one by me, one by merlot) from over four years ago in his feeble attempt to suggest that the current merc problem has ancient roots.

While I'm not going to bother to respond to the stupidity of his post, I simply want to point out that while mods 8 and 11 actually perform the functions that moderators are asked to perform, merc mod 9 shows here that his primary function is stirring shit. And all of this while Tom continues to sleep.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
The power that the members have is their own posting.
Reviews, recommendations , stories whatever.

But what is really key is INFORMATION. The real stuff.Could be good or bad.
On the green and some on the some cases remarkably different.

The readers benefit with information from multiple sources.
They can decide for themselves after perusing a bit.

Boards will be better off when members are comfortable to post.
And they should be.


"Threats, insults and intimidation directed at MERB from MERC AND from MERB to MERC ! How do we stop it !

1) By permanently keeping this thread open to allow members to vent.
Same on the blue board.
A venting thread on both boards.Out in the open.
These threads should be renamed and put into a Heated Section and all content should follow Rule 2.

2) By enforcing the rules regarding personal information. (Both Boards)
Posting personal information should not be allowed on any board.


Both outstanding posts!! Well worth reading and considering. Lastly a little wisdom and maturity.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Dear Ziggy,
Thanks for the partial translation. Now sign off the board, go home, kiss the wife (if she hasn't kicked your pitiful ass out the door by now) and kids, take your meds and go to sleep. Wake up in the morning, take your meds, have some breakfast, and don't forget your appointment with the shrink. I hope there's a cure for you; the life of a sociopath can be tough, what with the keyboard your only solace.
Love, Rumples

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello Roland,

1) This thread will not remain open permanently, nor will any thread designed to vent about any other board be permitted once this thread has run it's course. Members are always permitted to express their opinion on any subject that may be of interest to the MERB community as long as they follow MERB's posting rules and guidelines so no special thread is necessary. MERB does not exist for the purpose of talking about other boards. You do not see radio stations or television networks giving free publicity to programming on competing networks. The current thread is an exception to the rule. Once the situation has been resolved, we will be more than happy to go back to normal operations and ignore the existence of merc once again as we did in the past. MERB is an escort review board, not a review board review board.

2) MERB has strict rules about the posting of personal information. In fact the posting of such information is an offence that qualifies for suspension up to a permanent ban from MERB. This rule is strictly enforced and any violation of this rule is handled swiftly with the removal of the information and an immediate suspension levelled. We also have rules regarding the posting of accusations without proof which are also applied in a firm manner, rules against posting comments directed at former or banned members who are not able to respond, not to mention rules in regards to respectful posting in general for all members of this community.

Obviously we have made exceptions in certain rules such as directing comments at members of other boards in this thread. But our rules regarding the posting of private information apply to all threads including this one. There are no exceptions to that rule.

Mod 8

"Threats, insults and intimidation directed at MERB from MERC AND from MERB to MERC ! How do we stop it !

1) By permanently keeping this thread open to allow members to vent.
Same on the blue board.
A venting thread on both boards.Out in the open.
These threads should be renamed and put into a Heated Section and all content should follow Rule 2.

2) By enforcing the rules regarding personal information. (Both Boards)
Posting personal information should not be allowed on any board.


CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
What a ... ah never mind, I will keep my adjectives civilized.

Ziggy has figured out we are all watching the "Dear Tom" thread over there like hawks. So this morning, he is using a different thread (and posting in French because Tom stated he is not the one moderating French language posts) to call rumples a rapist for a review he wrote recently. It is also sneaky and cowardly to throw such insults at a person who cannot understand the post and may miss it because of where it is...

ROTFLMAO. I met the same young lady twice, both dates a few months apart. On the first occasion, I was extremely happy with the date and on the second, I noticed she wasn't kissing very convincingly. I wrote reviews of each date.

This young lady is a pure sweetheart, I like her very much and probably will see her again. As stated in her review thread, it's always a good idea for an escort NOT to come into work on nights when she isn't feeling like escorting, and that seemingly is what happened on those occasions. Anyone can flip burgers when they are in a so-so mood, but escorting is different. Period, the end. The attraction of the large hourly salary and the youth of the "employee" sometimes will cloud their judgment. This is one of the reasons escort review boards exist, by the way :cool:.

The young lady in question talked about this with another client who told me (back-channel) that on both occasions, she simply was not in the mood to be escorting but checked into work anyway.

By the way, her thread is a classic example of "up and down", even with the same poster.

Tom, you can see plain as day that the flood of insults, exaggerations and slander will never stop from certain individuals. BOOT THEM OUT!

I'll take a stab at reducing it to a "one liner": The Mods are letting us blow off some long overdue steam. It won't last forever, so don't get used to it.

Obviously, this is not the total extent or complete explanation of things. Mod 8 is more than capable and has been very definitive in his post. This is kind of a one-liner of opinion of observation only.
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